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how bren and dall met

By Nell DennewadPublished 3 years ago 12 min read

Brendon and Dallon have been going out together for a few months now and they decided to get married Brendon decided to ask Dallon he said babe i need to go get something from the shops do you need anything from the store and Dallon said no babe it is ok and Brendon said ok I will be back soon and with that he left and went to the mall little did Dallon know that Brendon was getting an engagement ring for Dallon and he just thought that Brendon was getting some groceries they needed.

Meanwhile Brendon texted Spencer saying can you meet me at the mall in half an hour and Spencer texted back yeah sure why and Brendon texted back saying I will tell you when we meet up and Spencer said ok Brendon see you soon and Brendon said alright spence see you then and kept driving once they both got there Spencer said hey Brendon why did you want to meet me here and Brendon said well the thing is I'm thinking of proposing to Dallon later on today and Spencer said wow dude so we need to get a ring right and Brendon said yep and with that they went to a jewellery store and Brendon said what engagment rings do you have for a guy to give another guy and the lady said we have a few and she pulled out a small tray that ha 'a few rings on it and Brendon looked at them and said could i please see this one closer and the shop keeper said ok and gave it to him and he said this really is amazing he Spence have a look at this ring and he did and said thats alright what about this one and Brendon had a look at it and said thats an awesome ring to then they both saw the perfect rose gold ring and Brendon said can i see that rose gold band please and the lady got it for him and he had a look and both men said this is perfect and Brendon bought it and planned to propose to Dallon that night.

Brendon had everything set up all he had to do was set the clues up and he did the first one was on Dallon's pillow because he new the first place Dallon would go was the bed room to get changed but tonight instead of getting changed Brendon wanted Dallon to stay in his suit but maybe change his pants and shirt to a cleaner one but no shower the first clue said 10 minutes change you shirt and pats for a clean pair of suit pants and a nice clean fresh white shirt then come down stairs and keep on the lookout for another clue on your way down yes we are playing hide and go seek and playing human scavenger hunt at the same time.

when Dallon got home he said babe I'm home ad got no answer so he went upstairs and when he got there he saw the note on his pillow and in big golden letters it said clue one and Dallon picked it up and opened it and read it

He said to himself ok lets do this and quickly changed and put his shoes back on and went downstairs.

CLUE TWO was on top go the back of the lounge and it said good job babe now go to where we make our music note not our bedroom the music our fans listen to and like and Dallon went to the studio in their house and looked in there and there was a note on the drum kit and in big golden letters it said Clue 3 and that read super close now babe just a few more clues to go now go to the place where the dogs play and look for a note

CLUE 4 was in the dirt and Dallon looked at the clue and it said going in the right track almost there now where the trees split be thee next clue place and Dallon went right and walked over to the where there was split in the trees where you could walk through and he looked in it and pinned to high branch was the next clue and Dallon being tall reached up and grabbed it and thought Brendon you smol bean how did you get that up there and laughed as he opened it and it read not long now doing a good job babe now go where the food is and there will be another clue he thought i got this and went into the kitchen and looked all over and saw the note on the very top of the shelves where the plates were and he said now seriously how did he get up there and put it on there and grabbed a chair and carefully got on the chair and reached up and grabbed the clue and once he got down he read the clue it said excellent work babe the next place yes shall go is where our cars maybe found and with that Dallon walked right into the garage ad looked everywhere until he saw the not onto of Brendon's car he went over and grabbed the clue and it read awesome babe now finally follow the path of candles out the back and you will find me and with that Dallon went out of the garage and out the back and inbetween the split in the trees was a path of tea light candles Dallon saw one last note before he went in and it said your are sexy as hell the way you are dressed babe now please keep going and you will see me and Dallon thought how does he know what i am wearing and looked around seeing if he could see Brendon anywhere but he didn't see him so he walked into the split and followed the candles until he saw a table with a white tablecloth on the top and a silver box on the top and the top of the box said open me Dallon went over to the box and opened it and there was one last clue in there and it said excellent job babe you found our meeting place but where am I and Dallon looked around the clearing but didn't see Brendon around just when he was about to turn around and leave he felt arms on his shoulders he spun around and saw Brendon in a suit even with a bowtie and in his Miss Jackson jacket and Brendon said hey babe how did you like my human scavenger hunt game and Dallon sighed and said honestly it was fun but could've done with out it but i liked the little clues and encouragement but really how did you get the clues on the high areas and Brendon smiled and said oh i have my ways then Dallon noticed he was starting to bend down and thought Brendon dropped something and said babe what did you drop this time and Brendon said nothing i was just about to ask you something and with that Brendon smiled nervously and said babe since the day i first met you when you auditioned for the band I was like i need him for both the band and in my life I new we were meant to be together for ever so guess what i am asking is if you would make me the happiest man alive and become my husband and Dallon broke down in tears and said of course i all and Brendon stood up and slid the ring on Dallon's finger and kissed his cheek just then Dallon heard rustling in the bushes and said babe i think we should run and Brendon said nah its all good and then the rest of the band and their families came out and were clapping and congratulating the new fiancees and then they heard another rustling and this time Brendon said EVERYONE RUN and they all did they all ran back to the house and Brendon shut and locked the back doors once everyone was inside and they continued to celebrate their engagement until the thing that was in the bushes came to the back door and started scratching at it and Brendon looked and it was just his dogs penny and Bogart and Brendon said hey everyone i know who the scary monster is and everyone looked at Brendon and he pointed to the door and said it was just our animals and everyone looked and then were relieved about the thing on the bushes was just their two dogs and everyone laughed and Brendon let them in and then said you scared us all and picked them both up and gave them a cuddle then said a toast to Dallon for being the sweetest person ever and they all clinked glasses.

