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How the first letter was written

A long, long time ago, in the Stone Age, there was a primitive man who lived in a cave. He had no clothes to wear, let alone read and write, and as long as he was full, he felt happy.

By IversonPublished 2 years ago 13 min read

How the first letter was written

A long, long time ago, in the Stone Age, there was a primitive man who lived in a cave. He had no clothes to wear, not to mention reading and writing, and he was happy as long as he was full. His name was Jikuma Popsoure, which means: a man who is never in a hurry to walk.

Little friend, let's call him Jikuma, so it can be simpler. He has a wife, whose name is Jishume Giventlo, which means: a woman who asks too many questions. Dear little friend, let's call her Jishume, so it can be simpler. They have a daughter named Tafame Metalume, which means: a girl who deserves a good beating for being naughty, but we simply call her Tafe. Jikuma and Jishume loved her very much, and the three lived happily.

As soon as Tafe learned to walk, she ran around behind her father Jiguma, and they often did not go back to the cave when they were not hungry. Then Jishume said:

"Where have you been, so dirty? Jiguma, you are no better than my Tafe!" Now, my dear little friends, listen to me, listen carefully.

One day, Jiguma was walking in the swamp. There are beavers in the swamp. Jiguma went to the Waga River and wanted to stab a carp with a spear for food, and Tafe went with him. His spear is made of wood and has fangs on his head. As soon as he started stabbing fish, the spear broke in two. What should I do? I took it too far home, and Jiguma forgot to bring a spare spear.

"There are many fish," he said. "It will take me all day to fix the spear." "You have another spear!" Tafe said. "One is big and black, and if you want it, I will run back to the cave and ask my mother for it." "How do you run so far?" Jiguma said. "Your little feet can't walk. Besides, the road is dangerous and you will drown in the swamp. Let's solve this problem right here." After speaking, he sat on the ground, took out the repair leather bag, which contained deer blood vessels, long strips of skin, a few pieces of rosin and beeswax, and repaired his spear. Tafe sat down not far from him, put his feet in the river, put his hand on his chin, and thought desperately, thought, thought, and then she said to her father:

"It seems to me that we are as useless as beasts if we can't write, and if we write a note to the house, the house will bring us another spear!" "Tafe," Jiguma said, "how many times have I told you not to say stupid things! 'Beast' is a bad word, but if you say we can't write notes to your mother, it's a good thing." Then a stranger came by the river, and he didn't understand what Jiguma said at all, because he was from the far-flung Givar tribe. He stood by the river and smiled at Tafe because there was a girl in his house too. Jiguma took a roll of deer veins from his cloth bag and began to repair his spear.

"Come here," Tafe said to the stranger, "do you know where my mother lives?" The stranger replied, "Huh?" - he couldn't understand because, you know, he was from the Jivar tribe. "Stupid!" Tafe said. She paused because she saw a large school of carp in the river swimming by just when her father couldn't use his wooden spear.

"Don't mess with the adults," Jiguma said without looking back. He was so busy repairing the wooden spear that he didn't even look at the stranger.

"I'm not pestering," Tafe replied. "I just want him to do what I want, but he doesn't understand." "Don't call me annoying!" Jiguma said. He bit one end of the deer's vein with his teeth and began to tighten it hard.

At this moment the stranger (he was a real Givar) was sitting on the grass, and Tafe showed him what his father was doing.

The stranger thought: "This is an amazing child, she stomps on me and makes faces at me. She is probably the daughter of this famous chief, and her father is so solemn that he doesn't look at me." So he smiled more politely.

"I want you to go to my mother's once, because your feet are longer than mine, and you won't fall into the swamp," Tafe pointed to the spear in his father's hand and gestured with his hand. "Go and get me another spear, black, hanging on the kang of my house." The stranger (he was a Givar) thought: "This is a very strange girl, she dances her hands and shouts at me, but I don't understand a word. I want to carry out her orders very much, and I am afraid that this majestic back will be angry with the leader of the guests." The stranger stood up, peeled a large flat piece of bark from the birch tree, and handed it to Tafe. He wanted to use this bark to show that his heart was as white as birch bark, and to show that he had no malice at all, but Tafe didn't understand it that way.

"Oh," she said, "I see! You want to know where my mother lives. Of course I can't write, but I always draw, and if I have something pointy in my hand, I can use it. Please lend me one of the crocodile teeth on your necklace for a while." The stranger (he was a Givar) answered nothing, so Tafe reached out and pulled the necklace hanging around the stranger's neck, which was made of beads, grains, and crocodile teeth.

