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The realm of mysteries

Chapter one

By Aiki NightorePublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Everything is white, pure white, magnificent. I'm waking up...

I hear screams, many screams. I turn my head to the right and see injured people, on the left things were no better, everything was just blood. I try to get up but I can't. By my second most desperate attempt to get up in the end I succeed. I don't know if this is reality or just a nightmare. I wipe my eyes with dust, and the first thing I see is a girl trapped in a vine. I walk towards her but the forces let go and I fall. "Is this my end?" I ask myself. Then fall asleep ...

"Come on, wake up!" I hear.

"Ben, get some water!"

I'm waking up. It was night. A middle-aged brunette man helps me up. I look puzzled to the left. I see a lot of people sleeping on blankets and a rough river. On the right I see a thick jungle with tall trees.

''Hello! Are you a little careful ?? '' I am surprised by a voice.

"Yes ..." I answer slowly.

"My name is Mihai, what's your name?"

"David, my name is David!"

"I'm glad, David," he tells me.

"Where am I?" I ask

'' This is what we are trying to find out, apparently we are in a land without a signal. I tried to search the GPS on the phone and I have no signal at all. ''

"How did I get here?" I ask, but a thick voice interrupts me.

"I think I heard a boar !!"

'' Good George! Ben, Victor, take your spears, we're going hunting! George, Vlad stay here!

The three men head for the thick jungle, while Vlad, a young boy, approaches me.

"Hey, David, it's like I'm Vlad, come with me, I'll tell you what happened."

"Okay," I say, following him.

After five minutes of walking, he stops and starts telling me ...

"Five hours ago we all woke up here, as if we had fallen from the sky. Some of us were seriously injured, but we managed to get back on our feet. Two meters from the place where Mihai, a war veteran, woke up, I found these boxes. Some boxes contained food, others with blankets and sleeping bags, tents, water. "ETOID" was written on these boxes, and no one had ever heard of it. However, one of the boxes did not fall with these, but fell in that direction. At least no one woke up there, that's what people said, but that's not the problem, there were spaces in that box to store some pretty powerful firearms. But when I got there, the box was empty. Mihai recognized several models of revolvers and Kalashnikovs ... even a missile launcher after a few bullets left.

'' And how did I get here? I don't understand, the last thing I remember is that I went on stage to give a speech, and then I magically woke up here! ''

"It's weird to believe, but we don't have a cell phone signal here at all!" He tells me.

"What job do you have, Vladimir?"

"I'm a freshman in medical school, but you're David?"

"I'm ... a paleontologist," I say.

''Paleontologist? You mean, like, dinosaur bones? '' He asks me.

"Yes, I study and discover," I reply.

Suddenly we are interrupted by a loud roar. I had never heard of such a thing before.

"He comes from the area where the three men left!" Says Vlad.

''What are we doing? Are we checking? 'I ask.

Vlad hands me a spear and tells me to go with him. The thick vines of the jungle kept us from being fast, so we struggled to get deeper into the jungle.

"I think that's where the sound came from!" Vlad tells me.

The sounds were getting louder. Falling trees could be heard, and as we got closer to the source of the rocket, the earth shook slightly.

'' HELP! '' Aud.

"It's like Victor's voice, my brother," Vlad tells me.

In our tormented run, I notice a movement behind a tree. "Wait," I say, trying to figure out what's behind the tree. We both approached, with our spears pointed at the tree.

"Boys, help ..." is heard from behind the tree.

''Victor! Are you okay ?! 'exclaims Vlad.

When I saw him, I was horrified. It was full of blood flowing incessantly from his body.

''Who did this?! What happened?! he asks too.

'' A monster! A huge animal that attacked us while hunting. I couldn't see him very well ... when he attacked me he hit me with his snout and knocked me against this tree! '' Says Victor terrified.

'' Vlad, Victor is hurt! You are in your final year of medicine, do something! I blame Vlad.

"I forgot to specify that I did veterinary medicine ..." Vlad says sadly.

"Guys, don't worry ... ah ... it's just a scratch ..." Victor murmured, then fainted.

Vlad pulls me out of his way and lifts Victor on his back.

"I'll take him back to the river, go and look in the jungle, maybe you'll find the others!" Vlad ordered me desperately and exhausted.

"Okay," I say, and then I go to the source of the noises that are constantly heard.

After digging deeper into the jungle, I immediately find Mihai and the other boy Ben hidden in a bush.

"Hey!" I shouted instinctively.

''Remain silent! whispers Mihai

A very loud roar was heard a few feet away from me.

Suddenly a huge and unexpected dinosaur appears! A real carnivorous dinosaur, more precisely a Gorgosaurus. A male about three and a half meters tall.

"Run!" Mihai shouted and took me out of my state of amazement, because the dream of any paleontologist is to meet a dinosaur in real life.2

"Run!" Mihai shouted and took me out of my state of amazement, because the dream of any paleontologist is to meet a dinosaur in real life.

The gorgosaurus is rushing in my direction, but I manage to throw myself to the ground, so I can avoid the force of its bite of almost 4 tons! I crawl to the nearest bush as Michael throws a spear at the ferocious Gorgosaurus. Mihai follows me in the bush.

Suddenly the Gorgosaurus falls to the ground. We all stared in horror at the frightening creature in the spirit.

"The spear thrown by you pierced a vital organ," I tell Mihai.

"It looks like we have food ..." says Mihai.

"How do we get this to the river?" I ask.

"We can build a lever ... when I was in high school I wanted to become a physicist, but I couldn't make it to college," Ben said.

"And how do we do that, because we don't really have any materials," says Mihai.

''On the contrary! We are surrounded by them! David, can you get me some vines from there? I'm going to make a construction plan, and you Mihai can you bring some thick wood? Ben asks.

Having another option, we started cutting several vines while Mihai was gathering wood from the trees destroyed by the Gorgosaur.

Time passed and the lever began to take shape. It was daylight, and we were already thirsty.

"A little more!" Ben encouraged us as the scorching sun rose above us.

After another two hours of construction, the lever was ready. With Mihai's help, I slipped it under the Gorgosaur.

"I think we have a problem I didn't think of ..." says Ben.

"What happened?" I ask.

"The jungle is too thick to pull this dinosaur through. We have to make a path to the river.

"We will need a lot of people for this," says Mihai.

'' We have to go get some water! We won't last long without her ... '' I say.

'' That's right, let's hurry to the river and then take more people with us. We are leaving the dinosaur here for now, '' says Mihai

"And let's hope there aren't others around ..." I murmured.


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