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Hot Tub Time Machine Chronicles Chapter 7

Life of the Party

By Alex KincaidPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

The following tale of temporal travel takes place in a universe inspired by the 2010 smash megahit film Hot Tub Time Machine. It is an original story, and does not feature any of the same characters as the film. This is... Life of the Party - Chapter 7.


Shane and DARREN TEMPLE are shot-gunning beers in the kitchen.

LEONARD GAWKER runs into the kitchen and yells, "Hey Shane, some Mackey is upstairs, trying to put the moves on your girl!"

Shane looks at Darren, and says, "Stay here! I'm gonna go kick some ass."


Alex is still shirtless. He has his back to Kristie. She lowers herself into a pouncing position. She starts slowly moving to the side.

"You ready?" Alex asks.

"Is this going to hurt?" Kristie replies.

"Trust me," he says.

Kristie attacks, lunging at Alex. Alex reacts quickly, and hip throws Kristie onto the bed. Kristie lands with a squeal, and Alex mounts her. He pins down her arms.

"Impressive," gasps Kristie.

"Well, I have done this before," Alex smiles.

Just then, Shane bursts into the room. Alex spots him out of the corner of his eye, and moves like lightning off Kristie. He backs to the corner of the room, and puts on the clean shirt Kristie gave him.

"Shane, listen man!" Alex begins, "This isn't what it looks like."

Shane hollers, "Oh yeah? Because what it looks like is some punk ass trying to put the moves on my girlfriend."

Kristie interjects, "Shane, leave him alone! We weren't doing anything."

Shane points to her, and says, "Stay out of this. I'll deal with you in a minute."

Kristie lowers her head, and steps back.

Shane continues, "Looks like you're about to get my fist rammed down your throat, Callen."

"Wait," Alex begs.

"Let's see you be a smart ass now!" grins Shane.

"I'm not an ass though," Alex cries, "I'm a good person."

"Then why are you trying to take my girlfriend?!" asks Shane.

Alex thinks, then responds, "Okay, maybe I am an ass. I'm sorry."

Shane nods, "Yeah that's right. Callen, if I see you anywhere near my girl again, I'll tear you into so many small pieces, you won't even be able to find them."

"That's an odd threat," utters Alex. "I'm going to go, now."

Alex has rotated the conversation circle so his back is now at the door. He shoots Kristie an "I'm sorry" look, then smiles and spins around. He turns the handle, and pushes on the door. He exits into the hallway.


Darren is sitting on the couch chatting with a pretty young woman, ALI GREEN.

"Darren Temple, nice to meet you," says Darren, extending a hand.

Ali sighs, and gets off the couch. She walks to the kitchen, saying to herself, "Perfect Ali, go spend New Year's getting hit on by a gay man."

Darren hears her, and says, "What?! I'm not gay."


Shane and Kristie are together. Kristie puts her arms on Shane's shoulders, clasping her hands behind his neck.

Kristie says, "Baby, I told you. You're all I need."

"You know how I get, when I see you with losers like that," expresses Shane.

"It's okay," says Kristie, leaning in for a kiss.

On the other side of the wall, Alex listens. He sighs, and walks away onto the balcony. He looks down and sees Darren loudly talking on the lawn with Chad.


Darren shouts, "Who's been saying shit behind my back?!"

Chad replies, "Dude, I don't even know you."

Darren responds, "I'm Darren Temple."

"You're not Darren Temple," Chad says, pointing to Alex on the balcony, "That's Darren Temple."

Darren looks away from Chad, and focuses on the balcony. He stares at Alex. He becomes enraged, and makes his way back inside to find him.


Alex looks out at the city. The conversation below was just out of audible range, so he is oblivious to the oncoming attack.

Alex says quietly, "Max, I hope you're having fun right now."

Alex sees a shadow lunging for him, and dodges without thinking.

"You!" shouts Darren, then he rushes again.

Alex evades like a matador fighting a bull.

"Whoa man, cool it!" Alex commands, "I don't want any trouble."

"Oh yeah, then why have you been spreading rumors about me?" asks Darren.

"I don't know who you are!" shouts Alex.

"No? Then why are you telling people you are me?!" hollers Darren.

Alex goes quiet, "Darren Temple."

"So, you do know me?" smiles Darren, "Too bad, I was going to leave a lasting first impression."

Darren pounds his fist into his palm.

"Look Darren, I'm sorry," Alex squeaks.

Darren grabs Alex by the collar.

"You even open your mouth once for the rest of the night, I will tear you up!" threatens Darren.

"I get it. All your dicks are huge, and you'll destroy my ass. Football players and their raping. Jesus," says Alex.

"Are you trying to be funny?" asks Shane angrily.

"No, seriously no. I'm sorry. Really," Alex says.

Alex heads back downstairs. In the stairwell he is stopped by Chad.

Chad says, "You pretended to be someone else, and told everyone you were gay? That's sick."

Alex pushes past him, shaking his head. He grabs some beer from the keg, filling another red plastic Solo cup. Another angry voice from behind him.

"You!" shouts Remmie.

Alex turns to face him, "You got something to say to me?"

Remmie says, "You're wearing my shirt."

"What?" Alex replies.

"Who are you?" Remmie asks. "No, it doesn't matter. I didn't invite you. Get out!"

"What?" Alex says again, in disbelief.

Realizing Remmie is serious, Alex gives up. Alex starts towards the front door. He says, "Fine."

Remmie stops him, "Maybe I didn't make it clear. You're wearing my shirt. It doesn't leave this house."

"Okay, let me go get mine. It's upstairs. Then I'll leave," Alex says.


Alex knocks on the door, and opens it. He says, "Hello, anybody in here?"

Alex looks around in the dark for a moment, trying to find his shirt on the floor. A lamp switch is flicked on.

Shane is under the covers with Kristie. Shane says, "What the hell, Callen?! You again?!"

"Oh Christ, Shane. I knocked. Nobody said anything," Alex says.

Shane hops out of bed, and throws on his shorts. Alex backs towards the door.

"You're dead," Shane threatens.

Alex runs.

He is almost down the stairs, at the front door when he runs into someone from behind.

Spin around to see Darren talking to Ali. The collision has spilled Darren's beer all over her. She looks down at the mess on her dress, and walks away disgusted.

"You again?" Darren yells at Alex.

"You know this punk?" Shane asks Darren.

"He's the perverted weirdo that's been spreading rumors about me," Darren replies.

"What the hell is your problem, Callen?" Shane asks Alex.

Alex replies, "You guys need to believe me. It's all been a misunderstanding."

"Grab him!" yells Shane.

Darren locks Alex's arms behind his back, and drags him off.


The room clears quickly, as Darren hauls Alex inside. Dan, Prudence, Virtue and Chastity all jump out of the tub. Shane enters the room. Kristie and Remmie are watching also.

"Please don't do this," Alex pleads.

Shane winds up, and punches Alex in the face. Alex topples backward into the hot tub.


About the Creator

Alex Kincaid

Insurance broker by day, mystic by night. Currently living in Alberta, with my wife and children. That is, when I’m not traveling the astral plane.

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    Alex KincaidWritten by Alex Kincaid

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