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Chapter 8 The wise win

China`s top fantasy novels

By Alon LongPublished about a year ago 34 min read

The wind whipped the banner on my back, and I soared higher and higher like a bird. Below, I could see the Serpent's camp.

Where the Snake men were camped, it was actually a valley. Southern Xinjiang is mountainous and densely wooded, but its population is small. Most people live in cities and villages along the plain, and there are only a few hunters in those mountains.

In the air, I've been thinking a lot. The valley was so large that the sides were so sharpened that it was impossible to break down from either side. There are woods ahead, and if you attack them by fire, you will burn them, not their tents. And with that forest in the way, the imperial cavalry could not use its length. Encamped in this place, both offensive and defensive, the leader of the Serpentine Army really knew the art of war.

But why didn't the Serpents attack the whole army?

I just thought it was strange. Each attack of snake people is not more than ten thousand people, but when they come, the dust head, but at least tens of thousands. From the flagpole I could see the Serpentine camp stretching for miles, but no more than a few thousand had come out. Even if they're not all out, they're not that small.

Is that the plan of a false soldier?

A chill came to my heart. Can the snake man really decide on such a plan? If the Snake Man is no more than ten thousand people, it would be a joke to keep one hundred thousand of us here.

I was now high up, and in full view of the two armies, I could see the Serpents rushing out of the woods to meet them, and running towards the city with my kite by the rope of a black-armored knight. Outside the trees, thousands of Imperial troops were ready.

This Imperial group was almost entirely forward battalions, with a few Dragon Scale remnants mixed in. They came to the edge of the woods, but they did not go in, knowing, no doubt, that in the woods the horsemen were useless and no match for the Serpents. But the defense may not last. The Serpents' attack is like a storm. How long can they hold out?

By this time the black-armored knight who led me had slackened his pace, and the kite had fallen a great deal. The man was very skillful in kite control, and I have seen children fly kites and often fall headfirst. If the kite had fallen, I would still have died, but the man slowly retracted the rope and the kite lowered itself steadily.

The kite dropped to a height of more than ten zhangs, I hung under the kite, already eight or nine zhangs above the ground. The black knight beckoned to me to lower the flag. With a leap of my hand, I caught the rope and dropped the spear from the flag.

Then I felt a pain in my left shoulder. The shot pierced my arm, the injury is not light, had the effect of the lotus fruit, feel no pain, then the effect has passed, the wound bursts of pain.

The black knight, probably aware that I was badly wounded, beckoned. Some of the Dragon scales gathered around him to help him pull the rope, while others prepared to catch me.

When I was still ten feet above the ground, I heard a sudden cry from the snake people in the woods, and a dark mass of snake people rushed out.

The Vanguard stood still. The Dragon Scales tightened their ropes and seemed to have confidence in the Vanguard. Several people pull, the kite low, the fall of the potential will be urgent, I straight down to the ground. I was about to fall headfirst to the ground. Even if I could not die at this height, I would have suffered a terrible fall. Several dragon scales rushed over and caught my feet.

I let go of my hands, and they picked me up and ran a few steps forward, breaking my lunge. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I stood still and felt my left arm hurt like a split. I fell to the ground.

The Dragon Scales gathered around me. One of them picked me up and shouted, "General Chu! General Chu!"

I unhooked Shen Xiping's head from his waist and handed it to an army of dragon scales. "This is the head of General Shen," I said.

Before I could say anything, the Dragon Scale soldiers suddenly fell to their knees and said, "General Chu, in the future, if General Chu orders, my Dragon Scale soldiers will die."

I could not speak, but heard Qi Lie called out: "General!"

His voice was ecstatic. I looked round, and saw him running towards me, leading my horse. When he reached me, I said, "Who will come out against the Snake-man? Crazy?"

Qi Lie must have known that I would say this, and said, "General, don't worry, that was the plan of the road control and Mr. Zhang, and I also made some suggestions."

I looked at the forward battalions, which were arrayed in a line, and before them were stacked with boughs, and the road was standing in the middle of the army, with a banner in his hand. I lit up and said, "With gunpowder?"

He smiled and said, "Exactly."

I struggled to get up, Qilie gave me a wrap on the arm, helped me on the horse, said: "General, go back."

"Brothers of the Dragon Scale Army," I said, "take General Shen's head home first. I want to see it again."

