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China`s top fantasy novels

By Alon LongPublished about a year ago 37 min read

You can't cut the flag.

The idea suddenly occurred to me. I had a hunch that the Serpents, who had not forgotten to take the banner with them when they retreated from their makeshift camp, must have valued it more than their lives. Now, it seemed, they were only crying because I was going to cut down the flag.

I can't help feeling a little smug at the thought. If so, I have no doubt a talisman of great advantage. I turned my right hand a few times, wrapped the rope around my wrist, and pulled the banner up a little.

The flagpole looked very high from below, but it did not seem too high from above. I tied the flag to the top of the pole, so that if I should fall, I would have no guard. At the top of the flagpole, Shen Xiping's head was hanging there, flailing in the wind. I reached out and took Shen Xiping's head and tied it to my waist.

The wind is hunting, at the top of the flagpole, feel a little cool. Only then did I gather myself, brace myself on the flagpole, and look about me.

The Snake-man's camp was set up in this clearing in the woods. From above, you can see for miles how many snake people there are. The camps were in perfect order and stretched out into the distance, but the Imperial custom was that they could not hold more than twenty thousand men. But the Snake-man tents could probably hold more, and I saw more than thirty Snake-men swimming out of one tent.

In the dim twilight, it was not clear how many tents there were. About two or three of the tents were lit with a pine, dotted, I quickly counted, about a few thousand of them.

Are those snake people 50,000 or 60,000, not 100,000? But why didn't they give it their all in a couple of attacks? I couldn't help but wonder. If the Snake Man had tried his best the first time, we might not have been able to resist.

The wind is cold. At the top of the flagstaff, the flag went straight up and down in the wind like running water. I looked to the northeast,

When the snake men saw that I would no longer cut the flag, they all seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Several snake men gathered together, as if they were discussing something.

Can snake people talk? I suddenly remembered the sentence I had just heard. It was imperial. It wasn't very pure, but it was imperial. So, snake man can talk.

A talking animal or a beast?

I shuddered. In the past, I always felt that I was fighting against a group of wild animals, and I did not think highly of them. Now, what is the difference between a snake and a human being except their appearance? Is the snake man cruel? The Republican Army, which claims to be a man of honor, would eat people when the city ran out of food, not to mention the Imperial Army, which kills people like a mess, so what is there to be proud of?

By this time, a snake man had climbed up the flagpole. The flagpole was as thick as an arm, the Serpent's lower body was wrapped around it, and he was holding a long gun in both hands.

My Babie sword was only a cubit long, and it was only a girth. It was no match in length for the Serpent's spear. Though the Snake Man attacked from below, the terrain was not good, but his spear could reach me, but I had only a defensive role, and I was certainly no match for him in the long run.

I reached over my knife, and cut a length of rope a man's length from the thick rope, and tied it in a knot at one end of the ring, and at the other end of my wrist. Holding the hilt in my hand, I stared at the Serpent who was climbing up.

The snake man stopped a few feet from me and stared up at me. Its eyes are yellow turbid color, with a kind of indifference, like the eyes of the dead, suddenly, its hands a send, a shot stabbed over.

The bullet pierced my lower abdomen. My legs were folded on the flagpole, and when the point of the gun came, I seized it with my left hand and jerked my foot at it.

It's a risky move. I still had the flagpole in my left hand, but if I missed it, I would have fallen, but I made it. The Snake-man's shot had missed the mark, and he was already swinging it outward like a club.

I was now holding the flagstaff with only my left hand, and my whole body was in the air. I could not hide, and the Snake man, probably feeling that I was certain to die, swung the shot with no fear.

I looked at the point of the gun, and my left hand jerked away from the flagstaff. I grabbed a piece of the staff under the point and swung my feet back to the flagstaff. As soon as he felt his toes touching the flagpole, he crossed his feet and fastened them tightly on the pole.

The whole body was now almost horizontal, forming a triangle with the gun. The Snake man tried to swing his gun outward, trying to throw me off the flagstaff, but he held on to the tail of the gun, and with one part of my force, he had to use ten to overcome my strength. How could he move?

Naturally, the snake man would not understand this. He just tried to fight me with his brute force. I could not help laughing sneer. Even if the snake people have turned into humans, they're just creatures, not smart enough after all.

Still, the Serpent's power was so great that I felt it was too much for me with one hand. Not waiting for the gun out of my hand, I shouted: "Zhong!" The knife of the right hand flung down.

