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First and last love

Yes true love

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 6 days ago 3 min read
First and last love
Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

Elena first saw him under a canopy of wisteria. Sunlight dappled through the purple blooms, casting a kaleidoscope of light and shadow on his face. He was sketching, his brow furrowed in concentration, a stray lock of hair curling over his forehead. He was oblivious to the world around him, lost in his creation. Elena, a wisp of a girl of fifteen, stood mesmerized.

Their first conversation was awkward, filled with nervous laughter and stolen glances. He introduced himself as Leo, an aspiring artist visiting his aunt who lived next door. Elena, usually a chatterbox, found herself tongue-tied. The wisteria became their meeting place, a secret haven where they'd share dreams and hopes, fears and frustrations.

They were young, their love a whirlwind of stolen kisses under the wisteria, whispered secrets under starlit skies. Leo saw the world through his artist's eyes, colors more vibrant, emotions more intense. Elena, captivated by his passion, discovered a world beyond the small town she called home. They were two souls intertwined, their laughter echoing through the summer air.

Their first fight was a tempestuous storm, fueled by teenage insecurities and misunderstandings. Harsh words were exchanged, tears were shed, and the wisteria seemed to wilt under the weight of their anger. They spent days in a cold war, the silence deafening. But the love they shared proved stronger than their hurt. A single, hesitant apology from Leo, a tearful forgiveness from Elena, and the wisteria bloomed anew, a symbol of their resilient bond.

Years passed, their love maturing alongside them. High school graduation was bittersweet. Leo, with his portfolio under his arm, secured a scholarship at an art academy in a bustling city. Elena, a brilliant student, was accepted into a prestigious university across the country. The distance loomed like a menacing shadow, casting doubt on their future.

Their goodbyes were filled with promises and whispered hopes. Letters became their lifeline, each page a bridge across the miles. Phone calls crackled with excitement and longing. But distance began to gnaw at their connection. Different experiences, new friendships, the constant pull of independence, all chipped away at the foundation of their love.

Years later, Elena, now a successful lawyer, returned to her hometown. The wisteria was still there, its branches gnarled and twisted by time. Yet, it bloomed, a testament to enduring life. A familiar figure sat beneath it, an easel set up before him. It was Leo, his hair streaked with silver, his eyes still holding the same spark of youthful passion.

Their reunion was hesitant at first, years of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Memories flooded back - the joy, the heartache, the shared dreams. They spoke of their lives, their successes and failures, the paths they'd taken. The once familiar felt strangely foreign, a melody from a bygone era.

The wisteria seemed to whisper of a love that had bloomed brightly, weathered storms, and ultimately faded with the changing seasons. Elena realized their first love, however intense, had been a seed that needed the nourishment of time and experience to truly flourish. They had become different people, their journeys diverging along life's path.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows, Elena offered a bittersweet smile. "It was beautiful while it lasted, wasn't it?" she said, her voice filled with a quiet acceptance.

Leo nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "The most beautiful," he replied.

They shared one last look, a silent understanding passing between them. The wisteria, a silent witness to their first and last love, swayed gently in the evening breeze. Elena walked away, her heart heavy yet strangely light. Their love story, etched in the heart of the wisteria, had come full circle. It was a love that had shaped them, taught them, and ultimately, set them free.

Theirs was a love story that existed not in a happily ever after, but in the bittersweet beauty of a shared journey, a memory forever cherished, and a heart forever touched.

Fan FictionFable

About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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