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Hospital strange talk 4

Twenty years ago

By Eamonn DaviesPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

The bathroom hasn't changed much in 20 years , except that the water on the floor has disappeared . I opened the door , and the sky outside the window was heavy on dark clouds . If you look closely , you can see that the clouds are frozen like lead blocks . The corridor is covered with the oppressive gloom of a coming storm , with a hot and dry air . The panels on the side walls were bulging and distorted like sudden heat , and a large number of cockroaches were escaping , then suddenly disappearing as they reached my feet . The wall felt hot , but not too hot . I suddenly realized that this different space was frozen in a few seconds after the fire , just like a short video played over and over again . I pushed one ward aside , empty , as were the others , the building preserved but not the people inside . " Alissa ! I called out . The elevator didn't work , . So I went floor to floor . As I passed one floor , I suddenly felt someone running behind me very fast . I turned my head sharply and saw only a dark figure of the size of a grown man . There's someone else here ! I swallowed nervously . There were indeed a few eerie figures moving in the shadows . I instinctively sensed danger and hurried off the floor . As I passed one of the wards , I heard Alissa's voice . " Brother ! "Alissa , there you are ! Alissa was huddled under a bed . She had not been hydrate for two days . She looked haggard and did not seem rested . She hugged me tightly and cried indignantly . I slapped her on the back . " It's all right . Brother will take you out . " . There was a noise outside the door , and Alissa immediately stopped crying and motioned me to silence . " SHH ! The dark things will find you . " . When the noise was over , I took Alissa's hand out of the room and went to the toilet at the end of the corridor . When I turned the tap , there was an unpleasant noise in the pipe and not a drop of water came out . My heart sank into the ice . Suddenly the door was opened , and there stood a tall , dark figure . The word " dark figure " was not the word with it . It looked like a mass of congealed oil , with no features on its chaotic face . Elisa covered her mouth in terror . She dragged me desperately under the counter , the figure cocking its head as if it was searching for us , whether by smell or sound . When the shadow disappeared from the side , Alissa motioned for me to escape through the door , and we were careful not to make a sound and then ran like crazy . She seems to have been quite experienced in avoiding these monsters . It is hard to imagine how she spent these two days . Children are always good at observing and learning . When the shadow man disappeared from view , I asked , " What are these things ? " . " I don't know , they've been walking around here and fighting . The big one eats the little one and the big one gets bigger . Good thing they don't have eyes !" . Alissa described it with an exaggerated expression , and I listened in trepidation . The big problem is how do we get out of here ? ! Alissa tugged at me , carefully avoiding the figure . She whispered , " There's a big copper box of the bottom room , and that's where those things came from . " . She had apparently run through almost every room to get out of here , and she told me that the downstairs door was sealed with concrete , . So it was impossible to get out . I asked her if she knew how she got in . Alissa shook her head . I thought there might be a way . Suddenly Eliza let out a cry of surprise . I looked back and saw a huge figure emerging from one of the wards . It was also the Shadow Man , but it was so big that it smashed doors and walls and threw rubble all over them . The monster , like a slimy lump of oil , was " streaming " down the corridor toward us , no slower than the average dark figure . Alissa dragged me down the stairs . As the thing made its way for the stairs , the whole flight of stairs collapsed under the weight , and the rubble fell , and I huddled in a corner with Alissa . Like a pangolin , the creature has penetrated the building's interior , searching for prey . It tried desperately to push its way for the pile of stones , its massive head reaching towards us , its sticky surface bulging with an arm . Alissa screamed and I reached into my pocket to find the hidden knife I was carrying . Using this thing against the giant in front of you is probably the equivalent of poking an elephant with a toothpick , but I have another idea . Since water is the catalyst , can other liquids are used ? It was dangerous . I didn't have time to think . I made a sharp cut on the artery with the knife , and blood poured out , splattering me and Alissa . The air suddenly twisted around us as the long arm came towards us . The colors returned to normal , and I began to lose consciousness from the loss of blood . Alissa shook me violently . "Brother , you can't die . " I stroked her head as hard as I could and closed my eyes . Fortunately , I was quickly rescued , Xiao Hui afterwards exaggerated and I said , I cut the knife is too deep , lost a few bags of blood to save . At the hospital bed , Alissa cried when she saw me awake . When I told Xiao Hui what had happened there , she said she couldn't believe it at first , and then said it might be a monster called " Hagjian " . They are said to occupy an enclosed space like hermit crabs and devour each other until the largest one is born . The original intention of the demon is anti-common sense , if it is a monster is not too much , but I always think whether there is another answer ? Perhaps in other space , there are many forms of life that human can't imagine , and this is I am afraid that I will never be able to guess the mystery .


About the Creator

Eamonn Davies

An avid lover of stories about ghosts and legends, I love the thrill of having my bones tingle! I hope you enjoy my story.

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    Eamonn DaviesWritten by Eamonn Davies

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