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Chapter 4 DARK WORLD

China`s top fantasy novels

By Alon LongPublished about a year ago 32 min read

The vanguard of the army has reached two miles outside the city. It was strange that the army did not light torches, but if they were trying to attack, they should not have made so much noise.

The night was still deep, but all the troops in the city did not dare to sleep. The Chinese army was all stationed outside the south gate, and almost everyone was speculating about the unknown army.

Lord Wu had sent out many repulsive soldiers, and those repulsive soldiers came back one by one. The army quartered about two miles from the city, and most of the army marched on. They also carried banners, so that they could not see in the night, and they did not send messengers to announce it, and the messengers that had been sent were like clay oxen in the sea, and there was no more news. Then it must be the enemy.

At this time, a scolding houbing even rolling belt crawling rushed to the head of the city, mouth cried: "You Hou, no good no good, that is a ghost!"

In his tent, the marquis rebuked him and said, "Eagle, behead this useless man who has disturbed the hearts of the army!"

The repulse took a fright and said: "Jun Hou, Jun Hou, those are not people, are some monsters!" Snake man! That's the Snake Army! The idea came to me almost immediately. I looked at Lu Gongxing standing at the edge of the first camp. His face was also shocked. Maybe he suspects it's an army of Serpents, too. They were a little frightened too, but they were not as shocked as I was.

In his tent, Lord Wu only said gravely, "Beheading!" The eagle had come out of the tent, and seized the repulsing hair. The repulsing exclaimed, "You, you, I am not lying."

The eagle would not let him finish, pulled out his knife, cut off his head with one stroke, and the blood in the throat cavity spilled all over the ground. The eagle handed the head to a soldier standing by the tent and said, "Hang the head on the wall for orders."

At this moment, Marquis Wu came out of his tent. As we knelt on the ground, he looked at us with awe. "Battalion Forward," he cried, "Are you confident that you will defeat whoever comes?"

A unified cry of "Yes!" rose from the forward camp.

I was Shouting, too, but I felt a little uneasy. One snake man is so hard to deal with. If there are 100, 000 snake men, then we have no place to die.

Tan Qing and others who had killed the snake man with me were also calm. Wu Hou said, "Kaesong, the forward battalion will meet them. The central army will hold the position in the rear."

Wu Hou tall body standing in the head of the city, awe inspiring as God. Even if it is really some evil ghosts from hell, in front of the Lord, will be the change. I smiled and felt that I had been too timid.

The forward battalion descended, mounted, and marched out of the city in good order. At that moment, a horse galloped up from under the city. On the horse, I saw that this man was dressed in black armour and looked like a senior officer.

By this time the battalions were in the lower city, and I was bringing my brothers of the fifth battalion to the lower city, when the black-armored knight was running towards the head of the city, looking in a hurry. He rushed into the city and knelt down in front of the Marquis of Wu. He said, "Your Majesty, Shen Xiping has something to ask you to do."

Is he Shen Xiping? I was a little surprised, too. Although Shen Xiping charged in front of the battle, I never saw him near. At this time and he is close at hand, it seems, he is not like a "fire tiger" said of the fierce general, looks very elegant, very like a scholar. I don't know what to expect from your Majesty at this time.

Marquis Wu said, "Xiping, what do you have to say?"

By this time it was our turn to go down town. I went down to the city with eighty-three brothers from the fifth Battalion, and behind me I could not make out what Shen Xiping was saying. As soon as they reached the city, they saw a group of cavalry standing dark beside them, which looked like five or six hundred cavalry. Leading the charge was Tian Wei. When he saw me, he gave me a smile as a greeting. I immediately understood the purpose of Shen Xiping's visit. Shen Xiping had five hundred dragon scale cuirasses, which was equivalent to the front battalion of the Marquis in the right army, and was always called the vanguard army of the Empire. Shen Xiping before what the war, the dragon scale army has always been his charge to win the magic weapon. The conquest of the Republican Army had been mostly a battle of the cities, not a battle of the fields. His Dragon Scale army was of little use, and the right army had done the least. This time to field, Shen Xiping probably want to take the credit.

