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Hot Girl Summer Chapter 3

Hoopin’ & Hollerin’

By scaldingblktea Published 12 months ago 12 min read

When I’m not hungover, I don’t like people talking to me in the morning. So when I’m suffering the worst hangover I’ve had since the first time I had gin, the last thing I want to hear is my phone ringing at the ass crack of dawn. I looked at my friend Ashtyn’s face. She looked back from the screen of my phone. It said it was 5:30. I rolled my eyes and kept staring at the phone. I had just been out with this bitch last night … like she should know how I’m feeling right now.

Some niggas she knew had a section at the one acceptable club in the valley and we had a hundred shots and a fucking ball. We didn’t leave until 3 even though it closed at 2. The niggas took us to get food and I didn’t get in my bed until 6 … so … hold the fuck up … does that mean it’s 5:30 at night??


“Girl get up and get dressed we’re going to a pool party.”


“And bring some extra clothes we’re probably going to the club after. We won’t have time to come back, the party is in the Foothills”.


“And yeah, I’m picking you up. I’ll be there in like an hour. Look cute!”

She hung up. Look cute? How the fuck else would I look…?

I decided to hurry my ass up and get ready. I wasn’t gonna do too much on my makeup until later because if we did go to the club I needed to be beat down. My main focus right now was removing every scrap of hair from my body and oiling up like I was about to be deep fried.

As soon as my mission was complete, and I was as bald as an eagle, Ashtyn called me to let me know she was around the corner. I gave myself a final look in the mirror and was very pleased. I was wearing a chrome gold bikini and a black sarong and I’m not gonna lie … it was giving “hide your nigga, hide your bitch”.

In the car we caught up on all that had happened in the last twelve hours. Apparently when we were out last night she met some man who was only going to be in town for the weekend. Typical. He said his nephew was a big deal out here and we were meeting at his house. Some basketball playing nigga.

Weren’t they all? I was like alright cool as long as they have liquor and some snacks.

As we got closer to the location I started wondering whose house we were going to. This was a nice ass neighborhood. Like… nice, nice. We pulled up to the house and I said out loud …

“Damn. This is gorgeous. I can’t wait to live somewhere like this.”

“Bitch, who you tellin?!”

We started towards the front door. Or rather, the gate that led to the driveway, that led to the walkway, that led to the front door. The friend that invited her opened the door less than a minute after we knocked. He was really cute. A little older, but that wasn’t a problem. He hugged us and welcomed us in. I was really impressed with the house, but the ice queen in me wouldn’t allow it to show up on my face. I just nodded politely on the tour. He almost got me when we got to the backyard, though.

The landscape was fucking gorgeous, sure. The basketball and tennis courts were giving Rich Black Boy Joy, yeah. The pool and jacuzzi were out of a magazine, very nice. But what got me was the small square table that four men were playing Spades on. Three out of the four were non mother fucking factors, but the fourth got my panties wet a little.

No the fuck we weren’t at our home team basketball’s star player’s house. And no the fuck he wasn’t even finer in person. I was low key shook, but my icy Aquarius vibe saved me.

I walked over and introduced myself to the card players.

One of them immediately stood up and shook my hand.

It was a mediocre looking white boy that I could tell liked to dip into the chocolate. Lord. I could already tell he was gonna be a cock blocking sun of a gun.

He introduced himself to me and said to follow him to the kitchen for drinks. I wanted to hang back and see what Mr. Hoops was talking about, but Unc had already replaced White Boy at the Spades table and the game had resumed. I decided to just go with the flow.

White Boy poured us all drinks and we started talking. He was a photographer and traveled around the country with Mr. Hoops on and off season. I thought that in itself was pretty cool but he seemed dead set on creating this “hard” persona and I could tell he was about to get on my nerves. I prayed quickly I wouldn’t have to cuss him out while I was here. I tried to distance myself to go take some pictures of myself, but being that he was a photographer… that wasn’t the best escape plan. He did get some good angles of me, though.

At this point more people were showing up, the Spades game was over and Mr. Hoops was in the kitchen. What a coincidence… I needed a refill.

I told White Boy I would be back. He tried to tag along, but I immediately told him that wouldn’t be necessary. When he told me not to forget about him I just laughed.

