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Avatar: The Way Of Water - Movie Review

Is it as good as Avatar Part 1?

By Havi NagpalPublished about a year ago 8 min read


I'm getting this to you a little bit late but thank you for your patience I was hanging out with a friend in Vegas he needed to get his mind off of some BS badly and he was like I've never been to Vegas do you want to go to Vegas I was like dude I got your back let's go to Vegas let's get your mind off of it because that's what friends do friends will have your back even if they miss the pre-embargo screening to the first James Cameron film in 13 years now the way of water is out it's time to punch on and do that only monetizable skill I have talk.

So Avatar the way of water is the sequel to Avatar it's been many years for us many years for them Jake Sully now has a family life that is great but the sky people have returned so let the Clash commence also learning the way of water that's also a thing in here. Now let's be honest and address it Avatar gets a lot of Things but I was just I've never been there mentally with the movie I thought Avatar was great in 2009 I've watched it since then many times I've watched it recently brushed up for this movie yeah dances with Smurfs don't give a damn.

I think it's great I apologize for none of it but it'll be interesting to see how the way of water plays out since the landscape The Cinematic landscape is now different in 2022 than it was in 2009. After watching the movie I can say a couple of things one my faith in James Cameron I feel has paid off because I thought I crushed it with this one and two that might actually work out for this movie because it's easy to see big-budget movies being this industrial grade Studio cash grab because that's kind of what we see with big budget movies now but I don't think that's the case with the way of water so first of all technologically speaking this movie is Head and Shoulders above anything you've ever seen in your life so many times.

CGI and Story

I was watching this I was like this is it's easy to forget it's CGI there's actually there's been a couple times I've met fans and are like dude do you really think Avatar the way of water looks great because I don't think the trailer visually I don't think it looks any better than the previous Avatar movie I just think we've hit that phase in life where the only way to see the detail and the resolution is to see it on a bigger screen I guess that's pretty smart for 20th century Studios which is Disney let's just be honest about it because I've watched the trailer on a little screen and I've watched it on the big screen on the big screen it does look better at first when you're in the forest you're like okay it does look good but I've seen this before but when they get to the water stuff and they're hanging out the water civilization it's unlike anything you've ever seen James Cameron in the world of Pandora the Avatar movies they've always had that they've always had this, this bonds between the people of the world and the animals of the world very Circle of Life thing going on but it's like James Cameron's very conscious of the fact that being in the world of Pandora is part of the fun is part of the charm it's part of the glory of the movie so it gives you more than a few moments of these awe-inspiring scenes where it's just like ah let's just have the audience take it in in fact let's have characters taken in too because it does look that absoluetly incredible this movie does the high frame rate which is essentially doubling the frame rate I don't think it's the only format you can watch the movie and I'm sure you can find it in lower frame rate not all projectors can do that.

Point is is something that the first Hobbit movie did and then everyone who saw the movie early was like wow that was weird and then strangely for the next two screenings it wasn't in high frame rate at least not in Seattle maybe it's the Technologies advanced in the subsequent 10 years since but I actually enjoyed it in this movie I thought it worked a lot better for Avatar way of water I thought it was a lot more immersive sometimes to its detriment absolutely couples things in particular I can think of really just one scene where we're in space and it's turning and I'm like yeah the camera's turning that looks great yeah it's so immersive my brain is telling me we're spinning and I'm kind of getting nauseous also the thing that this movie does really well that a lot of movies that have that time Gap need to do you know when they're dealing with a couple Generations is have both Generations be relevant and have the story used both optimally usually when dealing with that conundrum we're talking about universes and worlds that have been around actively for a while this is just simply the first James Cameron movie since the previous James Cameron movie enough time has passed where now he needs to deal with that because he saw the 12-year gap between Titanic and Avatar and he was like I can beat that 13 years hence here we are but I did think this movie did a great job at using the two generations in the teary Jake Sully and their kids and having them all work you know having them all optimized.

