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Aurora's Light

By Mitchell Booth

By Mitchell BoothPublished 2 years ago 18 min read

“There weren't always dragons in the Valley. The Tides of Change are washing through the Astral Planes. Expect the unexpected.”


I sit here in the heavens gazing upon the world of Imortalis, watching the adventurers, lovers and villains shape the world around them. I sigh in sadness and envy. I long to have adventures like those who roam this beautiful land. The stars around me begin to vibrate. I’m stricken with panic as I feel my body slip from the night sky. I try to project myself but gravity is unforgiving. I give in. A massive explosion erupts around me as I penetrate through the veil of reality; with the last of my energy, I encase my body in starlight as a shield from the impact. Plummeting at the speed of light, my mind spins from the force. The world coming into view is a blur as my body spirals uncontrollably, I shut my eyes, fearing certain death.

Chapter 1

Mandrakes are strange humanoid, plant-like creatures that inhabit the world of Imortalis, they can be found in plains and forests. Mandrakes are widely harvested due to their alchemical properties. Today mandrakes are used in elixirs, poisons, potions and beautification creams. These creatures are class blue and are only to be harvested by licenced personnel. They produce a powerful scream that is deadly if the creature has reached maturity. The mandrake also emits poisonous gasses when its body comes into contact with O2 (oxygen), a mask and leather gloves are vital when dealing with these creatures. Creatures from the soil Vol 1 by Margaret Forn.

Faelight Gems are magical devices that contain the essence of an intelligent light being called a fey. These entities of light are a fire-free alternative to torchlight, they also have the added bonus of guiding people to nearby settlements if they are lost in the wilds of Aurora. They come in a variety of colours; however, each hue differs in price, green being the cheapest and starlight gold being the most expensive. You only need around 1 gram to cast the spell as that can last you up to 3 hours of light before it fizzles out. Remember, to activate the soul inside you need to use the incantation ‘Lumi Fae’; to dispel the light, just click your fingers and the tiny shard will crumble to ash. Aurora’s ABCs in Survival Vol 1 by Jackel Greentongue.


“Derek,” calls Persephone, “Look a mandrake!” she gestures toward the fertile soil, on top of which is a small cluster of violet flowers surrounded by deep green leaves. Derek trots over to Persephone. “Great spot sis, since you found it why don’t you give it a pull,” Derek encourages her, handing over his leather gloves. Persephone takes the gloves and slips them on, she reaches down to pull the creature but hesitates. “Are you sure it’s not too mature?” “No, it will be ok, now as you pull, I will encase it in a forcefield,” he reassures her. She nods and grips the base of the plant, they count down from three together and with a mighty tug, Persephone rips the creature from the ground, as she does so Derek casts a skin-tight forcefield around the mandrake, preventing its body from touching the air around them. She holds it up in triumph, its little body flails about. “Yes! Another one goes in the bag,” she grins tossing the mandrake into a nearby sack full of other strange plant-like creatures. “Well, that was fun,” Derek exhales wiping sweat from his brow, “I think Astron will be very pleased with our finds.” “Don’t you think it’s odd how Astron asked us to get his plants for him?” Persephone questions while collecting the sack. “I mean I wouldn’t say we are experienced poachers, plus he gave us the location to this field which is overflowing with mandrakes, just seems odd how he gave up this information without a second thought, we both know Mandrakes are highly sort after, something doesn’t add up,” “Meh, I guess, but he pays better than other herbalists and that’s all that matters hey,” Derek replies taking an apple out of his messenger bag. “Apple?” “No, it’s ok” she declines. “That still doesn’t explain why he was so enthusiastic about giving us this location,” “Maybe when we get back you can start a detective business since you are so hung up on this,” Derek teases “Anyway, agh, it’s so hot, isn’t it? Wish I could muster up some rain clouds like I use to, Gods I miss my powers.” “I know right! Look at us Brother. We have fallen so far, if only I could have performed that leap spell,” Persephone sighs, stroking her tail. “Well, it’s ok, it’s a difficult teleportation spell; don’t beat yourself up about it.” Derek reassures, rubbing her back softly. “But if I had enough energy and focus, we wouldn’t be here today hunting plant people,” she adds with a regrettable tone quavering on her voice, “However, I wish you never attempted that heist, now we have a huge debt to pay,” she huffs in annoyance. “Look, what’s done is done and that’s what the crowns are for, pay off our debt, recover our talents and find our way back to the glory days, becoming the Daring Duplicates once again.” He cheers, then takes a large bite out of the cherry red apple. They wander to the nearby Oak and plop down at its base. The shade is cool and soothing, a nice break from the summer sun. “Agh, I’ve always hated that name, we aren’t even the same race, I’m a Kithlen and you’re a High Elf, we need a new name, how about the Devils Duo or The Wild Ones,” Persephone brainstorms. “Looks like we will have to brainstorm that later, we have company” Derek warns, pointing his apple to a nearby forest. A group of 5 mercenaries march out onto the field, weapons drawn and sights set on the siblings. “Well, that’s not good,” groans Persephone slipping the sack behind her. Derek tosses away his apple as they both rise to their feet. The mercenaries close in on the two, muttering amongst themselves. “Good afternoon good sirs, can we help you at all?” Derek chimes charismatically. One of the men steps forward, 7ft and build like a brick house, he towers over the duo staring them down. “You work for Astron?” The thug grunts gripping his longsword tightly. Derek shifts eyes with Persephone then grins at the thug, “No, who is Astron?” He lies, the brute raises an eyebrow and spots the squirming sack behind Persephone’s feline figure. “Are you fucken lying to me mate? Only Astron knows about this field, he owes us a lot of money.” The other bandits creep forward, the siblings swallow nervously in unison. “Well…I mean we know a few Astr-…” With a thunderous backhand, the thug slaps Derek to the ground. Persephone shrieks jumping back over the sack, landing on the dense roots. Derek groans in pain and spits blood, he lifts himself out of the grass and onto his knees. “Grab the sack,” shouts one of the thugs, the other men march over to retrieve the bag but Persephone snatches it up and pounces high up into the branches of the tree. “Oi! give us that sack, or find out why they call me The Raging Bear,” demands the 7ft bandit with a roar. “Don’t” coughs Derek, “Persephone don’t, we need the money,” The Bear snarls at Derek and stomps over, he grips Derek by his throat and lifts him high into the air. Derek squirms weakly, wheezing and gasping. “STOP!” Screams Persephone, “You can have this stupid bag, just drop my brother and go!” She hisses, her pupils invert and sharpens like a cat. “Toss us the sack first,” He instructs, squeezing the neck tighter, Derek’s eyes water up and his face turns purple. She growls and throws the bag at the bandit’s feet.

