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Dear Diary, Aurora

What is true love?

By Dana HambletonPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Dear Diary, Aurora
Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

Dear diary,

My birthday is coming up soon. Within a few weeks time, I will be 16 years old. I've been pretty excited about it, but I've been noticing my aunts becoming more and more nervous by the day. I wonder what's bothering them...

Dear diary,

I met with favourite person again. Even though I have known her my whole life, as I grow older, I realise more and more just how amazing she is. She's beautiful, graceful, and one of the kindest people I have ever met. Since young, I've always watched how she treats all the animals like they were her family. I hope I can be considered as part of her family one day...

I also asked my aunts what was bothering them. But they dodged the my questioning by saying I should go out and find my true love while I'm still young. What does that even mean? Do they mean find love like they do in stories? Are they joking? I'm not sure, but their nervousness is starting to rub off on me...

Dear diary,

Many things have happened since I last wrote. My aunts took me to the kingdom and revealed that my long lost parents are actually the king and queen. That I am a princess. A princess! Something that every young girl dreamed of has come true for me. Everyday I am here is like I am living in that dream. I almost believe that it is actually a dream and that very soon I will wake up from it.

Although, there is a strange sort of tension in the castle. I see people look at me like I collapse from the slightest blow of wind. Maybe it relates to how my parents are trying to find me a prince to fall in love with. It seems my aunts love affliction is contagious because even they seemed to be obsessed with me finding my 'true love'. They won't explain to me what that means. Only that I should find someone to fall in love with before my birthday. I don't understand why though. I already love my aunts and I love my friend in the woods. Over time, I can even grow to love my parents, though I do care for them now. Why isn't that enough for them?

Dear diary,

Today I discovered that when I was a baby, I was cursed. Cursed to fall asleep for eternity when I turn 16. Apparently the only thing that can break the curse is if I am given a true loves kiss. I feel... dejected I guess. Scared. Anxious. I don't believe I can find that love that they talk about. It seems too soon, too fantastical... unrealistic. Even though I was told all these love stories my whole life, never once did I dream about actually having that love and romance for myself. I feel like I already have everything that I need in terms of love.. why does it have to be romantic?

I've always thought this my whole life, if not subconsciously. And now I have to find that love or I'll sleep for eternity... I don't know what to do.

Dear diary,

Tomorrow I will turn 16. Everyone in the kingdom is panicking. My parents are bringing in every guy they can, having given up on bringing in princes at this point. I can feel everyone's hope and anxiety as man after man line up to meet me. But as I look into their eyes and talk to them.. I don't feel anything. I think they are all very polite, some even fun. If I can make it past this curse, I would even like to become friends with some of them. But try as I might, I cannot feel that magical connection that every hopes I would find.

I miss my friend in the forest. I hope I get to see her again before I sleep.

Dear diary,

I woke up. When I closed my eyes I didn't believe I would open them again. The first thing I saw when I woke, I saw my friend. Apparently she was the one who cursed me. Old friends of my parents. I still don't know how to feel. How can she be my true love? I mean she is my most precious friend but I don't think what I feel is the kind of love everyone is talking about. Plus, she cursed me...

I don't know why she did what she did, but I'm hoping I can get an answer soon. For now, I believe I am over the worst of it. I am awake and for now, with my parents and reunited with my most precious friend- despite all the mistakes made.

Maybe that's all I really need. Once I get her explanation from her, maybe we can really be family like I've always wanted.

I think family is all I need in life.


Aurora, Sleeping Beauty.

Short Story

About the Creator

Dana Hambleton

Likes reading fantasy and adventure but likes writing horror and general fiction :)

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  • Susan Barry8 months ago

    Too true!! Family is everything. Well written.

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