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English Friends


By DeeAnn Coffin PhillipsPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Chocolate Cake

Deana traveled from two days so she could put her feet on the grass in Glastonbury, England. She arrived in Bristol England, and hailed her hired car to St. Anne’s B&B and Estelle the B&B met her with open arms saying “Welcome back, lovely we are so glad you are here.” Deana got to her room and just fell backwards on the bed, like a young kid and she said out loud “So glad to be back in Avalon”.

Deana was here for Autumn Equinox and she could believe she actually arrived in time; she had been longing for this moment for several years. Deana had raised three kids, lost a spouse and just felt the world was still calling her to love again and this time she didn’t know what that would look like, feel like, taste like but she knew she was ready.

Deana woke up to the sound of the rooster crow and she just smiled from ear to ear with joy, feeling she was really home, where her heart felt like it would burst with joy! Deana got dressed, grabbed a piece of toast and headed up the hill to The Tor, it was a gentle hike where she met birds, sheep, gust of wind and many smiles and greeting along the way. When she arrived at the top of the Tor she was twirling and laughing with her arms out wide like she was hugging the world! The sheep were happy she was there as well as they greeted her to make sure she was good and they even let her rub their head. Deana, sat in the grass, took out her candle and starting giving a prayer of thanks for all the blessings she had been given and at the end Deana called on her guides to bring her true love to her before she had to leave England.

Deana walked down to High Street and grabbed a piece of veggie pizza, walked into a few shops to look at the crystals and decided to go to the tea room for afternoon tea. The hostess asked if she was sitting alone and Deana said yes and she asked if she could sit outside and the woman took her around to be seated, no one was there it was just Deana enjoying the sunshine on her face, just thinking how happy she was to be in Glastonbury again, to truly enjoy her day and do whatever she wanted to do. Deana ordered an afternoon tea tray with mint tea, scones, cream, jam and cucumber sandwiches. As the items were being brought to the table another woman was seated across from her and she waived hello. The woman came over and asked if she could sit with Deana and she said sure she was there alone and she introduced herself as Caroline, “Hello I am Deana”. Caroline said, I know who you are don’t you remember me from a few years ago, we met at Kew Gardens and Deana said “Oh yes I do remember you, it is so good to see you”. Deana said, what brings to UK and Caroline said she was there for The Autumn Equinox too. Deana was pleased to see another face she recognized and hopefully could enjoy England with Caroline, Estelle and whom ever else may come by. Deana said “where are you staying Caroline?” Caroline replied, “St. Anne’s B&B how about you? Deana smiled and said “that is such a coincidence I am staying there too,” Caroline said that is so great, I am so glad we ran into each other here and we can go around England together and Deana said she would enjoy her company. Deana and Caroline paid and started walking back to the B&B. Deana and Caroline decided to go sit in the field behind the B&B and talk for a bit. Caroline started talking about her life and how she divorced in the last year and her youngest child went off to college and she was living in a house by the ocean in Bournemouth, England and Deana explained how she was now a widow and lived by the beach in Hawaii and her youngest child had went off to college and she was looking for a place in England to Let or Buy depending on what she found. Caroline invited her to come stay with her in Bournemouth, have a look around and decide what she wanted to do. Deana accepted her offer and said she would go there after The Autumn Equinox. They walked back to the B&B and each went to their rooms and took a nap. When Deana woke from her nap she was talking to Estelle and she said her and Caroline and one other, woman was going to South West Mare to do some walking around the beach and get some tea and asked if she wanted to join and she said “certainly, I would love to”. Estelle was driving, her friend Bonnie was up front with her and Deana and Caroline were sitting in the back of the car and the whole ride you could hear the ladies laughing and having fun. The first stop was the tea shop, so everyone got out and started stretching their legs and got a table for four and shared afternoon tea. The woman asked what kind of cake they wanted and Deana said “Death by chocolate for me” and the other three women agreed. Caroline said” There is nothing better than tea and some chocolate cake”.


About the Creator

DeeAnn Coffin Phillips

I am DeeAnn Phillips, a Mother, a Human Services Professional and writer. I love sharing my work with the world so I can make a positive impact.

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    DeeAnn Coffin PhillipsWritten by DeeAnn Coffin Phillips

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