The Bear drops Derek onto the ground with a hard thud. Derek gasps for air and rubs his throat. “Good kitty,” the Bear mocks as his men gather the sack. Persephone hisses and bounds over to Derek; she cradles him in her arms. The band of mercenaries laugh at the two as they gather around the sack, “I’m sorry Derek,” she cries, she examines his neck which is badly bruised from constriction. She holds her hands over his neck and gathers healing energy from the air around them, soothing his throat. Derek coughs, a small smile forming on his lips. “Sorry for what?” he grins mischievously as his irises light up with an ice-blue glow. The forcefields around the mandrakes and fellow plants dispel. Before the bandits could even comprehend what just happened, a blast of thick dark green toxic gas erupts from the bag flushing over the group. Violent coughing and horrific screams fill the air as the gas floods their lungs putting them into fits of death. Derek holds out his hand creating a cone of wind, the vortex encompasses the bandits and holds the opaque gas within. The Bandit’s silhouettes flip around in seizures, The Bear tries to push through the wall of wind spiralling around them but it’s too late. His eyes roll into the back of his head, his body goes limp and he departs on the spot.

Derek springs to his feet, with his arms outstretched, he redirects the turbulent winds high into the sky, “Tempestus Purgesta!” He chants, the winds spin at the speed of light; ribbons of blue hues mix with the dark green cloud cleansing it into clean air. Derek falls to his knees; a pounding pain radiates through his temples as a warm liquid trickles out his nose. He touches his nose and examines the liquid, its blood, on seeing this he lets out a shout full of frustration and anger. Persephone consoles him with a tender touch on his shoulder. “One day soon, we will be back to normal,” She reassures and helps Derek to his feet. The Bandits lay lifelessly on the grass, their bodies boiling with pustules from the poison. Derek and Persephone approach the corpses with caution, as Derek grabs the writhing sack, he covers his face with his collar in case any gases remain. Persephone kicks the Bear with her heeled leather boot. “Definitely dead, what a foul man.” She spits, “Hestara can have you now,” “Yes, well they certainly asked for it,” Derek adds, he picks up the sack and uses the last of his energy to reinforce the forcefields before slinging it over his shoulder. “Come on sis, let’s go, we have a lot of questions for our “friend Astron,” he snarls.