It was only for a very short time. The Snake man was clutching the gun in both hands, his face exposed, and he had no idea that I was capable of such a thing. The Babie knife came down with the noise of the wind and thunder. Babie's knife blew and broke his hair. The blade fell and cut off two of his fingers, but it was caught between his palms.

I lost my strength in the lance of my left hand. How could I keep my body level with my feet? The man also fell sharply. I held the flagpole tightly between my feet, trying to grip it with my legs, but I was still falling. The snake man was only three or four feet away from me, but in a moment I reached him.

The snake man's hands were still holding the Babir's knife, and I extended my right palm to press the hilt and gave it a sharp downward push.

With my weight as well as my own strength, the Snake man could no longer hold the knife, and Babir's blade plunged between his eyes and into his brain. The snake gave a cry, and a huge body slid down. I pulled in my right hand, and the rope around my wrist, with a Babie knife, came out of the snake man's face. The blood gushed out of the snake man, and the body slid down, blood stained the flagstaff with blood.

By the power of my hand I stopped my fall, and, having caught the flagstaff between my legs, and not having time to get the knife back into my hands, I turned upside down, seized the flagstaff with my right hand, and, with my head on again, climbed two steps to the top.

It was only for a moment, but it seemed to me like a long time, and my heart was beating wildly. But after all, I had won, and I had won a spear, so to speak.

The snake men gathered round and lifted up the half-dead snake man. Some of them looked up. It was still dark and the dawn color was faint, but I could see that there was a little fear in the eyes of the snake men.

I put my left arm around the flagstaff, my right hand shook, and Babie's knife curved and jumped. I grabbed the handle. On the blade, the blood doesn't touch the edge, it just flows. I rubbed myself on that grotesque flag, and, gathering my mind, my heart swelled with more pride than ever before.

If there had been any fear of the snake man in my heart before, it was gone now. But also because of the face of despair, people will be more indifferent to life and death.

At that moment, another snake man came out of the crowd and climbed up the flagpole. By this time I was sure that the flag was very important to them, and that perhaps it was the serpents who had killed me that took the flag instead. Otherwise, if they cut down the flagstaff, I would be a meat loaf, and there would be no trouble at all. The snake man is too stupid to have thought of this. I'm glad I made the right choice, for if I had just climbed some other high ledge, I would have crumbled to dust.

The snake man climbed slowly. The snake man's blood was smeared on the flagpole, and even the snake man struggled a little, but the snake man climbed up without flinching.

The snake man must have been very wary of that snake man's death. He took every step with great care, and dared not take his eyes off me. The point of the gun was not half a foot above his head, so that if I should attack him, he would immediately respond.

My left spear was aimed at it, and my right Babie was still ready. I was too weak to cross the flagstaff with my legs, and could no longer flash past his gun as I had just done, so I had to kill the Serpent before he could threaten me.

That being said, it would certainly not be easy to kill the snake man.

The snake man's body stretched and shrank, just like the snake's, and slowly climbed up. The blood on the flagpole had dried a little, and his body was not as slippery as when he first climbed it, but he climbed more slowly.

Five feet apart, the snake man stopped.

The gun was seven feet long, and in this position it would have hit me, and my lance was as long as it was, and I would have hit it as well. The difference was, it hit me in the leg, but I was able to hit it in the head.

He's hesitating. It seems that it is good to become like a man, but it also lacks the brave courage of a wild animal.

Without waiting for him to think, I shot him in the head. I was on top, he was on the bottom, I was in the right place, and I struck first. Even if the snake man was several times stronger than me, he could not deal with it.

The snake man's lower body was wrapped around the flagpole, and suddenly his upper body was halfway out, like a slanting branch growing out of a tree. I missed the shot, withdrew it, and fell again. I had not used my full force with this shot, for the upper part of his body passed my lance, but he could not strike me again. This second shot was to his chest.

The snake man's chest, though not so wide as that of a man, is not easy to escape. Its upper body slanted out of the flagpole, and its chest was just exposed in front of me. As if I were using it as a rake, my shot came out. Although it was only a left hand, it dared not press down from the top, and the whole body retreated again.

I withdrew my gun and rested. I was on the flagpole, so good was my position that the serpents could only attack me one by one. But on my own, I'm confident I can kill them even when the terrain isn't good, especially in a place like this.

My only fear was that if the Serpents did not care about this strange flag, I would be trapped in my own position, and I would die. But the serpents seemed to hold the flag in the highest regard, and when I smeared their blood on it, they all resented it, and the creeping serpent-man's attention was almost entirely on it.

