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Heart Me

An Unexpected Meeting, A Promising Journey

By Mukteshwar RanaPublished about a month ago 4 min read
Heart Me
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Amelia sat by the huge window of her favourite café, the golden afternoon light creating a lovely glow on her sketchbook. She'd been coming here for years, finding peace in the familiar hum of conversations, the rich aroma of coffee, and the ever-changing vista of the busy street outside. Today, however, her mind was on the blank sheet in front of her. She needed ideas for her next piece, but her head felt as blank as the page.

As she sipped her latte, the café door chimed, and a tall, dark-haired man entered. His presence appeared to fill the room, catching the attention of several customers. Amelia looked up, and their eyes met for a brief time.

His smile was warm and genuine, in sharp contrast to her ongoing creative block. Determined to capture this ephemeral moment, Amelia began sketching, her pencil dancing across the page with renewed vigour. She didn't notice him approaching until his shadow fell on her table.

"Mind if I join you?" he inquired, his voice soft and inviting.

She looked up in surprise, her cheeks flushed. "Okay, sure. "Yes, please do."

He sat down and placed his coffee on the table.

"I'm Lucas," he said, offering his hand.

"Amelia," she responded, shaking his hand. His hold was powerful but delicate, causing a thrill up her arm.

"I couldn't help but notice your sketches.

"May I see?" he inquired, his eyes sparkling with genuine eagerness.

She paused for a second before turning her sketchbook towards him.

"It's not finished." Lucas looked at the drawing, his face one of appreciation.

"You're quite talented. "Do you draw here frequently?"

Amelia nodded. "Whenever I can. "This place has a unique charm."

"I agree," he replied, taking a sip from his coffee. "I'm new in town and heard this café is a must-see. "Looks like I made the right decision."

Their talk continued smoothly from there, as if they were old friends catching up after years away. They discussed art, travel, and their favourite novels, identifying common interests and giggling over shared experiences. The hours passed unnoticed until the café staff began clearing tables during the evening.

"I didn't realise it was so late," Amelia replied, checking the clock. "I should probably get going."

"Let me walk you home," Lucas said, rising up.

Amelia hesitated, then smiled. "I'd like that."

They wandered along the tree-lined streets, now illuminated by street lamps. Their talk became increasingly personal, and Amelia found herself discussing thoughts and dreams that she rarely expressed to others. Lucas listened attentively, his presence calming and reassuring.

As they approached her apartment block, Amelia felt a stab of regret that the evening had come to an end.

"Thank you for a wonderful afternoon," she replied, turning to face him.

"The pleasure was all mine," Lucas answered, his gaze locked on hers. "I hope we can do this again sometime."

"How about tomorrow?" she said rashly, shocking herself with her audacity.

Lucas' smile grew. "It's a date."

The next two weeks passed in a haze of shared experiences and deepening attachment. Amelia and Lucas explored the city together, finding hidden treasures and making memories. Their friendship grew stronger with each passing day, and Amelia's notebook overflowed with paintings inspired by their excursions.

One evening, as they sat on a park bench watching the sunset, Lucas turned to Amelia, serious but sensitive.

"Amelia, I have something to tell you," he said, grasping her hand in his. "Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me." You have brought so much joy and inspiration into my life. But there's something you should know.

Her pulse skipped a beat, a mix of excitement and dread whirling inside her. "What is it?"

Lucas took a big breath. "I have been offered a job overseas. It's an amazing opportunity, but I'll have to go shortly."

Amelia's thoughts raced. She had fallen deeply for Lucas, and the prospect of losing him was agonising. "When do you have to leave?" she inquired, just above a whisper.

"In two weeks," he said, his eyes full of remorse.

They sat silently, the weight of the imminent separation weighing heavily on them. Amelia finally spoke, her voice firm despite her inner agony.

"I want you to accept the job, Lucas. It's a fantastic chance, and I would never want to hold you back. But let us make the most of the time we have left.

Lucas's eyes shone with thanks and love. Thank you, Amelia. "You mean the world to me."

They spent the next two weeks cherishing every moment, their bond becoming stronger. On the day Lucas left, they stood at the airport, clutching each other firmly.

"I'll come back for you, Amelia," Lucas said, his voice full with sorrow. "No matter where I go, my heart will always be with you."

"And mine with you," Amelia said softly, tears flowing down her cheeks.

As Lucas disappeared through the gate, Amelia realised their love story was far from ended. She returned to the café, her notebook in hand, eager to chronicle the next chapter of their journey—one fuelled by love, optimism, and the prospect of a future together.

Months passed, and letters flew between them, each one a monument to their unwavering love. And one day, while Amelia sat beside the café's window, the door chimed, and Lucas entered, his smile brighter than ever. Their love had endured the test of time and distance, and as they hugged, Amelia knew they were meant to be together—forever.

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About the Creator

Mukteshwar Rana

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Comments (1)

  • shanmuga priyaabout a month ago

    Interesting to read.

Mukteshwar RanaWritten by Mukteshwar Rana

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