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Conceptual Planet Foreword

Intro to a Sci-fi Odyssey

By simplicityPublished 7 months ago 6 min read

Every time a person feels the truth of the world has revealed itself, this powerful force reminds the person in reality very little to near nothing is known of the world and universe. An almighty force that seems to be the conductor directing our existence. Fiction is a way of making sense of this phenomenon.

The Iroquois had a term "Orenda" for this force or energy that they believed was found in living and non living things, as well as the environment. The Polynesians have a term "Mana", a type of power that can be captured and harnessed for healing that exists everywhere in the universe. Karl Krause coined the term "Panentheism", meaning a divine force existing everywhere in the universe unbound by human concepts of time or space. The term evil-eye is a concept defining a term for an unknown force existing causing harm. All cultures have terms to explain a unknown powerful force or energy that's existing around us or at times in us. A unexplainable force given explanation through words, but no closer to explaining a deeper understanding of its origin or existence, except maybe through myths or folktales. A mysterious energy with mysterious origins and existence that some how intertwines with our own existence. Some times this force is personified other times not, either way its strength remains all powerful. Each of us has a choice of how we choose to make sense of our world, how to define this energy. What we choose to believe or not believe. This is my perception, my fiction to make sense of the energy I know to be in existence in this world and in my life from a very young age to its present state.

This powerful force of energy or being creates contexts. Some of which carry or reveal subliminal meaning to our lives that we may never become aware of unless forced to. Imaginary strings of a web that is spun linking points of concepts and ideas, people, materials and places in a given time. Each point carrying multiple contexts connecting other points with their unique contexts. These connections acting as spider like arteries giving life to layers that overlap in space, time or context and symbols of various disciplines. Delivering energy and direction to each point in space time. Creating a inescapable linked grid of the physical and abstract in all places and times. For example, media and all published works are a form of time travel and/or parallel universes in its most simple form. Creating characters with similarities to real life events sometimes changing the outcomes, sometimes keeping the same events but changing the characters, others just a what if, trying to make a person see a situation differently or character differently. A series of possibilities being played out. Allocators and in some instances designators for events based in probabilities. Or, if you want to think of it in terms of computer language; media and other publications follow a descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive connection to the real world.

A series of probabilities. In its more complicated form, the mechanism, acts as a Turing machine of probabilities where character attributes such as name, appearance, and events, etc play into the layers of past, present and future events. A series of allocators or designators directing outcomes or explaining events through stories. In its most complex form it taps into and connects with the individual thoughts, if enough are reached it becomes a collective thought of a group. A form of hacking the neural network making the brain mimic the very same exercises through memories, recall and categorization. These methods force us to organize the information. It's as if a part of a code was fragmented long ago for its protection and now we have lost full understanding of it.

We draw similarities between characters we know in our lives to those we see. If not in appearance than how they act. We do this with situations and events as well. With music we hear, etc. Again the eyes take in the visual stimulus, the code, and code it for our own brains. To make our own sense of it. We share what we make of what we see and hear. Even without talking, like a mentalist, if enough people recall similar characters the collective thought has real impact. It is a real network, with real probabilities continuously calculated and accounted for in the system with overlaying coding systems. All of it connecting humans to the earth and its many dimensions. The baffling synchronicity of connections and events. Welcome to the Conceptual Planet!

The Conceptual Planet is a complex fluid network relying on the grid to form a hidden accounting system. Transfers constantly made using data spanning all layers and points including those of the collective and individual neural networks. All data, spanning the grid, is important. I believe, a system similar to what we know of as A.I watches everything existing in the grid. We will come back to this idea later in the story. With a whole chapter so its easier to understand. Everything in the grid has a small and large or micro and macro context that in many ways mimic each other. Humans have created a human genome project, to map all the genes in the human body. Imagine if this could be done for the universe. Imagine how long this would take. How would you do it? Probably pretty similar to how we are doing it. Piece by piece.

However, the grid is not perfect. Its as if a powerful hand had come down and swiped the web, destroying the grid partially, erasing the original knowledge we all had of its intricate workings and reconnected it in a less beneficial way. Now it was waiting to be pieced back together like a puzzle, re-weaving the intricate web, replacing the threads as they should be. The re-weaving allowing for more, for better, more efficient functioning. More beneficial transfers.

Ultimately, if we are lucky, benefiting humans with the creation of a stock-exchange like transfer system of repair of particles anywhere at anytime in the grid. Made possible by way of a complex symbolic alphabet creation that can bridge everything existing in the universal grid, but I would settle for just our planet to start with. An ultimate bridge between the concrete world and abstract functions of technology and computing with real life outcomes. If we can find what the smallest unit composing atoms and elements, theoretically they could be swapped, because they are the same. Smallest units or larger collections of particles traded as needed with the touch of a key stroke. That's the dream. A link between the abstract and concrete, by way of a new code, linking materials with function in a given time and location. Until now, never attempted, except maybe by one. With advances in knowledge it doesn't seem so far fetched.

This is my fiction, my discovery of the conceptual planet. This story is my attempt at writing a script or novel following real life events with some added speculation about creation and existence based in science and tech. With a few added fabrications as an ode to beloved Hollywood and to add interest to the integrity of the story and plot. The story is told through three contexts simultaneously. First earth based reality(my everyday life and knowledge), second the speculative and imaginative , thirdly science and technology. Please enjoy, feel free to be a critic. Life makes us all one out of necessity, but keep in mind I did my best. The confusion that is present in parts is intentional. This is my experience with aspects of life and as I said earlier the second you feel confident in your knowledge of the world, it will show you how much more you still do not know. Since I hoped to finish this story in my life time some liberties were taken and hoped to be understood. Thank you.

Sent from my Galaxy

Sci Fi

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