Then the snake man, who had retreated a few steps, began to creep up again. He would not be content to be forced back by me. The Snake man, though a little like man and afraid, is still much braver than man. But the snake man was so careful that it was not easy for me to kill him.

I looked at the top of the flagpole. The top of the flagpole was no different from the Imperial flagpole. There was a pulley at the top, which was beautifully made, and the rope ran through it. I had cut off the thin one, which had bound Shen Xiping's head. The other one fell to the ground, and the thick one was still tied to the flagpole in a thick knot. My foot was standing on the knot.

The snake man had advanced two more paces, and now he had his gun in both hands, staring at me. I had the gun in my left hand and the knife in my right. My right arm was still wrapped around the flagstaff, which did not move for a moment, but stared at me.

I shuddered. The snake man looked somewhat like a human being, but when I looked closely, it was really far from a human being. We were almost face to face now, and I did not dare to look. I could only feel the yellow eyes of the snake man as if they were about to burst into flames.

I didn't know why, but after a while my head felt dizzy and my eyelids could not stop wanting to close. While I was in a daze, I had a feeling that I was in love with someone. It was just like a head filled with lead water, too heavy to lift.

Even if I was tired and sleepy, it wouldn't have happened. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't, knowing deep down that it would be death to do so. In a stupor, my fingers moved.

His fingers, too, seemed bound by something, but they could move more or less. With a movement of his right hand, Babie's knife flew out of his hand. Half asleep as I was, I let out a cry of surprise, and felt a slight, but not noticeable, tingling pain in my leg. But this slight pain, a sharp jolt like a bucket of ice water being poured over my head, opened my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the spear thrust into my face. The snake man found out my Babie knife was out of his hands, and he knew it was a good opportunity.

My right hand was empty, but my left hand was still holding the long gun. The left hand blocked a "crack", and the two guns collided with each other. I only felt that my whole body was shocked and I almost fell off.

As soon as the weapon was out of my hand, I did not know that the Serpent's lance was thrust up with a little sharp whistling.

It was the crack of a spear. The bullet hit me. It must have been a cross. I clenched my teeth, let go of my hand, and suddenly jumped away from the flagpole, dropping like a stone.

Two feet down, I drew level with the snake-man's spear point, and immediately reached for the staff with my right hand. It was almost exactly the same, but the snake man moved faster than before, and as soon as my hand was stretched out, the gun recoiled, and my right hand caught it empty.


My right hand, quicker than I thought, caught the rope of the flag. There was still a long part of the rope coiled in a great knot on the flagstaff, and as soon as I caught hold of that part of the knot, the Serpent's lance was pricked again.

This time, the snake man also attacked the body. It must have thought that I was at the end of my tether and ready to die, but this shot was aimed at my stomach.

Perhaps the flag is more important to the Serpents than I am, and that's why they don't need to keep me alive.

I had only my right hand to hold the rope with, and my left hand was empty. The Babie knife was fastened to my right wrist, and though my left hand grasped the hilt, as the rope was only a man's length, the knife could not reach more than my thigh.

By this time, the Serpent's spear had reached my stomach.

I did not know where the strength came from, and the knife of my left hand suddenly cut back, trying to cut the rope that held it. But I acted too hard, and the knife cut the knot of the flagstaff instead. Babie's knife blew the hair and broke the hair. This knife cut the knot into pieces. The rope he was holding in his right hand was loose and he was swaying in the air.

The snake-man's spear struck, but I could not flicker. Grasping the rope with my right hand, I could only gasp for breath. In a flash of my mind, my foot kicked violently and hit the shaft of the gun. My body flew outward like a small stone tied to a rope, and the snake man's shot went empty.

The snake man, in a sudden leap from his previous caution, reached the top of the flagstaff and was taller than I was, when he raised his spear over his head with one hand and made a gesture to strike me.

By this time, I was not as high as him, and had lost all the advantages of the terrain. With one hand still holding the rope, I was swinging back, and this shot was waiting for me.

When I swung to the edge of the flagpole, the snake man suddenly stabbed down, I suddenly threw, trying to pass the shot, but too fast, only let over the head, the snake man this shot in my left arm "poof", stabbed a puncture, the spear point in the other end of the left arm through two inches, blood like water shot out, the left arm like a big nail, and like being put on a fire, Strangely enough, it didn't hurt that much.

Well, that must be the ecstasy powder. When I came, I asked the doctor for some ecstasy powder. I put half of it on the wound and took half of it. The medical officer said that in fact, this powder does not have the effect of closing the wound, but has the miracle effect of pain relief, after taking the effect is better, but easy to addiction, not to take more. I come as long as the wound no longer pain, which tube what is not addicted, took a lot. And now it seems to be working wonders.

