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The choices of a dragon that changed an entire race.

By Bridget GrubbsPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 19 min read

Allowing one eye to peek open from my slumber, I glanced at my surroundings. The rare, land clouds were slowly dancing between the trees. I stood and shook the morning water off my scales, unfurled my wings, and stretched out my limber body. The space was just large enough for the tips of my wings to touch a few low branches on either side of the clearing. It would be only one more cold season before I am too large and in need of another place to call safe. I listened for a moment. The woods felt different today. Something was amiss among the trees. There was no sound of small rabbits underfoot, no sound of sharp-headed deer fighting for the rights to pass on their bloodline, not even birds fluttering above. The only sound was of the flowing water that ran right through the middle of this particular wood. I shifted onto my back legs and raised my snout just for a moment to smell the air. Decaying leaves, leftover scents from passing creatures, and something else… I know that odor. What is that brave smell doing this deep in the forest?

Crouching deep down, I leapt into the air high enough to allow my wings enough room to pull my weight upwards. Within two heartbeats, I could see the entirety of this forest and the rising mountains beyond it. I banked towards the flowing water. I needed to calm the fire in my belly before the sun rose any higher. Within moments, I was above the water and tucking in my wings for a tight landing. I splashed into the river and shook my head free of water droplets. There was a quick, high-pitched wail of a frightened animal. Blinking a few times, I cleared my eyes and focused on the trees along the water. I held my muscles taut because I could smell it again and I would not be caught unaware in the presence of another predator. Stalking out of the water towards a large tree trunk, I snaked my head slowly around it and there at the base of the tree… a small human. Small enough to fit comfortably inside one of my front fists unharmed.

This tiny human was different from any I have ever seen before! All the humans I have ever encountered in my lifetime were of tall build, tree-colored skin, and night sky hair. This one’s skin was white as snow along with all the hair on its head. The eyes were the color of the midday sky but muted somehow. Across its body was a small patch of dry cow skin that only exposed its limbs. I could smell it was a female and she was noticeably in distress. She need not worry; I have never enjoyed the taste of her kind. Yet still, her eyes leaked water and her breath came quickly. She was of no threat to a dragon such as myself, so I turned my back to her and continued for the water to quench my thirst. While satisfying the fire in my belly, I heard a rustle and turned one eye towards the tiny human. She was standing now and watching me as most creatures tend to do. All so curious. I walked a short way up the river searching the current for fish. I consumed a large meal recently, but I never pass up the opportunity to hone my hunting skills whether they be by air, land, or water, even for a tiny morsel.

I could hear her little steps follow my direction along the bank. Losing interest in hunting fish, I twisted my head back towards her and my body followed. She was brave to approach me. I couldn’t help but think what was this little one doing all the way out here? Where were the rest of her kind? Was she lost? Young ones of any species should never be wandering alone. I lowered my head until my eye was next to her face. She gasped quietly. Then mumbled what sounded like ‘pretty’ as her delicate hand reached out to touch my cheek. I pulled away unsure of her intentions. Jerking back so fast seemed to startle her and she fell forward on her hands. With no qualms, she pushed herself back upwards and was determined to walk closer to me. I pushed my nose in front of her face to stop her and her head touched my snout. We gently collided and immediately parted but in that brief moment, there was a strange vision where I saw myself through her eyes. How massive I was to her but how she was curious about me and no longer fearful. I could sense in that moment how she found comfort in the fact that my scales were dark like the violet flowers that bloom in the fields by her home. The ones her mother used to pick and hang up in their safe places of rest. How strange to see that her mother was of dark skin unlike her. How could I see this? Is this old magic?

