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Encounters and Dangers in the Imperceptible Domain


By Runi Al-hafizPublished 2 months ago 8 min read

Many individuals say that fantasies are simply dozing blossoms, yet I accept that there are additionally things that are not resting blossoms. What is the contrast between dreams that are resting blossoms and those that are not dozing blossoms? As I would like to think, on the off chance that a bloom dozes, when we awaken we won't recall it exhaustively or enigmatically, we will try and neglect. While the people who are not resting blossoms, when we awaken we can tell it exhaustively.

At the point when there is a powerful assault that goes after my family, I generally help an admonition through dreams. From who sent it, who the shaman was, what the spirits resembled, it was plainly kept in the fantasy.

Despite the fact that at first we were suspicious about the reality of these fantasies, since they could be enticement by Satan to make us suudzon. Yet, after I figured out in view of the hints in the fantasy, it worked out that it had a significant message.

Cemetery of 4 Graves

It was the period of Ramadhan, at 12 o'clock I had the option to nod off, in that rest I felt like I was being pulled to a specific spot. I don't have the foggiest idea what place it was, on the grounds that it wasn't clear, there were burns all over. At that place I was encircled by 4 individuals, since it was completely dark their appearances should have been visible enigmatically.

Be that as it may, I know what their identity is, in the fantasy they cautioned me not to meddle. Indeed, before they figured out how to land a blow, I awakened from rest. At the point when he took a gander at the clock on his cellphone, it was 3 AM.

Then when I got back, I told this to my mom, however I didn't tell the essences of the 4 individuals. Then, at that point, my mom asked me, were these 4 individuals (mother referenced their names), I said OK.

My mom likewise let me know that my mom's companion came to the house requesting help, she was wiped out, yet oddly she was taken to the specialist and no sickness was found. Aside from that, he likewise frequently experienced daze. So the mother was given benefits by God in regards to extraordinary things, to be sure many moms' families have this capacity. Subsequent to exploring, it worked out that the wizardry was to utilize 4 entombment plots from 4 tormented graves.

Every one of the 4 individuals I found in the fantasy took the dirt from the grave and afterward set up it to act as a weapon. It worked out that my mom had additionally experienced comparative dangers, so she didn't meddle. Then, at that point, hesitantly, my mom at last chose not to meddle.

Canine and Buto Abang

The Eid occasion is finished, I'm back to my typical exercises in the capital. One month in the capital, I encountered another peculiar dream. In the fantasy I was resting in the motel as well, the lodging entryway was open, remaining at the entryway was a canine and a frightening animal buto green yet red.

In a split second I out of nowhere moved from the motel to the house, from the house quickly I moved to the wild. Not a long way from where I was remaining, from behind a tree, numerous animals were watching me. They drew nearer to me, one of them had a sibling and a canine, among them there was likewise a lady all in green.

Then one of the swank young fellows in a robe wearing a turban ran towards me, promptly snatched me, said "we should run". We kept strolling through the backwoods, we halted when there were a few group wearing turbans and robes doing wazifa all around, as kiai. Then the one who snatched my hand said "Help my companion, I'm being pursued by an animal."

The spirits were before us. Then, at that point, there was a savage fight between them, the fight was won by the kiai. The fight was finished, the call to petitioning God was heard in the wild, I awakened, and in reality the call to supplication at sunrise was additionally heard.

At the point when I got back in August, I educated my mom regarding my fantasy. It worked out that the day I had this fantasy, my mom had visitors, the young lady was still in primary school, and accompanied her neighbors. The kid's neck was turned (solid) aside, more like it was broken, unexpectedly like that for reasons unknown, he didn't fall or nod off-base.

Mother additionally inquired as to why she accompanied her neighbors, where her folks were. The neighbor addressed that his folks were in Jakarta, the kid lived with his grandma. Previously, before his shop business hushed up, the kid went with his folks, however when his business hushed up he was shared with his grandma. When the mother held the kid's neck, a blaze of the occurrence that made the kid experience something to that effect promptly showed up.

So the kid's dad is at his absolute bottom, he needs to be like previously, his shop will be occupied in the future. At long last he thought about a moment way, he headed off to some place to play out the custom. In this way, the last state of the shaman is that he is approached to break the neck of the pitik (chick) with his hand. While attempting to break Pitik's neck, he recollected his little girl. Then he surrendered his aim to do the custom.

