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Dreams in the Land of Clouds

Adventure in the world above the sky

By Dyname75Published 8 days ago 5 min read

In a small village located at the foot of a mountain, lived a young man named Bimo. Bimo is a cheerful young man, but is famous as a sleeper. Whenever there is an opportunity, Bimo will definitely fall asleep, even in the middle of an ongoing activity.

One day, after a delicious lunch at his grandmother's house, Bimo felt very sleepy. He also looked for a place to take a nap. Under a large banyan tree on the edge of the village, Bimo lay down and began to dream.

In her dream, Bimo finds herself in a very strange place. All objects are made of clouds! Houses, trees, and even streets are all made of soft and soft white clouds. He is in the Land of Clouds.

Bimo began to explore the Land of Clouds with curiosity. He walked through the clouds that formed the path, and every step he took felt like walking on a pillow. At that time, he met an old man who looked wise. The old man introduced himself as Pak Awan, the guardian of the Land of Clouds.

"Welcome to the Land of Clouds, Bimo," said Mr. Awan with a friendly smile. "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Bimo was surprised, "Waiting for me? Why?"

Mr. Awan chuckled, "You're a person who is always asleep, so fate brought you here to live an adventure that will change your life."

Bimo, who was curious, finally followed Pak Awan. They walked towards a large palace made of golden clouds. In front of the palace, Bimo met a beautiful princess named Putri Awan. Putri Awan explained that in the Land of Clouds, everyone who comes must complete three challenges to be able to return to the real world by bringing happiness.

The first challenge is to collect cloud flowers scattered across the country. Bimo has to race against time because the flowers only appear at sunset. With the help of a very cute cloud cat named Cloud Cat, Bimo manages to collect all the flowers just before the sun actually sets. The Cloud Cat turns out to be very chatty and keeps complaining about how lazy Bimo is, but in the end, they become best friends.

The second challenge is to make a cloud of laughter. In the Land of Clouds, the clouds often turn dark and rain falls if the residents are sad or angry. Bimo had to make all the residents of the Cloud Country laugh to restore their cheerfulness. With the help of the funny Cloud Cat, Bimo begins to tell jokes and perform various silly stunts. The people of the Land of Clouds laughed out loud, and the clouds returned to radiant white.

The last challenge is the most difficult. Bimo must find the courage to fight the Sleeping Giant, a giant figure who always disturbs the Land of Clouds by putting its inhabitants to sleep all the time. This giant is similar to Bimo's bad habit of always sleeping. With the spirit and courage he mustered up during the adventure, Bimo managed to make the Sleeping Giant laugh and realize that sleeping all the time is not a good thing. The Sleeping Giant finally disappeared, and the inhabitants of the Cloud Land were free from the curse.

After completing all the challenges, Bimo is rewarded by the Cloud Princess in the form of a cloud crystal that can give her happiness whenever she feels sad in the real world. Bimo woke up from her sleep under a banyan tree with a big smile on her face.

Bimo's life in the village began to change. The villagers who used to make fun of him for his sleeping habits now see him as a different young man. Bimo became more active in helping in the fields, helping his neighbors, and even began to learn to make handicrafts from wood.

One day, while walking in the village market, Bimo met a girl named Sari. Sari is the daughter of a well-known merchant in the village. He is known for being friendly and always helping the villagers. Bimo, who is usually shy, feels that something is different every time she sees Sari. He wanted to get to know her better.

With the courage she got from her adventure in the Land of Clouds, Bimo invited Sari to speak. They quickly became good friends. Sari was fascinated by Bimo's story about her adventures in the Land of Clouds, and they often laughed together remembering the funny events in the story.

One night, Bimo decides to show the cloud crystal to Sari. They sat under the same banyan tree where Bimo used to sleep. The cloud crystal light emitted softly, making the atmosphere magical.

"Bimo, this crystal is so beautiful," said Sari with sparkling eyes. "You're really lucky to be able to experience that incredible adventure."

Bimo smiled. "I'm not just lucky, Sari. That adventure taught me a lot. And most importantly, I learned that happiness doesn't always have to be sought far away. Sometimes, happiness is right in front of our eyes."

The days passed, and Bimo and Sari were getting closer. They often do activities together, such as helping the villagers, celebrating festivals, and even planning small events for the children in the village. Sari's presence makes Bimo's life even more colorful.

However, one day, Bimo gets news that the Sleeping Giant has reappeared in the Land of Clouds and is disturbing its inhabitants. He felt called to return to the Land of Clouds and help them once again. Sari, who heard the news, gave full support and promised to wait for Bimo to return.

With the help of the cloud crystal, Bimo fell asleep under the banyan tree again and found himself again in the Land of Clouds. The people of the Land of Clouds warmly welcomed him and told him that the Sleeping Giant had become stronger and that they needed Bimo's help.

Bimo and the Cloud Cat plan a strategy to defeat the Sleeping Giant. They find out the giant's weakness and realize that the giant has become strong because it consumes the dark cloud. With the cooperation of the people of the Cloud Country, they managed to lure the Sleeping Giant into a large trap made from a cloud of happiness.

The fight was fierce, but with courage and determination, Bimo managed to make the Sleeping Giant laugh for the last time, stripping him of his powers and turning him back into an ordinary cloud. The people of the Land of Clouds cheered happily, and they held a big party to celebrate Bimo's success.

After the party, Bimo returns to the real world. She woke up under a banyan tree with Sari beside her. Bimo tells everything that happened in the Land of Clouds, and Sari is amazed by Bimo's courage and kindness.

Life in the village has become better. Bimo and Sari are married and live happily. They continue to help the villagers and always remind them that happiness can be found anywhere, even in small and simple things.

And whenever Bimo feels tired or sad, all he has to do is look at the cloud crystals that always remind him of his adventures in the Land of Clouds and all the valuable lessons he has learned. Since then, Bimo has never been a sleeper again, but a young man full of passion and happiness.

Short StoryMysteryFan FictionfamilyAdventure

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    Dyname75Written by Dyname75

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