A small crowd of women on the same time as me had gathered in the kitchen around Mr. Hoops and the liquor. There wasn’t much space around him but I squeezed my ass right next to him anyway. He was so much finer in person, dear GOD. And he smelled like heaven. I needed him dribbling my ass like he do the ball on the court by the end of the night and I wasn’t fucking around.

The girl whose foot I had to step on to secure my spot wasn’t happy, but my maneuver made him laugh. He asked what everyone wanted to drink. The options before us were Hennessy, Dussé, and 1942. I’m a tequila girl, so my answer was clear. Before I could get my order out, one girl said Dussé and the rest of the girls chimed in agreement. I let Mr. Hoops pour their shots up. He looked at me and gestured towards the liquor.

“And what would Miss Gold Bikini like?”

The spotlight was on me and I was hot as fuck on the inside. I had to keep up with the cool persona though.

“I’m gonna go for the tequila if you don’t mind.”

His face lit up.

“See, you’re my kinda girl. That’s what I’m having too.”

“No chaser!”

We said that at the same time and laughed. I was already having too much fun with him and it felt like there was nobody in the room but us.

We took our shots with oranges and I taught him to put cinnamon on them to give it a luxurious twist. He loved that!

After he jokingly asked where I had been all his life, I knew this night was going to go swimmingly.

Before I got too giddy, I had to give myself a quick pep talk and remind myself at the end of the day, he’s just some nigga. Treat him how you treat all the hoes.

I told him to make me a mixed drink to sip on so I can go sit by the pool.

“Who said we were going to the pool?” He asked me in the sexiest voice as he slid a pineapple and 1942 my way. I almost forgot my own pep talk.

I leaned in and grabbed the drink, making sure I grazed his hands as I did.

“Who said we were going anywhere?”

“Oh it’s like that, huh?”

“You know it’s not. But I am going to need time by that pool, so if you’re coming, come on.”

I held my hand out for him to grab, and he did. I led him to his own cabana, and we sprawled across it. I was ready to throw the drinks in the pool and take his clothes off, but decided to keep my composure.

We were cuddled up for only a minute before a crowd of his guests started making their way towards us. He called out to them.

“Not right now, y’all. Go back in the house or go chill on the other side of the pool or something.”

Everyone immediately turned back around. Ashtyn was amongst the crowd. We made eye contact and I gave her the thumbs up. She winked back at me, and I saw Unc bring her a drink. Good to know she was going to be entertained while I seduced our star player.

Him dismissing everyone was giving diva, but I liked it. It tuned me on how everyone listened with no hesitation. A leader on and off the court … that’s that shit I liked.

We talked for awhile, just getting to know each other. I was actually impressed that he had a personality. I had been around the players surprisingly a lot this year, and most of these niggas are weird and don’t have anything important to say.

I used me laughing at yet another joke as an opportunity to scoot myself closer, and inhaled him in. I buried my face in his chest, and he palmed my ass like it was Spalding. I was loving every second of it. Tall, built men have always been my weakness, and I could NOT get over how good he smelled. This was not a cologne you would find in a Nordstrom, okay?

I adjusted my body and accidentally applied too much pressure on his leg. I immediately knew I fucked up. I had just watched this man get injured live in game a few days ago. I looked back slowly in horror, getting ready to apologize. Before I could even say anything he laughed and assured me he was good.

“Oh, you’re not a fake basketball fan at all … you even know about my injury.”

“Now, why would I be a fake fan? I was a fan of our team long before you got drafted, and stayed one despite our lack of success.”

I was about to get offended. Men always doubt the genuinely invested women sports fans and it’s so annoying.

Mr. Hoops rolled his eyes and gestured for me to lay back on top of him.

“Oh, here we go. I bet you have all the answers, huh?”

I laughed at his question because I was already picturing myself in the coach’s uniform.

“While you’re playing, I really do. Give me 20 minutes at your next practice, and y’all will be on a winning streak.”

“I can’t get you into practice, but you could be my date to a game.”

Oh, he’s smooth.

“Now how would I be your date if you’re gonna be on the court?”

“You’ll be on the court too.”

Super smooth. I couldn’t help it, I was grinning hard as fuck. He could see that, and he was smiling too.

“Put your number in my phone, let me know what game you wanna come to.”

“Oh, all of them. The away games as well.”

“Oh, she thinks this is Basketball Wives.”

He laughed at his stupid joke, but I just kept typing in my contact info. He thinks I’m playing …

I handed him his phone back.