We mounted our horses and went out. The soldiers were quartered at the gate. When the vanguard battalion was fully assembled, Lei Gu ran out again and shouted in front of the vanguard battalion, "The soldiers of the Vanguard battalion have heard the truth. Lord Wu has ordered that General Shen Xiping, the loyal commander, be appointed as the vanguard. The Vanguard battalion will temporarily retreat one hundred paces to take the lead for General Shen."

Sure enough, it came. I couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. Maybe it was because Tian Wei's insolence still annoyed me. I watched as Shen Xiping and his five hundred Dragon Scales marched through our camp.

If you look at it without prejudice, Shen Xiping's Dragon Scale army is indeed a strong army. Each of the five hundred men was strong, and all had black helmets and armour. Their weapons were somewhat different from ours. Half of them were long-handled swords. Perhaps what the Dragon Scales are best at is charging, and the spear is not as powerful as the broadsword.

The sky was now misty and the torches did not look so bright. From the top of the city, the army was very close; from the bottom, it was still some way off. In the distance, smoke billowed over almost the entire horizon.

Shen Xiping's Dragon Scale army formed a square formation a hundred paces in front of us. A hundred paces away, his little army was like a drop in the ocean compared with the long line of smoke in the distance. Shen Xiping was flanked by two infantry soldiers carrying a bundle of long rifles.

Shen Xiping used to throw spears on the battlefield. There are many generals who use the spear, and we have practiced it in the military academy. But the spears used in general are small guns, not so much guns as long and thick arrows. Shen Xiping used a lance that was five feet and five inches long. He had three stableboys, one of whom carried his lance more than ten feet long, and two of whom each carried twenty spears. He also participated in the battle of Hanluo Exterminating the people. It was said that in the final Armageddon, the Longscale Army assumed the heavy responsibility of the first charge. He charged in the front, and all the 40 spears were thrown in the battle, killing one man with each shot.

At this time, the Dragon Scale army stood like an iron cast in front of the formation, a banner in the formation to hunt and display. But I couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.

I have been face to face with the Snake Man, and I know the power of the snake man, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. If those are really snake people, can Shen Xiping show his heroic posture of fire and wind again? The army is approaching.

It was beginning to get light, and you could already see that the army was in front of it with chariots.

Chariots are not very strange things, the southern Xinjiang is not good at galloping horses, so there are not many military riding horses, horses used to pull the chariots. But the tank was not good at turning, good for defending rather than attacking, and was never used as a front.

Three hundred paces from the Dragonscale, the army stopped.

In the dawn, I do not know how many long queues there are in that area. Are those -- are they really the Serpent Army? I tried to see past, in the flying dust, but can not see, faint, only see many cold light, in a cloud of dust billowing, but like stars mixed in the twilight.

Would we really be able to withstand such a thunderbolt if they were to rush forward with this advance, even though we were waiting for them? I can't help but be a little worried. I don't know whether Shen Xiping's Dragon Scale army really has the legendary strength. If we think of the strength of the vanguard battalion, even if we don't suffer a total defeat, we will be in chaos.

The army did not move. It was strange that even though the army was in disarray and had no formation at all, in the light of dawn it looked like a solid wall and stood firm. A moment later, a chariot came out of the procession.

The chariot was waving a banner in the wind.

It was beginning to get light. The chariot was clearly visible, and there was only a man in armor. With a banner in one hand and a bridle of silk in the other, the cart came to a stop a hundred paces from the Dragonscale Army, and the man in the cart stretched out his hand and thrust the banner into the ground. Even here I could hear a crack. I took a deep breath, and almost everyone else let out a low exclamation.

The flag was blown away by the wind, and on it were painted two men dressed in ancient clothes, but their lower bodies were snakes.

It was no big deal. The picture on their flag was not to be feared. It was the man who made people cry.

The man was wearing a helmet and armor. There was nothing unusual about him on the bus, but when he got off, we found that his lower body, just like the flag, was also the body of a snake!

It's really a snake man!

Despite my premonition, the shock of actually facing an army of Serpents left me breathless. Lu Gongxing once said, when there are ten thousand snakes, the world will be invincible. Now there are more than ten thousand Serpents in this army, twenty or thirty thousand if not one hundred thousand. Are we really going to die here?

