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Date Night

Life is Full of Surprises

By Stephanie Jordan Published 2 years ago 8 min read

Let me tell you about one of the best nights I’ve ever had.

So I’m driving down the highway and I was so annoyed. I realized I HATE MY JOB!!! That thought rang in my mind as I drove away from the place that took up the majority of my life, my time, and my energy for five out of the seven days we get in a week. I only majored in business administration in college because I couldn’t find a good pre-law program, but I had a plan. I would get my paralegal certificate in conjunction with my degree in business, take the LSAT, go to law school, pass the Bar Exam, and later become the best damn lawyer anyone had ever seen. Eventually, I would use the knowledge I gained from getting my business degree to help me run my own law firm. However, that plan didn’t work out at all, so I ended up in a customer service position straight out of college. I later moved to sales and I’ve been stuck there ever since. It’s been 17 years since graduation, I’m still in sales, and I hate it! I said all of that to say, I was happy it was Friday.

I couldn’t wait to get home. After parking my truck in the driveway, I slid my house key into the door and of course was greeted by my 65 pound baby Tank, who takes the form of a brindle and white bulldog! He nearly knocked me over with excitement. Besides Tank’s panting, it was surprisingly quiet in the house! I was expecting to hear the girls yelling at each other, music blasting from our teenage boy’s room, and the blaring sound of ESPN from my bedroom, all at the same time. But, was quiet, as if no one was home. I checked the kid’s rooms to make sure this wasn’t a prank. I was about to pick up my cellphone to call Jimi, but as I walked towards my bedroom, to my surprise, I was met with a note taped to the door. It read “Go take a nice hot shower and slip on the dress that I laid out for you on the bed. Don’t call me with questions, just follow these instructions.” He knows me so well. I put the phone down, a bit puzzled, but intrigued at the same time. He never does anything like this, so I was down to see what was next.

I stepped into my room, took off my clothes, along with the stress from the day, and got into the steamy waterfall. I LOVE my shower! It feels like heaven, which is why I got it built during the remodel. It’s a walk in with a bench, multiple shower heads spraying water from above and from the walls. All those HGTV binge watching Saturdays paid off. Although I hate my job, it does help contribute to our family being able to live in this amazing house, and afford little extras like this custom shower, so I’m grateful. I’m just tired of feeling like I settled into a career because I couldn't cut it in the legal field. But anyway...the water began to wash away my frustration and it was replaced by a level of excitement that I hadn’t felt in a long time! With butterflies in my stomach, I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and got myself together. After skin moisturizing, makeup, and hair, I grabbed the dress that was meticulously placed on the bed and slipped it on. Oh!!! He was good! That dress fit like a glove in all the right places and gave me ample room in my “mom belly” area, disguising it just right, so that I didn’t have to hold it in all night (Or maybe it was just one of my less bloated days, who knows, but I looked great!) And of course there was a note lying on the bed underneath the dress. I opened it like an excited child! It read “Head over to Mr. Brown’s Cleaners down the block on Waverly Street, where you’ll find out what’s next. Oh and wear your black high heeled sandals with this, I love those on you.” Well damn! I felt like I could hear my man’s voice through the note. I got physically aroused just thinking about him. I slipped on the sandals as requested, fed Tank, took him for a quick walk in the backyard, put him in his kennel, and then headed outside.

I drove 2 blocks down to the cleaners, expecting to pick up one of Jimi’s suits, blazers, or something he could wear, but nope, not that at all. Mr. Brown greeted me with his signature smile, handed me a bouquet of orchids, and told me to enjoy my night. Ok plot from the cleaners, Jimi was very sneaky. He knows orchids are my favorite. He’s got such a good memory. It’s been so long since he’s got me flowers, I almost thought he forgot what I liked. There was also a note in the flowers with a new set of instructions. “Put this address in the GPS on your car, not your phone, because I don't want Siri to tell you the name of the location. I’ll see you there. Don’t Google the address to see where it is ahead of time, it’ll ruin everything!” Man, he knows me better than I realized. I’m a control freak, but I do love a great surprise, so I did as I was told. Oh my goodness! I felt like a teenage girl going on my first date! I was nervous and excited. The car GPS said the mystery destination was about 20 minutes away, so I put on some good music and headed out. Of course I had all the best playlists saved on my Tidal app, and I found the perfect one for today...90’s R&B. I jammed to all of my favorites as I made my way to the secret location. Groove Theory, Aaliyah, Xscape, the list goes on and on. I sang the whole ride, excited to meet up with my boo.