The Dragonscales bowed to me again, jumped on their horses and galloped toward the city. I turned my horse's head and looked at the forward battalion, which met at the edge of the trees. The Serpents in the lead were within a few feet of the Vanguard camp. I do not know the road Gongxing play what idea, those firewood burning up, I am afraid has stopped the snake offensive.

With a wave of Lu Gongxing's banner, the whole army retreated in good order, still in good order, leaving all the works to the Serpents.

What is he trying to do?

Before I could ask, the first of the Serpents had reached the works. Qi Lie is a little antsy, way: "Don't do things."

As if answering his words, suddenly there was a loud noise at the other end. The earth seemed to tremble, and my horse, though experienced in battle, stood up in alarm. I pulled up the REINS and led the horse, but Qi Lie cried excitedly, "General, it is done! It's done!"

There was a lot of smoke at the fortifications, and the firewood was on fire. On the ground, there were limbs of snake people everywhere. Some snake people rushed out with fire, but the fire was so intense that they were burned in a heap after a few steps. Only one or two of the Serpents broke through the fire, but they reached the front of the battle-hardened vanguard battalion. No matter how stupid the snake man was, he would not rush again now.

My horse whirled at the loud noise. I reined in the REINS and the horse stopped. Qi Lied to help me with the horse and said, "General, is it all right?

I murmured: "Good Zhang Longyou."

The gunpowder was so powerful that I had no idea. By this time the smoke had cleared and we could see the place where the loud noise had just been made. The place, which had been plain a moment ago, was now as if a deep trench had been dug, and the bodies of a hundred serpent men were piled in one place, and tongues of fire were spewing from time to time. Across the two-foot-wide space, a crowd of panic-stricken serpents stared, unable to enter.

Neither side could have imagined such power.

At this time, Lu Gong Gong the way: "All the army obey the order, march into the city one by one, do not be confused."

The forward battalion has reached me. Several of my friendly centurions nodded to me with a smile in their eyes, and even Paul showed me a faint respect.

The road is the last to retreat. The last line of forward battalions, armed with long spears, did not dare to slow down, but the Snake-men were too scared to chase them. Several Snake-men who had rushed out of the fire stood dazed before the fire. It would have been easy to kill the snake men, but it was unnecessary.

The road Gongxing saw me, smiled: "General Chu, congratulations on your body, has won all the merit."

I said, "General Lu, how did you get the timing so right?"

He smiled and said, "Now is not the time to talk. Go back."

He had just closed the gate when he heard the sound of thunder and drums: "Forward battalion is in control of the road. Chu Xiuhong, commander of the fifth battalion, is coming to the tent of the Middle army."

We were startled to see Thunder Drum standing on top of the city, holding a token in his hand. I whispered: "General Lu, does the Marquis know we are going out?"

He said with a wry smile: "I did not ask for orders, is a private issue."


I was surprised again. That's not a petty crime. I said, "Why not order?"

"It's urgent."

He said only one word, and went to the tent. I followed him, a little apprehensively. The Lord was well informed, perhaps he had been briefed by the Dragon Scale Army. I think, even if we were guilty of going out without permission, this victory is enough to make up for it.

It'll be worth it if we get out as soon as possible. As soon as we entered the tent, Lu Gongxing and I knelt down and said, "You Marquis Wan 'an."

Lord Wu said, "Stand up and speak."

We said: "Xie Junhou."

Standing up straight, just found the tent in the service of several soldiers, high-speed rail Chong sitting in his wheelchair, is still wearing a hanging curtain of bamboo hat, Zhang Longyou also on the side, the face is not different. I was sure that there would be no serious harm. The gunpowder must have been brought out by Zhang Longyou. He is a man that Marquis Wu now appreciates very much.

While I was thinking about it, I heard the Lord say, "Go ahead, road, who gave you the right to send your own troops to battle?"

Road Gong line raised his head, the way: "Jun Hou, this service suddenly, humble no time to ask for orders, had to cut off before playing, it is a violation of military order, please be punished."

Lord Wu stepped down from his seat, followed by the eagle and the eaglet. He stood before us and glanced around. I watched him, afraid that he might say something like, "Take down Lu Gongxing."

After a while, Marquis Wu said, "Forward battalion control road Gong line, forward battalion five centurion Chu Xiu Hong."

I was startled. Am I among them? Indeed, I went out of camp without permission, as well as violating military orders. But I don't think the Lord will punish me, at most it is useless. If you can get 100, 000 troops to work early, then what's a little credit?