Wisdom has always told me that the law of nature means life and death will endlessly chase one another. Not often do I feel pity for other creatures in this world, however, this little one I took pity on. She will not die by my claw or the law of nature today. Something about her is special and every dragon knows better than to ignore the signs of magic when it presents itself. I shall return her to her mother. I loosened my wings and as carefully as possible scooped the little one up, taking off towards the nearest gathering of her kind. I directed myself towards the fields down beyond the trees. Through the contact of our skin, I could feel her emotions of great fear rise along with us. More magic? I reverberated calmness with a hum through my chest hoping that would put her at ease. I could feel her tiny hands grip two singular claws as my wings took us to what I think to be her home. Dots of tiny hill-like, safe dwellings came into view. Within a moment, I could see the faces of her kind turned to the sky as we began to lower towards landing. There were some screams and many of them took to hiding in their safe places. If they were wiser, they would know nothing is safe from a dragon. I felt my back legs connect first and then allowed her to roll out of my fist gently as I took balance on all four again. She stood up and gazed around as her surroundings became familiar on her face.

She looked up at me and showed me her teeth. ‘Thank you’ escaped her lips as she went off towards her kind. Clear happiness in her stride. Feeling content, I watched as she covered half the distance to the first dwelling. One tall male peeked out and cautiously exited the hut. He yelled at the little one across the distance. His tone was harsh and I did not understand his tongue as well as she did. It made her stop in her tracks though. I could see him eyeing me the entire time as he yelled again and motioned with his arms. I cocked my head trying to figure out why he was so angry towards her. She tentatively continued her path and the male’s shouting increased as his arms waved. ‘Demon’ was something he repeated. I took a step closer and observed but as his anger increased he had seemed to disregard the most lethal predator in the field. He suddenly picked up a rather large stone and threw it the short distance at her. It hit her small head and as she fell, she cried out. My belly heated and I released a massive roar. How dare he hurt one so young for no reason! Others were peeking out of their dwellings now as I raced towards this insignificant male. He disappeared inside his hut as I tore it to shreds. He shall know the pain he delivers to innocents and what it feels like used against him.

I heard clattering and screams coming from beneath my claws and all around me as I thrashed atop his hiding place. I smelled fear and blood and I roared with satisfaction that he should be punished for his crime against the small one. I would not kill today but I will leave him in fear of me. I jumped off and landed with a thud. I noticed humans running off in all directions as I paced back over to the white-haired orphan. Because it was now made clear to me that this tiny human was not in the forest alone by accident. She was rejected and her kind did not want her. For reasons I may never know. She was stumbling around holding her hands to her head. I could smell the blood and I knew I had to get her away from here. I scooped her up again and we flew up. I circled once over the dwellings and let loose a pillar of fire across the tops. One caught aflame and began to grow. I am done here. I turned again towards the trees, my wings pumping faster. Through our contact, I could feel she was confused. As was I. I flew back to my safe clearing far from any other creatures or threats. I landed carefully and she clumsily landed on the ground. I walked a circle around her, smelling her. She was clearly hurting and she couldn’t seem to stand straight without wanting to topple over. If there is one thing I know that heals, it is sleep. I laid down and curled up. She wobbled and I used my long tail to guide her towards my belly to rest. She would be safe here until she could stand again.

As she relaxed into my belly, she sniffled. I could feel through my scales that she held sadness now. I could do nothing for her except guard her while she sleeps. She will heal in time. I felt her breathing slow and kept watch as the sunlight created shadows between the trees. I was aware that I could hear the animals in the forest again. Scurrying about their day. I felt much at ease with it. The sunlight slipped by quickly and the shadows grew much darker. Much time has passed. She moved in her sleep and began whimpering. I stared at her as noises slipped from her dreams into this world. Maybe I can calm her. I hummed for a short time but it did not seem to relieve her of her tense sleep. Curiously, I stared at her and then lowered my nose to her head as we had this morning. A vision struck me again but not of this moment, of her dreams. She was standing in the field surrounded by her kind and all of them turned their back on her. Except the one insignificant male. He was staring down at her, arms crossed. It was her father. Her dream told me this somehow. My anger deepened and I pulled away from her face snorting. What a savage species. Rejecting one’s own. Dragons even care for their young until they are of independent age.