The snake man straightened up. Normally, the lower part of the snake's body is on the ground, and its height is only a quarter of its full length, which is about the height of an ordinary man. With only one third of the snake on the ground, he was suddenly several times taller than a man. His upper body looked exactly like a man's, which made it all the more bizarre.

The snake man had a long spear in his hand. Then he pointed his spear at us, a gesture that even those who have not gone to war know is a challenge.

Shen Xiping shouted: "Tanaka Jun, do you have confidence?"

Tian Wei also shouted: "Lord Shen, Tian Wei will not let you down!"

He shouted so loudly that we could hear him.

Twenty battalions of our strikers are right behind the Dragonscale. As Tian Wei advanced to the front of the line, the Dragon soldiers shouted steadily and rhythmically, "Tian Wei! Tian Wei!" Almost at the same moment, the cry went up from the forward battalion, rolling like a scorched thunder, and from the main line behind it.

It was already light. The shadow of Tian Wei was long in the light of dawn. He had the upper hand, so to speak. The Serpent was facing the sun, which would have affected his eyesight. Although I could only see his back at once, I could feel his despising energy.

But I don't share his optimism.

Why does the snake man not charge, but send a man to challenge first? Perhaps this was the first time the Serpents had fought the Imperial Army, and they had to test their strength. It can be said that the morale of the three armed forces has been tied to Tian Wei. I have no love for Tian Wei, but I also hope he can beat.

Tian Wei flicked his long gun over his head and shouted, "Monster, try my gun!"

When he urged the horse, the man charged at the snake man. He was clad in black armor, and his horse was fast, and his charge was as swift as thunder. In spite of his insolence, Tian Wei did have some skill. Yesterday, if I had faced him in a duel, I would not have won.

Looks like the snake man won't get any cheap. No wonder Shen Xiping so confident, let Tian Wei to fight.

By this time Tian Wei had reached the snake man. When the snake man stepped down, his upper body and part of his belly stood upright, about the same height as Tian Wei. Tian Wei shouted: "Monster, die!" The spear in his hand was thrust at the serpent.

When Wu Zhao taught us the art of Qiangshu, he told us that Qiangshu had several techniques, including stabbing, smashing, touching, sweeping and poking, and that Qiangshu could best exert the power of the gun. Wu Zhao has shown us that a single, concentrated shot can Pierce ten two-inch planks stacked on top of each other. Tian Wei's shot was not inferior to Wu Zhao's.

This technique, if not two people strength difference is too big, that never dare to use. The force of Tian Wei's shot will never be small. If you grasp the spear point with one hand, its force will be at least twice that of Tian Wei. Is the power of the snake man really so great? I couldn't help being shocked.

Just then, Tian Wei's gun reached the snake man. Although the snake man was powerful, he could not grasp his gun. He only pushed Tian Wei's gun away a little. This shot, such as lightning, is tied in the shoulder of the snake man "chow" sound, even through the nail.

There's a little blood coming out.

The snake man's shoulder is much narrower than a man's. Tian Wei's shot only grazed the snake man's skin. But this shot made the whole army cheering, after all, it was Tian Wei who stabbed his opponent first, which was a great morale boost.

Before the cheering was over, the snake man suddenly shot Tian Wei. Look at it this shot, even than the Tian Wei that gun not half inferior. Tian Wei seemed to try to pull the gun back, but his face turned red.

The Snake Man's shot was about to reach his face, and Tian Wei Zai was at his wit's end. Even at that distance, I could see the panic on his face.

At that moment, he had no other choice but to throw away his gun with both hands and throw back sharply. Just as the Snake Man's shot passed through his face, he suddenly fell down. This move was as quick as thunder and lightning.

Almost immediately there was silence. Although Tian Wei had stabbed the snake man, the snake man's counterattack made people shudder. No matter who it was, Tian Wei was defeated.

I looked at Shen Xiping immediately in front of the formation, but his face as always, expressionless. My heart move, don't, Tian Wei still have the means to win?

The snake man now had guns in both hands. His right pistol was pressed on the horse's back. The horse suddenly gave a whine and knelt on the ground with its front legs.