Lord Wu said, "Go ahead. If you disobey the order and send forward and Dragon Scale battalions, you should be executed. But the army is in an emergency, and for the sake of the general, you must adapt to the emergency. You have done a good job, so you have balanced the good with the bad.

Road Gong street: "Thank you, Marquis."

Marquis Wu looked at me and said, "Chu Xiuhong, commander of the five battalions, disobeyed the order. His crime is unpardonable. Kill him!"

I was astonished. I never dreamed that the Lord would do this. Lu Gongxing was also frightened, he shouted: "You!"

Wu Hou looked at me, said: "Chu Xiu Hong, you can have words?"

I bowed my head and said, "Lord Wu has handled it very well. How can you talk to a soldier if he doesn't obey his orders? Longitudinal end will make great achievements, but also committed a terrible crime. Only hope Marquis can let the one hundred thousand army class as soon as possible, not buried elsewhere, Chu Xiu red death also have no regrets."

That being said, I know that Lord Wu will not kill me. When Lu Jing Yu such a big crime, the same default he fled, let alone I have credit? Lord Wu looked at me and suddenly smiled: "Good, good. It's good you know."

He came and helped me up and said, "General Chu, on the day of the destruction of the city, I saw that you had some women's hearts. In order to be a general, you must not show any mercy to the enemy. Today you must know the weight of military orders."

As soon as I stood up, the Lord suddenly pulled out a Babie knife from my waist and cut it to my neck.

The knife was as quick as a lightning strike. I never dreamed that he would strike me suddenly while laughing and talking.

A chill fell on his neck, but he felt no pain, and he heard a cry of surprise all around him. I opened my eyes, but the sword of the Lord rested on my neck and did not cut down.

He shouted: "Forward five battalion centurion Chu Xiu Hong listen to orders!"

I fell to my knees and said, "The end is here."

Marquis Wu said, "Chu Xiuhong, you disobeyed the order. From today on, you shall not be included in the forward battalion roster."

Is this to get rid of me? Then I was really surprised, said: "You Hou"

Marquis Wu put his sword back in the sheath of my waist, waved his hand and said, "General Chu, from this day on, you will be the commander of the Dragon Scale Army. I allow you to draw men from all the armies to rebuild the Dragon Scale Army."

Is that so? I can not help but be surprised and happy, said: "Thank you."

As he finished, he felt a sharp pain in his left arm. Just now I had to endure, at this time the bottom of my heart a wide, can not stand, the body crooked, and fell down.

When I woke up, I felt like I was lying on a soft bed. As soon as I opened my eyes, I heard a woman saying, "General Chu has woken up!"

Why are there women? I was a little surprised, still a little hazy. When I looked, I was lying in a tent with two women beside me. One was throwing a wet cloth over my head and the other was looking at me with a happy face. Interestingly, the two women look exactly the same, even the clothes.

As I struggled to sit up, the two women supported me, one removing the damp cloth from my forehead. I was about to ask when someone came in from outside the tent, vaguely remembering that it was the Dragonscale officer who had pulled the kite string when I escaped from the Serpents' camp.

The man came to me and knelt down. "Commander," he said, "Please see Jin Qianshi, the sentry officer of the Dragon Scale Army."

I'm in the Dragon Scale, okay? I said, "General King, get up. Is this the Longscale barracks?"

"Yes," said Kim. Chu commander, please take good care of, Marquis Wu has ordered, after the victory that the class return to court."

A big win for the next day? I couldn't help frowning. Does the Lord have a plan to defeat the enemy? Jin Qianshi also seemed to know my question, said: "This is the forward battalion of General Lao Guoji scheme, draw Xue Wenyi from our army, will be a complete victory."

I said, "Who is Xue Wen?"

While Kim was waiting to answer, I said to the two women, "Hey, you bring General Kim a chair. Don't let him stand."

A woman shuffled a chair over. When I reached the bed, I touched my left shoulder. I only felt a pain and almost cried out. However, I saw Jin Qianshi pressing the steel knife in his hand and Shouting to the woman, "Get out!"

The woman's face was pale and she whispered, "General."

I said, "General King, what's going on?"

Jin Qianshi knelt down and said: "Commander, the end will die, this woman actually hurt the commander, I must cut her to pieces."