A couple of days after the fact my mom likewise had a guest, the young lady was still in grade school. He had a stomach yearn, went to the specialist and didn't improve. The aggravation happened subsequent to getting food from neighbors. Subsequent to being explored, it worked out that the kid would have been utilized as a conciliatory contribution in one of the spooky woods.

"As indicated by reports flowing, the neighbor said he was doing pesugihan," said the kid's mom.

Then, my mom let me know that as of late occupants of the town and encompassing regions had frequently been seen by huge, tall animals and kuntilanaks. Individuals suspect that this animal is an enchanted animal that is searching for its lord. Since the presence of this animal was after the passing of the individual associated with doing the pesugihan.

Practically Had

Toward the finish of August I went again to Jakarta. Only a couple of days in Jakarta, exactly toward the start of September, on Monday I encountered an occurrence ridiculous. On Saturday and Sunday I was not at the lodging, since I had revealing work. On Monday early afternoon I showed up at the motel, the air at the lodging complex hushed up, the lodging neighbors were currently working. My motel companion named Eager was additionally outside. After late morning supplications I rest, at 4 o'clock I awaken, do bathing, then, at that point, ask.

At 5pm my stomach requested to be filled, I went out to search for food, at 4.45 I got back to the lodging conveying food. At 5 o'clock I got done with eating, then went to the restroom to clean up. Emerging from the restroom, I made a couple of strides as though something planned to come from my back, I was pushed forward, practically fell. Indeed, my back quickly felt weighty and there was a protuberance. I was unable to contact the bump with my hand, it ought to have been conceivable, on the grounds that it was nearer to the scruff of my neck. Until late around evening time I felt unwell.

At 12 PM Enthusiastic returned home, he quickly washed up, implored, and kept perusing the Koran. At the point when he was perusing the Koran my back felt hot. After he wrapped up perusing the Koran, I requested that he really take a look at my back.

At the point when he checked, Eager was quickly stunned, on the grounds that it was red and there was a bump. Then I asked Energetic to put his hand on the knot, however with tawasul and supplications. My body promptly responded, similar to a mediumization individual.

Eager said my body quickly hardened, and his voice became legitimate, similar to an old granddad. After that it changed to a lady crying. Devoted consequently terrified, he quickly made me mindful, requested that I make istighfar. It was whenever I first encountered some sort of mediumization once more, in quite a while.

That evening I had a fantasy, the fantasy was extremely nitty gritty, such as watching a film and being engaged with the scene. In the fantasy I was in a town, the environment resembled bygone eras.

At night I was strolling in the town, then, at that point, I was shocked by the presence of a messy lady, yet her face was canvassed in blood. Then I raced to a house, the furniture was the very same as mine, there was my mom and my more youthful sibling. After that I figured out that after Maghrib a female fear arose loaded with blood and harmed faces who got a kick out of the chance to grab individuals for ceremonies.

Then the air changed, unexpectedly we were in the yard of a huge house. Then a little kid entered the yard of the enormous house, the little kid incidentally opened the storm cellar, and there many individuals who had been missing were captured.

The kid then answered to his mom, his mom showed up with 8 individuals. The young man additionally came, out of nowhere the young man was hauled into the storm cellar. The occupants became furious, the family in the house comprising of 3 ladies, one of whom was pregnant and one man were butchered by the occupants.

We (me, mother and sister) could see it, they didn't know about our presence. My mom requested that I return home with my sister, since it would be Maghrib soon. At the point when we were at the door we were defied by many snakes, yet we figured out how to get past. We showed up at the house, where the furniture was the very same, just the style of the house was unique.

My sister and I asked Maghrib supplications, then we went to the back window on the grounds that the shades weren't as yet shut, from that point I saw 2 ladies canvassed in blood. Then my mom got back home, letting me know that the 8 occupants who had been slaughtered didn't make due. Then, at that point, out of nowhere my extraordinary granddad who kicked the bucket in Mecca showed up, he said that the occurrence occurred around a long time back.

I quickly called my mom, it turned out she was having a similar dream. Again and again, our family frequently got enchanted assaults, lighting from fire balls, salt and blossoms in the yard. Nothing remains at this point but to give up to Allah.

As indicated by my mom, the qoriin from the past was utilized by a shaman at somebody's solicitation to go after our loved ones.


About the Creator

Runi Al-hafiz

"Grateful for every day that is given"

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    Runi Al-hafizWritten by Runi Al-hafiz

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