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Finding my Other Half PART 3

Short Story

By Delaney CarlsonPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Finding my Other Half PART 3
Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash

Maya’s POV

My mother sat me in the passenger seat and pulled the door shut behind her in the driver’s.

“Can.. Can we talk when we get home?” My mother asked hesitantly. “I promise I will tell you everything.. About her..” She muttered the last part so silently I almost didn't hear it. I was still stunned out of my mind.

“Y-yeahh..” I don't think I had even heard what she said. But the noise escaped me and it felt right, so I stuck with it. I spent the 12 minute drive processing and selecting which questions to ask my mother.

“Sit down sweetie, I'll make us tea.” I walked down the hall and passed our bedrooms at the front of the house. I walked into the large room which was the other half of the house; the kitchen, living room and dining room. I sat at one of the bar stools along one side of the island and buried my head in my arms. I sat there like that until my mother set a mug of tea in front of me.

“Th-thank you-u..” My voice sounded awful. I brought the mug to my lips and sipped carefully.

“Now. Would you like me to tell you the full story, then ask questions, or you ask me questions and slowly the whole story is told?” My mother asked. Those really did seem the two best options. But one was quite clearly better.

“The-the full story first p-please..” This time I was stuttering out of uncertainty.

“Alright. Please do forgive me for everything I'm about to tell you. You know that I haven't spoken to your father since I told him I was pregnant? That's not entirely true.. He-he was willing to raise a baby with me. He left for nothing other than money. He had a blossoming career and wouldn't let anything in his way. He was glad to have one baby coming along, he thought we could financially juggle that.

“But when I had my first ultrasound, two little heartbeats belonging to two little babies came from the machine. We were both surprised, he was the one who got angry. He yelled and stormed out. He knew we couldn't raise the two of.. Well you and your twin sister.

“He.. He left me a couple months before you arrived. He completely disappeared, changed his identity, and not for the first time either. I've never seen him since. He's never seen you.” Tears were in her eyes as she spoke, and I felt bad for her.

“So.. So I have a… A twin s-sister?? And-and w-where is she-did you s-say?” I was freaking out internally. I had no clue what to do or say or think.

“Y-yes..” She sipped her tea before continuing. “Her name-I named her Cora. When the two of you were born, you were whisked away because you had health problems, and I was left almost alone with Cora. I named her and I was crying. I knew I had to choose one of the two of you. I was telling myself it would be her, because if you had health concerns I-I couldn't justify what I was doing at all. It was all so-so-wrong. But I did it anyway. The nurse came back in with you and she told me that I would get special funding for you because you had an uncharted medical condition and you would end up needing a lot of surgeries.. That you could even die.. They had no clue what it was you had, or what it would do to you. I saw Cora, all strong and healthy.. I saw you, and I realized you needed me more. So I stayed there with the two of you, trying to spend as much time with the three of us as I could. I swore I would get Cora back when I could. I dropped her off at an orphanage when I was discharged.” She sobbed deeply, and I felt tears prick my eyes too.

“Then.. Then why don't we go get her?” I asked my mother. She sobbed harder into her sleeve.

“The.. The orphanage burned down when both of you were three. There.. There were no survivors…” I began to cry loudly, and we hugged each other crying.

“Where is she buried?” I asked my mother.

“They couldn't get anything from the place. Everything was completely obliterated. Including records of everyone who was inside, and so they never made graves.” My mother sobbed more and I felt warm tears sliding down my neck and across my nose.

We sat silently sobbing for a minute.

“P-please.. Forgive me, Maya..?” My mother moaned.

“Of course I do!!” I cried out, pulling her close and we tightly hugged each other.

Hello! Chapter 2, yay!! Did you like it? Did it make you cry? I know it was mainly all talking and just back and forth conversation, but this story is just starting and when it gets to the main part of the story. The first few chapters will be ‘introductory’ ones. They’re basically background information for the main story but it's needed to understand the story.

Once again, please vote if you enjoyed this! And comment any suggestions or edits, I am so so so happy that you are reading this story and I really hope you are enjoying it!

Short Story

About the Creator

Delaney Carlson

I’m a cringy author uploading stories I wrote when I was like 10, so please enjoy the depressed weirdness.

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    DCWritten by Delaney Carlson

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