I felt like natiri did get a little more sidelined in this movie than she was in the previous movie she was a huge part of the previous movie but it more revolves around Jake and the fact that he is this leader but now he's also a parent in the previous movie Jake was like oh yeah I'm a military leader last Shadow baby it's fine I'll help them all fight but now he's like I don't want my kids to get hurt and die in fighting so I'm going about it differently but then his kids are like we want to fight we want to help so they're going on their Quest I would say the kids are actually in the Forefront in here it is building the story I mean there's like six planned Avatar sequels they're definitely going to stick around and become more prominent as time goes on this was the film where we had to give a credit about them and I thought James Cameron a good job with that I mean there were a couple of intense scenes where I was like see this is why I like Avatar they're not just nine foot tall Smurfs there's Peril happening that that dude's in danger and I care there was a bit of familiarity in a couple scenes um just in the fact that when I was sitting down to watch this movie I remember thinking this is going to feel so different than the first movie because a huge part of the first movie was Jake Sully training to be a navi and then he becomes one of the people and that's the plot of the movi and to my surprise it's called way of water so it shouldn't have been too surprised but in its execution Jake and his family are hanging out with this Navi civilization that's very water-based their bodies have evolved to use water in their culture and their civilization as the navi we saw in the previous film evolved to use the forest all of it seems really well thought out and executed with passion so that sense of learning a new culture is actually in this movie as well it's just there's no flip like that in the first one where it's like oh man I guess these folks aren't so bad I'm gonna help them no they're always the good guys this is good guys hanging out with good guys they're there's a bit of that High School tension though and I do want to give props to composer Simon Franklin for stepping in after the late great James Horner passed away some big shoes to fill and to be fair there were a couple of moments where a track was either reused or it was just recomposed for this movie but it's the same track from the first movie like that song when home tree gets bombed his home tree's down all the navi are crying and they're freaking out and you know that that tune that's very memorable from the first movie that same song plays in this movie I was like are you just reusing tracks just gonna reuse it but this sounds like a James Cameron call to me not a Simon Franklin call I want to give props to Simon Franklin because music is very important in the world of Pandora and I felt he did a great job recapturing it the movie's a little over three hours long which is pretty lengthy but I feel like he does it's an earned run time it does make me think like wait is there James Cameron always has director's Cuts is there a directors because they're going to be a special edition of this do you have a four hour cut of way of water we'll see I guess and in the end I gotta say Avatar the way of water is proof that if you're playing the odds you never bet against James Cameron.

James Cameron

Honestly if you didn't like the previous Avatar movie I don't think this is gonna win you over but for fans of Avatar I think a way of water is going to be a great next chapter once again Pandora is a world in a movie that you're not just watching in a movie you're living it James Cameron's a director that gets that 2022 comic book movie MCU budget but he uses it to keep that old school movie-going experience alive his movies feel like passion projects still it's actually a very unique movie going experience James Cameron films he's a guy who does his own thing wants to entertain people and does it in a way, where you're like yeah movies used to feel like this and it's really awesome to see in 2022 maybe eventually Avatar is going to feel that way it's going to feel like that studio cash grab like I said there are a few Avatar sequels planned out I'd be shocked if he does all of them and if they're successful enough they're going to have spin-offs and Disney plus series there might eventually come a time where it just feels like soulless nonsense but that time is not today I felt Avatar the way of water was a memorable experience in 2022. the visuals look unreal it has a classic storytelling Spirit about the family at the center and the last 45 minutes of this film is a satisfying action spectacle.


Avatar the way of water is awesome it's like this I was actually going to give it bite on Blu-ray and I just remembered I'm a grumpy old man now I just want to kick my feet back and enjoy this so there you have it all right so Avatar the way of water have you seen it what did you think about it or what's your favorite James Cameron film you can rank them if you want that's always fun to do everyone loves lists fun to do fun to read fun to have fun to make whatever you think comment below let me know.

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Havi Nagpal

Hey there, I'm Havi! I'm a passionate movie lover and an avid writer of movie reviews.

My writing style is pretty casual and light-hearted, and I try to inject humor into my reviews wherever possible to make them more engaging.

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    Havi NagpalWritten by Havi Nagpal

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