Just now, I was like a wave, swaying. But the bullet struck me, and I suddenly had an idea. I clenched my teeth and put my foot on the flagpole. The snake man pulled the gun back, and when it pulled out my left arm, it was a bloody mess. I didn't care what I did. The man jerked to one side, and all of a sudden the top circled the flagpole.

My right hand was still holding the rope, and this loop, the rope was just around the snake man. The snake man must have understood what I was thinking. His left hand was going to pull the rope around him, but by this time I had turned the second circle, and the rope had bound his left hand inside.

Because I was hanging with one body on the rope, and the two loops were so tight that the snake man, despite his strength, could not break them. I heard him utter a dull murmur, and before he could respond, he touched the flagpole and swung around it twice.

The strange flag was heavy, but the rope was strong, and after four coils I had risen so high that I reached the chest of the snake man. When I looked up, I saw that its hands were tangled and unable to move, but the head could move and was spitting out its blood-red forked tongue and showing its sharp white teeth. It seemed to want to bite me, but it could not lower itself.

I felt a rush in my heart, but only a light body, people thrown out in the opposite direction.

The length of rope left behind was not too long, and after four loops it could no longer be knotted, so it began to loosen in reverse. When I moved, I felt something was wrong. With my left hand, I seized the Babir's sword, which was hanging under my side, and tried to thrust it into the chest of the snake man. But only a little under the scales of the snake man came out. The shot had pierced my left arm, and though I did not feel much pain, how could I do anything with such a wound?

I felt that I was turning in the opposite direction. The knife of the left hand made half a turn and hit the flagpole. After it was drawn out, it plunged into the flagpole again. The eyes were dazzled and nothing could be seen, except the green scales of the snake man.

After the third turn, I sighed and, knowing that there was no way back, let go of my left hand and let go of the Babie knife. The knife hung over my right wrist and came down to my knee. The knife was weak, the legs were weak, and there was a slight cut in the thigh, which I had just felt in my delirium.

At that moment, the snake man's body was slipping. Is it going to come down and kill me? I did not close my eyes, but waited for the imminent fatal shot.

But the sound of the snake man sliding was still loud. I opened my eyes and found the end of the long gun in the snake's hand right in front of me. I grabbed it with my left hand. The snake man didn't try to grab it back, but he slid down, and there was blood all over him.

What happened then?

Somewhat puzzled, I heard a cry of surprise from the Serpents below, but my first priority was to get on my feet as quickly as possible. I wrapped my feet around the flagpole and felt the smell of blood on it. It was wrapped around the flagstaff, and the weight of the flag was visible. My right hand seemed to be being pulled. I tied the rope round the flagpole again and looked at the wound.

Except for the wound on the stomach, the wound on the leg was closed, but the left arm was still a bloody mess, and the flesh had turned out of the hole. Fortunately, the wound on my leg was not in the way. As soon as I released my hands, my right hand shook and the Babie knife returned to it.

At this time, the sun is rising in the east, the flag is blowing in the wind. I pulled it over, cut a piece of cloth off the flag and wrapped it around the wound. As soon as I cut the cloth off the flag, the snake man below let out a low cry of surprise and anger, but I only thought it was funny.

At this moment, several snake men carried the snake man away. At this time, the dawn was already light. From the top of the flagpole, I could see the situation below in detail. Down there, in the dark, were all snakes, or at least a thousand of them. It was dark, but it was green, like the water in the gutter. The snake-man who had slipped was lying on the ground, still twitching, but his whole body was almost broken in two, and his entrails were slipping out of his wounds.

I was a little puzzled at first, but then it dawned on me. Just now, as I was moving around the snake man, although the Babie knife could not penetrate it, I cut along it several times. The snake man was so entangled with the rope that it could not move, and I cut his body until only one spine was attached to it.

What a fluke. I was glad to myself when the snake men suddenly split into two sides like a tidal wave.

Is there someone coming?

Sure enough, there was a chariot with a snake man on it.

I always thought snake people looked the same, but look closely, snake people are all different. This snake man, you might even say, was handsome. Of course, it was not as handsome as a man. Its body was well-proportioned, and it wore a soft armor, which was not common among snakes. Perhaps only those in higher positions wore soft armor. To a snake man, the green scales are actually enough to support a soft armour.

The snake man came to the flagpole and jumped down. The snake men fell to the ground. The snake man looked at the body of the snake man on the ground and looked up at me.