The sunny sky turns into twilight and the land darkens as the siblings travel into the nearby woodlands, heading back to Nymphra. The small thorny overgrown path they used to get to the field is gangly and twisted, tiny wisp lights litter the darkening forest and the sound of nocturnal creatures echo through the dense foliage. Persephone takes out a tiny emerald green gem, it has a pair of dragonfly wings etched into its shimmering surface and a small crack in its right side. She holds it in her left hand and with her right, she uses her claw-like nails to itch a fragment of the stone free. A tiny piece of the gem falls into her right hand, while slotting the gem away she tosses the shard in front of her and mutters an incantation. “Lumi Fae,” the tiny shard glows a bright green light, the light then takes the shape of a Dragonfly winged sprite. The hologram-like sprite hovers just in front of the siblings, lighting their way. “So, what are you going to do once we get to Astron’s?” questions Persephone, sensing Derek is still brimming with frustration. “Beat him with the sack, maybe rob him too and burn that shop to the ground,” Derek storms, gripping the sack tightly.

“Derek, please, I feel your pain and anger,” She empathises, “But we need this money and breaking the law will only further our sentence, you know we can’t afford that.” “Agh, I know and your right, I’m just so upset with our luck sis, what do we do to have this changed?” Derek expresses, his voice vibrating with disappointment and annoyance. “Hmm, I don’t know, but we can’t lose our heads over it, I’m here for you.” She comforts, “When we get back, I’ll take care of the exchange and you just wait outside, ok?” “Eh, ok sounds like a plan,” he agrees, “Thanks Persephone, I’m really lucky to have you,” he smiles faintly. Persephone stops and grabs Derek’s hand, she pulls him close and embraces him warmly. He reciprocates the embrace and squeezes tightly. They both continue walking through the dark forest, trailing after the faelight.

Faint lamplights twinkle in the distance as the siblings stumble out of the constricting brush and onto a cobblestone road. The bright moon hangs high in the night sky, beaming down upon the sleepy land. The indigo sky glitters with shimmering stars, one stands out amongst the rest, its light rivals even that of the moon’s. “First full moon of the season, perfect night to crash some faery parties,” jests Persephone, hoping to lift Derek’s mood. “The only thing I want to crash is this sack through Astron’s window,” Derek grunts, he boots a stray rock high into the night sky, “If only I had my full power,” “We don’t Derek! Honestly, I understand how you feel, but you need to calm down, please.” snaps Persephone, she clicks her right fingers, the hologram sprite flickers and dims as the tiny shard crumbles to ash. “What you need is a hot bath. Some rest. And to sock it ok!” She growls staring at him, her feline eyes cutting through his attitude. Derek nods and remains quiet; they both continue onwards towards the village of Nymphra.

The siblings walk through the tall village gates, their footsteps echo down the quiet streets. Faint music melodiously whispers down the main path from a local tavern. “Sounds like a good time at the Winged Elf, we should go after this Derek, let loose with some ale and sweet loaf.” Prompts Persephone with a gleeful smile. “Yeah, I’ll pass…As you said, I think it’s best I just rest up,” Derek states as they veer off left and wander down a dimly lit alley of rowhouses and stores.

An old lime coloured sign with a mortar and pestle welded into it sways in the nightly breeze, Happy Helga’s Brews and Herb Emporium is scribed into the sign. Derek and Persephone approach the old two-story herbalist shop, at a glance, the store is charming and rustic with a touch of elegance, the exterior is decorated with bronze vines that encase two tall dome-like display windows, in-between the display windows are a delicate set of French doors. A closed sign dangles on the doors and the main light sources are all snuffed out. Derek peers in through the right display window, he perceives a collection of bubbling brews and glittery potions that glow from beyond glass display shelves, a boiling cauldron can be seen in the centre of the shop, a dim blue light emanates from within its iron bowl. At the back of the store is a large wooden counter and a row of stairs that trail up to the second floor. “The cauldron is still frothing away in there, he’s definitely home,” Derek explains, he steps away from the window and bangs harshly on the doors. “Open up Astron, I know you’re in there, we have your plants,” He calls, they both listen out for the thudding of movement but only silence replies. Derek pounds harder, the vibrations from his fists radiate through the display windows making the potion racks shake and giggle. Once again nothing but the echo of his fists can be heard. “Maybe we can come back in the morning Derek,” insists Persephone, “He’s probably fallen asleep,” “But sis he’s left his cauldron burning, no herbalist would do that,” explains Derek, “He’s hiding, either from us or from the mercenaries,” “Yes, I’m aware but come on Derek, what are you going to do? Break-in?” Persephone retorts grabbing his shoulder, “That’s against the law, he could have us reported for it, are you even listening Derek?” She frowns with annoyance and leans in to face him. “Just wait here Persephone,” Derek snarls, he channels his aggression into the locked door and melts the handle off. With a powerful kick, he blows the doors down, Persephone gasps and attempts to stop him but he pushes her away and storms in. “Are you fucking insane?!” Persephone whisper-shouts, her eyes become sharp and her tail thrashes through the air as she follows him. “I’m disgusted De-” “Come out! Come out Astron! I know you’re in here,” Derek commands loudly as he cuts Persephone off. He powers through the building and kicks over the glowing cauldron, it collides with the ground, the violent crash ricochets down the alley, boiling blue liquid gushes over the floor. “You have a lot of explaining to do, I’ll give you three counts to show yourself or I’ll do to you what I did to those bandits.” He warns, “One...” “Derek please see reason!” Persephone pleas. “Two…” Derek roars swinging the sack over a display shelf, shattering all the potions. “By Helor please Derek, stop!” Persephone screams in frustration, she grabs the sack and rips it from him. Derek spins around and goes to snatch it back Persephone flitches, covering her face with the sack in fright. Derek stops, his attention becomes fixed on the strange blue liquid. A glittering image fades in and out of reality on its surface. Persephone lowers the sack and upon seeing Derek’s attention fixed behind her, she turns her head and witnesses this strange magic. They both inspect the liquid intensely, a red-haired man shimmers in the glowing brew, then fades. Another image rises to its bubbling surface, a re-enactment. It depicts Astron brewing up this concoction, the image flickers and shows him using this blue potion to perceive the fight in the meadow. Another vision surges through but this one is more violent, it shows Astron hiding under the counter in fear. A final image depicts a tall hooded man wrapped in shadow, holding Astron up in the air by his throat, there’s a flash of silver and a splatter of red then the images seize and the liquid falls dark. They both glance at each other in shock and shift their attention to the counter behind them.

