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Autumn 🍂

Serendipitous Encounter

By RICHARDS DIVINE💜🌸Published 8 months ago 3 min read
Serendipity strikes

The autumn leaves danced in the gentle breeze, painting the world in hues of fiery red and golden yellow. It was a season of change, where destiny unfolded its enigmatic tapestry. And amidst this magical symphony of nature, Amber found herself on the cusp of a serendipitous encounter that would forever alter the course of her life.

As Amber strolled down the bustling streets of her quaint town, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in every step. The air was crisp, and there was an unmistakable energy that whispered secrets to those willing to listen. She had always been drawn to this time of year - a time when possibilities hung heavy in the air like ripe fruit waiting to be plucked.

Lost in her thoughts, Amber gaze fell upon a small café nestled on a cobblestone corner. Its warm lights spilled onto the sidewalk, beckoning passersby with promises of comfort and companionship. Intrigued by its charm, she decided to venture inside.

As she entered the café, her senses were immediately engulfed by an intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries. The walls were adorned with whimsical artwork that seemed to come alive with each brushstroke. It was as if creativity itself had taken residence within these four walls.

Amber made her way towards an empty table near the window and settled into one of the plush chairs. She observed as people from all walks of life filled every nook and cranny – students huddled over textbooks, artists sketching their visions onto canvases, writers lost in worlds only they could fathom.

Just as she took a sip from her steaming cup, a voice interrupted her reverie.

"Is this seat taken?"

Startled yet intrigued by this unexpected intrusion into her solitude, Amber looked up to find herself face-to-face with an enigmatic stranger. His piercing blue eyes seemed to hold the secrets of the universe, and his smile was as captivating as a shooting star streaking across the night sky.

"No, please, have a seat," she replied, her voice betraying a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

And so began their conversation – a dance of words that traversed realms of literature, philosophy, and all things in between. Time seemed to stand still as they delved into the depths of their shared passions and aspirations. Their connection grew stronger with each passing moment, like two celestial bodies caught in an eternal gravitational pull.

Hours turned into minutes as they lost themselves in their musings. It was then that Amber realized something profound - this encounter was no mere coincidence but rather a cosmic alignment orchestrated by fate itself. Their paths had converged at this exact moment in time for reasons yet unknown.

As they bid farewell amidst promises to meet again, Emily couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of joy coursing through her veins. The universe had conspired to bring them together - two souls destined to intertwine amidst the vast tapestry of existence.

Little did she know that this chance encounter would be the catalyst for an extraordinary journey - one filled with love, heartache, and everything in between. For Amber had just begun to count her lucky stars, unaware of the constellation waiting to be discovered within herself.

As Amber continued to hope each passing day to see the stranger once again, she realized that life is not merely a series of chance encounters but rather a choice and intentionality.

A serendipitous encounter can change the course of one's life forever. For there is no greater chance than embracing the unknown with open arms and counting your lucky stars along the way..

LoveShort StoryMicrofiction

About the Creator


I have the gift of defining reality and creating fantasy 💜🌸🦋

I create dreams -l actually write dreams for you👽🎃

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Comments (3)

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  • Shirley Belk8 months ago

    Love serendipity...when you look hard enough, you can find it! Nicely done

  • velasco liama8 months ago


  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Great work! Fantastic job l!

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