Seeing her dream had not ceased into a more fitful slumber, I attempted to contact her again. This time, I gave her an image of her sleeping alongside me. I showed her how beautiful the stars were as they were just beginning to poke through the sky. I showed her that I would cover her with my wing until she was ready to come out again. As I pulled away from her face once more, I felt her body relax. She quieted. As promised, I took my wing and sheltered her. The nights here are starting to get colder and a tiny body cannot produce as much heat as a fire-breather. I decided now I could sleep as well.

Waking fully rested, I lifted my head and gazed out at my surroundings. The sun was rising and the wood was buzzing with birds already. A good sign. I shook my head and tucked in my wing sheltering the small human next to me. I studied her. Skin still startling fair but now her hair had a bright blood streak through it. I could smell the wound had stopped bleeding. Her chest rose and fell slowly and she continued to sleep soundly. When would she wake? I shall ask her. Gently placing my nose on her tiny face, we joined minds once more. In this dream, we were back in the field and she was being held by her mother but she was sleeping here as well. How could one sleep with their body and within their mind at the same time? I attempted to show them that it was a new day and she could safely wake up. Her mother rocking her child glanced back at me shaking her head. Maybe the tiny human wasn’t ready yet. I released myself from her dream. I decided to stay by her side as the sun made its journey through the sky and the shadows grew once more in the forest. Feeling secure enough, I laid my head down to rest for the night.

It was the third sunrise since I swept this little orphan away from her kind and still she slept. I reached out to her mind as I had before and entered her dreams. As before, she was asleep, but this time her limp body lay between the front legs of a dragon colored like the deep leaves of an evergreen. This dragon bested me in size and her body displayed signs of existing from long before I hatched into this world. Was this one of the lost elders of my kind? What was she doing here in this dream? The dragon kindly turned her evergreen eye down towards me and nodded her head towards the mountains.

‘The sea. Find me there.’ Then I was pushed out of her mind abruptly back into my safe clearing where the little one rested alongside me once more. I was aware my belly was gnawing at me and I knew I needed to hunt. But something else in my bones was warning me that the small one might not wake up and I needed to do something about it quickly. Instinct and pity were fighting a battle within me and choosing what to do seemed more difficult than necessary. Nature tells me to hide her someplace safe to rest until her mind is ready to leave this world and to go fill my belly. My heart and the magic I witnessed from this elder dragon being in her dream was telling me to bring her to the sea now.

I gracefully stood up and stepped aside to stretch the stiffness from my muscles. I paused to look down at the white creature lying among the dark, fallen leaves and watched her small hands curl up into her chest. She stood out against it all and in that moment, my heart won the battle. Not wasting another moment, I gently picked her up and rose into the sky. I banked towards the mountains that stood every day where the sun chooses to set. I strained my wings to bring me to greater speeds than ever before.

The sun was directly above us as I reached the base of the mountains with her. My belly continued to remind me that we were in need of replenishment. I could not stop to satisfy my hunger or it might be too late for her. So, I pushed on. Between the mountains I swayed back and forth, allowing the short gusts of wind to glide us through. She was tiny but becoming heavier and heavier.

Mountain after mountain, my eyes drooped more and more. The sun was beginning its downward path to welcome night. I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this. Just as I thought I would never make it past the towering mountains, the sea appeared! I could finally see the beach and the great distance of water beyond it. With renewed hope, I lifted us higher to get a better view of our path. I held onto hope as we left the mountains behind us and the sun was swallowed by the sea. So that is where it goes to sleep every night. Darkness and sand crept up on us as I felt my body give way to exhaustion. I have no choice but to rest for the night. I landed among the sand and felt the softness of it between my claws. I almost collapsed right there but managed to keep her from being crushed by me. Her lifeless body still in my fist, I fell to slumber. Before darkness took over my mind, I thought I saw a light in the distance. But it was too much for me and I passed out.

I felt the ground pulsing underneath me and I awoke with a start. To my surprise the sun was high and there she was! The elder dragon from the small one’s dream. She was real! She was lying on the beach not far from me, humming. She was gazing at us and it made me feel inadequate compared to her. I felt like she was regarding me with mild curiosity. She stood up slowly and walked across the sand towards us. I protectively put the young one on the ground and stood over her, waiting to see who this elder dragon was and what she wanted. Stopping only a neck’s length in front of us, she stretched out her nose. I tentatively stretched back and we touched as a form of greeting between dragons. We parted and she spoke.

