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Body Transfer

Jake and Sarah

By Zee DempsterPublished 10 months ago Updated 10 months ago 5 min read

He does not know how he got used to the smell but did not let that distract him. He tugged at his pants and shrugged his shoulders, adjusting his color unidentifiable suit. The simple adjustment to his clothing gave him new confidence and he was ready to begin his assignment. As usual, he felt like he was behind and had so much catching up to do. He had to meet someone right away if he was going to be successful.

As the people passed by him, he wondered how long they had been out there and how they grew to be so many. Before he went to sleep the night before, the streets was winding down and barely a soul moved about. Now the bustling feet were his alarm clock, rousing him from wistful slumber.

"What an interesting corner of the world", he thought to himself.

This bench was a great vantage point of modern civilization, the Common Era. He thought about all of the places he had been and the long strange journey that brought him to this place. Here he was drifting again, he needed to get started in a hurry. He had to complete his mission.

He sat up completely and moved his feet out of the way, freeing up the next section of the bench. Time passed. He watched the sun grow stronger as the morning walked down fifth avenue. He knew he would catch his next host shortly. The sun released its sultry rays and he could see the eyes of the passersby eyeing the bench stretched out next to him. The heat of the sun made the empty seat increasingly alluring yet his presence on the bench made the acquisition of the seat highly disturbing.

Finally, a woman sat down. She sat on the furthest end of the opposite side of the bench.

"It’s a nice day," he said.

"Yes it is," she responded but quickly looked the other way.

"I hope it doesn’t get too humid."

"I think we should be okay, have a good day." She got up and walked away.

Another opportunity lost but at least it was a start. Okay, here comes another one. This time he would engage the subject in a more intellectual fashion. She sat down. He looked at her newspaper.

"They don’t seem to print the good news anymore," he said.

"No they don’t, and it’s a shame cause so many good things are happening," she said.

"They only want to focus on the negative stuff all the time."

"Its how they sell papers and get high ratings. That’s all that matters to those people."

"It all boils down to money doesn’t it?"

"Yep. No matter how much they make, they want more."

"Well you can’t take it with you, so I don’t see why they need so much."

"Nothing makes much sense these days."

"You don’t mind if I ask your name?"

"Not at all, I’m Sarah. And you?"

"Well I’m Jake and it is nice of you to talk to me."

At that, he looked into her eyes and the body transfer began. To the curious onlooker, it would seem that the two were engaged in a conversation but this was not the case.

He left the male body and floated towards hers. He was careful not to move too quickly so the body form he was leaving stayed propped up on the bench. He poured himself out through the mouth of the body form. He moved closer and closer towards Sarah as he eased his way to the side of her face. He navigated gently to her ear and closed his eyes as he oozed into the shaft. Once he felt himself completely inside of her, he relaxed but his eyes did not open again. He stayed still and collected his thoughts. He called up his body transfer checklist and positioned himself to begin. He released each part of his aura as directed by the list and meticulously checked off each procedure as he completed it.

The procedures took time. The duration of some procedures was longer than others. He meditated deeply. The system was set up such that he was able to begin certain procedures and drift off into his own essence as they occurred. At the end of the particular process, he would rejoin the activity just in time to finish it off and begin another stage. He vividly remembered his last body transfer. The last body he chose was diseased.

It was time for him to do the cell transfers. He had a choice to do it in mass or individually. He liked individual cell transfers but did not want to take the risk this time so he opted for the mass. He released one million parts of himself. He travelled with each and every cell. He guided their individual activities, their every move. He taught them to ease into union with the cells of Sarah. He did not want to harm her or her cells, just unify. Once the process was complete he opened his eyes. She was Sarah now.

She blinked her eyes and in a moment was looking at the world through a new lens. She sensed the form of her body and focused for a moment to make sure that all the pieces were in the right places. This body was cleaner and leaner than the other one. She noticed herself thinking and felt the weight of her head. Left to right, right to left, she moved her head from side to side. Her neck was a bit stiff. Then she began a mental roll call. First up were her feet. She wiggled her toes and flexed her feet at the ankles. She adjusted and folded the newspaper using the movement to stretch and sample her arms and shoulders. They were slight but fit.

The people were oblivious to the phenomenal transformation that had occurred. She looked at them bustling about and looked back at the old man on the bench. The old man was a stranger; a distant figure once co-joined with her, now divorced from her reality.

Sci FiExcerpt

About the Creator

Zee Dempster

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