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And So It Begins

By L. A. WaltonPublished 3 years ago 13 min read

“There is something I need to tell you. Can you meet me by the fountain?”

“I can but it would have to be in about an hour,” a voice on the other end of the phone replied.

Ylene paused for a moment and looked around. “That will be ok,” she said nervously.

The voice on the other end could discern the fear coming not only her voice but radiating from her entire body. “Is everything ok? Did something happen?”

“No, but I feel something evil is soon to be at play. I will see you soon,” Ylene replied.

She ended the call and put the phone in her back pocket. Opening the door ever so slightly, Ylene realized that she had been holding her breath. “Get it together Yele,” she mumbled under her breath. “You are one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Stop acting like a scolded wolf.”

She stood up straight and opened the door slipping out of it like a mouse on a hunt for cheese near a trap. Her short golden brown hair fell quietly from behind her ears as if her face needed protection from the crisp night air. Ylene looked around before placing her hand on the outside door handle. The shock of the handle made her heart stop. The ancient handle was hot. She knew what that meant. If she didn’t get Ariston’s help, she may not ever step foot into her shop alive again. She had to hurry and pray that he would be at the fountain by the time she arrived.

The little area called Souillure by the locals is in the historic area of the French Quarter. Some of the scariest legends originated from the creatures of Souillure, the ancient Latin word meaning “Monsters Desecrate This Land”. People of New Orleans who know the tales don’t step foot in the area of supernatural beings, unless chosen to do so and of course tourists who spend their money to take a tour of the Souillure Burroughs, completely unaware they could be a vampire’s next meal.

Ylene knew the area all too well. Her family of empaths have been in Souillure for centuries. She decided to use that to her advantage and take a shortcut through the woods that would take her straight to the fountain in the center of Souillure Square. Taking off her sandals and closing her eyes, she proceeded to the well known path behind her shop, but as soon as her foot touched the mossy roadway, she felt something or someone was on its way. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes that now displayed every emotion of the land. She turned around briefly to confirm what she feared. A heavy black fog was racing quickly toward her; a vampire was on the move and heading straight for her.

Ylene took off running, her feet barely touching the ground. She could sense the fog clearing to reveal the vampire who now had her in its sights. It was catching up to her, but she knew it would. They are faster, but empaths are clever and smarter. Most vampires are not pure bloods, but were bitten, so their abilities were limited.

Seeing a deer nearby, Ylene sent a small burst of energy its way, making it take off and headed in the direction of the oncoming the vampire. She thanked the deer silently as it ran to its death because the vampire was running too fast to stop or maneuver around it. It did leave an unpleasant sound in her ears as they collided.

She began to feel a small sense of relief as the square began to come into view. Looking at it from her view was truly beautiful. She could see every emotion from the parents putting their children to bed and the nocturnal animals preparing for their nightly prowls. The vampire was further away from her because of the deer, so all that was behind her was the black fog, but her savior was only a brief setback.

Ylene’s heart began to sink as she reached the fountain. Ariston had not yet arrived, so there was only one thing left to do; find a hiding place and pray a god arrives before the vampire did. She continues to run softly through the lighted streets until she reached a small storefront with the windows covered in purple drapes. It was her sister’s crystal shop.

Raising her right hand to expose her palm, Ylene unlocks the door with the now glowing tattoo on her wrist and slips inside, closing the door behind her. She walks backward carefully and quietly as she watches for the black fog to approach the front of the shop.

Suddenly she feels the energy of pure evil and realizes that the vampire is already in the shop behind her; but this is not a typical vampire. Is it even a vampire at all?

Before she could calm her questions in her head, Ylene feels a sudden burning on her neck. Looking down, she sees black surrounding her entire body. She is dying. She reaches for her neck as it feels hot and cold at the same time. It’s blood and it is pouring like a river from the cut to her arteries.

Ylene falls to her knees, her hands and the entire front of her body is now covered in her blood. She closes her eyes, and uses her remaining life force to speak to her family. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me for causing you this pain. I love you dearly. Phira, my loving daughter, it’s time for you to come home. Avenge me.”

She could feel the panic and fear rising around her. She could hear her daughter and her sister crying out to her, but the words were becoming faint. The tattoo that was glowing brightly, was not only beginning to dim, but it was fading away. When a faction leader died, the symbol representing their faction would remove itself as a protection from humans ever being able to connect the true meaning of their powers.

Ylene could no longer see the rainbow of emotions that had excited her as a child. All she could see now was darkness. She was tired. All she wanted to do now was sleep. She had lived a fulfilling life. Ylene had seen a lot in her one hundred year life span, but her highlight was watching her beautiful daughter grow up. “If only she had stayed in Souillure,” she thought to herself.

No longer hearing the voices of her daughter and sister, Ylene laid down on her sister’s floor. It was time for rest. She took her last breaths slowly. She was hoping to find one last scent of life, but all she could inhale was the smell of blood. She took her last breath as the remaining part of the tattoo faded away.

