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Chapter 2: Engaged

By The Freedom RunnerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by zelle duda on Unsplash

Abby and Shelly remain in the kitchen. Shelly is waiting for Abby to respond to her query.

Shelly- Well?

Abby- I, uh...

JAMIE BEEKS, Becky's younger sister, walks into the kitchen. Jamie is a short Caucasian woman with a slim build, long brown wavy hair, brown eyes, fair skin, and thick-rimmed glasses.

Jamie- Please excuse me. Michael would like to make an announcement.

Shelly- Okay, we'll be out shortly.

Jamie walks out of the kitchen.

Shelly- Abby, this isn't over yet.

Shelly exits the kitchen, leaving Abby standing there with a worried expression. Before leaving the kitchen, Abby sighs nervously. As she enters the living room, Michael grabs her and wraps his arms around her slim figure.

Shelly looks disgusted at Abby, while Carla and Monica look at Michael with disdain. Shelly is sitting on the chaise next to Becky. Steven, Doug, and Jamie are sitting on the sofa. Carla and Monica are perched on the breakfast bar stools.

Michael stands in front of the fireplace, smiling, with Abby at his side. Abby smiles nervously.

Michael- I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out tonight. Abby and I have been together for two wonderful years, as you all know. It's been an amazing two years.

As Michael continues to speak, there is complete silence in the room.

Michael- As you are aware, Abby and I are getting married in a few days. (smiles at Abby) I can't wait to be your husband, Abby.

Abby- (smiles, grabs Michael's hand) ... And I can't wait to be your wife.

Michael looks over at Steven and Doug, who are sitting next to each other. Steven is hesitant to speak up. Doug is feeling uneasy. Jamie, who is sitting next to Doug, sighs heavily.

Michael- Steven and Doug, thank you so much for being there for me for the majority of our 5 years as friends. I am grateful for devoted friends like you.

Doug- (smiles) We got your back, brother.

Steven- You've always been there for us, bro. It is our pleasure.

Steven rises to his feet, a glass of champagne in his hand. Everyone's attention is now focused on him.

Steven- Michael, you've always been there for us, so it's only natural that we should be there for you. You are an amazing person and a fantastic friend.

Steven now turns his attention to Abby, staring at her with a slight disappointment, refusing to reveal his true sentiments for her.

Steven- Abby, Michael has loved you more than life itself for the past two years. You have this one wonderful man with whom you will spend the rest of your life. May God bless you and Michael for as long as you are together.

Steven receives an awkward smile from Abby. She can tell Steven knows something about her right away, but she is unsure what it is.

Abby- Thank you very much, Steven.

Steven- Let us propose a toast! (lifts glass) To Michael and Abby.

Everyone in unison- To Michael and Abby!

Except for Jamie, everyone in the room is drinking champagne. Instead, Jamie has water. She takes a sip of her water and walks out of the room. Michael notices Jamie walking away.

Michael- (to Abby) I'll be right back, honey.

Abby- (smiles at Michael) Okay, babe.

Michael kisses Abby and walks away. Abby rejoins Monica and Carla. Steven and Doug begin talking with Shelly and Becky.

Steven- Do you think Abby will stay?

Shelly- I'm hoping so. Michael is a wonderful person, but I have to be honest. She's my younger sister, and I adore her, but I believe Michael can do much better.

Shelly's remarks genuinely astound Doug. Steven is also surprised. Becky agrees with Shelly's words and nods. Doug gulps the rest of his champagne, still stunned by Shelly's words.

Michael, meanwhile, follows Jamie into the kitchen. Jamie tries to avoid Michael.

Michael- Jamie, what's wrong?

Jamie continues to turn away from Michael, clearly dissatisfied with him at the moment. Michael notices Jamie's agitation. He waits for Jamie to respond. Jamie remains silent.

Michael- Jamie, please talk to me.

Jamie finally turns and gazes into Michael's eyes.

Jamie- Michael, you know I care about you, probably more than you realize. I truly want you to be happy.

Michael- But?

Jamie- She's not right for you, Michael. I don't trust her.

Michael- Jamie, don't do this again.

Jamie- Michael, I— 

Michael- (interrupts) Jamie, we've talked about this. I invited you to this party because I thought you'd be supportive of me.

Jamie- Yes, Michael. I just— 

Michael- (interrupts) Look. I'm going to marry Abby. That's it.

Jamie, crushed by Michael's words, tries to hold it together as best she can, resisting the urge to show any emotion. She looks down at the table, sighs loudly, and finally turns to face Michael, a worried expression on her face.

Jamie- Michael, I fully support you. You have my blessing if you want to marry her.

Michael- Thank you.

Jamie walks around the table, calmly approaching Michael. Michael stays put. Jamie looks deeply into Michael's eyes, concerned.

Jamie- Be blessed, Michael.

Jamie begins to walk away. Michael watches Jamie leave the kitchen, and he begins to wonder what Jamie was trying to tell him. Abby walks in shortly after Jamie leaves.

Abby- Hey, babe. Are you okay? What was that about?

Michael- Oh, nothing. She was just wishing us luck.

Abby- How thoughtful of her.

Michael embraces Abby as she wraps her arms around him. While they are alone in the kitchen, they continue to share a warm embrace. Abby sighs contentedly. While embracing Michael, she casts a scornful glance in Jamie's direction.

Jamie is disgusted when she notices Abby sneering at her.

... To Be Continued.


About the Creator

The Freedom Runner

My series, Endurance, covers real-life situations that include love, romance, betrayal, jealousy, and compromising situations. My characters have interesting stories, and I hope you enjoy them.

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    The Freedom RunnerWritten by The Freedom Runner

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