What a pair of eyes they are! It was like two flames that would burst into flames. I did not move, but suddenly the snake man pointed at me and shouted, "You have killed Baton!"

Snake man can talk!

Although I had guessed it, I was shocked when I saw it in person.

It spoke Imperial language, which, though somewhat irregular, was not very legible, as though it had been learned from a book. I said, "Which one's name is Baton?"

It ignored me and just said, "Do you know that when you defile the holy flag of Fuxi, your time to die is coming!"

I did not know what he meant, but the snake man, no longer turning to me, shouted to the snake men, "Carry wood!"

At this moment, a snake man raised his head and said, "General Sandu, do you want to burn wood?"

The snake man also spoke Imperial language, far less than the snake man named General Sandu, but enough to understand. I was startled at the top of the flagpole, but I realized that I had heard wrong. The mountain shouted: "Yes, carry wood! The holy flag of Fuxi has been defiled by him, and only pray to the Great God to purify it."

The snake man stammered, "General Sandu, the Master of Heaven said that the flag will not be destroyed by that."

I looked at the strange flag, which was a little torn, and on it were two serpents with heads on them, and men in ancient clothes, who looked like living things, being blown about on it. Now that I've cut one off, the monster on the flag looks even weirder.

It must be sacred to the snake people. The Empire also had many sacred objects, but the Snake Man was more like a man.

The mountain capital exclaimed, "The Master of Heaven's Sermon 17 says that if a holy thing is defiled, it should be washed by the power of grace. Go and fetch wood."

The snake men stared at him. Some of them had gone to fetch some firewood. The firewood, of all kinds, had probably been cut on the spot, and piled up on the shelves, where it soon became a pile half a man high.

The mountain looked up at me and shouted, "Bring the flame!"

When he said this, no one moved. The mountains waited for a while and then said angrily, "You have been listening to the sermon of the Heavenly Master for so long. Are you still afraid of the power of Zhu Rong?"

One of the snake men took a sprig of pine from the side of one of the tents doubtfully. The bright light was faint, only about the size of a pea. Such a small fire, perhaps not for lighting, just to make the snake people no longer afraid of fire. The Snake-man, however, was so frightened by the light that he almost fainted when he reached the mountain capital.

The snake man is going to burn the flagpole?

I coiled myself on the flagpole, knowing it was a critical moment. I don't know how the snake people feel as they try to adjust to the fire, and I don't know if I can get out of this camp.

I touched my arms. Arms, the bag of gunpowder wrapped tightly, like a rice ball. At this time, the mountain will be the songming to the firewood pile before the point, the edge of the snake is like seeing something very dangerous, hiding far away.

It's the only way to do it.

I took out the powder with my right hand, put it in my hand, took the cloth with the powder in my mouth, tore open a slit, fell down, black powder like a thin line hanging down, sprinkled on the pile of firewood.

The mountain is lighting a fire, the point is too small, the firewood is not very dry, only lit a small fire, the gunpowder fell on the pile of firewood, the mountain also looked up, probably do not know what it is.

There is nothing unusual about firewood. Isn't that gunpowder as good as Chang Longyou said?

I was a little disappointed when suddenly there was a "hiss" sound in the pile of firewood, and a fire sprang out like a living creature, rising as high as a man. Mountain also scared a big jump, the long body unexpectedly jumped up and jumped backwards. But even so, it was set on fire in several places.

The fire has set the pile of firewood on fire. The powder was so powerful that if it had been allowed to burn, the flagstaff would have been destroyed. The serpents around the flagstaff had now drawn back a dozen paces, as if they were afraid of the light, but not quite as frightened as they had been that day when they saw it.

I let go of my hand and slid down. The half-dried blood on the flagpole was sticky, and as it slid down, it rubbed red on my soft armour. Slipping into the fire, I dropped my spear into the ground with a bang, stopped my fall, reached over the spear and went to pick out the firewood.

The Snake man still didn't seem to know how to use fire, and the firewood was piled loosely on the wooden shelf. As soon as my long gun hit the pile of firewood, I just threw it, and the burning pile of firewood flew away in every direction. There were only a few bits of firewood left on the shelf.

The snake man saw the fire and spread out a little more. It's just that the firewood will burn out in no time. I gritted my teeth, wrapped up the rest of the powder, stuck it in the end of the gun, and peeped into some small fires under the shelf.

There's no gunpowder in it yet, but it will soon. I looked about me, made up my mind, raised the spear, and hurled it at one of the tents.