Dallon went over to Brendon and kissed his cheek and said i cant wait to be Mr Urie and Brendon turned around and said you want to take my last name and Dallon smiled and said yeah babe I LOVE YOUR LAST NAME and Brendon crashed their lips together and Brendon's mum said hey save that for when we aren't here guys and Brendon and Dallon blushed and everyone else laughed. it was getting late so everyone was starting to leave and they all said congratulations to Brendon and Dallon and then left once everyone was gone they walked up to their shared bedroom and on the way discarded pieces of their clothing on their way up the stairs eventually when they got to their bedroom and on to the bed they were both naked and started the love making session first on the bed then in the shower then in the kitchen then the lounge room then back to the bedroom and once they were finished Dallon said oh my god that was like super mega gay and i loved it and Brendon smirked and said i know Mr loud mouth and Dallon blushed and said well you weren't that quiet either and they both started laughing and then both fell asleep in each others arms.

Then next few weeks were a whirl wind of getting the wedding prepared and making sure they had everything that needed done to get i t done quickly they made sure there was no new albums that needed doing which there wasn't so they were glad so they could focus on the wedding and honeymoon they told the fans they were getting married and they all were happy for them there were a few hater but most of the fans loved it the haters just wanted Ryden but the others were glad that Brallon forever was still alive.

A few months later it was the day for Dallon and Brendon to be married Brendon waited at the end of the isle he was nervous and then he heard the Panic! at the disco song the death of a bachelor and new that was Dallon's cue to walk down the isle and Brendon looked to the top of the isle and saw Dallon walking out with Spencer because his dad did not approve of him being gay but his mum was happy that he found someone that makes him happy.

After the wedding their reception was at the local restaurant where they went for their first date all those years ago once the reception was finished Brendon and Dallon went into the Limo that Brendon had rented for them they were going to Hawaii for there honeymoon and they had a private house they rented out for a month for their honeymoon they were excited to be finally married and Brendon said hey Dall do you want children and Dallon looked over to Brendon and said yes i would love to have children one day and Brendon said why don't we try now and Dallon said how don't we need a woman for that and Brendon said well we could always try and i will let you top and Dallon said i always top for once i wan to bottom to see what it is like and Brendon said ok do you want a condom or bare back and Dallon said bare back and Brendon said ok and went to get some lube and then came back and suggest that Dallon get up on all fours with his ass in the air and Dallon did just that and then Brendon prepared his ass for his cock he first lubed up a couple of fingers and inserted on pumping it in and out a few times then he added in a second finger and scirsord those and Brendon asked do you want me to put a third in to stretch ooh more or do you think are you ready and Dallon said please add a third I've seen your cock and it is big ad Brendon said ok and out a third finger in and started moving them around and at the same time kissing Dallon. Then Brendon took is fingers out of Dallon and Dallon whined and Brendon said its ok baby and then lubed up his cock and then positioned himself at Dallon entrance and slowly pushed in and dalton hissed in pain and Brendon said it will get better babe and within minutes once Dallon adjusted he moved back onto Brendon and that was his signal to start moving and once they were finished they had a shower together and then went to bed

A few days later Dallon was not feeling to well so he decided to go to the doctors to see what was wrong and the Doctor had him do a urine sample and a blood test the results were he was positive for being pregnant and he was nervous to tell Brendon he new he wanted children and he was the one who suggested it but still Dallon was nervous and was trying to come up with a way of telling him and he decided to go to a baby store and buy a few things that babies needed so he got a few onesies and some bottle and pacifiers and then brought a box from the two dollar shop and put it all in the box and then drove home and when he got home he said Bren I'm home he tried again and said baby boy I'm home still no answer so Dallon was nervous he ran upstairs and went into their room and saw Brendon asleep lightly snoring and Dallon smiled and walked over and kissed his cheek Brendon woke up and said in a husky voice hey Dally where did you go and dalton had to come up with a lie to tell him and he said oh um Spencer and Jon wanted to hang out so i said i can come out with them and we went to a coffee shop and all had coffee except me because i had a hot chocolate with marshmallows and Brendon said Dally why didn't you wake me up and i would've of come with you Dallon shushed Brendon and said you looked to peaceful to wake up so i let you sleep and Brendon said ok and then got up and went to do his business in the bathroom and then came out and hugged Dallon and got dressed then Dallon said i will meet you downstairs and with that Dallon left and Brendon quickly got changed then raced down the stairs and into the kitchen where Dallon is and he said Baby boy please sit down and Brendon felt a twitch down there and said yes daddy and he sat down and Dallon pulled the box out and said i brought you some stuff and he handed Brendon the box and he lifted the lid and saw the once and bottle and pacifiers in it and was confused and Dallon saw that and said think long and hard and Brendon did and said are you trying to tell me something and with that Dallon said yes now think, think, think hard and then it clicked in Brendon's head and he said are you pregnant and Dallon smiled nervously and said yes i am thats why i have been feeling sick in the morning and am always tired and Brendon said oh now i get it and babe theres no need to be nervous to tell me anything and he wen over to Dallon and gave him a big hug.

9 months later

it has been nine months and Dallon was giving birth through Caesarean section and Dallon and Brendon were happy that their children they were having twins one boy and one girl they decided to call the girl Virginia and the boy Blaze and the children were healthy and they all lived happy together forever

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    NDWritten by Nell Dennewad

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