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that one badass mafia boss named Patrick Stump

the tale of the mafia boss and his gorgeous wife

By Nell DennewadPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Y/N was the gorgeous wife of the toughest mafia leader Patrick Stump. He watched over her and made sure she was well looked after in terms of bodyguards around her when she was outside the mansion. He always gave her the finest food and clothes, shoes, jewellery and makeup.

He made sure he always had time for her. She was his princess after all and he loved her so much. She walked into his office one night at two am needing cuddles. She walked up to him tugging on his shirt whispering "daddy" he looked at her then the clock "princess should be sleeping right now daddy did tuck her into bed three hours ago" He looked at her sternly.

She replied with "wanted daddy cuddles felt lonely". Patrick scooped her up and sat her on his lap smiling as he held her close "will princess sleep in daddies arms" he asked but by the time he finished asking Y/N was fast asleep in his arms purring softly

Patrick smiled and carried Y/N to the bedroom laying her gently down on the bed before getting undressed then laying down beside her pulling her close.

She snuggled into him purring and mumbling "i love you daddy" Patrick replied with "i love you too princess now sleep sweetpea its way past your bedtime" She snuggled closer as she slept once in a while letting out small moans and whines as she was getting turned on by her dream. Patrick smirked in his sleep of what he was going to do to Dee the next day


Patrick woke up before Y/N he made her breakfast which was waffles, fruit, bacon and eggs he smiled and walked into their room "princess wake up daddy made your breakfast then we are going shopping" Y/N wakes up and smiles seeing Patrick "ok daddy i wub chu" Y/N said. Patrick replied with " I love you too princess get dressed then meet me downstairs in the kitchen" Y/N smiled and replied with "yes daddy I wub chu so much" Y/N quickly got changed and ran downstairs to meet Patrick in the kitchen "daddy"

Patrick spun around and looked at her "Stunning princess" Patrick said smiling. Y/N blushed deeply walking to Patrick as he opened his arms Y/N ran into his arms snuggling into him "daddy so warm" Patrick smiled as he scoops up Y/N and sets her on the counter kissing her cheek then he went back to cooking as he sung to himself quietly" daddy heard you moaning in your sleep princess" Y/N blushed deeply and hid her face she giggled slightly peeking out from her hands "it was delicious babe I love hearing you moan my name" she blushed a deeper red watching patrick. Patrick smiled and set the food down in front of her waiting for her to eat.


Y/N was giggling and playing with her dolls when she suddently felt nauseous she ran for the bathroom whining. Patrick saw her running down the hall holding her stomach and mouth and got worried "princess whats wrong" he asked as he followed her to the bathroom. she looked up at him and pointed to her stomach "i have a sore tummy daddy" patrick thoguht for a bit and looked at her "princess may be pregnant can you take a test for daddy please" he asked handing her one and she did it and waited for the results. she soon heard the beep and shook a little seeing a + sign on it and handed it to patrick. He teared up and said we are having a baby princess.

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    NDWritten by Nell Dennewad

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