As soon as the long gun flew out, the powder pack on the tip of the gun burst with a hissing noise. The sound was not loud, but it was like a boulder thrown into the water. Sparks flew and exploded everywhere. Several nearby camps were set ablaze, and some of the sparks fell on the snake-men, who were not far away, and the snake-men screamed and rushed out.

In the midst of all the chaos, I suddenly heard the mountain roar: "Don't mess! The left battalion put out the fire, the right battalion forward, catch the monster!"

I'm a monster? I was also a little confused. But the roar of the mountain capital seemed to calm the snake men. One group of them turned to the burning tents and beat them with all their might. Another group of them forced them up.

The snake men were still a little afraid of the fire on the ground, but moved forward firmly.

Although this mountain is a strange looking snake man, it has a great reputation. I can not help but admire a little, the Imperial army has such a mountain of generals, but also Wu Hou, Lu Jingyu, Shen Xiping only a few people.

The two snake men had reached the flagpole. There was still a fire burning under the shelf, and the serpents seemed to flinch. The mountains shouted, "Hurry up!"

It had shot up.

He had just been singed by the fire, and his soft armour had some scorched marks, and his face was black and blue. The snake men were in front, but the mountain was at this step, but they came nearer than them, and shot at me. I jumped up, hands and feet, and as I passed the shot, the mountain shouted, "Bring me the knife!"

A snake on the side of humanity: "The general of the mountain, the day master Ming instruction, no matter when, the holy flag that can not touch the ground."

This Snake-man, however, was fluent and clothed in soft armour. He must have been one of the leaders of the Snake-men. "Four," said Sandu. "Hold the flagpole and cut it down."

Startled, I seized the flag and shouted, "Stop it, or I'll cut it to pieces."

The mountains lifted up their heads and said, "Cut it off, for the flag has been defaced by you, the monster, and can no longer command the army."

A snake man at the side held out a knife. The snake Man's sword is just like the shape of the empire. The mountain took it and said, "You hold it."

At one side, four serpents formed a circle, holding the flagpole, and the mountain began to cut the length of the pole on the shelf.

The flagstaff was thick and made of strong wood. Even the mountain had to be cut down. But it cut down, and I was shaken at the top of the flagpole, and I held on to it, and had to keep myself from falling.

It cut down with one blow, leaving only a mark on the flagpole, but sooner or later the flagpole would be cut down.

The spear I took has been thrown away, and now the serpents will not attack me any more. And if I go down there, no matter how arrogant I am, I cannot believe that I can defeat five serpents surrounded by so many of them.

Is it really desperate?

I looked up at the sky. The sun was rising and the sky was shining. The forest, like a green pond, separates the city of Vultures. At the top of the flagpole, it seemed as if it were only a quick distance.

I looked at Shen Xiping's head hanging from his waist. His head had been dried, and his face was a little deformed, but he could still see the power that commanded the army.

A famous general, still a nobody, dead is the same ah.

I smiled a little wryly. Will my head be on the flagpole when I die? Maybe the Lord will give me a few more levels. But at that time I could not return my body, and the next ten steps were empty.

I clenched my teeth and felt the Bibb knife in my right hand.

Even if I die, I won't let those snake people cut my head off so easily.

I bent over, ready to let go.

The four Serpents huddled together, all holding the flagstaff, were unarmed. All I have to guard against is a mountain.

I can't help laughing when I think of it.

I think it's too simple. Now I have three wounds on my body, even if only a bare-handed snake man, may not beat, jump, before I start, will be torn in two by the snake man.

By this time my hand was loose and I had slipped down a few feet. A snake man at the side shouted, "General Sandu, beware of monsters!"

The mountains raised their heads, and I shouted: "In!"

The Babie knife flew out of his hand and went straight for his head.

The blow was swift, and it was my last. The mountains were stunned. They wanted to use their knives, but it was too late. The blade was about to go into his head when a snake-man leapt up at his side and caught the blade in one hand. I shook my hand, and the rope fastened to the Bibb knife stretched straight. I snatched at it, and the snake man's hand was cut by the blade, and two fingers flew off.

But in this case, we can't hit the city. I could not wait for them to attack me again, but I climbed back to the top. A snake man made a gesture to climb up, and the mountains shouted, "Don't!"

Sandu's face, even the Serpent's, was irrepressibly angry. "Two more," he cried, "to guard against the monster!" Bent his head and began to cut the flagstaff again.

He didn't expect me to attack at this point.

Two serpents, armed with long guns, swam up and crowded around. The one with the wounded hand stepped back and took another. Sandu's knife was thumping on the flagpole.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from a distance. A snake man came from the other side of the forest and shouted, "General Shandu, attack!"

