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Ellis Island

Sickening Rumors

By TheDreamKxngPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I've always heard tales of this place.

My family doesn't like to talk about it but I've heard the conversations that keep my parents up at night. My mother could never handle more than five minutes of it from my oldest aunt. The people that came through here were never the same after touching down on the soil. It was like their souls were sucked out of them.

A few years back, I heard that a few kids went out there to tag up to the place and sudden their families left and moved away over night. No social media. No gamer tag. Nothing. I think the scariest part is that Mark, the cousin of one of the kids that moved away, acts like he doesn't even know who are talking about. He always tries his best to drop the conversation and even started flipping out on us. But, you could tell that he was afraid of something.

When Mark stop coming around, we started making up stories and spreading rumors about what we thought happened to everyone. They could weird really fast. The wildest one that I heard up to date is a tie between two, the first one is that the taggers were eaten and body snatchers called Mystics, put their skin on and did the same to their families but that has to do with the existence of the "Underworld", which is a story in itself. And, the second one is that instead of being eaten, the taggers were kidnapped and the one way they could get away is by selling their souls. They now live their lives as empty shells waiting to die. The families just wanted to get away from the place where they lost their children. It's sad either way if you ask me.

I think that they are crazy for even thinking about going in there. Ruined their lives to be in a place where the walls are covered in green slime and smiles of rotting fish. Then, there was that sound slapping sound of something wet hitting pavement. It echoed throughout the entire building all through the night.

Wait, I've never been there before. How do I know that?

It had to have been a dream, right? Well, more like a nightmare. Yeah, I think I had a dream I was there looking for something or someone. Or was i looking for a way out. Whatever, the entire time I was there there was the sound of slapping but I didn't know where it was coming from. But, there felt like there was something watching me right outside of my field of vision. It was dark although I could see about two feet in front of me. That was it and it felt like some was always standing just on the other side of the darkness, watching me. If there is something in there, it's definitely more than one.

To think, that all of this started immediately after the build was brought up in 1900. During the grand opening there was a mini earthquake that seemingly happened out of nowhere and no one barely even noticed. It wasn't until the tour of the grounds that everyone noticed that a small chunk of the island broken off. They said that it looked like something took a bite out of the island. And, when they ran to the edge to take a look at it they could hear laughing just below them. The next few years it was like the Island was being attacked every storm season. It still hasn't stopped and each year the Island gets smaller and smaller.


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