The speed of the shot was as fast as thunder. Both the Dragon Scale and the Forward Battalion let out a cry of surprise. Tian Wei's hand reached out and grabbed the point of his spear. But even if he grasped the end of the spear, there was no way to stop the castration of the spear. The spear, with all the force of the snake man, stabbed him in the chest and nailed Tian Wei to the ground.

At that moment, from the Dragonscale, a horde shot out like lightning. Qi Lie in the side of small voice: "Shen Xiping!"

There was an irrepressible excitement in his voice.

Shen Xiping's horse was so fast that even his stable-boys could not keep up with him. In a twinkling of an eye, he reached the snake man. We hardly saw anything, but we heard Shen Xiping Shouting, "Monster, suffer death!"

Out of his hand, like lightning, came a spear. The snake man gave a strange cry, and hardly had time to react, the spear passed through his chest, and he too was pinned to the ground, almost exactly like Tian Wei. It roared on the ground and twisted its long body around the shaft of the gun, but it was half buried and could not be pulled out unless the shaft was broken.

The snake man twisted, and suddenly his body bowed like a bow, and the gun went through his body, and he stood up again, only the gun that was straight on the ground seemed to have been pulled out of a lake of blood, and there was still blood running down the end of the gun, and from where I was standing, the gun was all dark red.

Shen Xiping took the horse back a step, suddenly shouted: "Die!"

He also has a couple of spears. This time two spears were thrown at the same time, and the snake, already immobile, was struck and pinned to the ground again.

This time, he won't be able to get off.

Shen Xiping such a practice, very no moral, completely attack, in fact, very lost the dignity of the warrior. But no one in either army accused him, let alone against such a monster. Just for the defeat of Tian Wei a little depressed military heart, suddenly up.

Shen Xiping ignored Tian Wei, who was still struggling on the ground. He reined in the REINS and the horse stood up. "Men of the Dragon Scale, charge!" he shouted.

It sounded like a thunderbolt from the sky. A great roar went up from the Dragonscale, and the five hundred black-armored knights surged up like a tide.

Five hundred men, in a grand army, is a paltry number. But the Dragonscale Army felt like a mighty torrent, unstoppable. The shining black armor, shining in the rising sun, made the whole column like a long arrow thrust into the enemy line.

As the Dragon Scales charge, the central army behind us has charged. However, the road Gongxing has not issued a charge order. I looked behind the Chinese army rushed up, can not help but worry. Those who retreat from the battle will be killed. This is the military order of the Marquis. And not to charge with the army, that's a capital offense. I clapped my horse forward a few steps, said: "Road control, why not charge?"

Lu Gongxing was watching the Dragon Scale army on his horse. He turned around and said, "Do you think it's time to charge?"

I looked across. The charge of the Dragonscale was like a towering wave that seemed to crush anything in its way, but nothing changed in the chaos of the Serpentmen. The army that held the horizon was like an unfathomable pool, capable of swallowing up anything thrown into it.

I was incredulous. "They didn't use all their strength?"

Lu Gongxing nodded heavily and said, "They seem to be still testing."

"Why didn't they attack first? They're still trying. That's a lost opportunity."

The road Gong Xing slowly said, "I don't know. I think the man who domesticated these snakes was quite a character."

By this time, the Chinese army had rushed forward. I said: "Road control, you don't charge, that in front of the marquis is not good to tell!"

Lu Gongxing hung his head in pain and said, "I can't."


I'm a little weird. At this time, Pu Anli also came, called: "road control, why not charge?"

Lu Gongxing took one look at us, gritted his teeth, and said, "Good, charge!"

When we got the horses back, we couldn't help but be a little excited, and Paul even gave me a smile. At that moment, I heard Lu Gongxing shout: "Brothers, charge, be careful!"

There's never any "be careful" in a charge, and I was a little annoyed. No matter what Lu Gong Xing was thinking of, it was really disarming to say these discouraging words at this time. I took the horse to the side of Qilie, said: "rushed!"

The bugler of the first forward battalion blew the charge. The Vanguard's bugle was specially made out of a bull horn, and sounded low and deep, and when it was played well, the waves were higher and higher. At this moment, it sounded like a coking mine rolling over the crowd, and the heavy clamour of the advancing Chinese army behind it could not drown out the waves of trumpets.