The snake man did not speak neatly. He attacked for a long time, but could not say what he was attacking. I looked, but saw high Eagle city, an army horse galloping, look at the flag, it is the vanguard battalion.


I could not help cursing. In this attack, the Dragon Scale Army was also defeated. Even though the Vanguard battalion was brave, it was not much stronger than the Dragon Scale Army, but it was still defeated. What on earth would they do to launch such a suicidal attack? Was it that the Vanguard battalion, seeing that I was not returning, risked everything to save me? But how did they know I was stuck on top of this flagpole?

The mountains stopped and shouted, "Left battalion, stay here, keep attacking, right battalion with me!"

His voice was steady, but I heard a hint of panic.

Even if the Strikers were no match for the Serpents, this attack took them by surprise.

Sandu threw down his sword and rushed into the woods with a great band of serpents. At that moment, another snake man in soft armour took the knife and cut the flagstaff.

Lu Gong this attack, also in vain. I'm a little down.

Only then did the snake make several blows. Suddenly, several snake men gave a cry of surprise and looked up. I didn't know what was happening and looked up.

From the edge of the wood, a huge black monster, long like a flying snake, flew towards it.

It wasn't a monster. I saw at once that it was a huge leather kite, and it looked as if there was a man on it.

Kites are also toys handed down from ancient times. Every year on the spring Outing Festival, the whole Empire went to the field to offer sacrifices to the graves of their ancestors, and those children also flew kites. Now although not to Spring Festival, but the wind is not small, kites can fly.

But this kite is no toy.

The snake man did not know what it was, but one of them suddenly fell to the ground and cried, "God!"

It's probably called "Fuxi". The sound seemed contagious, and all the snake men fell to the ground in worship. Even the Snake man, who was cutting the flagstaff, dropped his knife and fell to the ground.

The serpentine kite had reached the flagpole, and I could see that there was indeed a man on it.

Suddenly, from the kite, there flew an arrow.

The kite in the air moving non-stop, this arrow is a hundred steps through the wonderful, even impartial, straight to me. At the end of the arrow, there is a string.

The arrow reached me, but it was three feet short. I knew there must be some truth in it, but I didn't have anything to hand, so I couldn't help saying so. I grabbed the flag and waved it against the wind with a loud "Wow". The flag was unfurled, and the strange figures of the serpent heads of the two men on the flag were spread out in front of the serpent men as if spread out on the sky, and the arrow was caught in the flag and shot at the flag.

I pulled it back and grabbed the arrow.

It was an arrow with its arrowhead removed and the word "green" carved on the shaft. The top half of the "green" is carved like a feather, and the bottom is sealed to form an arrow.

This is Tan Qing's arrow! No wonder you can shoot so well in this position.

I was excited, but I saw that the thin rope, another thick rope attached.

Are you gonna fly me out on a kite?

I kind of admire the man who came up with the idea. The man took it seriously. It was a bizarre idea, but perfectly feasible. I quickly reversed the rope and caught the thick rope in my hands.

At that moment, the snake man who had been cutting the flagpole shouted: "Demonized in the form of the Great God Fuxi. Shoot your arrows!"

It was loud, but the snake people were running up and down, making strange noises, and it was useless. He jumped down from the rack of the flagstaff, took out a bow, and cried, "Arrow!"

I haven't seen the snake Man's arrow. The snake man shot an arrow, the arrow crooked, flew close to the kite could not shoot up, fell down.

No wonder snake people don't use arrows. I'm afraid they're not good at archery.

At this time, Tan Qing on the kite suddenly also an arrow shot down. His arrow was not the same as the snake man's. It shot straight at the snake man. The snake man opened his mouth, and a bright red tongue stuck out.

"Snap!" the arrow hit the ground only a foot away from it. On the kite, with Tan Qing that superb archery, or a bit off.

I was feeling sorry, but my hand was not slow, took the thick rope in my hand, tried.

I thought the string must be tight, but the pull made the kite sink a little.

That kite won't hold two people!

I felt like a bucket of ice water pouring down my heart. I thought I was doomed, but in this way, all my efforts are wasted, unless Tan Qing himself jumps down, I can escape.

Can Tan Qing really sacrifice his life to save me?

By this time, the snake men below had stood up and some of them had taken out their bows and shot at the kite. Their archery was not as good as that snake man. Although Tan Qing was dragged down by me, not a single arrow could reach his side.

