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Ghost I'm Not (Short 1-8)

The life of being unknown and in shadows

By Devin Published 2 years ago 4 min read
Ghost I'm Not (Short 1-8)
Photo by Brad Helmink on Unsplash

It's been a year since I've been out of my coma. Things have for sure been changing since then. I no longer feel alone or feel like there's nobody there for me. And I have Ariannah to thank for that. When I came out of my coma, she never left my side and helped me conquer my difficult problems. Even when my spirit was in the astral plane for four years of my coma, she gave help when she was at her lowest. As for Darien, he'll always be my closest friend. He was going through his own things at the time I met him. I just wish that I realized it sooner to give a helping hand. I met both of them at 18 years old.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was still in the midst of learning about limbo and the astral plane, 10 hours after assuming that I was dead. I wandered around MTU campus. It was the first time I've ever seen a campus so large. It even had a garden inside its main building. I was admiring the garden, and then I saw her just sitting on the bench just writing in her journal. I started admiring her beauty and I couldn't stop. She was THAT beautiful. Even today, I tell her that she's the most beautiful girl with her honey brown skin. She caught me staring at her. You know, people are always rolling a die whenever they get caught staring. You either going to get a positive response or a negative one. Well, I got lucky. Ariannah smiled and waved when she caught me staring. Of course, I didn't know how to respond to that. So, I got flustered and fled.

Ariannah and I didn't officially meet until 4 years later. Instead of the garden, we met at the dorms. Me, Darien, and a couple of his ghost friends were in the middle of this game. We called it ghost hide and seek. We hid inside of people while the seeker tried to find us. It was fun for us of course. But things kind of ended when Ariannah spotted us. Everyone else disappeared but me. I pretty much just stayed there and pretty much look stupid. But the first thing she said wasn't "what are we doing". The first thing she said was that she remembers me. I acted like I didn't remember her, but of course I remembered completely. She has a face that's too beautiful to forget about. And from that day forward, we were just peaches and cream. We developed a bond that couldn't be severed apart.

As for Darien, he's been there for me from the start of me being in the astral plane. He greeted me with open arms when I was confused and I couldn't grasp what exactly had happened. There were times that Darien had been dealing with some pent-up things from his past. To this day, he still won't elaborate much of what he was going through at the time. Only that it's been something going on between him, his rekindling ex-girlfriend, and his parents. I didn't want to press the matter and make him tell me. I felt as if it'd make him uncomfortable and even more stressed. The thing I honored the most about Darien was that even though he's going through so much drama in his life, he doesn't want anyone to but in and he stays strong throughout everything. I truly envy him for that.

After recapturing everything with Ariannah, I told her everything about what happened that day I was alone, and how it impacted my feelings towards my family. She could relate a little, and recommended me to one of her therapists. I was skeptical for a while. Eventually, I finally made an appointment. Surprisingly, she'd been through the same thing I had gone through with my family. I was making appointments every week, and the sessions were helping me with a lot. I fixed the problem with my family and I finally changed myself for me, and I'm damn proud of everything.

In the end, I became a psychologist for teenagers and young adults like myself. 24 doesn't look bad on me either. Darien and I are still pretty close, we talk every now and then. Darien and I check up on each other. I mean he's still dealing with the same drama and everything, but it's not as bad as it was back then. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Darien was also in a coma. His was just 9 years. As for me and Ariannah, we've been married for a year now. We have a beautiful baby girl and her name is Adrien and she's only a year old. I can finally say that I'm happy and glad that I made changes to my life. And I couldn't have done it without Darien and Ariannah. This is the end of my story.

Short Story

About the Creator


Hey! My name is Devin. I'm 22 years old. I like writing realistic fiction, fantasy fiction, and fiction genre all in the first person perspective so my work will mostly be that. hope you guys like my content!! :)

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