I take the horse, said: "Little Lie, follow me!"

My Katori bow was too large and too heavy, so he carried it only. My horse had a lance and a battering axe, and ten arrows. The battering axe was not much use now, and if he needed the longbow he had to be with him.

When I rushed up, I caught up with the three camps of Bo Anli, which had been connected with the one camp of Lu Gong Line. The forward battalion charged in triangulars of four rows, with the first battalion in the vanguard, followed by the second and third battalions, the fourth, the fifth and the third, followed by three battalions, and then in turn, until the last two battalions were four each. This is the court day march seven to the fifth volume of the array map recorded in the charge. But now the charge is in disarray, and the rear battalions are faster than the front.

What on earth is Lu Gong Xing doing?

Anger flared in my heart. Was he really scared of the snake man?

By this time, we were in front of the Serpents.

I shuddered when I saw the snake.

Not many of them wore armor, and most of them showed their green scales, but they carried strange weapons, almost everything, even some of them bare. The Dragon Scale army was fighting hard and bloody, but it could be seen that it was no longer able to support itself. The whole army was divided into several sections. There were only a few dozen black armored knights around Shenxiping, and the others were acting independently. Not many were killed, but there was no further advance.

If the Dragonscale Army were a nail, the nail was now driven into a piece of pig iron.

Are those monsters really that bad? Even the world-renowned Dragon Scale Army has suffered. I can't help but feel a little frightened and, deep down, a little pleased.

We all let out a loud shout as the forward battalion rushed into the battle. The Dragon Scale army was shocked by this cry. Lu Gongxing shouted, "Brothers of the forward battalion, protect General Shen first."

When he had finished speaking, Bo Anli shouted, "Come with me, if you have courage, and break the central army of these monsters!"

He may also be a little annoyed by Lu Gong Xing's timidity.

The middle of the Serpentine army was surrounded by an unknown number of Serpentines. It is impossible to defeat the central army. But there was no reason for me to hesitate. Paul was on his way.

The fifth battalion had already reached the second floor, when Bourley rushed forward, and several centurions of his party rushed forward from behind. I whirled in my head, waved my gun, and said, "Boys, charge!"

The first battalion of Lu Gong Haeng is already fighting the Snake Men. As we rushed forward, we saw a soldier of the first Battalion thrown from his horse by a Snake-man who had stabbed him through the chest. I gnashed my teeth, urged the horse, the man rushed to.

The Snake-man still had the soldier of the first battalion on his lance, and seemed to stand easily on the ground with his lower body. Ordinary people can't do this at all. A person, no matter how light, can weigh more than 100 jin. If you want to hold it so easily, you must have more than 1,000 jin in your arm. The soldier isn't dead yet, but he's bleeding from his nose and mouth.

As my horse charged at him, I held the gun in both hands, and put all my strength into it.

Compared with strength, I was no match for the Snake Man. When I was entangled with the snake Man that day, it was as if I were bound in chains. I could not move.

But I know I'm faster than the snake man. At this point, I can only use my own speed and the speed of the horse to add together, to have some chance of success.

The snake man saw me rushing towards him and turned his head my way. Its eyes were pale yellow, not very human, and as cold as ice cubes. He flicked his gun, and suddenly the soldier from the first battalion flew towards me with great speed.

If I shoot this body out of the way, it's gonna slow down. This is what I expected of the snake man as I charged at him. My legs caught the horse's back, and the man suddenly fell to the horse's right side, tightly on the horse's right belly, when the body "suddenly" flew over the horse. If I had been one step slower, this body would have hit me right in the face.

I almost came face to face with the dead body as it flew over the horse. Surprise and fear were on the face of the corpse. Perhaps the soldier had been afraid before he died.

I could think no more of it, and the horse had rushed up to the snake man. I did not rise up and shoot the snake man in the chest.

My own strength is not too big, but with the horse's momentum, I am confident that Shen Xiping's lance will not be inferior. The snake man slowed down, perhaps not expecting it, or not thinking of it at all, but the body that swung out didn't slow me down at all, and before I knew it, my gun was on its chest.