I racked my brains, but I couldn't think of a way to make the kite bear the weight of two people. At that moment, there was a sharp crack in the air, and a long gun shot up.

The long spear, much longer than the arrow, was already directed at Tan Qing. When it reached the kite, it was blown away and fell slanting. But all at once, several serpents shot up their long spears as arrows. Fortunately, not all snake men had such a strong shot, and a few of the guns went lower than the arrows and landed, but one or two did reach Tan Qing. But for the Serpent's poor aim, these two shots would have been enough to kill him.

Just then, a long gun flew past me. It was the serpent-man in the soft armour who shot it with great force. With a flick of my right hand, Babie swung it out of my hand. It went round the lance and round the shaft.

At that moment, my arm was almost pulled out, my whole body shuddered, and the pain in my shoulder blade was almost unbearable.

By this time, I felt pain all over my body. So the nepenthes have lost their potency?

I drew back the knife and caught the spear in my left hand, breathless. I've got this spear, but I can't use it anymore. I tied the string that hung from the kite to my lance so that I could catch it easily.

If I can't think of a way to escape, I have to let go, can't let Tan Qing circling in the air.

By this time the arrows were raining down, but they had avoided the flagstaff. They still can't damage the flag, can they? I looked at the flag, which was now waving in the wind. It was now pulled straight like a board.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a cheer from the snake people. Looking up, I was shocked to see that the kite had been pierced with a long spear. It seemed that it had shot through Tan Qing's body.

I was shocked. The spear did not move on the kite, but the kite had begun to circle and was falling. Has Tan Qing been shot dead? I can not help but look up to the sky and cry: "Tan Qing!"

As if in response to my cry, a figure fell from the kite.

Tan Qing has fallen!

I felt my heart jump out of my throat. He had fallen right on the edge of the flagpole, and the kite had lifted his spear so sharply that it was almost out of his hand. But how can I stop him with only a long gun in my hand?

Without much thought, I plunged the end of my spear into the top left corner of the flag. The bottom corner of the spear and the bottom corner were squeezed together, and without time to tie them together, I stretched it out.

To the right of the flag was a stick, to which the rope was fastened. I put a long gun on the left like this, almost like a stretcher bed.

I also did not think that Tan Qing fell from such a high ground, I use such a simple stretcher to catch him how? Even if he catches it, the momentum of his fall will take me down with it. But I didn't think about that at the moment. I just stretched out the flag and wanted to catch him.

"Call" a sound, Tan Qing body from the flag edge skimming, the gun did not meet him.

That moment, almost like lightning so short time, but I feel like a day, a year so long.

Tan Qing had a long gun in his chest and a short bow in his right hand. His eyes were closed, and there was a faint smile on his face.

"Tan Qing!"

I shouted, but his body hit the ground with a thud.

As soon as he landed, the serpents flooded in. I could not see what was below, but I could hear the sound of knives and guns penetrating flesh.

I clenched my fist, the joint is white, just want to give a hard punch, but this fist is not a good place to play, the corner of the eye, also only feel wet.

A gust of wind swept by, and the flag was unfurled for a ride, and the wind shook my body at the top of the flagpole.

Tan Qing has fallen. There was no one on the kite now, and though I was alone, there was no way I could fly away unless I could climb up the kite. However, if the kite is only as high as the flagpole, it may not fly out. Now is not the time to be sad, the top priority is how I take Shen Xiping's head to escape, otherwise Tan Qing's death is just a vain death.

I looked at the flag, and another gust of wind blew, and the flag swelled like shingles. I tightly grasp, suddenly, the mind jumped out of an idea!

Thanks to you, Tan Qing.

I looked down at the flagpole and said nothing. Where Tan Qing had fallen, only a pile of mangled marks remained.

I cut a piece of string with one stroke of my knife, tied the left corner of the flag to my lance, and tried it so that the string that hung down from the kite was in the middle.

Tan Ching, I will avenge you and kill these snake people.

He cut the rope from which the flag was raised with his sword, and, grasping the end of his spear in one hand, he drew himself up across his shoulder.

At the top of the flagpole, it is difficult to maintain this position. But all I need is that brief moment.

I straightened up, caught a corner of the flag with my left foot, and, taking advantage of a gust of wind, jumped out sharply and caught the other corner with my right foot.

Now the flag lay flat on my back, and formed exactly the shape of a kite. The weight of the kite overhead was lightened and it soared into the sky.

All that was left below was a gasp of surprise from the snake men. I felt the flagstaff fly down like a stone from the ground, and in the blink of an eye it was ten feet high.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Alon Long

We are the world, we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

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