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Blood and Bourbon

Episode Two: Entanglements

By Evan JacksonPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

My grandfather used to say that hate is the flower grown from a seed planted in hostile ground. Earth is beautiful, but it’s full of rat holes. And a rat hole is where I found myself when I landed here. That old man’s words played over and over in my head every single shift I worked at Salacious. Humans are fucking gross! Some of them. That place was a magnet for those specific types. A hole in the wall establishment where the seedy and the mischievous like to hang out. That’s why I started working there. For the mischievous aspect, not the lack of decorum. Thought I’d come across some useful information. All I found were a bunch of low-level guys just trying to make enough money to party. That and an array of human kinks that turned my stomach. There was some quality blood now and then. One of the few things that made working there worth it. Patrick was the other reason. My job at Salacious was a way for me to keep my ear to the ground. Information comes freely to those who know how to listen. I needed a clean break from the persona I’d built at the club. So, I texted Rick and told him I quit. All that was six months ago, going on seven. 

Hunter enters the cellar and pulls the chain hanging from the ceiling to turn on the light. Muffled yells sound from the moving barrels containing his assailants from earlier.

“You wanted twenty-five percent of my business, you greedy fuck! I’ll make you an equal partner! You wanna know why everyone is here instead of your shit hole? My club is clean! It’s modern, with just the right amount of nostalgia sprinkled in. I give people a reason to get dressed up nice and enjoy the night; then go home and fuck their brains out. Hunters’ makes people feel good, Rick! And you know what else sets this place apart?... My bourbon. It’s my recipe with one special ingredient. Poachers like me set up shop in places like this across the many human settlements throughout intergalactic space. My usual targets are..older. On their way to the next life, anyway. Aged blood is like aged bourbon, expensive and the combination is profitable. You three will be my newest creation. I’ll call it Salacious Dick… in honor of you.”

Hunter removes the identification and clothing of his three victims.The barrels are made of an aluminum alloy type material that is commonly found on Bilzeth. A sophisticated computer system vaporizes the bodies contained inside. Mixing the juiced human contents with Hunter’s special bourbon brew. A fine tuned combination of his favorite delicacy.The clothes, he drops at one of those Goodwill donation sites and he incinerates the I.D. ‘s when he returns home. 

Kalico Speaking…

“Welcome home Hunter. You have one new message. Would you like to hear it?”

“Yeah Kalico, play the message.”

“Hey Hunter…tonight was amazing. It really has me thinking about what I want right now. You were right about Bethany being pissed. I apologized to her, and I explained the situation between us. She says she’s cool with my fluidity but her actions tell a different story… How are you? Are you cool? I know we both said that we didn’t want what happened to be the last time. I meant it and hopefully you did too. Anyway.. I just wanted to get that off my chest before I went to bed. Are you still up? Hit me back if you are. I would love to hear your voice right now…G’night.

“What the fuck have you gotten yourself into, Hunter? Should I call him back? Nah, let me take my ass to bed before I get caught up again.”

The next morning, Kalico alerts Hunter to an incoming call.

“Good morning Hunter. You have an incoming call from officer Reginald Cameron, who is hiding his caller I.D.. What would you like me to do?”

“Accept the call.”

“ Accepting the call…”

“Good morning Hunter, this is officer, Reg Cameron. I’m here outside of your club. I hoped I could speak with you this morning.”

“I’m still in bed. I won’t be at the club for another hour. What can I help you with?”

“Three friends of mine have gone missing. Their last whereabouts are at your club. I wanted to know if you’d seen or spoken to them.”

“How long have they been missing?”

“Since last night.”

“Alright, I’ll be at the club in about 45 minutes. I need to shower first.”

“I’ll be expecting you in 20.”

“I’ll be there in 45 minutes. I have to shower first.”

Hunter hangs up the phone. Knowing exactly who was on the other end of the line. A regular from Salacious. One of Rick’s buddies. Fucker…

“Do not drink this fool when he starts talking shit. He’s going to push all of your buttons. Be cool.”

Hunter says to himself as he showers and gets ready to go to his club. The morning is beautiful. Clear blue skies with no wind. The air smells sweet with the dawning of Spring. Trees are filling up their branches with colorful leaves and blooming flowers. Couples are walking hand in hand down the street sporting light jackets instead of heavy winter coats. Crinkling up his nose at a tickle, a faint, sexy funk enters his nose. Remnants of Patrick that weren’t washed away in the shower…As Hunter pulls into the parking lot, he sees officer Reginald Cameron standing out front with his gleaming bald head. Looking every bit like the human fairytale Humpty Dumpty. He takes a moment to get his attitude together before exiting his car. 

“Officer Cameron, good morning.”

“I told you twenty-minutes!”

“I was in bed and I needed to shower. Clearly, you’re off duty and don’t possess any type of warrant. You have all the power of a civilian. I didn’t have to answer your phone call and this entire conversation right now is a courtesy.”

Be cool Hunter! Calm down! He thinks to himself.

Officer Cameron spits on the pavement while sneering his reply at Hunter.