The Snake-man sent his gun sideways, as if trying to seal mine out. But my gun was much faster and more powerful than his, and as soon as he raised it, my gun was in front of him, with its head resting on its stem.

At this distance, even if he had raised his gun, the end of my gun hit him right in the head. Perhaps he also found himself in despair, and his cold eyes flashed with fear.

The same as people.

I was thinking "Poof!" the tip of the gun went into something hard.

That's the left arm of the snake man.

It swerved after the final pass and missed the vital point, but missed the left arm.

My head was half as long as usual, almost like a thick, double-edged knife. My left hand forward, the gun on the left arm, the right hand pressed the handle of the gun, my gun once picked up a "crack" sound, its left arm was cut down by me, only a little skin attached.

Its blood splattered, and a few drops fell on my face, but they were cold.

The Serpent's left arm was no longer able to hold the spear. By this time my horse had joined the snake man, and I drew my spear, and when the snake man was a little stupefied, I struck back.

The speed of the shot was no longer sufficient; it had slowed down considerably.

As soon as I had struck, I felt a sudden tug on my hand like a thousand heavy objects, almost dragging me off my horse. I clamped his back, but he could go no further, and the man stood up.

Is it stuck in the wood? I pulled the gun hard, but the gun seemed to take root, but there was a backward pull.

I glanced back. But the Snake-man caught me by the end of the spear with his only right hand.

I was amazed at how powerful the snake man was. It pulled so hard that I almost fell off my horse. I let go. It took the gun. Before the Serpent could strike me again with my spear, I reached for the battering axe hanging in front of the horse, and, with my feet out of the stirrups, I sprang, and the Serpent stood in front of the horse, and swung over with my right hand.

This one is right in the snake man's neck.

The snake man's neck is very thick and very short, but I also use this axe full body force "crack" sound, has cut the snake man's neck. He could no longer fight back and squirted blood from the wound in his neck.

It's still cold blood, but it's a little bit hot. I don't know why, I suddenly thought a little sarcastically, if the snake people like people have some kind of "hot-blooded youth," it might be called "cold-blooded youth."

I had just hacked the snake man to death when a spear came at me from the side.

While my horse was still standing, I was on its back, and the shot struck me in the stomach, and I knew I could not escape it. The man was on the horse's side, and the battering axe, dipped in the blood of the serpent, turned again, and with a sound cut off the spear's head.

But the snake man did not hesitate at all, and the spear without the tip came at me. It was a powerful shot, or I couldn't have just cut the end off. The snake man must have thought, if he had, that he could Pierce me right with a single stick.

I was now sitting on my horse. I thought the axe would catch the gun, but it cut the end off. Then want to hide, it is too late, with the axe back to block, strength is certainly not enough. I clenched my teeth and swung the siege axe, turning to my side.

My battering axe hit the snake man on the head. Just to this series of actions, do not feel how to do down, but I a heavy armor, suddenly feel fine. But no more, the axe was still an axe, and the axe split its head in two. Almost immediately, the severed end of the gun stabbed me in the left side of the stomach.

I turned sideways just in time, and the shot went along the blade of the armor, but through it all I felt was a sharp pain in my stomach.

Before I could move, a snake man appeared in front of the horse's head.

The snake Man, like the one who had come out to challenge him, had only one third of his body on the ground, and was now more than half taller than I was sitting on my horse. I unconsciously reached out to feel for the gun in front of the horse, only to feel empty before it occurred to me that it had taken it from me when I had just killed the first snake.

At this point, I was unarmed.

Looking at the snake man, I felt cold all over.

The snake man had a spear in his hand, and he was about to turn on me. I knew that my strength was never as strong as that of the Snake Man. Now the horse was standing still and could no longer use its horse power to compete with the Snake Man. However, I had exerted too much force before, and now it was a little out of strength.

I closed my eyes.

Ear, suddenly heard Qi Lie: "General, be careful! Be careful!" Startled, I opened my eyes and saw the snake man falling towards me. As soon as I reined in the REINS, the horse retreated a few steps, and the snake man fell to the ground with a thud.

There's a spear on his back!

It was Shen Xiping who saved me. I could not help but look over gratefully, only to see Shen Xiping a dozen paces in front of me.

