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Breaks Loose

A time where humanity is dying.

By Magdala798Published 3 years ago 7 min read

Before humans existed comets penetrated the earth's atmosphere. Over the past eons the comets became dormant and fossilized under several layers of earth. When humans started to exist, they were very naive about this world. As the world began to grow from all the era’s to the modern age. Scientists became more curious about earth in the 2000. Researchers became obsessed with why there are warm body temperatures under layers of the earth. The United Nations announced that there will no longer be doing research on this topic if it is brought up you will have all your things confiscated and be in bars till death. Some people just don’t listen until it's too late…

August 29th in the year of 2046, things have evolved over the years the earth was becoming more of a technology world. Technology increased by tons, there are now hover transportation, and the animal population went up by a few percentages. Everything seems to be going well. School was about to start, Mathew was getting reading for his last year of school. Looking up in the body full view mirror, gliding his hand through his fluffy hair. Turning around, he heads towards his dresser just before his dresser. He knelt down tugging on the wooden floor boards. It successfully opened, opening and setting the floor board by his left side. Softly grabbing a knitted baby blanket unfolding it he sees his mom's heart shaped golden necklace. Holding the blanket that still holds the necklace he mumbled a prayer before placing it down. Puts everything exactly in the same place, still crouched down after everything's way he puffs a breath. Heads to school; lives not that far from school. Meanwhile in Russia, Moscow scientists discovered an odd footprint that was big and had a total of six toes. Researchers had their set up done with all their technology. It was winter in Moscow so everyone was wearing heavy jackets. The wind was howling, snow blowing everywhere making it hard to see. The main scientist was falling off the footprint with his arm across his forehead to have better eyesight. The footprints led to a cave that was blocked by a locked gate, heavy duty locks; gates were slowly rusting. Going up close to the gate he yells “Is anybody in there,” in Russian.

His voice echoes and echoes for a period of time, before silence. He looks down where the locks are, going to his transceiver yellow out demands to his group. After several minutes of waiting you could slowly hear footsteps coming to his direction hearing the boots land down on the hard snow making a scrunchie sound with every step his group made. Everything was there grabbing a flaming torch burning down the metal locked chains. A bit of an hour later finally the locks and chains break. Opening the gate, it slightly makes a screech sound that startled some of the people there. Turning on flash lights on slowly walking in the cave observing what is around them. Walking for a few minutes then things change drastically fast. There were bones of people’s bodies everywhere; the scientists heart rate was beating faster and pumping more blood to their heart. There was dried up blood and claw marks against the cave walls, suddenly a big noise roared soared through shaking the cave walls. The group stayed so silent that they could hear their own hearts beating. Glowing white eyes came into view and slowly got bigger as the creature came close. The creature stayed in the shadows not long before a few other glowing white eyes came into view too. The creatures were observing their prey; they could smell the meat and blood pumping. One of the researchers backed up and all you could hear was the crack of a weak old bone snap in half breaking the silence. All attention was on the poor young women just getting started on life was about to end in seconds. Not seconds before more creatures launched out and tore down the research group, all you could hear was the screams of the poor people. The gate was left open and that’s when the creatures breaks loose of their in imprisonment.

Mathew didn’t know what was happening right this second but he always got this feeling when bad things were about to happen; his hair would spike up and bumps would slowly start to appear like when you feel cold. He just shook off the feeling by rolling his shoulders and heading to his first period.

In the evening he was making his aunt and him some shrimp Alfredo. It was his mom's favorite meal. His aunt Becky came in the kitchen, “How was the first day of school for you, have you got any interests in what colleges you like to go to.”

He sighed and sat both plates on the table sliding one to his aunt. “No, but I like art so maybe a major in art,” he says softly.

Becky just nodded her head knowing that’s what her sister liked and archery. Mathew is best when it comes to archery and creating arrows and bows from just wood. After dinner they went their separate ways and headed off to sleep.

Waking up to hearing the news playing, he grumbled and sighed and got up putting his sweat pants on and a t-shirt. Walking out of his room heading down the hall to where the living room and kitchen is. “Matt! Come here to watch what is happening in the east,” his aunt yelled, patting down to where he should sit. Slowly walking over to where the television is.

“Today on Global News I am here with Stacy to tell us about what's happening in the world right now. Stacy tells us what is happening.” he guy said on the news.

“Thanks for connecting with me, today we see that in the east in ussia oscow citizens believe that there is something happening to the population in Russia. People say that 300 people per hour in Russia have gone missing. China is also beginning to have people disappearing in the dark. Two people from Russia say they saw terrible things happen to their friends in the forest. The witnesses say that there is the beast-like animal that has black scales,” Stacy said.

“Thank you Stacy for sharing. Police and officials say please do not go out in the dark. We do not know if there is more like this creature around the world. Later tonight The United Nations will make an announcement; please stay tuned for more updates.” Mathew quickly turned off the television. Turning around looking at his aunt.

“Why would you watch this stuff, it polluted with nonsense,” he said, rubbing his face.

“Matt it is good for you to know what is happening in the world right now, got to school you are already late I will keep you updated,” she said motioning her hands in a go already.

While he was at school finishing his assignment his phone lit up saying he got a notification grabbing his phone. He saw his aunt send him an update on what was happening right. Clicking on the link showing a video pressing play, “More people missing in the eastern side of the world. It is affecting Europe, Africa, Asia and all of Russia.” he turned off his phone signing, not knowing how to react with this information. This girl comes and sits in the empty seat in front of him, ignoring her presence.

“It is rude to not acknowledge people,” the girl said. He looked up from what he was doing and saw this girl that was clearly younger than him by two years. He waved his hand showing that he's listening before doing what he was doing before. “My name is Emma, what is your name? You can write it down if you do not want to talk."

He sighs, “I am Mathew but people call me Matt for short.”

“Cool, so there is this party in the woods tonight by the beach, others might be topless. You want to come?” Emma said.

“Aren't you too young to be going to beach bonfires, they have alcohol. They are going to have some college people there too,” he said.

She says, “Well I am in grade 10 so I think I am good, so are you going?”

“Sure I will come what time are you thinking. Give me your address,” he said.

ipping a piece of paper on the corner and handing it over to Emma. The bell rings for the fifth period, the last of the period of the day. Getting up, “I will catch up with you later,” Mathew said, swinging his bag over his shoulder before heading out.

Arriving at his aunts Becky’s house. Heading to his room he changes into his sweats before resting his body, slowly falling asleep. Waking up he checked his phone and saw it was almost 6:30. Sprinting from his bed he quickly showers and rushes out the door borrowing his aunt's car. Driving to the address that was given he honked twice. Seeing Emma emerge from the house. Not long after they arrived at the forest party. Heading to where the beach was they both sat on the smooth sand watching the sun going down. They talked about anything and everything they could think of. By the end of the conversation they both got up for drinks. They were drinking when all of a sudden they heard a throat tearing scream rip through the forest. It goes completely silent after. Matt grabbed on to Emma's hand and pulled her close, all you could hear was the waves crashing and the insect cricketing.

Then hell breaks loose


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    Magdala798Written by Magdala798

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