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Childhood trauma

Always find a light

By Silia PapavasileiouPublished 11 months ago 2 min read
Childhood trauma
Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled amongst rolling green hills, there lived a young child named Emily. Her childhood had been marked by hardship and trauma, leaving deep wounds that seemed difficult to heal.

Emily's earliest memories were tinged with sorrow. She had lost her parents at a tender age, left to the care of distant relatives who lacked the warmth and love she so desperately craved. Their harsh words and cold demeanors only added to the weight that bore down upon her young shoulders.

Living in a house with creaking floorboards and cracked walls, Emily would often seek solace in the abandoned shed at the edge of their property. Amongst the forgotten tools and dust-covered boxes, she would spend hours lost in her own world, finding comfort in her imagination. It was there that she felt safe and removed from the pain of her reality.

As Emily grew older, the traumas of her childhood lingered, casting a shadow over her daily life. Anxiety and fear followed her like unwelcome companions, making it difficult for her to form meaningful connections with others. She felt trapped by her past, unsure of how to break free from the chains that bound her.

One day, while walking through the town's park, Emily stumbled upon a lonely stray dog. The small brown mutt, with sad eyes and a ragged coat, seemed to mirror Emily's own feelings of abandonment and longing. A flicker of connection sparked within her heart, and she cautiously approached the canine, offering a gentle touch. In that moment, Emily felt a glimmer of hope.

Determined to help this lost soul, Emily began to visit the park every day, bringing food and water for her newfound furry friend. Gradually, their bond grew stronger, and the dog, whom Emily named Luna, became a source of unconditional love and comfort. With Luna by her side, Emily began to heal, slowly rebuilding her shattered trust in the world.

Encouraged by the presence of Luna, Emily sought support from a local therapist who specialized in childhood trauma. Together, they unraveled the knots of pain that had been tightly woven into her being. Through tears, laughter, and moments of vulnerability, Emily found the strength to confront her past and take tentative steps towards healing.

Over time, Emily's story began to change. The darkness that had consumed her childhood gradually gave way to glimmers of light and hope. With Luna's silent support and the guidance of her therapist, Emily blossomed into a resilient young woman, her heart filled with newfound compassion and a desire to help others who had endured similar struggles.

Though her traumas would never be forgotten, Emily learned that she possessed the strength to rise above them. With each passing day, she embraced her journey towards healing, knowing that her past did not define her.

And so, the child who had once known only pain and sorrow, emerged as a beacon of resilience and hope, ready to share her own experiences to create a brighter future for others experiencing the scars of a traumatised childhood.


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  • Judey Kalchik 11 months ago

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SPWritten by Silia Papavasileiou

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