I finally made it to the location, but I didn’t know where I was. Then I realized I was at a private airport! What the hell? I’ve NEVER flown on a private plane, or even been to a private airport in my life. My wheels were turning. What was he up to? I showed my ID to the guard in the security booth and he let me drive straight through. He gave directions to pinpoint my exact destination and when I got there, there he was. My 5’9” chocolate man whom I LOVE so much. I turned off the engine, grabbed my orchids, and stepped down from my dream car! My royal blue matte G-wagon looked so dope casually parked at a private airport! I walked over to him and he gave me the tightest hug ever, followed by the longest kiss. He then handed me a glass of Moscato, which is also my favorite wine. Don’t judge me, I know real wine drinkers don’t consider Moscato legit, but hey I’m not trying to be a sommelier or anything, I just like what I like. I asked him what was going on and where we were going, but he just told me that I looked beautiful and that I always ask too many questions.

He guided me onto the plane as I sipped my glass. We got strapped in, the pilot came to introduce himself to me and then we were off. Apparently he’s one of Jimi’s clients. No doubt Jimi went above and beyond for this man when closing a deal, as he usually does, so this must’ve been a bonus “thank you!” We sat on the plane as it swept through the air and talked the entire time. He let me know the kids were at my mom’s house for the weekend, which made me happy! I love having her so close to us! He apologized, acknowledged that our lives had become so busy, at the sacrifice of our date nights and quality time, so this was his way of making up for it. I never blame him though, I just figured this is life and we’ve got to roll with it. He knows I never need anything super extravagant, as long as it’s meaningful time with him. But, I must say, this was nice.

It felt so late but it was only 6:30pm. Date night had such a huge start, I wondered what could be next. We landed in Miami a few hours later and my excitement climbed even higher than before. I LOVE Miami so much, but hadn’t been in years. I just finished my first glass of wine and my first can of red bull. (I usually throw a red bull in between glasses every once and a while because wine makes me sleepy...don’t judge.)

We stepped off the plane, hand in hand, and a black Range Rover and driver were waiting for us. He drove us to a cute intimate dinner set up on the property of a private villa. I was flabbergasted. Jimi thought of every detail, down to the private chef and all. He had really outdone himself. We had dinner and the best conversation ever. He reminded me that today was the anniversary of the day we met 3 years ago. Wow, he was right! He knows I’m so bad with dates like that. If it’s not birthdays or wedding anniversaries, I’m no good. Underneath his tough exterior, he is so sentimental, which is one of the things I LOVE about him. He told me I was the best thing that ever happened to him. He went on and on about me being the whole he never knew he needed, and that he’d be crazy not to want to spend the rest of his life with me. Then, it happened!!! He got down on one knee, pulled out a beautiful princess cut diamond ring, and asked me to marry him!!!

Nope don’t be confused. I’m a 38 year old divorced woman who swore I would never get married again. I felt like no one could ever want me with 2 kids, a non-model body, and some heartbreak baggage, but then I met Jimi. Lord knows he is fine as hell and the sweetest soul you’d ever meet, but I gave him the hardest time! His real name is Olujimi, which is Nigerian for “Gift from God,” which I guess should’ve been a sign for me, but no, it wasn’t. I wouldn't even go on a date with him until about 2 months after we met. But, he apparently knew what he wanted, and was very persistent. After about 2 years of dating, we decided we wanted to collide worlds, so we bought a house together for us and our 3 children; my 2 girls from my previous marriage and his son from his previous relationship. I was dead set on this being my life, no marriage papers needed, but he wouldn’t let up. He wanted to marry me, but thoughts of my past were preventing me from fully opening up my mind to taking that step. Slowly I began to let go and let my guard down about the idea of marriage, but I had no idea this was in the works! My eyes welled up with tears and I said yes! I felt so safe with Jimi and my girls love him too. They get along pretty well with his son Jr; well as much as 15 and 12 year old girls can with a 15 year old boy, but we’re making it work. Heck my ex-husband even likes Jimi. We topped off the night in the villa, making love and watching movies. Man this dude got me good! I’m so grateful for a second chance at love and I’m going to take care of it the best way I can.

Short Story

About the Creator

Stephanie Jordan

Brown Woman. Mom. Writer. Lover of my People.

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    Stephanie Jordan Written by Stephanie Jordan

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