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hey, soul sister || haikyuu || eita semi x oc

The song, "Hey Soul Sister" is about loving a black woman, I've known that fact since 6th grade. The Internet found and now it's on the front of my mind, so here's my brain dump on the matter. Via a previously mentioned OC character!

By shaynaPublished about a year ago 10 min read
Shoutout to the original artist of this piece!

** I have written a black female OC for Semi Eita - I've written several mental fanfics about the two; the keyword is mental. So here is one from their lives because the internet found out the song is about a black woman. Enjoy! **

"I love you, Eita," Soyo hummed as her eyes scanned her loving boyfriend's face. Deep chesnuts filled with determination, a tiny grin or pout rested on his pink lips. His arms crossed against his chest in defiance, clad in hot pink flannel. But, Soyo continued, "I don't want you to sing tha' tonigh'."

Eita huffed, "Why not," He sat up entirely in his seat across from Soya, the grin turning into a pout as he scanned her face for any sign of doubt. She sighed to herself and stared back at him as her mind went dark; a cold breeze echoed against her brain.

Eita sat back with a thud, "That's not fair,"

"What's not fair Ei?" Soyo threw her hands up and mimicked the position Eita was in. Her hands rested in her lap as she squeezed too tight around her chest. A hard pinch shot through her body. She groaned as her eyes slid shut, taking deep breaths to balance herself.

A rustled noise fell on deaf ears, though she knew who it was.

Soyo's eyes risked a peek, meeting a narrow view of her boyfriend's concerned pout. Soyo's eyes slid open, and she rested her head against the chair while sighing; Eita kneeled at her side.

"Are you okay," He asked in a whisper. Soyo nodded, "Okay, we can go if you're feeling-"

"I'm fine," Soyo groaned and turned to face Eita; she cupped his face in her hands. Her pecan eyes soften, searching Eita's for confirmation that he understands her request -indirectly. There was a slight burn on the side of her head, and she pulled back, sitting up fully again in her chair.

Eita stood, hands tucked in his pockets, "Okay, well," He plopped back into his seat across from her. Soyo turned to face him, "It would be a great song to add to the setlist. But, of course, I respect your boundaries, so I won't add it to the list," Eita rested his face against the palm of his hand, fiery chestnuts meeting nervous pecans.

"Tell me how you really feel," Soyo joked and crossed her arms against her chest, the burning sensation still present.

Eita's eyes shifted, undetectable to the public eye. Soyo's eyes widened as her boyfriend edged to the end of his seat. His eyes are cherry oak, deep brown to almost black. A blush is resting on his cheeks, and his lips are flat.

He's. Pissed.


"Don't," Soyo stood before Eita's view, blocking the person staring daggers at them the whole time. Soyo huffed, "Let's just go, okay? No need to start a fight, 'specially before graduati'," Soyo reassured, her small hand resting on his broad shoulder as she continued to block the view. Eita remained quiet, still on the edge of his seat.

"Fine," He growled, and Soyo relaxed in her place, taking a step back. His eyes remained deep brown, but he managed to smile as she stood by her side. Soyo smiled at Eita as she took his hand, heading toward the exit.

The burning daggers became unbearable; she gripped Eita's hand as a hot flash ran through her body. She tried to take deep breaths but couldn't catch a steady pace. Finally, she rested into Eita, who wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. Soyo rested her ear against his chest, listening to his collective rhythm thump in her ear.

"God, shouldn't that be in a field or something," Oh no.

Soyo felt Eita's movement too late, "Shouldn't that be in a retirement home, that be buried six feet under, and that hanging from a motherfucking tree," He yanked on Soyo's body, guiding her out of the coffeehouse and into the cold air. She pulled away from him, glaring up at him.

"Are you serious,"

"They started it," Eita justified in a rough tone, hands pushed back into his pockets. Soyo scanned his person without remorse, guilt, or shame. On the contrary, he looked proud, actually.

Soyo shook her head and walked toward the bus station, Eita racing after her.

- - -

Soyo stood in line with her hands in the pockets of her floral flare dress. Her breath curled back against her face as she buzzed excitedly around her. Then, the line started to move quickly again. She kicked up off the wall and followed the pace of the crowd. She tapped around for her ID when she felt a hard chest collide with her face. Her feet wobbled under her but kept her straight.