I was shocked. The day Lu Gong and I came to the right army to ask about the Snake Man, we saw Tian Wei cut off the woman's hand to make dice. Later, he cut off the woman's head with a knife. That time I almost fought with him. This thought is just Tian Wei this person arrogant and cruel, but listen to the words of gold Qianshi, it seems that most of the right army so. I sighed to myself and said, "General Kim, please do me a favor and don't give her a hard time. She didn't mean it."

Jin Qianshi way: "The leader has words, the end will dare to violate."

I said to the two women, "Go away and rest."

As they withdrew, I saw some tears in their eyes. As they withdrew, I sighed.

The Dragon Scale Army is tough, but Shen Xiping's way of leading troops is beyond me. But I can't resign to the Marquis at once. Perhaps, in Lord Wu's heart, I was considered one of his confidants, and he appointed me commander of the Dragon Scale Army in order to bring this powerful army under his tent.

I said to Kim, "General Kim, please get up. I'm a little bit of a bitch. Please don't mind. By the way, who is Xue Wen you are talking about?"

Jin Qianshi sat on a chair and said, "Xue Wen is also my right army worker. He has a nickname Xue Miaoshou, good at learning organs. By the way, he made the kite on which Lord Shen's head was taken back."

I said, "How did you get that thing ready that day? Do you know where I'm stuck?"

Gold Qianshi smiled, said: "That day we do not know the command also go, that is for the outpost Qin right general and left outpost Chen Yifan general preparation. Because of the urgency, Xue Miaoshou only made one. They failed, but the leader succeeded in the battle. Not all the heroes in the world are in the Dragon and Scale."

I could hear the arrogance in his words, too. But he had at least made me a hero. I smiled faintly and said, "But how did you manage it?"

Jin Qianshi said, "This is Xue Miaoshou's strange skill. Can you move now, Sir? '

I tried it. Now I have three big wounds on my body, the ones on my stomach are closed, which is not a problem, my legs are only flesh wounds, and only one of my left arms is still sore, and I can walk without difficulty. "Sure," I said.

"Then ask the Governor to come with me."

I was a little curious and turned over to get out of bed. Jin Qianshi shouted: "Hey, come out quickly to help the leader get out of bed."

The two women came running out of the bed in a panic and carefully supported me. I stopped, smiled at them and said, "Thank you." This seemed to be some terrible thing to say, and for a moment they felt a little uneasy, and did not know how to put their hands and feet.

I did not talk to them again, followed Jin Qianshi out. As soon as I got out of the tent, I said, 'Where did those two women come from?'

Kim Cheon-seok said, Those are the two captives of the subordinates. Doesn't the governor like it? It would be fun to see them all looking the same. If the Governor doesn't like it, I've got five more in my account. They'll all be fine, but no better."

I could not help sighing secretly again and said, "Are there many women in the Dragon Scale Army?"

Kim Chishi: "Everyone has one or two. Don't laugh at the governor, the last general is nothing but this word wine. "He blushed a little as he spoke.

"General King," I said, "please talk to your brothers in the Dragon Scale Army and treat them better."

His face changed and he knelt down again and said, "I killed three of the ten concubines I had at the beginning. Be sure to treat them better."

I lifted him up with one hand and said, "General Jin is older than me, but I am lucky to be in this position. We are all brothers. In battle, the general obeys my orders, and in ordinary times, you don't have to be too formal to ask the general to call me by name."

Gold Qianshi stood up, face also a little strange, but it seems to be some confused. Perhaps, Shen Xiping ran the army, military discipline is very disorderly, but the upper and lower order is very particular. He had no idea what to do with such a contemptuous ruler as me.

Take your time.

I looked up at the sky. It was getting late, too, and the West Gate was quiet. Four days had passed since Lord Wu's order to seal his sword, and the right army dared not disobey it. Moreover, there were not many people left in the city. Fifty thousand people had gathered in the National Square, and it was unexpected that a great majority of them had been slaughtered in the past few days. At the beginning of the siege, there were about 800,000 civilians in the city.

More than 700,000 people died. Of those 700,000 or so, half would have starved to death and half would have been killed by the Republicans themselves. But even so, at least 300,000 or 400,000 died in the Imperial slaughter. 100,000 men. Who doesn't have blood on their hands?

At this time, Gold Qianshi way: "The leader, is that."

He pointed to an archery. I looked up and saw a long bamboo tube sticking out of the archery.

'What's that?

Gold Qianshi road: "Go up to see will know."

