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Golden Heart

Locket of Memories

By Tobias-James WeeksPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

We finally did it.

The worlds gone to hell in hand basket and life as we knew it came crashing and burning.

But didn’t we all see it coming? Wasn’t this all foreseen?

We use our smartphones everyday, keep our noses stuck into pieces of metal and plastic. We drive our fancy cars everywhere, giving off carbon monoxide and polluting our air.

We even start wars with each other over silly meaningless things such as a pastry store being destroyed in Mexico, or even something so simple such as football.

Well, at least we used to.

A new world order was constructed and people were forced to begin following stupid laws.

Laws like: A couple are only allowed to conceive one child throughout their life. You had to have a licence to even date the same gender as yourself. Men were expected to give five years of their life to the military of the world society when they turned eighteen and so on.

you get the gist…

Lots of us managed to avoid this new world order but not many survived. Outside of the brand new sparkling city, There were no laws. No one telling you you can’t kill that guy who looked at you funny five minutes ago. No one telling you that you can’t have five wives and a dozen children.

Outside of the fancy city, it was a rollercoaster of destruction and mayhem.

I’m sorry, I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself, I’m Kian Wesley. In the once amazing world I used to live in, I was a retired sniper from the English Military. Now… I suppose I’m just a guy trying to find someone in this messed up world.

See, before this had all happened, way back when I was still in the military. I had met someone, someone who took my breath away… and they gave me a locket just before I retired.

It was a picture of us both, a note encased in the box it came in reading:

‘I love you to every single moon and back.’

I’m retired, the world is destroyed and I know for a fact, that someone is still alive because a recent photo that spread across the UK included that person.

You might be wondering ‘But Kian, where is this new world city!?’ It’s in London obviously. It’d make perfect sense for them to set it up in the capital city of England.

And that’s where I’m heading.

Pulling my mask down from my mouth, I take a deep inhale of the muggy air. Once upon a time it smelt fresh and clean… however now, the air smelt of chemicals, chemicals that do not belong in the once fresh air of the world.

My sniper, a self modified GOL sniper Magnus, was slung across my right shoulder, currently placed in safety as to not accidentally shoot and reveal my position to passing Roughians.

Not everyone agreed with the new world order and whilst what I said about a lot of people not making it. Those who did joined gangs of rough, murderous killing machines or went on to do their own thing like me.

Staring at the bridge over to London, I look down at the heart-shaped locket, the chains wrapped around my wrist and locked shut.

“Heading into London, looking like that?”

Almost instantly, my sniper was under my arm and my eye down the scope pointed at a smaller man, thin greying hair and ratty clothing clinging to a scrawny body.

“Careful now! I’m not here to harm you…” he says quickly, keeping my gun pointed at the old man.

“Then what do you want? Food, money?” I retaliate.

“Can’t a man just start a conversation… it’s been so long. I was just going to say… good luck getting into London with how your dressed. You look like an assassin.” He explains as he gestures to me, i scowl Slightly.

“I don’t plan on joining them. I’m just here to get someone. I couldn’t care less about their opinions on what I look like.” I shoot back, the old man shrugging as he leans against the horse he’s got.

“They don’t let go of their citizens easily, friend. Anyone willing to follow such idiotic rules, is under their control. They like that, Having absolute power.” He exhales.

Moving my sights over to London now which is lit up brightly, I don’t respond to the old man’s comment.

After having snuck into a hole made in the walls by roughians. I quickly moved to the address written underneath the photo of the person I’m searching for.

My eyes quickly fell on to what appeared to be a journalist office. Men wearing very clean and very… peculiar outfits dashing around the room. Pulling a pistol from my leg holster, a browning Hi-power, I enter the office briskly.

I can’t believe I’m going to say it. But I miss working how we used to. Not that I know, but I’m going to assume working now is so… organised. Being told what to do and having no freedom to do what you think is right. That’s no way to live.

Sitting on a gentleman’s desk, my gun in my right hand comfortably. I watch as he enters with his nose stuck in a touch screen device. He goes to sit down but freezes when his eyes fall on my gun.

“Make a single sound and I’ll put this gun so far down your throat and pull the trigger with no worries.” I say sternly, his entire face paling.

“W-what do you want?” He asks shakily. Holding up the photo now for him to see, I release the safety from my gun.

“I need to know where this person is, right now.” I respond, my eyes serious and my jaw tight “The central Command Building…” he whispers, smiling I stand now.

Pushing him into his chair, I pull four of the strongest binds from my satchel.

Zip ties. These things are impossible to get out of!

Zip tying his hands and ankles to his chair, i stuff a piece of cloth into his mouth.

“and just for the record, I’m not an assassin. I’m just a guy looking for the love of his life.” I clarify.

What I didn’t expect was a large political ralley at the base of the central command tower. People gathered and listening endearingly to the leader of this… sparkly lawful Tyrant leader city, Jacob Jackson.

Attempting to the best of my ability to sneak round the ralley and enter the command centre. I felt the sudden urge to stop wash over me.

It was as if someone stood beside me and pointed to behind Jacob Jackson who stood and waved politely to his loyal subjects. Stood, smiling and clapping, light curly blond hair blowing gently in the chemical winds, was the person I searched so long for.

Levi Shackleton, a former surgeon in the army. Apart of my battalion and the one who had given me this wonderful locket… was a member of the horrific government of London’s world order.

Feeling my hand clench around the handle of my pistol, I pull my mask on as I walk over now. Raising my arm to the air, I pull my finger on the trigger four times, releasing four rounds into the air.

Almost instantly the people of this outrageous dystopia scrambled backwards screaming and staring up at me. Whilst the leaders got behind things and stared in shock.

The military of the new order surrounding the area armed with weapons. I slowly lower my arm and point my gun at Levi who pales “What ever happened to I love you to every single moon and back? Too much for you?! Felt like you needed to rule over innocent people with a spiked knuckle?” I shout, blue eyes widening slightly now “You do understand that you have this locket to a guy right? And here you are, supporting a city that has the rule that you need a licence to be with the same gender!” I continue.

Levi stood now “Kian…?” He asks, pulling my mask from my face now, I wipe the grime from my forehead with the back of my gloved hand.

“I kept this locket all this time. For you. And your not only a citizen of this place but a leader.” I shout.

“Doesn’t mean I ever stopped loving you, Kian.” He says softly, laughing I go to walk towards him to give the locket back to him.

“Criminal approaching Chairman Shackleton, Execute!” The commander of the military shouts.

“wait, no!” Levi shouts just as the sniper of the military fires a shot.

It felt cold and then scalding hot. And then everything went numb.

I never remembered hitting the ground but as I rolled to my side, I lied flat on my back. Levi at my side with his hands pressed to the bullet wound going through and through my chest.

“I’d rather be taken out like this then be put in prison here, Levi. This place is the worst.” I say with a little humour, his eyebrows furrowing.

“You idiot. You could’ve came here and we could’ve got a licence together.” He says as a single rear rolls down his cheek.

“I couldn’t live here. This place is outrageous. The system here is so incredibly flawed.” I choke out, the pain fading completely now.

“Managed to get the locket back to you though.” I say quietly, placing the slightly dirty locket into Levi’s hand, he holds it tightly.

Feeling him lean over slightly, he pressed his lips to mine and that’s all I feel before fading off.

It may not have gone to plan. But Let me tell you all something important, things don’t always go to plan. Especially in a dystopian world.

You just have to look at the big picture: at least I got to see him one last time and get that heart-shaped Locket to him.

Short Story

About the Creator

Tobias-James Weeks

aspiring Author

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    Tobias-James WeeksWritten by Tobias-James Weeks

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