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Freedom of Love

yes love

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 10 days ago 3 min read
Freedom of Love
Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

The gilded cage hung heavy in the sultry Havana night. Moonlight cast a pale glow on Isabella's flamenco dress, its vibrant red a stark contrast to the melancholy etched on her face. Tonight, the rhythmic tapping of her heels against the polished floor held no joy. Tonight, they echoed the suffocating rhythm of her trapped heart.

Across the room, her fiancé, Alejandro, stood amidst the swirling haze of cigar smoke, his laughter mingling with the animated chatter of their families. Heir apparent to a vast sugar plantation, he embodied the life Isabella was expected to lead – one of wealth, privilege, and a stifling sense of duty. Yet, it felt as foreign to her as the starched white dress she refused to wear.

Isabella yearned for freedom. Freedom to dance not just with her castanets, but with her life. Freedom to choose love, not have it dictated by family ties and societal pressures. Her heart belonged to Rafael, a fiery young artist with eyes that mirrored the Caribbean Sea in their intensity. He saw the artist within her, the soul yearning to express itself beyond the confines of their world.

Their secret meetings were stolen moments under the cloak of twilight, a forbidden dance fueled by whispered promises and stolen kisses. He painted her portrait, capturing the rebellious glint in her eyes and the yearning for a life yet unlived. In his studio, filled with the intoxicating scent of turpentine and dreams, Isabella found a sanctuary, a place where she could truly be herself.

One sultry evening, as the city pulsed to the rhythm of distant music, Isabella made her decision. Dressed in a simple white dress, she slipped out of the mansion, a single red rose tucked behind her ear, a beacon for Rafael. They met under the canopy of a giant ceiba tree, its ancient branches reaching towards the star-dusted sky.

Tears welled up in Isabella's eyes as she confessed her love and her stifling life. Rafael held her close, his touch a comforting warmth against the turmoil within her. He spoke of a life in Paris, of art studios bathed in sunlight and dreams taking flight. He promised a love that wouldn't clip her wings, but would encourage her to soar.

"But what about your family? The plantation?" Isabella's voice trembled.

Rafael smiled. "They will understand in time. Love like ours can't be shackled by tradition."

Leaving behind the gilded cage was agonizing. The weight of her family's disappointment hung heavy, a tangible presence in the humid air. But as the ship carrying her towards a new horizon cut through the turquoise water, a sense of liberation washed over her. The red rose, now wilting slightly, represented not just her love for Rafael, but the love she had for herself.

Paris was a city that buzzed with creative energy. Here, Isabella found her voice. Her paintings, infused with the vibrancy of Havana and the yearning for freedom, resonated with audiences. In Rafael's eyes, she saw not just her lover, but her biggest supporter, her fellow artist on life's canvas.

Years later, Isabella returned to Havana, no longer the caged bird but a woman free in her spirit. She walked hand-in-hand with Rafael, their love a testament to the power of choosing freedom. Her paintings, now displayed in prestigious galleries, were more than just art; they were a beacon for those yearning to break free from the shackles of tradition.

Isabella's story became a whispered legend, a reminder that true love thrives not on limitations, but on the freedom to choose, to dream, and to dance to the rhythm of your own heart. The gilded cage remained, a silent monument to a past Isabella had transcended. Now, the once-melancholic moonlight bathed a woman free, her spirit soaring high above the confines of expectation.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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Comments (1)

  • Shirley Belk10 days ago

    sounds like freedom to me!

Moharif YuliantoWritten by Moharif Yulianto

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