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Convo at the Coffee Shop

A subtle conversation at a coffee shop

By Joe PattersonPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 4 min read
Convo at the Coffee Shop
Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Maryanna is sitting at a window seat in the Expresso Yourself coffee shop. She has a caramel latte in a porcelain cup in front of her as she waits for her boyfriend Patrick to arrive. As she sits waiting for Patrick her mind is spinning in various directions and her heart is saddened. Maryanna feels like Patrick has really inattentive lately and has shut her out of his life. She has really been considering the thought of leaving Patrick, but she has not been able to do so because of how much her heart still loves him. Maryanna is at a loss for what to do, but she seriously hopes this meeting today will make a difference.

Just outside of Maryanna’s window Patrick is quickly pulling into the parking lot of Expresso Yourself. As Maryanna quickly looks up and spots him she is startled by his arrival as she did not expect him to arrive so soon. For the duration of their relationship he was big on being the guy that was always late to the party for everything they had planned, but today he was right on time. As Patrick quickly got out of his car and made his way into the coffee shop through heavy rainy weather, his heart was racing. All Patrick could think about was how afraid he was that Maryanna was going to leave him and how much he did not want that to happen.

When Patrick entered the coffee shop he immediately spotted Maryanna sitting in their favorite window seat. He slowly walked over to her as she partially glanced at him while looking out of the window. He sat down next to her and a nervous smile spreaded across his face. As she fully made eye contact with him the expression on her face resembled that of a disappointed mother who was getting ready to discipline her children. Patrick himself could feel the tension and anger in her heart. As Maryanna’s hands sat wrapped around her cup of coffee Patrick motioned to put his hands around hers, but she quickly pulled away, rejecting his advances.

Patrick’s heart sank into his stomach at Maryanna’s rejection. He knew his ignorance over the past few months had taken its toll on their relationship and now it may be over. Patrick was afraid. He had never felt fear like this before. He loved Maryanna and the thought of losing her was worse than the thought of death itself. Maryanna turned her focus fully towards Patrick with tears in her eyes. Patrick felt a strong inner sense of guilt. He knew why Maryanna had those tears in her eyes. He knew that by not giving her the love and attention that she deserved as his girlfriend that he made her feel so alone. Patrick felt so stupid and foolish for breaking Maryanna’s heart like he had.

Maryanna’s heart was being yanked in a tug of war. Part of her anxiously wanted to leave Patrick, but when she looked back at him the other part of her ambitiously wanted to stay with and give him one more chance. As Patrick glanced back at Maryanna his heart was anxiously determined to not lose her. They both stared into each other’s souls desperate for a resolution to take place between them. As Maryanna once more turned her head away from Patrick in a way that seemed like she was saying goodbye, Patrick reached into his pocket and pulled out a small photo. The picture was of Patrick as a seven year old boy with cake smeared across his face. He sat the photo down in front of a previously uninterested Maryanna who turned her attention to the photo with and grew a shocked expression across her face.

The old photo in front of her was one that Maryanna had taken of Patrick back when they first met as children in their first grade class. The story behind the photo was the class was celebrating Patrick’s seventh birthday when Maryanna took a peace of birthday cake and smeared it across Patrick’s face as a prank and then took a picture of him. Patrick seemingly always hated that picture as it represented a moment of embarrassment to him, yet he always kept it with him as his most important treasure because it was the beginning of their journey together. Maryanna could not believe that he actually carried it around with him all this time, knowing how much he hated that picture.

Maryanna now had a new realization of who Patrick truly was in her heart. When she looked him in his eyes after examining his photo he shook his head at her with affirmation. Patrick now understood how much pain he caused Maryanna. He was sorry for how he messed up and was ready to change his ways. Maryanna knew this to be true in his heart because his display of her photo was a token of his desire to get back in tune of who both of them truly were together and she could feel his sincerity. Patrick and Maryanna both of them were now ready to reconcile as they leaned over to embrace each other with a big warm hug.

LoveShort Story

About the Creator

Joe Patterson

Hi I'm Joe Patterson. I am a writer at heart who is a big geek for film, music, and literature, which have all inspired me to be a writer. I rap, write stories both short and long, and I'm also aspiring to be an author and a filmmaker.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (9)

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  • Julia Schulz9 months ago

    Nice work, Joe. A thoughtful response to the challenge ,,full of human frailty and beauty.

  • Veronica Coldiron9 months ago

    I love that the evolution of their new chapter begins with the reminder of the first beginning. Also the "Expresso Yourself" name of the coffee shop really contributed to the setting. Beautiful story!

  • Teresa Renton9 months ago

    I love your happy ending. I had my fingers crossed throughout 🤗

  • Novel Allen9 months ago

    Old memories will always do the trick, I am so glad they are taking second chances on love. The world needs it. Good luck with the challenge Joe.

  • Tiffany Gordon 9 months ago

    You have a real knack for love stories, Joe! Awesome work! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • Donna Renee9 months ago

    Aww I’m glad it worked out! ☺️☺️☕️great job!

  • Kolade Owoyemi9 months ago

    Awesome! Well done

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Very great! Fantastic read!

  • Cathy holmes9 months ago

    This is great, Joe. Very well done.

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