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Finding them

part two of finding her

By Emma JanePublished 5 months ago 5 min read
Created in Canva

Part one:

“Kimberly, can you please come to the meeting room for a minute?”

Kimberly? I look at Florance, who had only talked to me briefly in three years of working here but never was that formal. However, today, it has just been like that; many people seem on edge and distant. In all honesty, I even checked to see if I could blame it on some total moon energy going on.

I walk into the room to find Eric and Finn looking just as stressed as me. This helped a little. Hopefully, their concerned expressions meant that I wasn’t in trouble. I racked my mind to quickly think about what I could’ve done. We all moved here together to start their business, so we were pretty close. I might have been with the company for three years, but I had known them for over five years.

As I sit on the other side of the table, Eric slicks back his blond hair, takes a deep breath, and starts to talk as if he had already rehearsed this.

“We just want you to know that we do our best to be an activist for all of our employees, and even though we are just a small company, we will always strive to make the best decisions for all of you.”

Finn nodded slowly, his legs crossed, hands put together in his lap. He looked very professional despite wearing a blue and green flannel and blue jeans. Finn was rarely in the office since Eric did more HR and office work for their small construction company. He then chimed in. “We have done some brainstorming last night and this morning on what we can do to keep you safe.”

“What do you mean to keep me safe?” My heart quickened again. Why would they need to keep me safe? What was I in danger of? My mind quickly went to the fact that I had no one to run to if something was wrong. My closest friends were about a 12-hour drive.

The men looked at each other as if they were trying to figure out which one would explain to me what was happening. Finn must have lost their silent battle when he pulled out his phone. “Why don’t I just show you.”

Eric mumbled something about us needing tea and ran out of the room.

I watched last night’s news and was still so confused. As I watched, I realized what was going on. They thought I was a magical creature! All I could say was, “What the fuck” I didn’t mean to say it out loud, but from their expressions and how quickly I was handed the sugar for my tea, I could tell that none of us knew what to do. “Sorry, I am just confused; why do you think this is me? I understand that I am very upbeat and all, but this is a stretch.”

They look at each other again, and this time, Eric speaks first. “We got a few phone calls from a few stakeholders this morning asking about you. Finn also drove around this morning to see a small group of people around your house. We are so sorry, Kimmy. We kind of hoped that you knew.”

I sat there feeling so stupid and confused. How could everyone around me think they knew me better than I knew myself? Anger consumed me, and then a tiny voice in my head asked, ‘But what if they are right?’ I thought of all the odd things that happened around me. I was always very lucky, and people usually tried to help me, even if they were strangers. “So, what’s next?”

Eric was ready for this part of the conversation as he poured another cup of tea. “We hate to admit it, but with so many mixed feelings, it might not be safe for you to be here. It’s not your fault, and we aren’t going to act as though it is. So, we are going to give you paid leave for a week or so to give you time to figure things out, and once you are ready, maybe work from home till things calm down.”

“We also know that everyone who could help you is half a day’s drive, so please know we are here! I don’t really know how to help, so please tell us if you need anything. This has to be a lot to take in, but it might not be safe to go home.” Finn looked concerned, and I was so grateful for them. Then he handed out a ring of keys.

“This is a home on our property. It’s just a little tinny home that is next to a good fishing spot. We really want to help you in any way we can. We also received a call from your emergency contacts asking about you. We didn’t know what to say to them since we saw they were not family. So we told them that we cannot disclose anything about our employees. I know they came around the office when we were back home, but with everything going on, I didn’t know who you wanted to trust.”

My head felt as though it was spinning as I took a sip of the raspberry tea. I close my eyes, letting myself take it all in for a minute. I pulled out my phone to call my friends only to remember it hadn’t charged last night, and I forgot to charge it when I got to work.

Ryan had to have been a complete wreck by now. He didn’t want me to move in the first place, and now this is happening. “My phone is dead. Can I use yours? I know they have to be worried.”

I knew Ryan’s number by heart, and as I typed, my tears started to fall, realizing just how scared I was. There was silence on the other line. “Ryan, are you there?”

“Where are you?” He sounded angry, his voice alarming me with his stiff words.

I stutter for a moment. “I am at work. They showed me the news and-“I couldn’t control my emotions as I broke down, so embarrassed knowing that my two bosses were in the room looking out the window, acting as though they were not listening.

“We are about thirty minutes away. Send me your location.”

“it’s going to be okay. We got this; we got you, okay?” I knew the woman’s voice was Maddie, and instantly, I felt calmer. My family is on the way!

SeriesYoung AdultSci FiFantasy

About the Creator

Emma Jane

Hello,I love to write about so many things. I felt as though this would be the best platform for my poems and short stories!

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Comments (1)

  • Test5 months ago

    Outstanding work,

Emma JaneWritten by Emma Jane

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