Ten steps is usually only a quick distance, but can issue such a powerful lance, in addition to Shen Xiping, also do not do the second person thought. At this time Qi Lie has picked up my long spear, said: "General"

As soon as I took the spear, I saw four snake men attacking Shen Xiping.

Shen Xiping was still holding a gun in one hand, probably because he had just thrown his gun to save me. The four snake men stabbed him from four directions at the same time. I heard a Longscale soldier beside him shout, "Watch out, my Lord!"

The Dragon Scale had a big sword in his hand. He was on Shen Xiping's right side, and a snake man on the right was hit in the head by his knife, but three other guns went into Shen Xiping's nail blade at the same time, and one gun even went through his body and out his back.

I let out a cry, and almost at the same time the Dragon Scale shrieked. Shen Xiping shook his horse and reached out to draw his saber. However, as soon as he put his hand on his waist, his upper body tilted and he fell off the horse.

Shen Xiping died in battle!

It was almost like a thunderbolt. Although I did not think the Dragon Scale Army would win, I did not expect Shen Xiping to die in this battle. This almost stunned me, and I did not move.

An officer in the Dragonscale Army cried out, "My Lord! My Lord is dead!"

It was almost as if an invisible rope had bound the Dragonscale army, which had just been fighting. At once, there were many cries of pain from the battle line. Most of them were Dragon Scale soldiers with a pause in their hands being cut off by the Serpents.

I didn't know where the strength came from. "Follow me!" I cried. Galloped forward.

The Serpents, probably aware that our general had been killed, came all at once. I picked out two of the snake men's weapons and rushed to the place where Shen Xiping had fallen. Shen's body was already in the hands of a Snake man. Two Dragon Scale troops were rushing to get it back, and a dozen Snake men were blocking their way. I said: "Small fierce, give me the full day bow!"

Qillie threw the Katori bow from behind me. As soon as I took it, the man jumped to his feet. While he was in the air, he had no time to shoot. I put my gun on the bow and pulled it away with all my strength, aiming it at the snake man holding Shen Xiping's body.

At this distance, the arrow was definitely more powerful than Shen Xiping's lance. The gun flew off the string, struck the snake man, and nailed it to the ground. I sat back on my horse and threw the bow at Qi Lie. "Give me the axe!" I said back.

Qi Lie took the bow, and took the axe, but I do not know how to give me. I said, "Throw it!"

By this time I had rushed to Shen Xiping's body, and two snake men stopped me with their guns, both of which stabbed at the same time. I was too quick to go, and I had no weapon in my hand. As soon as I bridled, the Serpent thrust two spears into the breast of the charger.

I kicked out of the stirrup without waiting for the horse to fall. But now the wind was blowing, and the tomahawk was circling overhead. Only, I'm on my feet now, and the axe is so high, how can I reach it?

There was a bang, and the two snake men looked up. A short arrow hit the battering axe, which lost its ability to circle, but flew forward. I heard Tan Qing calling, "General, go on!"

That's the fifth Battalion coming to meet me. I was almost alone in this moment, and now I know. I grabbed the tomahawk thrown by Tan Qing and rushed forward.

The snakes had stood tall to meet me on their horses, but now I was stepping down. While their spears were still in the horses, I struck the snake man on the left with an axe.

The axe fell, and the snake man gave a strange cry, and a large, long body fell backward. The other was about to fight back, but three or four arrows hit him in the head, two of them hit him in the eyes, and before I could do anything more, a spear was in his chest. I only heard Lu Gong walk: "General Chu, are you all right?"

It's the forward battalion! I was overjoyed and about to speak when I saw a snake man holding a knife in his hand, dragging Shen Xiping's body back.

If we let it fall back into the Serpents, we'll never get it back.

We probably all wanted to, and almost all of us rushed at the snake man. Lu Gongxing and I were the closest. Lu Gongxing was on his horse and couldn't move easily. I, the Snake Man, was the first to reach Shen Xiping's body after most of our attacks were taken over by the nearby Dragon Scale and Vanguard battalions.

The snake man, holding Shen Xiping's head between his arms, was dragging him backward. I grabbed Shen Xiping's feet, and the battering axe in my right hand flew out of my hand. I knew that if I caught Shen Xiping, someone would help me to take care of the attack of the other snake people.

