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Feeling Human part five

Futurama fanfiction

By Melissa IngoldsbyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Feeling Human part five
Photo by Wesley Balten on Unsplash

First dates are for the birds, I say. I don’t want to think of anything but my first meal.

Getting input from Fry helped me feel better about my decision to be human. I think if I really go back into my memory, I always was curious about the human condition. Love was something I openly hated, but I knew I could feel things before, and I pushed it down. Deep down, until I couldn’t distinguish myself between a more cold, emotionless robot, or a cold, emotionless human… but I thought I was fooling everyone.

Apparently, I wasn’t.

I fell in love so many times. With Angelyne from the factory I was a scab worker for, I think I fell so deeply in love with her that I sacrificed my happiness so she could be happy with Flexo. I fell in love with Countess de la Roca, on that fated to sink starship Titanic. Of course, now, she’s gone. She passed away upon that sinking ship in space, sacrificing herself so we all could live(the weight limit was at its limit and she was a class three yacht, so she was very heavy). And even Calculon, when I changed my gender to female for the Fem-Bot Olympics, I know without a doubt I fell in love with him. I didn’t want to hurt him even as I had started by wanting to get money or gifts out of him, I realized it was real. Just as real as the others. I, of course, switched back to male after everything, but sometimes even when I see Calculon on TV or in real life by chance, I get a bit of a pulling in my gears for him. I even had a bit of a romance with Amy Wong, and we fought together to get equal rights for robotsexual couples. If you didn’t know, that means a robot in a relationship with a human.

So, all in all, it’s safe to say I have loved before.

Fry is another story.

I’ve never felt so keen to keep another person as happy as I want him to be.

When he gives another creature(like his old dog Seymour) or human too much attention, I definitely get jealous.

And in general, I can’t stand it when he’s sad.

Ever since yesterday, Fry’s been clinging to me an awful lot. I made him lunch and dinner and he ate my food! Luckily, no one died. I looked up how to properly season food without using a lethal dose of salt.

He was so happy all day with me. I was happy, too.

So, now, as I prepare to go under with the Professor, Fry is literally holding my hand and asking tons of questions.

Leela and Zoidberg and Amy and Hermes are also here.

“Will his new body hurt? Will he need care? Will he be ready to run? Jump? Can he drink and eat immediately?” Fry is pacing and the Professor is annoyed.

“His body will be extremely sensitive for an extended period of time. There are risks for any major operation such as this. Shock, tremors, death. You know, all the normal risks! Though, I would wait to do extreme sports!” The Professor says in an annoyed but positive tone.

“Will he still be as annoying as before?” Leela asks. Amy giggles.

“Be nice! He’s going through a life changing procedure..” Zoidberg says, snapping his claws.

“I believe that new body Bender will have will be… well, I know he was born in Mexico. So… Mexican, mon?” Hermes comments and I nod at him.

“I am Mexican. Yes. Hermes is right, as usual.” I wink at him and Hermes smiles back. We have a long history together as he was there in the factory in Mexico when I was born. He saved me from destruction as I had been born with a defect.

“He’ll be whatever the procedure brings out!” The Professor yells, strapping me in and placing nodes and other medical contraptions to my metal body.

“Good luck, Bender! We love you!” Amy says, and I look over and wink at her too.

“Shut up, baby, I know it!” I reply, and ate giggles again.

Fry is now next to me, and holding my hand again, looking worried.

“Bender… are you sure? Are you absolutely sure this is the right decision?” Fry asks me.

We lock eyes, I feel warmth flowing inside as he hugs me, and his tears slide from his cheeks to my face.

“Yeah.. Fry… I… I feel like… I wanna feel… like you do. You know?” I whisper in his ear.

Fry nods. “Yeah. I do.” He looks at the Professor. “So… how much of a risk will he be in? I don’t want Bender to die…”

“Stop your blubbering mon! Be a man!” Hermes yells, eating a manwich sandwich. “Let Bender do what he wants.”

“He will be just fine. Just fine,” the Professor waves dismissively.

Leela comes over and takes Fry by the arm. “Everything is okay. Just relax, Fry.” She looks at me and smiles warmly, “Good luck. I’ll take care of Fry.”

I nod and smile back, “Thanks.”

“Bender!” Fry says suddenly before the Professor starts the procedure of reverse fossilization.

“Uh.. yeah?” I reply, and he runs back to my side.

“I need everyone to leave! Right now! Hurry!” Fry yells, pointing to the door. The Professor taps his foot.

“What’s the holdup?!” The Professor says in an irritated tone.

Everyone starts grumbling and leaves in an angry or disappointed fashion.

“Even me?” Leela says, her tone whiny to me. Fry nods.

“I’m sorry, Leel’s. I gotta say something to him,” Fry says apologetically. Leela nods and waves, leaving the large laboratory.

“I am staying right here. I can’t leave while the machine is priming to work,” The Professor says in an authoritative statement.

I sigh. “What the hell, Fry? Seriously?”

Fry is almost sobbing now, and the Professor looks uncomfortable, walking away to look at a few medical devices.

“Bender…” he leans so close I almost can sense his warm breath.

“What?” I try to sound annoyed, but I’m not.

“Hmm… you promise me you are okay? That this isn’t some impulse? I thought you loved being a robot?”

“I want…I want this, Fry, okay?” I whisper. He moves in and our faces touch. Cheek to cheek.

“You want… what?” Fry’s voice starts to get breathy all of sudden.

God, he’s so beautiful, and I want to kiss him so bad. The thought hits me and I finally realize the extent of my feelings for him.

“Fry… it’s time,” The Professor says, and Fry jumps a foot above the ground.

“Okay… okay…” Fry says, wiping his tear stained face. “Bender… I love you,” He practically cries as he stares at me and I gasp a tiny bit.

I don’t waste time, so I say it back, “I love you, too, bud.”

“It’s okay for two guy friends to say that, right?” Fry asks, laughing nervously.

I shrug. “I guess.”

“Okay! This sappy crap is done! No more games.. time to play God!!” The Professor yells, laughing maniacally.

He flips a few switches, clicks on buttons and suddenly the room goes black, only to intensely light up again.

I black out once the light blinds every inch of the lab.

All I can see is his beautiful face. Hear his beautiful words.

As though right now, our hearts were one, and I felt something missing from me this whole time finally synch into my core.

Real, true, once in a lifetime love.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Melissa Ingoldsby

I am a published author on Patheos,

I am Bexley by Resurgence Novels

The Half Paper Moon on Golden Storyline Books for Kindle.

My novella The Job and Atonement will be published this year by JMS Books

Carnivorous published by Eukalypto

Reader insights

Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

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Comments (2)

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    Omgggg can't wait to see the outcome!

  • Great story sis, really enjoyed dropping through this

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