The stranger (he was a Givar) thought: "This is a very, very, very strange child, the crocodile teeth on my necklace are magical, I always hear that someone touches that crocodile tooth without my consent, and it will soon gain weight and swell to death, but this girl didn't swell, didn't swell to death, and the majestic leader didn't pay any attention to me, it seems that he doesn't worry about girls being threatened by disaster. I'd better treat them with respect." So he gave his crocodile teeth to Tafe. Tafe immediately fell to the ground, kicking his feet in the air, like some children are lying on the floor of the room and drawing pictures. Tafe said: "I'll draw you a beautiful picture right away! You can look behind my shoulder, but don't touch my hand. I'll draw Dad fishing first, Dad doesn't quite look like it, but Mom can recognize it because I drew Dad's spear broken. Now I'm drawing another spear, the one Dad wanted, it's black, and I drew it as a spear stabbed in Dad's back because your crocodile teeth are too slippery and the birch bark is too small. This is a spear, you should get it.

This is me, I stand and send you to get the spear, my hair doesn't stand up like I drew it, but it's easier to draw, now I draw you, I think you're actually pretty, but I can't draw you as a handsome man, so please don't be mad at me. "The stranger (he's a Givar) smiled and thought:" Maybe there's a big war somewhere, so this extraordinary kid wants me to call the whole clan of the majestic leader to help him, he's the majestic leader, otherwise he wouldn't turn his back on me. "" You see, "Taffet said, pointing to the drawing on the birch bark," I put the spear that Dad needs in your hand so you don't forget to bring it. Now I'll draw you where my mother lives. You go all the way to the place where there are two trees, and then go up the hill (this is the hill), and then you'll be in the swamp, and the swamp is full of beavers, and I won't draw the whole face of a beaver, but I'll draw its head, because you've seen a beaver's head.

You walk along the swamp, but be careful not to go wrong. After the swamp is done, it's my cave. Actually, the cave is not as big as the hill, but I don't draw very small things. This is my mom, she came out of the cave, she is beautiful, more beautiful than all the moms on earth, but I don't draw very well, she won't be angry. Now just in case you forget, I drew the shape of the spear that Dad needs. Actually the spear is in the cave, you show this to mom and she will give you the spear. I drew how she raised the spear because I knew she must be very happy to see you... a good picture, isn't it? You get it? Or do you want me to explain it again? "The stranger (he was a Givar) looked at the painting and nodded again and again, thinking to himself:" If I don't call this clan of the majestic leader to help him, then the enemy will sneak up from all directions with the spear to kill him. Now I understand why the majestic leader pretended not to pay attention to me, it was because he was afraid that the enemy would hide in the bushes, and that the enemy would see him give me the task, so he deliberately turned around and asked this wise and amazing child to draw this terrible picture, so that I could understand their dangerous situation. I immediately went and called his whole tribe to save him! "The stranger took the birch bark without even asking how to go, and ran into the bushes like the wind, while Tafe sat on the bank very satisfied.

"Tafe, what did you do?" Jiguma carefully shook the newly repaired spear.

'It's my secret, dear Papa, 'Tafe answered.' If you don't ask me, you'll know what's going on right away. It will surprise you, and you have to promise me, and you'll be happy. '"Okay." Jiguma finished talking and started catching fish.

The stranger (do you know he's a Givar?) ran, ran, ran, ran for miles with a painting in his hand, and suddenly met Jishume by complete accident, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, chatting with the prehistoric ladies. They are here as guests for a prehistoric breakfast.

Tafe was very much like Jishume, with eyes and the upper part of his face, so the stranger - the real Givar - smiled politely and handed Jishume a piece of birch paper. The stranger was running fast in the swamp, so panting, his feet were cut by thorny black thorns, but his face was still very gentle. Jishume screamed at the picture and lunged at the stranger, and the other prehistoric ladies pushed him to the ground at once, and all six sat on the stranger and beat him. Jishume pulled locks of hair from the stranger's head.

"It's all very clear and simple," she said. "It's not enough that this strange man stabbed my Jikuma with a spear and threatened Tafe, and her hair stood on end, and he showed me this terrible painting to brag about his evil deeds. You see -" she showed the painting to the prehistoric ladies who sat patiently on the strangers. "This is my Jikuma, his hand is broken, and this is the spear that stabbed him in the back. This man was about to throw the spear at the Jikuma, and this other man threw the spear at him from the cave. Here's a whole bunch of bad guys (Tafe painted a beaver, but it looked like a man), sneaking up from behind towards Jiguma...

It's all terrible, terrible! "" Terrible! "The prehistoric ladies agreed, and they smeared mud on the stranger's whole head (which surprised him) and played the drums of war.

When the chiefs of the Jiguma tribe heard the sound of drums, they immediately rushed with their little chiefs and soldiers, and behind them were prophets, guides, soothsayers, wizards, various officials - they all said in one voice: "Cut off the heads of strangers!" But they still asked him to take them to the river first and show where he hid the unfortunate Tafe.

