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Finding home

by: Abby Dickhoener

By Abby DickhoenerPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Finding home
Photo by Amirhossein Khedri on Unsplash

No one would have predicted things would turn out this way. Years of pollution and toxic waste turning animals into vile, vicious creatures. Many of us took to the sea in order to survive while the braver or probably more reckless people stayed to fight. My mother was among those brave souls. I don't know much about my mother. She put me on a ship with my aunt when I was only five, and now the only thing I have to remember her by is her golden heart locket. It's been ten years since the fight ended and if not for the locket I surely would have forgotten my mother's face by now. Only now are we risking heading back to the shore to try and salvage what is left of our old lives.

Upon reaching the shore I was sure there had been some mistake there's no way this pile of rubble and ash had ever been a city much less a place to consider home.

Then I caught a glimpse of a shack and my heart started to race, "Aunty, look! Some people must have survived."

"Nonsense dear, no one could've survived in these conditions."

Looking around I could see that she was right. The toxic chemicals not only killed off the animals but any plant life as well, and the smoke that hung in the air was causing my lungs to feel like they're on fire. It would've been a miracle for a human to survive, but my heart couldn't help but hold on to some hope. If even one person could survive this then that means that there's hope that she survived too.

I clutch the locket and whisper to myself, "I will find you."

All of a sudden through the smoke we hear a noise and suddenly a man steps forward. He's tall and fairly muscular, but his clothes are no longer more than mere scraps which reveals many scars and wounds. His hair is long and greasy. I can't be sure of the color, but the darkness of it makes his blue eyes seem even more piercing. He scans the groups of us that came ashore.

"The society you once knew is gone, so if you were planning on returning to your life before I suggest you just go back to sea now. For the rest of you my name is Ashton, but from here on out you shall refer to me only as King Ash." His voice is rough and he speaks with strictness of a drill sergeant.

A woman steps forward from someone down a shoreline, "Why would we do that?"

Ashton glares at the woman and she shrinks back, "Rule number one do not question my authority. What we have isn't much but I've built it from the ground up and I will not let anyone destroy it. Rule number two never cross the barriers that I have set. More people have survived than what appears and the barriers protect the civilized from the inhumane. They are less than human and will kill you the second you give them a chance. Finally work hard and you will be paid greatly, but I will not stand for any arguments on where you are place. Have I made myself clear?"

Everyone slowly nods seemingly more out of fear than acceptance. We follow Ashton through the smoke and rubble and find ourselves standing in front of a dome. I look around some people are planting trees and food while others are hustling off to various buildings. I catch sight of a woman as she approaches.

"King Ash, I have finished your robes." She bows and hands him the robes before scurrying off.

Ash pulls on a robe and turns to us, "I do apologize for my less than ideal dressing. When I leave my society I am forced to dress as the inhumane do. Now my men," he waves over a group of people standing nearby, "will take you to be sorted into your respected workplaces while I attend to your living arrangements."

We follow the men and I continue to scan the town. Bakeries, seamstress, shoe stores my aunt has told more stories of such places but I never thought I would actually see them. When I look at the faces of the people I notice the overwhelming amount of fear hiding behind fake smiles and polite small talk. It seems as if we are not the only ones following orders more out of fear than loyalty. A man grabs my shoulder and I jump; I hadn't heard him approaching.

"I didn't mean to startle you. You will be the farmers." He gestures towards a greenhouse. "You will receive your uniform this evening until then Matt will show you the ropes."

A man who I assume is Matt grabs my arm and leads me away from our group. He is shorter than our guides were. Despite his blonde hair falling in his face I notice his brown eyes are different. Everyone's eyes seem to be filled with fear and dread Matt's eyes however are filled with something else that I can only call hope.

As we reach the greenhouse doors I can't help but ask, "Why is everyone so afraid?"

"King Ash can be a bit of a harsh ruler. He's strict but if you follow his orders you will be fine. Hard workers are rewarded with extra food and better jobs and the lazy ones are cast out."

He opens the door to the greenhouse and it's packed with people in green uniforms. The heat makes me start to sweat and the smell of the fertilizer makes me gag.

"You'll get use to it;" he flashes me a smile " the job is pretty straight forward. Plant, water, and fertilize there's nothing to it."

