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Elusive Lover

What is happening?

By Mariann CarrollPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read
Elusive Lover
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Charles and Angela met on a online dating site on Valentine’s Day.

They got married the fallowing year. How they hit it off was very uncanny.

All the other candidates on the site never respond to Angela invites. Angela started to feel unattractive. She put her best photo out there. She was confident that her profile was top notch. She was also a model, which she included on her profile like a job resume.

Charles profile pop out on Valentine’s Day invitation message that he will be available to chat at 11pm that night. That Chat time was perfect for Angela. She was a night owl. She never sleep pass 2am. When she have a modeling assignment, she never get done before 10pm and it usually take a while before she can fall asleep.

They started to Chat at 11:10pm that evening.


Charles: Are you there, beautiful?

Charles was on time, waiting for Angela to respond. After five minutes, he just started tinkering around his apartment. He was wondering what’s taking her so long to respond . He made sure no one else can respond to Angela profile.

It was 10:30pm, when Angela took a bubble bath. She was sipping her wine to relax herself after a full day of being in front of the camera.


Charles: Do you still want to Chat? Are you in bed already, Angela ?

Charles wonder if he sounded desperate ?

Angela heard her phone notification. She quickly got out of the bath. She almost slipped. She just realized, she have a chat date with a guy on the Cupid Dating Chatline website. She put on her silky red short robe on after drying herself from her bath. She pick her IPhone 14 pro off the bathroom sink.


Angela: Sorry, I am here. Are you still there Charles?

By NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Angela got dress for bed thinking Charles will not answer back, he must have already went to bed.

Charles heard his phone notification while he was creating a new program on his computer. He took off his tie on his way to get his phone off the kitchen counter. He checked his phone and it was Angela. He smile like he just got his train set, he was waiting to get.


Charles : I am here, I thought you will never respond.


Angela: No, I did not hear my phone notification. What were you doing? Did I wake you up?


Charles: No, you did not wake me up at all. I am so glad we can Chat . I was just tinkering in my apartment.


Angela: I am in Tokyo on a modeling assignment.


Charles did not know what to say.

Charles: I am in Paris, in my lavish apartment, lol?

Angela could not helped but laugh at Charles, comment . She found it hilarious.

Angela: I did not know you live in France?

Charles: I don’t, I just wanted to sound interesting, lol.

Angela: Be yourself.

Charles: What did you have for dinner?

Charles was wondering if he was sounding boring.

Angela: I did not have dinner. I just had a glass of wine 🍷. I did not stay for the after party of my photo shoot. I cannot tell you much but this photo shoot has a big production with a ton of celebrities. They were invited to this special event. This is the biggest assignment, I have ever experienced. I am really a introvert. I could not turn this assignment down cause I need the money. I went straight to my hotel room. I did not want to bother others for room service this late.

Charles find Angela very interesting. He wanted to keep chatting with Angela but she ended the chat cause, she was getting sleepy.

Charles and Angela chatted for six months before they finally dated. Angela had a very busy scheduled. Charles had to hack into Angela phone to maneuver her modeling schedules. Charles schedule the date at well know New York City, restaurant. The dinner dates they had was awesome. Charles seem very open but he also a bit of a mysterious to Angela.

Angela asked what type of living Charles is in, he would just say computer programming but never elaborate on it.

Charles got very obsessed with Angela that he had found away to show up at most of her photo shoots with beautiful roses. Angela thought it was very sweet and romantic.

Christmas that year, Charles pop the question at one of the Boardway play they attended. Charles got on his knees after the show in the lobby and proposed. Angela was more embarrassed. She was not sure to take the ring or not. She did not want to hurt Charles, she accepted the ring 💍.

Charles made all the arrangements for their wedding. Angela told her friends how she was feeling very overwhelmed in her engagement. She was feeling everything was going to fast. Angela’s friends and family met Charles and they were all charmed by him. They comfort her, by saying, she just got the wedding jitters. Angela was feeling, scared by how fast things are happening.

The wedding day arrived and it was a dream wedding. Everything went well without a hitch.

The honeymoon was in Paris. Angela had no idea how rich Charles really was. They walked around the city of love. They had dinner at the best restaurants. They had a luxury honeymoon suite. This was a dream come true for Angela except the groom can be elusive at times. Charles would excused himself to the bathroom everytime they would go to a restaurant and come back fifteen minutes later. He would apologies, “ Sorry, darling, I just have the runs.” They both would be cracking up laughing, later. Angela would be distracted by Charles, charming humor.

Angela still have a funny feeling something fishy is going on. Charles would leave their hotel room in the middle of the night. Angela would pretend to be sleeping.

When Charles left, Angela got dressed and tried to fallow him but she did not know what direction he went. The next time Charles left, Angela was ready. Charles ended up going to a hotel room below theirs.

Charles has a door key to that hotel room. Angela became hyper vigilant. She notice everytime they go out they were being fallowed by a well dressed handsome man.

Angela finally confronted Charles, “Charles, why are we being fallowed all the time by a handsome young man? Is he your body guard?”

Charles told Angela the truth, “ I am in love with two people. I love you both. Can we stay together, Angela? I married you.”

Angela was shocked but not really, now it bring clarity to Charles’ elusiveness.

Well Angela stay or not, that is the elusive question.


About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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Comments (6)

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  • Tiffany Gordon about a year ago

    Whoa Mariann! you are on a roll with your fiction pieces! They've been so vibrant & charming! Great work sweet friend! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • Grz Colmabout a year ago

    Uh oh Mariann. She needs to run for the hills! 😁

  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    Mariann, this was an interesting read. I like that they connected on an online dating service as that is thought to be unconventional for a classic romance story. But I feel like it is a lot more popular now, in the digital age! Well done! 😊

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Fantastic storytelling with an interesting twist!!!💖💖💕

  • Interesting dilemma.

  • The Invisible Writerabout a year ago

    Very good Mariann!

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