He stepped up, and as soon as I took a step, I felt another pain in my shoulder and shook my body. Jin Qianshi jumped down the steps, held me and said: "The end will be damned, forget the head injury is not good."

"No big deal," I said. "Thanks, General King."

When I say it doesn't matter, half of it is, of course, better, but the other half is not lying. The medical officer was Ye Tai, a disciple of Master Tianji. Zhang Longyou of the Shang Qing Dan Ding school advocating alchemy, but also refining some medicine to clear empty Tutu Na school is not alchemy, but they pay more attention to medicine. Although flying is the main, medical tao is auxiliary, but some people in the Qingxu Toona school put the cart before the horse, but put the medical Tao in the first place. Ye Tai's medical skills came from that school, because in the army, he had a special expertise in trauma. I was badly hurt, but already today I feel a slight itch in the pain, which is a sign that the wound is healing. On the way I asked Gold Qianshi Lao Guoji plan, he also know unknown, only know that the Chinese army is preparing, in each army select small dead soldier, also do not know what use.

On stepping onto the archery, there were two soldiers sitting on the side. See Gold Qianshi and I come up, they stand, the way: "General Jin."

Jin Qianshi way: "This is the new dragon scale army commander Chu Xiuhong general, you come to see."

The two small soldiers also frighten a jump, chorus: "Chu command good."

"They said, with a vaguely defiant look on their faces. That is no wonder, the right army Shen Xiping unified the army, independence is very big, many people only know Shen Xiping, even do not know the marquis. I was an outsider to lead Shen Xiping elite of elite, naturally some people refused to accept. The Marquis also because the right army is a little too big to drop, will use this name to let me lead the army.

Jin Qianshi way: "This is Xue Miao hand, he took a name called telescope."

A telescope? I looked at the thing. It was a large hairy bamboo tube, which stood on one of the middle shelves. Half of it overhangs the archery because it is so long. I do not know what is inlaid at both ends, a little shiny. Jin Qianshi held the telescope, said: "Commander, you look at this end."

I walked over to that end and looked in.

At first glance, it was a little blurry, but in a moment, I saw a tent with a bare flagpole sticking out in front of me. The tent seemed to stand only a few dozen feet away. Though blurred, you can still see.

Whose tent is that? I couldn't help but wonder.

The telescope was pointed southwest, a few tens of feet away, northwest of the south gate. But there was clearly a clearing, and the Serpents had always attacked the south gate, not the west.

"Whose camp is that?

Jin Qianshi said: "Snake man."


I was shocked. The snake man was miles away, but seen from the bamboo tube, he was several times closer. No wonder it's called a telescope. I looked up again, and sure enough, in front of the camp, I could see a forest, which was in front of the camp of the Serpents.

"Yesterday evening, we waited outside the forest for a signal from Qin Quan, but we couldn't get it. Fortunately, Xue Miaoshou saw you at the top of the flagpole in the morning, and we set out to meet you at once, and met your anxious corpsmen, who had just the kind of medicine to be angry with. Originally, we were afraid that the snake people rushed out of the difficult to deal with, ready to fight a bloody battle, spilled life to save Lord Shen's head, just in line with the soldiers. Ha, ha, that was the best fight ever. None of us was killed."

"He said, beaming, and the two soldiers were amazed, but I was still looking at the telescope, thinking to myself: Don't say there were no casualties. Qin Quan and his Dragon Scale army were killed in battle, and Tan Qing, the master archer of my forward fifth battalion, also died in the snake Army.

At this time, someone shouted: "Is General Chu here?" It was the voice of Qillie.

Jin Qianshi stopped talking, poked his head out from the side of the archery and said, "Here it is. Who are you?"

I put down the telescope, also near the archery, but saw Qi Lie and the few remaining officers carrying a package of things. Seeing me, Qi Lie called out: "General, you are here."

He rushed up to the archery, knelt down before me, and said, "General, how are you?"

My left hand was still in a sling, and I just patted his shoulder with my right hand. He had the mark of a centurion on his soft armour. I laughed and said, "You have been promoted?"

Qi Lie said: "The road control appointed me as the five battalion centurion." His voice was irrepressible too. He is only nineteen years old this year, and will only be twenty in the New Year. A centurion, younger than I was when I was a centurion. I smiled and said, "Do it well."

Qi Liye said: "By the way, where is your camp? Give each man in the forward battalion ten jin of white rice. I will bring this to you."

