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Hirohito, 紫purple clouds and 赤 面blushing sky

Go on a quest.

By Novel AllenPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read
Hirohito, 紫purple clouds and  赤 面blushing sky
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Hirohito knew that he had to find the cure for his mother's ailment quite soon. The 医者 いしゃ - isha 医-medical, 者-persons had told him that there was nothing more they could do for her. Her ailment is not physical, they had worried, and all their remedies were of no use.

"Please take her home Hirohito. Make her as comfortable as you can. Read to her, walk with her and talk with her, invite friends around to cheer her up". The doctors had tried everything.

The young man's father had gone far away to find work. He was a very fine woodworker, and many people demanded his services. Unfortunately, even though his wife was not well, he had no choice but to leave his son in charge. Li was the only provider for the family, while his son finished school, and helped with his mother. No one really knew what was wrong with Indigo, she just started talking about seeing impossible colors in the sky at nights. She stayed up late and became delirious because of lack of sleep.

Hirohito, though only eighteen years old, was very mature for his age. While other young people his age were going on dates and having parties and just regular old fun, he was wrapped up in his books. He loved to read and dream about the many adventures and heroic deeds written in books and even movies. Although he was not really able to afford movies a lot, he went once in a while when it was about superheroes and exciting tales like Jurassic Park, and explorations about mummies or even dragons. Now he was the man of the house when his father was away.

Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

Hirohito took his mother 藍 Indigo to his aunt's house. Aunt Aiko promised to take her out on the river to lift her spirits.

He had decided to embark on a quest to find a natural cure after praying to Buddha. He also got advice from the herbal doctor to find Ashitaba which has scientific name Angelica keiskei, and is one of the herbal plant which is native to the Japanese region. The plant looks a lot like celery, and together with kampo they should help his mother.

Japanese kampo is used to treat a wide range of health conditions—from the common cold to anxiety, PMS, stomach issues, headaches, muscle pain, acne and even as a complementary therapy as part of cancer treatment protocols. Like TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Japanese kampo is designed to treat the whole body, rather than simply the symptoms of an illness, and is recommended when TCM has been exhausted.

In order to find the Ashitaba, he had to travel to the distant foothills of the Akimodo Mountains in the land of the vicious Akoda birds. Valiant, brave and armed with the desire to see his mother well, Hirohito (which means abundant and benevolent in Japanese) packed a small bag, got two bottles of water to quench his thirst and set out on foot to travel to the mountains.

Hirohito walked for two days, had eaten almost all of his food, and water was low. He didn't have much money, and thought it wise to save it anyway, since he didn't know when his father would return. Feeling quite exhausted, he sat down under a shaded tree to rest. Evening was approaching and he still had a day's walk to go. He fell asleep almost immediately.

A loud noise woke him up. Two ruffians with a huge vicious looking dog were pulling his bag from his shoulder. One knocked him down when he tried to get up. The dog grabbed his trouser leg and proceeded to drag him along the grass.

"Down Kai"! One of them shouted to the dog. Kai whined and backed away.

"Search his pockets". The other ruffian yelled.

Hirohito was not going to give in so easily. He thumped, kicked, bit and scratched, trying to defend himself as best as possible. It was no use, it was three against one.

Suddenly, the night sky became extremely colorful and bright. Hirohito had slept for many hours. It was midnight. Everyone looked up to see purple clouds and blushing sky come dancing speedily down on a rainbowed moonbeam. The clouds gathered up the two robbers and the dog and sped away towards the Akimodo mountains.

A beautiful purple horse became visible when the clouds lifted. Pei, the great stallion lowered his head, inviting Hirohito to climb on. Grateful for the chance to travel much faster, he jumped onto the horses back, grabbed the reins which were already attached to the bit around the horse's head, and away they rode. Hirohito held on for dear life, the stallion rode at breakneck speed.

They arrived at the foot of the mountain in record time. There was loud shouting coming from high up on top of the mountain. Looking up, they saw the two crooks and their dog stranded upon the summit of Akimodo. The Akoda birds were circling overhead, and climbing down the mountain was going to be very treacherous.

Hirohito was concerned, but unless he had wings, there was nothing that he could do for them. Maybe the people in the little village they had passed would come to their aid. The horse whinnied and pushed him gently towards the plants that he needed.

By Catherine Kay Greenup on Unsplash

He emptied his pack and filled it with the healing green leaves and stalks of the plant. The leaves can be eaten raw. Ashitaba is valued for its diverse bioactive components. According to researchers, ashitaba possesses some antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihyperative and even has antidiabetic properties. This leafy herb is part of the carrot family. Hirohito planned to make a tea of the stalk and leaves, this would help his mother to sleep at nights.

The horse nudged him again, bent his head down and Hirohito and the stallion rode into the night. He glanced up at the top of the mountain and felt badly for the group climbing painstakingly slowly down the sides.

Morning was close approaching when they got to his house. He climbed down from the horse and bowed his thanks. The incredible purple horse whinnied again and bobbed it's head up and down.

"ありがとうございました arigatou gozai mashi ta"

Amazing, thought Hirohito, as the great stallion turned and rode away.

By Vincentiu Solomon on Unsplash

The sky glowed a bright purple above his head. He suddenly understood his mother, and he knew what he had to do.

最後ですsaigo desu (The end).

Part two still waits to begin.


About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (2)

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)about a year ago


  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    This feels like a very classic story, something passed down like a beloved heirloom. Your voice in this story is relatable, feels like that of a mother or grandmother telling a well known bedtime story. Feels personal and like you’re telling this directly to me. I can’t wait to see what unfold in part 2!

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