“You came.” Her voice was deep and flowed out like the sea.

“Yes, but I think my wings may not have been swift enough.” I bowed my head in shame.

“Let us see.” I noticed then that humans were standing just behind the elder working their way around her giant frame closer to me. I crouched low over my tiny human and felt trapped. This elder trusts these humans?! Humans are savages. That is how we ended up here. The humans backed off when they saw my tail whip out in front of me and my wings lift off my back. My defensive stance made them nervous as they should be.

“If you want her to wake, you must trust us Ruhama.” How did she know my name? I have not been among my kind in many seasons. I hesitated a moment.

“Who are you old one?”

“I have had many names in my lifetime but you may know me as Aerwyna.” Recognition hit me and I dropped my head low to the ground. She was one of our lost elders! I remembered many stories of her wisdom and grace as I grew from a hatchling. She snorted and nodded her head for me to rise. “No need for formalities. There is a life in need.” I took a step back from my charge and let these humans pick her up and walk down the beach. These humans spoke softly to one another and they seemed graceful and genuinely peaceful with each other. As they took my tiny human away, I worried.

“What will they do with her?” I questioned.

“We will heal her.” Aerwyna rotated to walk with them and I followed suit.


I inhaled the salty air as Aerwyna and I rested on the beach together soaking up the warm sun and watching the humans frolic along the beach. I turned to her and without looking at me, she spoke.

“You want to know why?” I nodded. “I was aware of her when she was born and felt that she was different. Even you can see that no human in history has ever displayed such fairness and grace as her. Not one colored like snow as she is.” I gazed out at the sea now.

“I touched her dreams many times before her mother left this world. Long before you found her. I will admit I never imagined you to protect her especially after what humans did to your hatchling long ago.” I stiffened. Elders were always said to be insightful and all-knowing. This proves it to be true. I will admit, I miss my hatchling. I still think of him.

“I imagine that is why you disappeared from our kind for so long… I too know the deep wound of losing a young one.” I felt water escape from my eye to disappear over my cheek, just once. Aerwyna waited a heartbeat, lost in thought and then continued.

“Deep in my bones, I knew she was meant to make a change. To give birth to humans that dragons could live in harmony with as I have been with these sea humans for many seasons. Our presence affects them but she has a magic in her that I have never seen before. She is one with nature and growing to have dragon qualities.” I watched just then as Nyathera jumped into a wave and splashed a friend. Aerwyna was right. Nyathera is different. Different not from her snow skin but different in a wonderful way. Her hair has grown longer, she stands taller, she never falters. She is kind to all of nature and is cared for by her new human tribe by the sea. I often see her walking with a male along the beach as the sun sets. As if knowing I was watching her, she left the water and ran over to me.

“Have no doubt you have lived up to your name Ruhama.” Aerwyna whispered just before Nyathera approached. I lowered my face to her and noticed how her ears had a new pointed shape to them. A new dragon feature I’m sure. With her now violet eyes, she smiled up at me and touched my cheek, “Mother.” And as long as she wished to name me that, she would never be an orphan again.


In the years that Nyathera learns and grows, she would partner with a tender male and she would go on to give birth to children who were just as fair-skinned and graceful as her. They would all have colored eyes and pointed ears like their mother. Nyathera's children eventually grew up and had children of their own and long after Nyathera had left this world, Ruhama remained. She stayed there to guide each of Nyathera's descendants along their journeys and to teach each generation where they came from and who they are now: the elven folk.


About the Creator

Bridget Grubbs

An artist with writer's inspiration and a reader's mind. Taken some creative writing courses and looking to improve my craft with short stories. I love history, fantasy, romance, thrillers, comedy, and spreading a good smile with words.

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  1. Compelling and original writing

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    Well-structured & engaging content

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    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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