I looked at Kim and he was a little embarrassed. The Dragon Scale Army did a lot of good, but no reward. After all, the Vanguard battalion is the Lord's direct line, not the Dragon Scale.

I said, "General Jin, please take this white rice to the kitchen and cook porridge for the brothers in the evening."

We had conquered the city of Gao Vulture, but we had not much food. Our usual food was only coarse dry cakes. Although everyone had taken a large amount of goods, there was no food or drink now, and only the senior officers occasionally had a little rice to eat. Marquis Wu gave 10 jin of white rice to each man in the forward battalion. He needed to bring out more than 10 thousand jin at once. This pile of rice must be more than ten jin, thirty jin will have, I am afraid that Qi Lie they saved from their own reward to add.

Jin Chishi is a little silly, way: "This"

I said: "What this that, share the good and the bad."

I turned to Qilie and said, "Come, brothers, please come and rest in my camp." One into the camp, Qi Lie can not help but praise: "Oh, general, you now live really good."

Indeed, the Western city conquered by the Rightwing army was the richest in the High Eagle City, and the Dragon Scale Army was treated better than the Vanguard Battalion. We sat down, I said: "Xiao Lie, you want to launch a counterattack?"

Gold Qianshi know not clear, but this counterattack, forward camp must know the inside story. "Yes," Qi said. General Law saw you flying out of the Snake-man camp in a kite. He offered to make gunpowder bags to be thrown into the Snake-man camp on the kite to win by fire."

No wonder you want to send Xue Wen, too. I couldn't help admiring Lloyd. It was early spring, and the wind was blowing from the northeasterly to the southwest, right on top of the Snake-man camp. Attacking the snake man on the flat ground would have a slim chance of success, but from above, even if the snake man was not so afraid of fire, they would be defeated. But it was a very dangerous strategy, and the lives of the dead who threw powder bags over the Serpents' camp were tied to a small rope, and it was feared that more than half of them would never come back.

"When will we start?" I asked.

Qi Liel said, "We have mobilized all the craftsmen to make the big kite. Seol Gong-jeong of the right army says we can only make 50 of them by night."

I said, "Fifty people? Is that enough powder?"

"Mr. Zhang said, the fire cloud hole outside the north gate produces sulfur, but nitrate can be scraped from the old walls. Each man is to carry a kilo of powder, and a barrel of burning wine, which is not difficult to do."

I think about it, and I think it's really feasible. We've all seen what gunpowder can do, and what wine does when you touch it, but the gods can't escape. The Lord could not resist the temptation to crush the snake man. But, in my heart, I vaguely felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it in any way.

Said for a while, and Qilie broke up. Walk them out the door. Jin Qian Shi brought some of the remaining officers of the Dragon Scale Army to see me. The Dragon Scale Army is divided into five sentry posts, one commander for each post. After the defeat, the dragon scale army five sentry long only gold Qianshi a person.

I took leave of them and went back to my tent, where the two women who served me stood aside and said, "General, have your dinner."

On the table, there were two bowls of steaming white rice porridge and some dried beef. Dried beef is a food brought from the capital. When it is dry and hard, it has no taste, but when it is boiled, it has some flavor. I picked up the bowl with one hand and tried to drink it, but it was too hot, and I couldn't move my other hand. Just at a loss, one of the women picked up the bowl and the other spooned it to me with a small spoon. In the Vanguard Battalion, Qi Lied served me with bowls when I was a guard, but he could not serve me with bowls as well as women. No wonder the Dragon Scale Army, which values enjoyment, used women to serve them.

Sweet rice grain entrance, just feel and usually eat those dry cake is very different. This kind of white rice porridge is not a big deal in the capital, and rice from the south is not a rare thing. It's just that with the war going on, it's a real treat. It occurred to me that the citizens imprisoned in the National Square wondered what they could eat.

After two bites, I suddenly said, "Have you eaten yet?"

A woman, a little embarrassed, said, "General, we."

I looked at them now. Their identical faces looked a little haggard. I said: "You eat too."

The two women looked at each other. The one with the bowl put it on the table, and the other put a spoon in it. Both knelt down and said, "General, we dare not."

I said: "What dare not dare. What do you usually eat?"

They looked at each other for a while, and then one said, "General Kim used to give us those cookies."

I could not help laughing at the thought of them eating those inedible dry cakes. They didn't know why I was laughing. They were a little scared. I said, "Bring me two more bowls."

