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Haunted House Spiritual Adventure

The founder and captain of the supernatural expedition is 23-year-old Chen.

By IversonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

The founder and captain of the supernatural expedition is 23-year-old Chen. Two years ago, he worked in a restaurant, and the company arranged for him to live in an apartment owned by the company. He did not expect that the company dormitory was actually a haunted house.

  About 25 employees live in the apartment, and there are three or four spirits, all of which are female ghosts.

  "Sometimes you can see the spirit body through the glass. In addition, there are mango trees outside the house. Sometimes you can see ghosts on the trees when you open the window."

  It is understood that a fire broke out in the apartment, and five of them died in the fire. It was abandoned for a long time before it was rebuilt. The most evil thing is that the apartment is located at No. 4, 74 Road.

  Chen said that from the initial fear to the later habit, the spirit body never deliberately harassed. Three months later, he was dispatched to another branch before saying goodbye to the haunted house.

  He pointed out that since then he has become interested in spirit bodies and has also joined a supernatural expedition team composed of netizens on local forums. After the team disbanded, he had the idea of forming his own supernatural expedition.

  The members of the paranormal expedition have grown from the original six to 11 now, including two women. Expeditions mostly choose to depart from 2:00 am to 4:00 am, because 3:00 am is the most ferocious time.

  Before and after the operation, they will worship and keep safe; each time they leave the team, one or two masters will accompany them; there will be video recordings and photos as live records. They also carry equipment such as flashlights, walkie-talkies, spirit detectors, and gossip compasses.

  Fan, a 27-year-old team member, added: "Due to limited funds, we can only buy ordinary spirit detectors, but so far it has only'manifested 'once, while the gossip compass has more'manifested' times." Fan said with a smile, because they were worried that they would not find the ghost and run into the criminal, they would also carry self-defense weapons. Although their expedition was full of strange things, they were all in the end.

  Wang, a 21-year-old player who has had "yin and yang eyes" since he was a child, is said to have seen ghosts - sometimes in full "human" form, sometimes only in half-body; sometimes blurry, sometimes only by feeling.

  He admitted that once walking in the alley, he met a ghost with a half-face festering. After he calmly passed the other party, he turned around and vomited.

  Wang said that two years ago he worked as a broadcaster in a shopping mall. One day, the proprietress of a restaurant near the mall said that a woman was packing leftovers, but after packing, no one could be found, so she asked him to broadcast the search.

  A long time after the broadcast, the proprietress walked into the broadcasting room and said that she saw the woman walk into the broadcasting room. He looked back and saw a woman, knowing that the other party was a friend in the spiritual world, so he made an excuse to pull the proprietress out.

  "As soon as we stepped out the door, the whole mall went out of power, and it returned to normal after three minutes," he said. Later, they checked the surveillance video of the mall and found that at the same time, the camera outside the mall captured the woman entering the mall, but the camera inside the mall door did not capture the woman.

  Wang said that when he encountered ghosts, he would pretend not to see them, and he would not tell his friends around him. When he was walking with the paranormal expedition, even if he saw a spirit body, he would not immediately inform his teammates.

  According to Master, under normal circumstances, ordinary people have low luck, and most of the ghosts they see are indistinct; but if the ghost fully manifests, it may be that it has been provoked.

  Wang also said that although people do not commit ghosts and ghosts do not commit crimes, there are also ghosts who will deliberately harass humans. He said that in an abandoned square, a spirit body once rushed directly at him who was taking a photo with a mobile phone, but the mobile phone actually clearly captured its appearance. Unfortunately, the phone was accidentally lost afterwards, and the photo was also missing.

  Captain Chen said that the paranormal expedition team has been on an average of one expedition a month since May last year. Due to their previous thrilling experience at the abandoned holiday home in Desaru, they came there again on June 17. But unexpectedly, after arriving at the destination, the abandoned holiday home has been refurbished.

  He said that when he first entered the abandoned holiday home, there were 20 people in two teams. As soon as the team he followed entered, the atmosphere felt unusual.

  When they reached the third floor, the team members with spotlights outside the building shouted: "Don't look back!"

  "At that time, I was walking at the bottom of the line, and when I stopped with my last companion, I heard footsteps behind me."

  At that time, he said, the two did not dare to look back and continued to walk forward. When the team reached the seventh floor, a chair suddenly fell on its own, and the group immediately fled the scene.

  The second time, he and his friends drove two cars back to the Elm Holiday Home. When the two cars turned on their headlights to illuminate the surroundings, they suddenly saw white shadows passing by, and the broadcasts of the two cars also ** at the same time. As a result, he and his friends left before they even stepped into the holiday home.

  In early July last year, under the leadership of Master, six team members went to an abandoned railway. Team member Wang and another teammate were sitting on the train track to rest. They were about a meter or two away from the team on the right, but they heard a sound similar to stepping on a stone from the back left, and the sound was getting closer and closer.

  Although he has yin and yang heels, Wang said that because people have yang energy, the closer the ghost is, the less visible it is, and then the sound of stepping on the stone disappears.

  Fan said that at that time, other teammates used their mobile phones to shoot the surrounding environment, and a teammate's mobile phone captured a figure flashing quickly, but because the speed was too fast, the photo was blurred. No one can draw a conclusion on whether it is a spirit body that is at fault.

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    IversonWritten by Iverson

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