Ylene was dead. The being that had dealt her final blow slipped carefully through the window in which they had arrived. They looked up at the owl that had been following the entire event. As they walked down the empty street that was beginning to light up with beings that had felt death had happened nearby, the owl also took its leave, flying into the woods into the night.

“Ylene?” Liri, Ylene’s sister was at the fountain, calling out to her silently. She was following her sister’s trail from the woods.

“Ylene is dead,” a voice from behind her said softly.

Liri turned swiftly to see Ariston standing on the other side of the fountain. “You don’t think I know that?” Her words were filled with anger. “She came here to see you! Where were you? Didn’t you know she was in trouble? Why didn't you save her?”

Liri had made her way over to Ariston and was beating his chest with every question she spit at him.

“You are a GOD! Why didn’t you save her!”

“You do well to know your place and remember we are gods and will be treated as such. Stop beating on my brother. He has patience of a god, but I do not.”

“Now, now, Learus,” Ariston rebuked his brother. “You must respect the fact that Liri has just lost her sister and is currently feeling not only her emotions, but they entire community as they are tethered to emotions. Though, Liri, I would kindly ask that you do not beat on my chest as it is rather ancient and I cannot assist you in your efforts to find your sister’s killer if I am, well, cracked.”

Liri looks down. “Sorry. I just want to know who killed my sister and why.” She looks up to see Ariston’s kind eyes looking back. She hated that she had taken out her anger on him. He was a kind being who though had much power refrained from using it unless in dire circumstances.

“Come with me, as we seem to have become the center of attention.” Ariston turned to Learus. “Could you please calm the gathering crowd?”

Learus shot his older brother a cross look. “Fine. Then I am going back to bed.”

Ariston patted his brother on the shoulder. “Such a humble god.”

“Mm hmm.” Learus mumbled as he started to urge the gathering group of beings back to their homes.

Ariston chuckled as he gently guided Liri toward her shop. She had not even noticed that the lights were on and the door was ajar.

Before he could stop her, Liri took off to the shop throwing the door wide open.

“Ylene?,” Liri said cautiously as she realized others were already in the shop.

“Liri, I’m so sorry,” Sehoy started as she stood up from a white velvet sheet that revealed an outline of a body.

Realizing the sheet was covering her sister’s body, Liri suddenly felt weak and her knees gave way.

Ariston prevented her fall to the ground and assisted her to a chair another woman had brought in.

“Thank you Krina,” Liri said after she caught her breath. She turned her attention back to the woman kneeling beside the body. Sehoy was gently waving her hand over Ylene’s covered body. She was saying something quietly as her body swayed gently. Her Native American features were prominent, her long braided hair moving slightly as her eyes began to glow an intense gold, matching the now glowing tattoo on her left wrist.

“What do-,” Liri’s words stopped suddenly. She touched her throat and realized she could not make a sound. She looked up to see Ariston had put a finger up to his lips.

“Never interrupt a wolf on a trail,” he admonished. After Liri nodded that she understood, Ariston removed his finger, and she was once again able to make sounds. It reminded her of the sheer power Ariston truly possessed and it was a little frightening.

After a couple of minutes of complete silence, Sehoy’s eyes returned to their natural color and her tattoo lost its golden glimmer. She stood up and turned to the others.

“She was killed by a vampire, but it was not for anything other than revenge. Apparently, Ylene kicked him out of her shop earlier today as he was asking for a forbidden object.”

Ariston’s eyes narrowed and looked at Krina. He kneeled down to be eye level with Liri. “Do you know if your sister was in possession of any forbidden objects,” he asked her softly.

Liri looked at him with fear as she knew Ariston could tell if someone was lying by looking at their eyes. “I don’t know. She had become a little secretive the last couple of months. She even changed our family lock.”

“Thank you for sharing that with us,” Ariston replied as he stood up. He looked at Sehoy. He knew the look she was giving him and it made him worry.

“We will leave so that you can take care of your sister,” Krina tells Liri. “I am truly sorry for your family’s loss. Ylene and I were friends for a very long time. She will be missed.”

Liri smiled slightly. “Thanks. She will be missed. I don’t what I am going to do without her.” Tears welled up in her eyes again. Liri looked up to see Ariston holding a handkerchief out to her. “Thanks.”

“No problem. Please alert me when Phira comes home. Take care of your sister. You are strong Liri; your people need to see that.” Ariston pats her shoulder and heads for the door. “I will be back to check on you later.”

Sehoy and Krina also head to the front door. “Let us know if you need us,” Sehoy states as she walks out.

Liri nods her head as she tries to stop her tears from falling at the realization that Ylene is really dead.

“The Oracle needs to meet,” Sehoy whispers to Ariston and Krina as they stand outside the shop.

Ariston sighed. “I take it there is a lot more to this story than a dead empath who happens to be the faction leader and a vampire out for revenge.”

“Yes, it is something that we all need to discuss,” Sehoy replies.

“By all, I’m guessing you mean our resident pureblood.” Ariston replies.