They took out two bowls, I divided the two bowls of porridge into three bowls, deliberately left a bowl less, said: "Come, one bowl each, if not enough dry cake soak in it, delicious. "Then he brought the smallest bowl to me and took a piece of dry cake from his bosom." Come, "he said," tear it up for me and soak it in it." Eating only porridge, but also feel very comfortable. The two of them have gone to rest. I'm afraid they never went a single day in captivity without being afraid. Though they were still a little afraid, they smiled somewhat and told me that one was Bai Wei and the other was Purple Polygonum, the twin daughters of a middle ranking official in the Republican Army.

I sighed as I looked at the little tent where they rested. If the Lord Moon had not rebelled, they would have been two well-bred ladies, surrounded by a large number of princes, who, like me, as a little officer, would have had difficulty in pretending to be like them, but now they served me like two obedient servants.

I couldn't sleep tonight for a counterattack. Step outside. Twilight is drawing in. In the distance, there was no sound in the Serpentine camp. When I reached the archery again, I looked at the telescope. The two soldiers knew me and saluted me respectfully.

Through the telescope, there was nothing different. What worried me a little was that there was some light in the Snake-man camp. Perhaps the snake man is getting used to the fire and losing his fear of it every day.

I looked at it for a while, and my eyes ached. I was about to leave when, out of the corner of my eye, I seemed to see a black shadow moving through the telescope.

What's that?

I bent over the telescope again. The telescope was not very clear already, and the twilight made it even more so. It had seemed to be in front of the trees, but now it was nothing.

Is that my vision?

I walked slowly down the archery. Above the city, night watchmen were still making their rounds. No one was allowed to take off their armour, and the rest was only a snooze. Those days are almost over.

A division is always tired of fighting. This is also taught in the seventh March. Since our invasion, there has been no sign of it. But now, locked in the city of High Vultures with Serpentmen, it makes one weary of war. A warrior is too powerful to fail to see this. He will fight one more battle and then retire, and that will be for all his glory, in the name of his great name.

A famous name. I couldn't help smiling. Through the ages, there have been many famous men. The so-called general, but kill more people. Lu Jingyu told me that "nothing more than killing people" that is also tired of war issued by the emotion. On the battlefield, there is no third choice but to kill and be killed.

I let out a long sigh. In the sky, the moon rose, a faint tooth. Last year at this time, the city may be singing and dancing, preparing for the New Year, this year, most of the people have become skeletons. In just one year, it's a world apart.

I went down to the end of the city, and was about to return to my tent to rest, when suddenly the faint sound of the flute sounded in the city.

That flute rises not far, like the south gate of the city. I don't know what tune he plays. It's very melodious. The tune is very complex, it is like a thin filament, twists and turns, but not a mess.

Listening to the sound of that flute, I feel as if clean water flows from inside to outside of my body. I don't think about anything anymore. I feel like flying. I was a little stupefied listening to it from under the city, and wished that the flute would play longer.

While listening attentively, a flute suddenly broke into the sound. The flute was loud and sudden, like a sharp blade breaking the air, while the silky sound was perfectly fitted to the organ, as it should have been.

And the full flute grew louder and louder, till at length the flute could no longer cope with it, and was about to break, when suddenly a "fruitfulness" rang out from a string of lute sounds.

When the pipa sounded, my heart was shocked.

Even though I didn't know the rhythm, I knew by the sound who had played it.

Snow-white fingers, sobs of melody. On that day, the red light green wine room, like a glimpse, just a delicate figure.

I walked to the south gate. I walked a few steps too slowly. I ran a few steps, but when I ran, my shoulder ached a little. I couldn't care less, and ran on.

It was also some distance from the west gate to the south gate, but the voice was not at the south gate, but at the top of the city west of the south gate.

That's the Lord's temporary camp. I do not know why, I just want to look at the fingers flying on the string, just want to listen to the kind of people want to cry.

The flute and the lute are still together. Even I, for one, recognized that the sound of the flute was filled with signs of slaughter, and that the pipa was peaceful and upright, yet a little tender. After playing for a moment, the sound of the flute became higher and higher, and the sound of the pipa seemed to be unable to keep up.

The gentle sound of the pipa, like a peanut tree, seems to be a peaceful valley, and the sun and the moon together. The sound of the flute was like a sharp knife struck by lightning, and a team of iron horses rushed like lightning to break the dream of peace. Knives shone, blood flowed on the ground, fire and cries everywhere.