“I’ll take Basketball Girlfriend for now.”

We just looked at each other for a moment. I don’t know if the tequila was taking over, or if I was falling in love, but it was like a movie for the rest of the night.

I sat in his lap facing him and interlaced my fingers around his neck, staring right into his eyes. He grabbed me at the waist and the heartbeat in my bikini bottoms was going crazy. I forgot we were at a packed ass pool party until I looked over my shoulder and saw Unc and Ashtyn walking up.

“Hey, girl. Looks like you’re having a ball!”

We all giggled a bit.

I had decided already I was going to be staying the night, and figured this would be the best time to tell her.

“Let’s go get another drink and take some pictures.”

She agreed. I looked to Unc and asked if he wanted anything. He said a beer.

“What about you, babe?” I asked Mr. Hoops. Both Ashtyn and Unc looked at me like is this bitch serious? And I was. This was my man now, and the sooner everybody got on the same page about it, the better.

He didn’t flinch at the pet name, and threw one back.

“Get me whatever you get, baby.”

Yeah… I was fucking him tonight. If things went well I would have my “Breaking news, my niggas”* moment this upcoming season.

“Okay, boo.”

I started to get up but he tightened his grip around my waist, just for a moment, before letting me go. All parts of me were tingling.

I tried to sway away sexily, but I know my knees looked weak. Ashtyn and I got to the kitchen and started giggling. We quickly debriefed each other on what had been going on. Halfway through our powwow, here comes White Boy interrupting. He immediately addresses me and Mr. Hoops budding relationship.

“I see you two were getting close. You better not spend too much time in here, though. There’s always another hoe on the prowl to replace you.”

I know this mother fucker didn’t. The chill persona was gone and it was time to cuss this wigga out. Before I could even open my mouth, Ashtyn spoke up.

“Well, I guess the hoes weren’t fast enough this time. Your boy just agreed to bus everyone here to the club, so him and my girl can have the house to themselves. Everyone is leaving.”

I didn’t know if she had just made that up or not, but I gave him a matter of fact look, and decided not to cuss out my man’s photographer, but made a mental note that he needed to be in the unemployment line soon.

White Boy had nothing to say and ran off to Mr. Hoops, I’m assuming to verify the story Ashtyn had just told.

“Is that true?”

“Yes, girl. I told you earlier we might be going to the club. I had asked Unc about it while you were boo’d up, and he just said he had to double check with the man in charge. That’s why we were coming over to y’all. To let him know we’re ready to go. He texted me the thumbs up emoji when White Boy was over here talking crazy.”

I did notice she was no longer in her bikini, but a freakum dress. I looked around. Yeah… everybody was looking like they were headed out. Damn. I had been in cabana heaven for a little minute …

Had I known whose house we were going to I would have brought lingerie, not club clothes. Oh, well. I’d figure it out.

“The Ubers are here!” Unc shouted to everyone.

“Are you gonna be good here with him?” Ashtyn looked a little worried.

I laughed and gave her a hug. I grabbed her hand and assured her.

“I’m gonna be GREAT! Are you gonna be good out with them?”

“Yeah, plus I invited some coworkers to meet me there. Text me if you need anything! My car is parked here, so I have to come back anyway if you need a ride.”

“The only ride I’m taking tonight is on a certain NBA player’s dick.”

I was smiling from ear to ear when I heard my butt cheeks smack together. Mr. Hoops had walked in the kitchen and slapped my ass like I was one of his teammates.

“That’s what I’m talking about!” He said, playfully clapping.

We laughed and said our goodbyes as everyone shuffled out. When Unc went in for a handshake, Mr. Hoops leaned in and whispered to him.

“Don’t come back here tonight. Let everyone know the party is over. They can come get their cars, but anyone who rings this doorbell is getting shot.”

My jaw dropped, but Unc told him he understood. The heartbeat in my bikini bottoms came back full force. After he locked the door he turned to me and asked what I wanted to do.

Personally, I like to get clean before I get dirty.

“Let’s go take a shower and get in the bed.”

He liked that idea.

He led me to his room. It was straight off of fucking Cribs. The bed was gigantic, and his bathroom was the size of my apartment. The shower was the size of my kitchen. I felt him come from behind and start rubbing his hands all over me as he took off the gold bikini.

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Comments (1)

  • Lane Milligan2 months ago

    you so hot

scaldingblktea Written by scaldingblktea

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