Krina looked around. “Speaking of, I thought he would be here poking about. It’s hard to believe the smell of blood didn’t rouse him from his slumber.”

Ariston chuckled. “Oh I’m quite sure he’s around here in some form. When have we ever known Tobias to pass up the smell of supernatural blood? Nevertheless, I will send word that we are to meet in the morning at 10 am.”

“Agreed,” Krina replied. With that Krina said her goodbyes and headed away from the square.

“I heard the commotion at the fountain,” Sehoy looked at Ariston. “Why did she want to meet with you in the middle of the night?”

“I never got the opportunity to find out, but rest assured it was nothing personal,” he replied reassuringly. Ariston turned to look at Sehoy. She was truly beautiful under the moonlight. “Is my golden wolf concerned for my safety or do I detect a hint of jealousy,” he teased.

Sehoy looked into his gray eyes as they walked past the square that was now quiet and empty. “I am jealous of no one.”

Ariston smiled. “Of course not. But it is nice to know that you are concerned for my safety.” He knew she looked into his eyes for him to see she was lying.

Sehoy chuckled. “I would think it be the other way around. You are the almighty Ariston, the God of Light. It does concern me that Ylene had a forbidden object in her possession.”

“What object would that be?”

“Raw obsidian crystal.”

Ariston stopped dead in his tracks. “Why would she have something to kill a wolf? What if-”

Sehoy gently grabs his arm. She can feel the heat of anger rising. “Calm down Ariston. There is no need to worry. He hasn’t turned. They can’t use it on a human.”

He looks at her intensely. She can see his eyes start to change color. She had not seen his this angry. “He doesn’t have human blood running through his veins. He is a Demigod and when he turns, we are not sure what he will become.”

Ariston brushes away the hair that has blown into her face. “I care about him like I care about you. If something happens to either of you, I will unleash a wrath-”

Sehoy stops him mid sentence. “You will do nothing of the sort. You will mourn us as you mourn others and you will go to your wife and daughter. The time on our love has set with the Sun.”

“That is not accurate and you know it.” Ariston turned away, hurt by her words even though they were not true.

Sehoy sighed. “You know that we have duties, and we each must take care of our own. We have broken enough rules. Let us love each other from afar and focus on our son.”

Ariston scoffed. “The one you won’t allow me to see?”

“When the time is right.”

“When he turns? You remind me of that daily.”

Sehoy lets go of Ariston’s arm. “I know when beings find out he is your son, they may not take kindly to him. It could even be used against you. He could be used against you.”

Ariston sighed. “You sound like Netelia.”

Sehoy laughed. “Whether Goddess or wolf, our thoughts are universal.”

He smiled. “No matter what, he will be protected.”

“I know,” Sehoy replied. “Let’s just focus on finding Ylene’s killer.”

Ariston sighed again. “I know Tobias was behind it.”

“If he was, he is one step ahead of us. I have never seen a vampire like this one before.”

Ariston looked puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“It wasn’t a pure blood nor was it bitten. I will meet with the elders before I meet tomorrow and let you know what I find out. I need to get home to my pups.”

“I will do the same. Good night my golden wolf.” Ariston once again brushed the hair from her face.

Sehoy blushed as she turned and walked away into the night.

“I thought you were turning in for the night. Were you also concerned for your big brother’s safety?” Ariston asked a figure standing in the darkened corner.

“Tsk Tsk big brother,” Learus teased as he revealed himself from the dark. “Looks as though you might need saving from yourself. I see the flame for Sehoy stills burns brightly.”

“It never went out,” Ariston replied. “What did you find out, great God of Mischief? I know you weren’t just standing in the dark watching me dote on Sehoy.”

Learus chuckled. “Indeed. Apparently, someone has been trying to collect forbidden objects. They are using very creative ways to mask themselves, but I have feelers to the ground. We should have a name soon, but we already know who is probably behind it.”

“They may not be masking themselves, but using something else to carry out their requests,” Ariston stated.

“What do you mean?”

“Sehoy tracked what appeared to be a new kind of vampire. It wasn’t like anything she had seen before. It was born or bitten.”

“Intriguing.” Learus thought for a moment. “A hybrid of some kind, or created. I will converse with our sister Uena and see if she had come across a creature of this sort during her travels.”

“I will have Netelia check the scrolls. The Oracle convenes tomorrow morning.” Ariston sighed.

“What is it my brother? Something ails you.” Learus looked at his older brother with true concern.

“Nothing, really. Just a feeling that something evil is coming. Something wicked is beginning to stir.”

“It will be fine,” Learus replied patting his brother on the shoulder. “We have endured civil wars and world wars. It’s nothing a few gods can’t handle. We are gods after all.”

“We can only hope.” Ariston said solemnly.


About the Creator

L. A. Walton

L. A. Walton is an Amazon best selling author. Over her writing career that spans over 20 years, L. A. Walton has written a combined total of over 127 books.

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    L. A. WaltonWritten by L. A. Walton

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