I ran, and let the tune swirl around me like a cloud. I don't know when, I just feel tears in my eyes.

On the battlefield, no matter what is said about the just war to save the people or the unjust struggle to expand the territory, the most dead are still innocent people. Is to kill the soldiers in the front line, what will they leave behind when they die? The souls of the victorious side, known as the death of the state, and a bit of mourning. The dead on the losing side of the war, but can only be reviled, who thought of their home, also have a wife and children, in their dying heart, perhaps like those who love peace, still want to give their family a little warmth.

At the end of a town, I was out of breath. After all, I'm pretty banged up, and the run took a bit out of me. I took a deep breath and slowly climbed the stairs.

At this time, the flute has overwhelmed the pipa sound, like a flood dragon flying in the sky, suddenly Yan in the east, suddenly Yan in the west, arrogant, seems to command thousands of troops and horses, in the battlefield, when the invincible.

Suddenly, there was a turning point in the high sound of the flute, like a small ripple on the surface of the water, vaguely some sense of loneliness.

Who is that?

I thought, stepping on the edge of the city.

I saw her.

She sat in a group of women's music, carrying a pipa in her arms, still wearing the yellow shirt, five fingers still on the string. Though the flute is loud and clear and the clouds dry, the pipa's voice is like dew on the tip of grass, and though the hooves of iron tread, it still drops the tip of flowers.

The man playing the flute was the Marquis of Wu!

I couldn't help but be a little gobsmacked. I never dreamed that the Lord had a deep understanding of music. It was not an ordinary bamboo flute that he put to his lips, but a polished iron one. He too seemed absorbed in the sound of the flute, his eyes closed, and he did not care about anything around him. His two constant escorts, the great eagles and the young eagles, also stood at the head.

In the moonlight, a group of people looked like clay sculptures.

I dare not approach, watching from a distance. City head, patrolling soldiers hand long lance, also listen infatuated, imitation into a dream.

The sound of the flute faded away, making the sound of the pipa heavy and obtrusive. But at this moment the pipa acoustic no tunes, after the army is like a mess, is no JiaoLei in the village and the city peaceful, with only a piece of debris.

Lord Wu suddenly opened his eyes, put the iron flute in the palm of his hand a "snap". She was surprised, fingers away from the pipa, a group of women happy from the seat, kneeling in front of the seat of the marquis.

Lord Wu smiled and said, "Get up."

They all returned to their seats. Marquis Wu said, "From whom did you learn the pipa?"

That's for her. She began to protest, "I learned the pipa from Mu Shan CAI when I was a child."

This is the first time I've ever heard her speak. Her voice was clearer and clearer, but neither servile nor overtone. Her identity at this time is only a female prisoner, but the words are still as equal with the Marquis.

"Mu Shancai." Lord Wu bowed his head.

This Mushan is the master of the southern pipa. When I heard that we were in the High Eagle City during the siege, he disappeared and probably died in the siege.

Marquis Wu raised his head and said as if to himself, "More than forty years ago, I met Mu Shancai in the Emperor. He taught me the skill of playing the flute with the pipa. Unconsciously, it has been more than forty years. No wonder I can see that your pipa can match my horse."

She suddenly said, "The flute of your majesty is very beautiful, but the blade of the sword is too strong, and I finally lost my mind."

This is either a compliment or a criticism. Wu Hou did not feel at all, way: "It is ah. I know for a long time in the company, I am afraid that the blood is also the cold of the blade. Alas."

The last sigh seemed to come from the bottom of my heart.

The unknown Lord is still such a man? I was dumbfounded. No wonder, Marquis Wu can become a victorious general, the empire since the founding of the war generals, it is said that Marquis Wu can also be ranked in the top ten. If I only rely on strength, I may never become famous.

I found myself thinking of these, and I suddenly felt a little sorry for her.

Maybe her father and brother were killed by my knife. Now she was only one of a class of girls to be sent to the emperor. I don't know why, but a sudden surge of hate for the war came over me.

If the war had not happened, the South was still a province, people live and work in peace, how good it would be.

I was standing by the wall, thinking, when suddenly there was a loud noise on the southwest side. Lord Wu stood up, looked into the distance, and said: "The attack has begun!"

To the southwest, flames and smoke rose. Almost all the soldiers at the head of the city rushed to the wall to see the place.

The fightback against the Serpentmen has finally begun!

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Alon Long

We are the world, we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

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