A flash of confusion crossed her face as her eyebrows furrowed and her lips curled upward. Then, finally, she met eyes with the bouncer.

"Sorry, no entry," He mumbled, his arms tight against his chest.

Soyo huffed, "I'm a third year at-"

"No. Entry. Run along," The guard shooed her off. Soyo shook her head, pulling out her ID and handing it to the bouncer. The bouncer's eyes stared behind Soyo, motioning for the line to continue. The group of people walked around her, and she shook her head, clicking her teeth.

"Piece of shit," She mumbled, turning on her heels and stepping out of the line. The line continued to rush past her as she gathered her ID from her bag. Then, suddenly, she looked down at the ground to see her body engulfed by a tall shadow.

"Oh ho ho! Who do we have here?" A bright, cheery screeched from behind her. Soyo turned on her heels and smiled at the boys before her.

"Toshi, Tori, glad to see you two in good spirits!" Soyo forced a smile as she yanked out her ID. A small huff escaped her as she whipped back around to the security guard - the line stopped for crowd control.

"Here's my ID," She pushed the ID into the guard's hand, "Now could I please go in," Her lips parted as she released a hard sigh. The guard glanced down at the ID and dropped it on the ground.

"Told you to get lost,"

"Excuse me, sir," Toshi stepped beside Soyo, "Why did you drop her ID? She wants to get in to see her boyfriend," He answered blankly.

"Boyfriend?" The guard looked at Soyo perplexed as his eyes wandered back to the boys, "Who?"

"Does it-"

"Hi! Tendou Satori here," Tori interrupted as he stood by Soyo's opposite side, "Middle blocker for Shiratorizawa, and this is Wakatoshi Ushijima, Captain and Ace of Shiratorizawa!" Tendou started with glee, "Our pitch setter, you've heard of him right? Semi Eita. Him! He's the lead singer of the band, and I think he'd be very disappointed to hear about how you treated-"

"Stop," Soyo huffed, "Just stop, okay? He won't let me in, doesn't matter who or what, school I go to," Soyo sniffled, and as she turned away, screams were coming from the line, and a voice rang out over the rest of them, a familiar voice.

"Guys, what's taking you so fucking long," Eita huffed, throwing a glare at the guard, "Show's about to start," Eita walked out in front of the line and hopped in front of Soyo, "And I want my #1 fan front and center,"

Soyo's eyes traveled up to Eita's with pursed lips and a slight glint in her eyes, "Sorry,"

"Don't be," Eita looked back at Tendou and Ushijima, a silent conversation taking place as Eita wrapped his arm around Soyo's shoulders, pulling her close. Tendou perked and blinked away from the couple, skipping inside with Ushijima following behind.

Soyo's brain caught up to herself as the deafening screams and shouts entered her ears. Her breathing hitched as she felt warmth around her body. The tiny lavender and black birch filled her nostrils, and her heart stopped. Eita bent down and grabbed Soyo's ID, throwing another glare at the guard before taking Soyo inside with him.

- - -

"Okay, okay, okay, everyone! Are we having a good time tonight?" Eita's voice rang through the venue as a bright white spotlight shined against his sweat-glistened skin. His ash-blonde curls fell against his forehead, and his purple tank top was soaked. The crown screamed and chanted for the band to do one more song.

Eita chuckled as he brought the bottom of the tank top up to tap his forehead, revealing his glistening abs. And the screaming got even louder.

"Glad to hear," He dropped the tank top and smiled out to the audience, "Now before we play our last song, I wanted to give a big thank you to the band - our drummer and rap master Tershimia Yuji from Johnzeni, our bassist and screamo addict Kōji Hiroo from Nohebi Academy, our guitarist and punk rock junkie Naoyasu Kuguri-"

Kuguri tossed his shoe at the back of Eita's head. Eita jumped and pulled away from the mic as Kuguri hopped over and snatched it from him, "And the man of the hour, the reason we're all here - our lead singer, guitarist, percussionist, and pop punk crackhead from Shiratorizawa Academy - Smei. Eita!" Kuguri announced into the mic as the venue exploded. Kuguri smirked at Eita, who was now holding his shoe out to him. He hopped away, tossing the shoe back on.