He hands me some seeds and I get to work, but my mind keeps wandering to what it might actually be like beyond this town.

Maybe there's more people like this who simply were thrown out and they started their own town. Maybe my mother is out there wondering if her little girl will ever return to her. Mom...I have to find her.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Matt asked jokingly.

"It's nothing."

"Come on if we are going to work together we might as well be friends."

"Well I don't plan on working here long."

Matt looks at me as if searching for some sort of answer, "Who is it?"


"I've seen that look before. It's the same desperate look everyone gets before they attempt to run."

I sigh, "My mother she stayed to fight, but I know she's out there somewhere."

"Well I wouldn't plan on running anytime soon."

"Why's that?"

Matt leans over and whispers, "Those who run get executed."

A chill goes down my spine. "Well I won't get caught."

He rolls his eyes, "If you insist on doing this at least let me help you escape. You don't have the uniforms or the tracker so you'll be harder to catch."

I nod my head in agreement and he leads me out a backdoor.

"I'll distract the other workers all you have to do is make it back to the door and then run, and no matter what you hear don't turn back."

He walks inside and I hear a loud crash. I can only guess he flipped one of the tables. I quickly walk away from the green house trying to keep my head down and stay out of sight.

I can do this.

I hide in the shadows behind a bakery. I glance around the side of the building and I can see the door.

I don't know what's out there. Maybe I should just stick around here for awhile, but if I do that I may never find her.

The heavenly smell of fresh baked cookies makes my stomach growl.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

A turn around and see a woman running my way.

Well looks like my decision was made for me.

I spin towards the door and run. Behind me I hear someone scream but it's too late to turn back and help. My feet pound the pavement and I shove open the door. I run through the underbrush and duck into a dead rose bush. I hold my breath as the foot steps approach. It felt like hours before she eventually left, but judging by the sun it had probably only been a few minutes.

I sit in the bush and try to calm the burning in my lungs; you don't get very many opportunities to run when you live on a boat. I wince as I pull the thorns off of me and detangle myself from the bush. I look around unsure of where to go when suddenly a hear singing. The song sounds oddly familiar. I've never heard it before yet somehow I seem to know every word.

I follow the singing through what was once a forest until I stumble upon a little shack. As I walk closer the singing grows louder, pulling me in with an odd sense of comfort. I peek through a window and lock eyes with a woman. I'd only ever seen her in a photo but I knew immediately that I was right.


The woman looked up startled. She stands up and walks outside seemingly confused. Her eyes lock with mine and then travel down to the locket.

"Evie? I can't believe this," her eyes tear up from joy, " I thought I'd never see you again."

She wraps her arms around me in a familiar embrace that I thought I had long forgotten. I wish I could stay in her warm embrace forever, but as quickly as it came it disappears. She steps back and looks me over like she still can't believe it as if waiting to wake up from a dream.

"Is your aunt Diana here too?"

"Yes, she's back in the town."

Her eyes fill with fear, "We have to get her out of there."

I think back to all the people I had seen walking into the town, "I have a better idea lets get everyone out of there, together."

"How are we going to do that."

I look down at the ground certain of what I need to say, but not wanting to see my mother's face as I say it.

"The only way I can that we kill the king."

She puts a hand on my shoulder and I glance up. Her eyes are filled with as much determination as they are uncertainty.

She nods in agreement, "Lets kill King Ash."

We head back toward the dome and wait for the perfect moment. When no one is around we sneak through the door and hide behind a large oak tree. I'm sure of what I'm looking for until I see it; an axe sticking out of a tree. I pull it out and spot King Ash outside the bakery I had hid behind earlier. We duck behind another tree now close enough to see the details on his poorly made crown.

I step out from behind the tree, "Hey Ashton."

He scowls as he turns towards me, "Young lady I told you it's-"

I swung the axe which hit his throat before he could finish that thought.His face pales as blood begins to choke him. Bystanders watch as he falls to his knees and then falls dead. A eerie silence spreads throughout the town. Everyone seems unsure if they should be mourning or celebrating their fallen king.

A booming voice broke the silence, "The king is dead, we are free!"

A siren rings out throughout the town letting everyone know what has occured.

The sound of freedom.


About the Creator

Abby Dickhoener

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