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Fragments of Reality

The Broken Pieces

By Mark Geriko BucalingPublished 12 months ago 5 min read
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"Fragments of Reality" is a collection of interconnected short stories that explore the complexities of life in a modern society. Each story delves into the lives of diverse characters from different walks of life, revealing their struggles, hopes, and dreams as they navigate the challenges of the world around them.

In "Fragments of Reality," all the stories were written from the protagonists' point of view. We aimed to provide an intimate glimpse into their minds, capturing their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. Through this approach, we hope you were able to connect with the characters on a personal level and gain insight into their struggles and dreams.


"The Broken Pieces"

Maria, a middle-aged woman, is struggling to find her place in a fast-paced and competitive corporate world. As she climbs the corporate ladder, she realizes that the pursuit of success has come at the cost of her personal life and relationships. She must confront her inner demons and reconcile with her past to find a sense of fulfillment and happiness.


I wake up to the blaring sound of my alarm clock, a reminder of the fast-paced and competitive world I'm a part of. As Maria, a middle-aged woman in her forties, I've dedicated most of my adult life to climbing the corporate ladder. I glance at the empty space beside me, a constant reminder of the strained relationship with my husband John, who has been nothing but supportive despite my long work hours. I rush to get ready, putting on my power suit and fixing my hair to look perfectly polished. As I head to the office, I can feel the weight of my responsibilities bearing down on me. The pressure to succeed, to outshine my colleagues, and to prove my worth in a male-dominated industry is overwhelming. But as I chase success, I can't help but feel that I've lost something along the way.

At the office, I'm greeted by Lisa, my ambitious colleague who is always eager to outshine me. I put on my game face and navigate the politics of the corporate world, constantly juggling deadlines, meetings, and the expectations of my demanding boss, Mr. Johnson. James, my loyal assistant, helps me stay organized and keeps the team running smoothly. Amid the chaos, I receive a surprise visit from my estranged sister, Sarah. We haven't spoken in years, and the tension between us is palpable. She confronts me about my absence in her life, and I realize how my pursuit of success has come at the cost of my relationships. I'm forced to confront my inner demons and reconcile with my past, realizing that I've been running from my own insecurities and fears.

Feeling overwhelmed, I confide in Alex, my best friend from college. She reminds me of the dreams and aspirations I had when I first started my career, the passion that drove me forward. She encourages me to reflect on my values and priorities, and to find a sense of balance in my life. I also start seeing Dr. Chen, a therapist, who helps me navigate my inner struggles and gain clarity on my emotions. Through therapy, I come to understand that success is not solely defined by external achievements, but by a sense of fulfillment and happiness that comes from within.

In the meantime, I take Jessica, a young intern, under my wing, mentoring and guiding her to navigate the challenges of the corporate world. I share my experiences, struggles, and lessons learned, hoping to inspire her to find her own path and not repeat the same mistakes.

One day, during a crucial presentation to the board of directors, I face a setback that threatens to derail my career. Lisa, my competitive colleague, tries to sabotage my efforts, but with the support of my team, including James and Jessica, I manage to overcome the obstacles and deliver a compelling presentation that earns me recognition and praise from Mr. Johnson. As I celebrate my success, I realize that it's not the external validation or accolades that truly matter, but the sense of purpose and fulfillment that comes from being true to myself and prioritizing what truly matters in life. I'm able to rebuild my relationship with John, mending the cracks in our marriage and finding solace in each other's company.

Sarah, my estranged sister, also begins to open up to me, and we slowly reconcile, healing old wounds and rebuilding our bond. I come to understand the importance of family and meaningful connections in my life, and I make efforts to be present and nurturing in my relationships. With a renewed sense of purpose and perspective, I start making positive changes in my workplace as well. I advocate for a more inclusive and supportive work environment, promoting diversity and equality. I mentor and empower my team, including Jessica, to pursue their own dreams and goals, helping them navigate the challenges they face.

I find a better work-life balance, allowing myself to pursue my passions, and fostering deeper connections with my loved ones. I continue to see Dr. Chen, who helps me maintain my emotional well-being and supports me in my journey of self-discovery. I also realize the importance of self-care and taking care of my physical health. I start prioritizing exercise, eating healthy, and taking breaks to rejuvenate myself. I also take time off to travel and explore new cultures, finding inspiration and new perspectives that further enrich my life.

As I approach my fifties, I reflect on my journey with gratitude. I've come a long way from the ambitious and driven woman who was solely focused on climbing the corporate ladder. I've learned the value of balance, prioritizing relationships, and taking care of my own well-being. I've made a positive impact in the lives of those around me, and I've found a sense of fulfillment and happiness that goes beyond external achievements. And so, my story continues, with a newfound sense of fulfillment, happiness, and a deeper understanding of what truly matters in life. I continue to strive for success in my career, but now with a balanced approach that prioritizes my personal life and well-being. I cherish the relationships and connections that bring joy and meaning to my life, and I continue to inspire and empower those around me as I navigate the ever-changing world with resilience, wisdom, and a heart filled with gratitude.

SeriesYoung Adultfamily

About the Creator

Mark Geriko Bucaling

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