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April, 24 2037

By J.A. CoxPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Sikes Photos on Unsplash

The groan and cracks came from the old rotten wood as the wind pushed through every gap in the dilapidated barn. The beams of moonlight through the bullet laden aluminum roof would grow and diminish as the clouds moved over the nights sky. Cobwebs covered all the corners of the interior while moss and the roots of an ancient oak tree covered the exterior. Half of the horse stalls on the inside have collapsed while the other half still appear to have some life left in them. All covered with inches of hay that had slowly fallen down from the hayloft above. The ladder to the upper reaches of the barn has been repaired more times than what any nail could do to help hold the thing together. What hay was left in the loft had been moved, crushed and arranged to create the greatest napping locations in the quad county area.

Lyrah knew this and was currently resting on her back in the exact spot. All the while she was watching the clouds glide across the night sky through her custom made skylight. She observed each cloud and every star that appeared after they passed. The divides satellites as well, which they were impossible to miss as they took over a major portion of the sky. She also noticed her handy work on the sky light and what an impressive job she did installing it.

“Pretty Impressive, if I do say.” She said to know one.

She had found an intact windshield from a Chevy Monte Carlo in the field on the backside of the barn. Whoever owned the land in the past collected cars and most of them are now rusted pieces of junks scattered throughout the fields around this place. With some duct tape, tarp and the windshield, she was able to cover a massive hole in the roof right over the hayloft area. Even if it rains the hayloft would stay dry and she would still have a sky view.

The hayloft had become a sanctuary for Lyrah to escape to whenever things were getting out of hand at her camp or a well needed break. A place of reflection, rest and to unwind. She started bring art supplies, for when she wanted to sketch and some decent sticks for whittling. Which had become her new favorite hobby. One of the old timers does it almost every day in the camp and after months working one stick, he will turn it into this beautifully carved handle for a knife or walking stick for one of the leaders. He showed her some basic techniques and Lyrah picked it up instantly.

The problem is she never really had time to do anything fun, or work on her hobbies since she was always busy at the camp. Either refilling water buckets from the stream, setting up snare traps for dinner or foraging for mushrooms. Lyrah always had some chores to do and was usually exhausted by the end of the day. Until she found this barn.

Her palace of respite and creativity.

This had been her place to escape to during the long arguments in the camp, or while she was out looking for mushrooms or berries. Lyrah already knew all the hot spots, so she could get her tasks done fast, but instead of rushing back into the camp. She would come to the barn for a couple hours.

“It’s not like I don’t want to be at the camp, I just need a break.” She said out loud to no one. I work hard and I need a break. Honestly I shouldn’t have to justify this to myself or anyone. This world has been turned upside down and everyone needs a break from that. She thought.

Lyrah’s camp was on the edge of the Divides wall. They were one of the last surviving camps that had not been “Divided” by the Separation Militia. They didn’t want to be separated from their loved ones and started running the day the ruling took place. Lyrah was already on the opposite end of country as her family, but with her being adopted, she would have been separated anyways. Lyrah was barely an adult at the time and happened upon the camp as she was trying to get back to the other side of the country to her family. She was young, and intelligent and the original creators of the group knew she would be useful and took her under their wing.

The fencing had already been installed and electrified by the time they made it to the border. There was nothing they could do to cross and after hearing the stories of the forceful separation, the camp decide to hike north towards mountains and camp out. Live off the land and survive until all the insanity had passed.

“I can’t believe that was 10 years ago.” She said as she watched more clouds pass. I found this barn 4 years ago and it really has become my second home. She thought. I have repaired it, replaced parts and worked on making it stay alive this whole time. It has become my new family.

As Lyrah starred through the skylight she continued to think and reflect on her life. She thought of her first kiss in this barn, the first time she cried since the Divide happened. She thought of her past life with her family, the wonderful family from New York that had adopted her when she was only 2 years old. The thoughts of watching the Divide wall being built and replacing the old fence. The mini drones keeping guard around the walls.

“Just like that drone.” She said as she pointed to one passing over the skylight. Odd, they have never come this way before. She thought. Ten more drones passed the skylight in formation and at extreme speeds. “Shit! Get up!” She yelled at the boy laying next to her. “Jason! We have to go and put your damn clothes on!” Of course the one night I run off with Jason, this happens!

Lyrah tossed on her tattered hand knitted sweater and pulled on her only remaining pair of blue jeans as quickly as possible. She jumped off the edge of the hayloft and down into one of the horse stalls that she had filled with extra hay just for an occasion like this. Jason took the safer route and started going down the semi working ladder all while he was still trying to slide his hoodie back on.

“God we shouldn’t have left.” Jason mumbled through his hoodie as it slid over his face.

“Shut up Jason, we have to go now.” She yelled back “we have to warn the others before it’s too late.” Lyrah slide open the barn door to the fresh outdoors air and was immediately blinded.

Multiple floodlights flashed into existence, all aimed towards Lyrah and her light fair skin. Jason showed up a moment later and his dark hazelnut and short curly hair glowed under the lights. The Militia had found the camp and her barn somehow, her place of rest and relaxation is no more. The old barn which gave her comfort for so many years, and so many new memories will probably never be seen again by her.

Lyrah looked over her shoulder as she walked out the barn door with her hands held up.

Knowing she would never see this place again.

Knowing she would never forget this place ever.

Short Story

About the Creator

J.A. Cox

Fiction/Fantasy/Science Fiction are my cup of tea.

Hoping to finish my first novel this year!

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    J.A. CoxWritten by J.A. Cox

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