At this time the strangers (though he was a Givar) were very dissatisfied with the wives, and they wiped his hair with dirty things and dragged him on the sharp stone floor. Six of them sat on top of him, beating him out of breath. Although he did not understand the language of the ladies, it was not difficult for him to guess that they were scolding him in the most vicious words; when the people of the Jiguma tribe came, he still did not say a word, and he took them to the Wagai River.

There they saw Tafe, sitting, weaving a wreath of daisies, while her father, Jikuma, was aiming a repaired spear at a swimming baby carp.

"You came back so quickly!" Tafe said happily, "but why did you bring so many people?

Dad, this is my thing, you are strange, aren't you? "" It's strange, "Jiguma said," you explain to me why the people of our tribe came here? "Really, the whole tribe is here, in front of Jishume and her female neighbor, they firmly grabbed the stranger, whose hair was smeared with mud (although he was a Givar). The stranger was followed by the chief and deputy chief, and then by the chief's ministers and assistants (they were armed to the teeth, as were the little chief, the centurion, the ten, the warriors and the reserves), The terrifying shouts they made drove the fish 20 kilometers away, at least 20 kilometers away.

This made Jiguma very angry, and he scolded the people who came with the worst prehistoric words.

At this time, Jishume ran to Tafe, kissed her passionately, hugged and stroked her. The main leader of the Jiguma tribe grabbed the feathers from Jiguma's hair and shook him frantically.

"You say, you say, you say!" The entire Jiguma tribe shouted.

"What's all the fuss about?" Jiguma said, "Let go of the feathers on my head, why do you do this! A man broke a spear while hunting fish, and the whole tribe came to question him and beat him, who gave you the right to interfere in other people's affairs?" "Why didn't you bring Dad's black spear?" Tafe said, "How could you treat my lovely stranger like this?" Sometimes two, sometimes three, sometimes ten people ran up to the stranger and beat him, and his eyes popped out. He could not say a word, but pointed silently at Tafe.

"Dear, where is the bad guy who stabbed you with a sharp spear?" Ji Shumei asked.

"There are no bad guys here at all!" Jiguma replied, "The only person I see today is the unfortunate one you are beating now. Jiguma tribesmen, are you all crazy?" "He brought us a terrible painting," the chief replied, "On the painting, you were shot with a spear from head to toe." Tafi was confused, and she said, "Well, well, to be honest, I gave him this painting." "Is it you?" The whole Jiguma tribe shouted, "Is it the girl who needs a good beating for messing around, is it you?!" "I wanted strangers to bring my dad's spear here, so I drew the spear," Tafe explained. "There was only one spear, but I drew it three times, so that the stranger wouldn't forget the spear, but I drew the spear and stabbed it into my dad's back. All this because the bark was small and there wasn't enough space on it; and the people my mother called badass were just my beavers, because I was going to tell strangers that they should walk down the swamp. I painted my mother at the entrance of the cave, she stood and smiled at the stranger, because he was so cute and kind, and you...

There is no dumber person in the world than you! He is a lovely and kind man, why do you smear his head with mud? Wash him right away! "Everyone was silent, and no one said a word. Finally the leader laughed, then the stranger laughed too (as you know, he was a Givar), then Jiguma laughed, he laughed so hard that he couldn't even stand, and then the whole Jiguma tribe laughed, laughing loudly and for a long time.

At this time, the leader of the Jiguma tribe sang.

"Oh, you've made a great invention because of the naughty girl who deserves to be beaten!" "I haven't invented anything," Tafe said, "I just want him to bring Dad's black spear." "It's the same anyway! It's a great invention! We'll send each other paintings from now on, but you see for yourself, it's not always clear, and doing so can sometimes lead to the biggest misunderstandings.

Children of the Jiguma tribe, but it won't last long, when we come up with the alphabet and we learn to read and write with the alphabet - then we can't get it wrong. "He finished telling the prehistoric wives to wipe the mud off the strangers' heads.

"That's good!" Tafe said, "You brought all the spears of the Jiguma tribe, but you forgot one spear, and that was my father's black spear!" Then the leader of the Jiguma tribe said again: "Next time, if you want to write a letter in the form of a painting, ask this person to bring a letter, and he will speak our words. That person will make everything in your letter clear, otherwise you will see for yourself that the unpleasant things of the Jiguma tribe will happen again, and the strangers will suffer again!" After that, the Jiguma tribe accepted strangers into their tribe (although he was a real Givar), and the tribe accepted him as their son, because when the prehistoric ladies smeared his head with sludge, he acted very Gentleman and did not make a fool of himself. But from that day on, to this day (in my opinion, it's all because of Tafe), there are not many little girls in the world who love to study, read, and write. There are quite a few children like Tafe who like to draw pictures, or play in the corner near Dad.

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    IversonWritten by Iverson

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