“My friends came here last night looking for your punk ass. They never came back to Salacious, and Rick’s car is still in your parking lot.”

“Rick came here with two thugs last night. They attempted to extort twenty-five percent of my business. We had words. They attacked me and I defended myself.”

“Where are they now?”

“They’re not here.”

“Where are they?”

“Why would I know where they are? The last time I saw or spoke to Rick was six months ago, before last night.”

“You know something… I’m going to find out what happened.”

“You do that. Officer Reginald Cameron of the 14th precinct. At 1100 River Cross Lane.”

“How do you know where I live?”

“I know a lot more than that. Just like you know, Rick came over here with those two assholes to start some shit. Walk away and leave me and my business alone. Do not fuck with me.”

“You just threatened a police officer, buddy!”

“I promise, if you drag your precinct, or more of your co-signing, can’t think for themselves, asshole buddies, into this. You’ll regret it!”

Officer Reginald scurries back to his waiting car, and Hunter curses himself for losing his temper. 

“I told you to be cool, dammit!”

The club’s liquor delivery arrives as officer Reginald pulls out of the parking lot. Just as Hunter’s key enters the lock, Bethany comes from out of nowhere. The familiar sound of her stride pattern was hot on his six. He spins around to address her before opening the doors to his club. 

“Bethany… To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?”

“Stop fucking my man!”

“Excuse me?”

“I just came to make sure that you’re not using Patrick.”

“Using him for what?”

“I know you two slept together last night. He told me.”

“Okay, So..why are you here?”

“I don’t want to pick up the pieces after you break his heart.”

“Girl… really? I’m going to give you some advice you didn’t ask for. You will not change Patrick. He likes what he likes, as he puts it. Being an adult with the ability to make your own choices, you should know what you’re agreeing to in any relationship. If you’re not as comfortable with the idea of your man sleeping with other men as you thought. That is a conversation you need to have with him. Not me. That being said, I would love to have you back as a guest at my club again. I’ll even buy you a drink the next time you stop by. Enjoying the nightlife better be the only reason I see you. Don’t bring this bullshit drama to my door again.”

“I didn’t come here for relationship advice!”

“You shouldn’t have come here at all. But I understand being insecure in love, which is why this is a conversation and not me slamming a door in your face.”

“Fuck you, Hunter!”

After Bethany storms back to her Barbie pink Volkswagen Beetle, Hunter enters the club, heading to the back to accept the liquor delivery. As he’s putting stock away, he hears someone inside the club. He curses himself for forgetting to lock the door behind him and goes to see who’s inside. 

“There you are.” Patrick says.

“Hey Patrick… what’re you doing here?”

“Bethany and I got into it this morning. It took me a while but, after going over our conversation. I realized she might come here… did she?”

“Yeah, she got in my face and I told her about herself.”

“I’m so sorry Hunter!”

“It’s my fault… I was horny last night and seeing you brought back old feelings. I took a risk, and this is the consequence.”

“So… last night was just about satisfying your carnal desires?”

“No. I have feelings for you, Hunter. But I can’t deal with those emotions right now. Last night wasn’t just about sex. But I have to protect myself.”

“So, now you’re emotionally unavailable? Why do you keep ghosting me?”

“Because you’re not ready to commit to anything serious, Patrick! You want to have fun with whomever! I understand that. But don’t expect me to get my heart wrapped up in that shit.”

“That’s hella cold Hunter.”

“It’s real! Why would I give you my heart when you don’t even know what you want to do with yours? Last night was a long time coming. I meant what I said. I didn’t want it to be the last time. But I’m not coming into this blind. I will not put my heart on the line as an appetizer just to validate your ego?”

“My ego?”

“Yes Patrick, your ego!”

“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“You collect hearts like fucking Pokémon!”

“That’s not fair!”

“It’s the truth! How many notches do you have on your belt? I’m not talking about body count. I’m talking about people who’ve fallen in love with you, so you have options for if someone acts up in a way that you don’t want to deal with?”

“Wow! That’s what we’re doing now?”

“Patrick… I really, really, like you. I will not lie or sugarcoat my feelings. This is a real adult conversation. These are the aspects of your behavior that present a concern regarding me letting you in all the way. If you want a relationship, this is the rabbit hole. If you just want to fuck, then we don’t have to continue this conversation.”

Hunter and Patrick stare at each other in a standoff. Tears in Patrick’s eyes threaten tears from Hunter’s. Standing his ground, he doesn’t say another word. Patrick takes a step to hug him but thinks better of it. He turns and leaves the club. 

Thanks for reading! Episodes 1-6 are available on Amazon's Kindle Vella. With your Amazon membership you can read the first three episodes for free! After you read an episode be sure to leave a like at the bottom, it really helps me out. I post new episodes every week. Make sure you hit the follow button in the upper right hand corner to find out what happens next!


About the Creator

Evan Jackson

Neurodivergent creative who's recently come out from under his rock. I'm growing back the confidence of my youth through sharing my creative works. <3

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    Evan JacksonWritten by Evan Jackson

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