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Beautiful white sand beaches


By ShutedyPublished 8 days ago 3 min read

There’s something about beautiful white sand beaches that feels like a slice of paradise. This story begins on a chilly winter morning when I decided that I had had enough of the cold, gray days. I needed a break, a place where I could feel the sun on my skin and the sand between my toes. So, I booked a last-minute flight to a small island in the Caribbean that promised exactly that.

After a long flight and a short boat ride, I arrived at the island. As soon as I stepped off the boat, I was greeted by the warm, salty breeze and the sight of turquoise waters gently lapping against the shore. The beach stretched out before me, a pristine expanse of white sand that looked like something out of a postcard.

I checked into a cozy beachfront bungalow, the kind with a thatched roof and a hammock strung up on the porch. It was simple but perfect. I wasted no time in changing into my swimsuit and heading straight for the beach.

The sand was soft and powdery, cool under my feet as I walked towards the water. The ocean was a stunning shade of blue, clear and inviting. I waded in, feeling the cool water rise around me, and let out a deep breath. This was exactly what I needed.

For the next few days, I fell into a blissful routine. I’d wake up early to watch the sunrise, the sky painted in hues of pink and orange as the first light of day touched the ocean. After a leisurely breakfast of fresh fruit and coffee, I’d spend the morning lounging on the beach, reading a book or just staring out at the horizon, letting the sound of the waves lull me into a state of relaxation.

One afternoon, while I was walking along the shoreline, I met a local fisherman named Marco. He was a friendly, easygoing guy who knew the island like the back of his hand. We struck up a conversation, and he offered to take me out on his boat the next day to show me some of the hidden spots around the island.

The next morning, I met Marco at the dock, and we set off in his small, weathered boat. He took me to a secluded cove where the water was even clearer, if that was possible, and we snorkeled among the vibrant coral reefs. The underwater world was teeming with life, colorful fish darting around us as we explored. It felt like a secret paradise, untouched and pure.

After snorkeling, Marco took me to a tiny, uninhabited island. We had a picnic on the beach, feasting on fresh seafood and tropical fruits. We talked about life on the island, his family, and the rhythms of a life connected so closely to the sea. It was a simple, unhurried way of living that felt refreshing and grounding.

As the sun began to set, we headed back to the main island. The sky turned a brilliant shade of gold, and I leaned back, savoring the moment. There was something magical about this place, something that went beyond the stunning scenery. It was the feeling of being truly present, of appreciating the beauty of the world in its simplest form.

On my last night, I took a long walk along the beach. The moon was full, casting a silvery glow over the sand and the water. The beach was quiet, with only the sound of the waves and the occasional call of a distant bird. I sat down, digging my toes into the cool sand, and reflected on my time there.

The beautiful white sand beaches had given me more than just a break from winter. They had given me a chance to reconnect with myself, to find peace and clarity in the midst of a busy, often chaotic life. As I sat there, watching the moonlight dance on the waves, I promised myself that I would carry this sense of tranquility with me, wherever I went.

When it was time to leave, I felt a bittersweet mix of sadness and gratitude. I knew I would miss the island, but I also knew that its beauty and the lessons I had learned would stay with me. The memory of those beautiful white sand beaches would always be a reminder of the importance of taking time to slow down, to appreciate the simple pleasures, and to find peace within myself.


About the Creator


Write poetry that uses beautiful and creative language and rhythm.

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