When the snake man saw my axe coming, his hands suddenly dropped. I had been pulling Shen Xiping with all my strength, but this made me stumble backwards. I was about to drag Shen Xiping's body back, but I saw that the snake man grabbed Shen Xiping's armor and cut off his head with a sword.

With a loud cry, I was about to rush forward and grab Shen Xiping's head back when the snake man suddenly retreated into the crowd of rushing snakes. He smiled at me before he walked away.

The snakes had stood tall to meet me on their horses, but now I was stepping down. While their spears were still in the horses, I struck the snake man on the left with an axe.

The axe fell, and the snake man gave a strange cry, and a large, long body fell backward. The other was about to fight back, but three or four arrows hit him in the head, two of them hit him in the eyes, and before I could do anything more, a spear was in his chest. I only heard Lu Gong walk: "General Chu, are you all right?"

It's the forward battalion! I was overjoyed and about to speak when I saw a snake man holding a knife in his hand, dragging Shen Xiping's body back.

If we let it fall back into the Serpents, we'll never get it back.

We probably all wanted to, and almost all of us rushed at the snake man. Lu Gongxing and I were the closest. Lu Gongxing was on his horse and couldn't move easily. I, the Snake Man, was the first to reach Shen Xiping's body after most of our attacks were taken over by the nearby Dragon Scale and Vanguard battalions.

The snake man, holding Shen Xiping's head between his arms, was dragging him backward. I grabbed Shen Xiping's feet, and the battering axe in my right hand flew out of my hand. I knew that if I caught Shen Xiping, someone would help me to take care of the attack of the other snake people.

When the snake man saw my axe coming, his hands suddenly dropped. I had been pulling Shen Xiping with all my strength, but this made me stumble backwards. I was about to drag Shen Xiping's body back, but I saw that the snake man grabbed Shen Xiping's armor and cut off his head with a sword.

With a loud cry, I was about to rush forward and grab Shen Xiping's head back when the snake man suddenly retreated into the crowd of rushing snakes. He smiled at me before he walked away.

A chill ran through my heart. At this time, Lu Gongxing has rushed over, beside a small army with an empty horse, he said: "General Chu, take Lord Shen, quickly retreat!"

Holding Shen Xiping's body, I rolled onto the horse. Lu Gongxing shouted: "All the troops stand back, forward camp and battle!"

By this time, his words were supreme orders. As we retreated, the Serpents tried to advance, but the Vanguard battalion fought hard to hold them back.

The armies fought and marched, and had reached the city. The remnants of Dragonscale marched me back into the city.

As soon as we reached the moat, the city was raining arrows. The snake man then slowly retreated.

Over the top of the city, I unloaded Shen Xiping's headless body from my shoulder and gave it to an officer of the Dragon Scale Army. Holding Shen Xiping's body in his arms, the officer suddenly cried, "Your Excellency!"

There were only two hundred of them left, and they were all at the end of the city. They knelt down and said, "My Lord!"

Lord Wu was at the head of the city, his face sinking like water. At this time, the army led the troops to command, Weiyuan Bo Mo Zhenwu ran on the head of the city, knelt down: "Jun Hou"

The marquis just waved his hand and said, "Let's discuss the future of General Shen."

There was a chill on his face, but he was also a little lonely. I only felt that he had a lot to say, but he said nothing. The Lord looked at me, said nothing, turned and went into his camp. The two great eagles and the little eagles, who were always with him, followed him.

I looked back. By this time the army had retreated into the city and the gates were slowly closing.

I don't know why, before my eyes again the snake man who cut off Shen Xiping's head. The snake-man's smile before he retreated seemed to be no different from a man's sinister smile.

Even though it was near noon, I could not help feeling a chill all over me.

Looking down from the top of the city, the open space was interlaced with the bodies of serpents and Imperial soldiers, littered with broken weapons that seemed to cover the earth with a layer of invisible color, and blood flowed everywhere. Even my blood congealed on my armor, like a dark red cloak over it.

However, whether it is people's blood, or snake people that only with a little warmth of cold blood, mixed together, but no longer clear.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Alon Long

We are the world, we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

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