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Beneath the Boughs

Kurumi's Melody

By Kyle SimmonsPublished about a month ago 6 min read
Nestled atop his grey tail, on a bed of moss and woven grass, the Scurry King remained...

Kurumi swept through the forest—a silent passing where the words of man held no sway. Twining through the towering Oak's and Maple's, a regal robe of iridescent wisps trailed behind her. Branches cast wide, adorned with a canopy of leaves danced in the breeze. The fragrant blooms of spring brought Kurumi enjoyment on an otherwise sad day.

Tendrils of her spirit brushed an Oak in passing, and a connection roared to life. Auras of vibrant colors mixed and swirled through the union, coalescing into images. More than a means of communication, the connection was a bond. It was spiritual for the inhabitants of the Whispering Woods, but to Kurumi, it held a deeper, more profound significance.

The Oak flashed regal blue that was swallowed quickly by a fierce red. Pulling the colors together into a brilliant azure flecked with deep purple, he revealed an image of powerful winds attempting and failing to move his mighty limbs. His image spoke to Kurumi, 'In my roots, I sense the surge of life's beat, firm and fleet. The forest's creatures flourish, growth's cycle undiminished.'

Kurumi swelled golden with pride. She adored to hear that her subjects and dominion fared well. In return, she shared the experience of a shimmering stream trickling by. The affection conveyed, 'All is bright.'

What was left of the morning passed in communion with the other residents of the woods. She gathered information on her kingdom's comings, goings, and health. However, Kurumi found the most joy in the trivial matters she indulged in. The banter of the trees left her carefree: Fireflies showing a preference for one tree's branches over another's. The unappreciated owl's piercing screech shattering the tranquility of the night. She beamed a soft glowing yellow, teasing the chirping trees. 'Laughter dancing like leaves in the breeze.'

Still, troubling news came from the west; The Leaf Biters plagued a young grove. Emboldened predators no longer feared the midnight-winged tricksters, now gone for many seasons. She relied on the Scurry Conclave to defend against these threats, but now? With his health? Like the stream held a stone, she clutched at the hope their king's advocacy would live on.

Coming to the edge of her realm, she pushed down the unpleasant thoughts. Near a clearing, a tall Birch tree stood with smooth, white bark crisscrossed in scars. The deep gouges gave him a rugged, weathered appearance—a testament to the damage wrought by Sapsuckers. Yet the ancient tree resonated with a vibrant emerald hue. Through the connection he passed, the reflection of supple boughs swayed in the wind. It said, 'I am gleaming with health and joy.'

Delighted with the tree, Kurumi savored his contentment, releasing the weight of her reign for a short while.

The Wind rustled the Birch's slender branches sometime later, stirring delicate leaves. The gentle beckoning roused Kurumi from her peace and brought her back to purpose. She passed the depiction of a brave young squirrel chasing Sapsuckers away. She then repeated the vision again and again. The damage to the tree grew each time, but a courageous squirrel always fought the predators away. 'Recall what the King once did, a distant season's splendid bid.'

The Birch sagged, wilting at the memory. His aura, a soothing lavender, reached for Kurumi, a sapling asking to be embraced. 'Oh, the pain, refrain!'

She swelled in grandeur, golden like the fertile land—a mother, a guardian; Kurumi-no-Kami, the God of the Walnut tree.

The following message carried a gloomy weight. The scene of a frail squirrel unmoving, nuts and berries untouched. The sending changed to a sapling Walnut tree growing near the center of the Whispering Woods. 'Though Hark departs, his heart's art stays; with courage and grace, his place; with us, he'll pace.'

In mourning, the Birch released a single vibrant green leaf. While his sorrow fell to the earth, he displayed a demure yellow of joy. 'I await the king's return in a distant season.'

The gesture was cut short when the flustered Wind jostled the Birch. Its call implored, urging for haste. With another pass, the swelling breeze sighed a message. 'The King's awake, make no mistake.'

In an instant, Kurumi severed the connection and fled. Compressing her essence to the size of a pebble, the Wind struggled to keep up with the pace she set. Chiding herself for leaving him, she feared the worst. What if she was too late?

The moment she arrived, she sensed a weak heartbeat pulsing from the hollow at the heart of the tree. Hark's presence washed over her, easing her fears. Nestled atop his grey tail, on a bed of moss and woven grass, the Scurry King remained as she left him.

Willing a branch in close, she brought a green dew-covered leaf to his mouth. Kurumi's aura sent calm waves of energy. The experience of watching the first drops of rain reach the forest floor. 'I've brought you a pool of cool life to sip.'

Hark's tufted ears twitched, and he opened age-worn eyes, searching without seeing. With a scrawny paw clenched, he lifted his wizened head, but weakness pushed him back down before he could get more than two small licks.

Kurumi drew on the tree's life force and gave vitality to Hark. With improved strength, he was able to lift his head again. While he drank, Kurumi inspected the now saffron-colored leaf she held. His meager strength allowed him a long draw of water. But at what cost? She pushed the truth away like the deceiving Weasel, unprepared to face his end.

Kurumi painted greens and browns across the walls of the cove with broad strokes. A Cluster of trees materialized in a vision, murmuring amongst themselves. 'The forest murmurs with tales of squirrels and their tricks. They flurry the leaves in slumbering trees.' She added a soft, cherished red to manifest the earth's warm, lush soil. 'Echoes of someone I've known. Traces of your past, would you say it so?'

Hark lay back, a grimace devouring his distant smile the news provided.

Agonizing over his state, Kurumi pushed the consequences aside. She drained even more vitality from the tree into Hark. Caution screamed, but she continued to fill the hollow with the strength of the forest.

Trying to soothe Hark, or maybe just herself, she gave a glimpse of flits dancing, calling her attention, while fern branches shook in retreat. 'Your chittering always gave you away amidst the Fern flits, where floor dwellers dance and play.'

His breathing labored, and still, she pulled deeper at the tree. She willed the energy into her friend if only to gain a moment. She was not ready to let go even though his weakened heart continued to flutter and slow.

Kurumi filled the hollow with golden rays that poured into the surrounding glade, visions streaming by Hark.

A young, proud squirrel rallied his kin. Silky pods with pearl droplets floating down the river. 'You paved the way, keeping the Leaf Biters' fray at bay.'

Hark's head tilted back, eyes pressed shut, and Kurumi pulled deeper.

Piles of nuts, seeds, and fungi lay before a conclave of squirrels before the start of winter. 'You dared, cared, shared, and taught the Scurry compassion's fare.'

His nose raised as he struggled to draw his next breath, and Kurumi poured all the energy she dared into his waning body.

An image of the Great Walnut tree standing prominent and filled with life faded to the summer sun casting dappled shadows beneath the undulating branches. 'My treasure, above, my love.'

Hark released life. His head fell to the moss, and his heart beat its final note.

Kurumi's aura dimmed and condensed into the hollow where her beloved monarch lay. Her essence, grey as fog, crowded the small space. Outside, the Great Walnut tree shed orange and brown leaves like tears. The Winds' silent mourning scattered the autumn colors.

Under the cloak of night, Kurumi laid her friend to rest near the base of a sapling no wider than her lowest branch. She would watch and care for Hark's legacy. No matter how long it would take for him to awaken.

Short StoryFantasy

About the Creator

Kyle Simmons

Life provided me with a unique perspective and chance experiences that I love to share with everyone. I am striving to curate my distinctive voice, imaginative narratives, and emotional depth to resonate with my readers.

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Comments (1)

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  • Monique Nelsonabout a month ago

    I love the tiny yet mighty angle and the wonderfully immersive reminder that all nature is connected. Really fun read!

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