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He is Always Late

"Embracing Life's Unexpected Rhythms"

By Isra SaleemPublished 6 days ago 3 min read
He is Always Late
Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash

In the bustling city of Brooksville, where time ticked away in synchronized rhythm and schedules were sacred, there lived a man named Oliver who was perpetually late. It wasn't just a casual delay or occasional tardiness; it was a defining characteristic that seemed to follow him like a shadow.

Oliver was a kind-hearted soul with a penchant for daydreaming and a tendency to lose track of time. His mornings began with good intentions and a firm resolve to be punctual, yet somehow, the minutes slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.

Each day began with the shrill protest of his alarm clock, a jarring reminder of the world outside his dreams. Oliver would stumble out of bed, bleary-eyed and disoriented, promising himself that today would be different—that today, he would be on time.

But as the morning rush unfolded around him, Oliver found himself caught in a whirlwind of distractions—a forgotten set of keys, a misplaced shoe, and the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee that beckoned from the corner café.

At work, Oliver's colleagues had grown accustomed to his perpetual lateness. They would exchange knowing glances as he hurried in, breathless and apologetic, with a flurry of excuses that ranged from traffic jams to unexpected detours through the park.

His boss, Mr. Thompson, a stern but fair man with a penchant for punctuality, had tried to counsel Oliver on numerous occasions. "Time waits for no one, Oliver," he would say with a sigh, tapping his watch pointedly as Oliver stood before him, sheepish and contrite.

Despite his chronic tardiness, Oliver was well-liked by his coworkers. He had a knack for diffusing tension with his quick wit and infectious laughter. His desk was adorned with colorful post-it notes and a perpetually half-empty coffee mug, a testament to his chaotic but endearing presence in the office.

Outside of work, Oliver's social life was a kaleidoscope of missed appointments and last-minute cancellations. Friends would jokingly set their watches five minutes fast when making plans with him, knowing full well that Oliver would inevitably arrive just as they were preparing to leave.

One fateful evening, Oliver found himself rushing to a dinner date with Amelia, a woman he had been admiring from afar for months. He had promised himself that tonight would be different.

As he approached the quaint bistro where they had agreed to meet, Oliver's heart sank. The neon sign above the entrance flickered mockingly, its glow casting a harsh light on the empty tables inside. Amelia was nowhere to be seen.

With a heavy heart, Oliver sank into a nearby chair, berating himself for yet another missed opportunity. He had wanted tonight to be perfect—to show Amelia that he could be reliable and attentive, despite his habitual lateness.

But just as he was about to give in to despair, a familiar voice called out his name. Startled, Oliver looked up to see Amelia standing before him, her eyes sparkling with amusement and warmth.

"I knew you'd be here eventually," she said with a playful smile, sliding into the seat opposite him. "I've been waiting for you."

Oliver blushed, his cheeks warming with relief and gratitude. As they shared a meal filled with laughter and animated conversation, Oliver realized that perhaps his lateness wasn't always a flaw to be overcome, but a quirk that made him who he was—an imperfect but sincere soul who marched to the beat of his own drum.

From that day forward, Oliver made a conscious effort to respect other people's time while embracing his own unique sense of timing.


About the Creator

Isra Saleem

Versatile writer skilled in both tale & stories. Captivate readers with engaging content & immersive narratives. Passionate about informing, inspiring, & entertaining through words.

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Comments (1)

  • Muhammad Safdar6 days ago

    Respecting the time of others is just like giving respect to them.

Isra SaleemWritten by Isra Saleem

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