"And thank you to everyone here tonight - all the seniors graduating, 2nd years transitioning into 3rd years. It's a lot of change in the air. Hence, we appreciate being part of your changes," Eita smiled at everyone.

Still, his eyes landed on the girl with black curls, sipping water at the bar. His smile grew, "For our last song, I wanted to leave everyone on a party note, something fun and upbeat. But, sadly, not everyone is having a good time. And I know why. It isn't fair that we can feel free and be who we are while this person can't," The crowd mumbled among themselves; the Shiratorizawa volleyball stood at the front of the stage with grins of knowing.

Tendou and Ushijima walked toward the bar while Eita continued, "I've been with my girlfriend for as long as I've attended Shiratorizawa. She would sit alone at lunch and read. People would snatch her books and trash them, push her down, step over her, and treat her like she was dirt. As if she doesn't matter. She matters. Not because she's my girlfriend, or someone's daughter or someone's sister, but she's a fucking person,"

Eita raged forward passionately, "She deserves to feel free, to be who she wants to be, like everyone here. So! She may kill me for this, and she may hate this because - 'Eita, this could ruin your career,' but I don't care because... I'm not me without you. So! Here's an American song I adore and she secretly does too - Hey Soul Sister,"

Soyo's head shot up as she whipped around in her chair, "Oh no," She whispered, "Seriously? Is he-"

"Yes he's stupid, he means well," Ushijimia finished Soyo's thought as he assisted her from her seat. Tendou clapped and motioned toward the front. Soyo's face started to burn as they pushed through the crowd.

Eita is an enigma, Soyo thought as they traveled through the people. Ushijimia was smiling like a proud dad, and Tendou was flailing his arms like an inflatable tube man.

The girls foamed at the mouth at who this girl could be, and every guy wished they had this power over them. Eita's smile was bright, and his fingers glided across the guitar as he shouted his favorite part of the song in the mic,

"The way you can cut a rug; Watching you is the only drug I need; So gangsta, I'm so thug; You're the only one I'm dreaming of; You see, I can be myself now finally; In fact, there's nothing I can't be; I want the world to see; You'll be with me,"

Soyo swallowed hard as the entire volleyball team surrounded her.

Eita turned to Kuguri and Hiroo to continue. He turned back around and stuck his hand out to Soyo, "Come on beautiful, dance with me,"

"Eita," Soyo's body lifted off the ground as her knees fell on the stage. Eita helped her to her feet as Soyo let out a wild laugh, realizing she was no match against the best volleyball team, or teams, in the prefecture.

Eita laughed aside her, holding an arm against his stomach. He shook as he gathered himself; a bright smile graced his face again. Then, taking Soyo's hand in his, he pulled her against him and captured her lips in a gentle kiss.

Soyo's body burned; she felt like she would explode under all the eyes glaring holes into the two of them. But Eita rested his hand against her lower back, and the burning disappeared.

Her arms snaked around his neck as she pulled away, resting her forehead against his. His chestnut eyes, blush cheeks, rosy lips, burning sunrise orange energy and glow... It's all Soyo's.

Someone cleared their throat, making Eita blink. Soyo giggled as she kissed his cheek, making him turn a deeper shade of pink. Eita strolled in front of his mic, awing, "Everyone, meet my wife, Semi-Takayami Someyo."

Soyo grinned toward the audience until she relistened to the sentence, "Wait, Ei-" She turned around to meet a kneeling Eita with a strawberry-flavored ring pop, mouthing, "I'm sorry - I'll get you a real ring soon. I promise."

Soyo kneeled in front of him, tears filling her, and she nodded, "Yes, yes, yes," She jumped into his arms and held him tight against her chest. Then, they heard a loud roar from next to them.

Shouts of congratulations and cheers came from the teams in the front. Eita and Soyo smiled at everyone; Eita turned back to look over Soyo's figure.

He smiled. She was at ease, with no burning, no sickness. Nothing. She finally felt at ease.

He kissed her cheek. There's still so much to do and change in the world. But, there is hope, you. The slightest change can start with you and the people around you.

And Eita doesn't want to change the world.

But he does want a better one for the one he loves, Soyo.

SeriesFan Fiction

About the Creator


digital marketing expert. content creator. check out my other 'ventures via my milkshake and as always, #keeponwriting!


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    shaynaWritten by shayna

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