A flash of lightning illuminates the dark alley, thunder roars from above, rattling the potion racks and shaking the scaffoldings around them. They approach the counter cautiously as an eerie suspense embeds itself in their hearts, they both crane their heads around the edge of the counter. With another flash of lightning and a crack of thunder, Persephone and Derek gasp in fright upon seeing a large bundle of dark red vines thrashing away on the floor. “Stay put ok,” Derek instructs Persephone, she nods with enthusiasm. Derek gingerly creeps over to the vines and takes out a knife from his satchel. “Be careful Derek,” Persephone utters with fear. Derek cuts away the thrashing vines and peels them back. A wave of horrific stench fills the store, a rotting hand shoots out of the cocoon-like vines and grips Derek’s shirt. Persephone screams and bounds backwards tripping over the cauldron, slamming into the floor. Derek yelps, he flies back in shock, landing on his ass. A decomposing body rises out of the cocoon and reaches for him. It moans and groans as it writhes about unnaturally, it clambers towards him. Derek shrieks and drives a powerful kick at the undead creature’s face. His boot penetrates the rotting flesh and caves in the monster’s decaying skull. Persephone groans as she rises to her feet, she gasps on seeing the necrotic creature lying limp on the stone floor. Derek gags while flicking the blood and flesh off his boot. “What the fuck just happened!” Persephone screams, “Ahh, is it dead?! Oh, by the Divines Derek, your boot,” she gags seeing the bodily gunk sloth off his leather boot, she covers her mouth with her hands holding back the urge to vomit. “Agh, fuck me!” Derek curses as he staggers to his feet, “Yeah I think it’s ‘dead’,” he mumbles while brushing down his clothes and picking bits of rotten skin off his trench coat. The electric lightning storm rages from above. Its powerful bolts light up the alleyway with another earth-shattering strike, Persephone swallows nervously, something on the corpse catches her eye in the flash of lightning, a tuff of red hair dangles from the monster’s concave skull. She cautiously moves closer to the corpse; a cluster of visions flash through her mind projecting past memories of Astron, noting his red hair with every flick. Her eyes grow wide with disbelief as she pieces the images together. “Derek… I think that was Astron…” She Shutters pointing at the red hair, a thunderous crack vibrates through the shop violently. Derek lunges in to examine the rotting skull. The tuft of red hair sloths off the skull and splats to the ground. Derek turns pale and steps back. “Fuck me…But he was only just killed tonight, this…this isn’t possible.” Derek fumbles. Heavy rain begins to bucket down onto the village of Nymphra as the storm ploughs through the land. “Derek, we need to go now!” Persephone urges desperately, she grabs his arm and tugs it vigorously. “Wait we can still find the money!” Derek expresses flinging his head around in search of a chest full of crowns. “Help me Persephone, the faster we find it the quicker we can leave!” “Derek you’re mad, it’s only a matter of time before the patrolling guard will wander past and see this mess!” Persephone pushes, “It’s not worth it! For all we know the assassin took it.” She explains aggressively. “FINE! You stand watch while I search for it, we are too close now!” Derek thunders while desperately rummaging through every nook and cranny. Persephone twiddles with rage but sighs sharply and gives in. “Just hurry it up, gods damn it Derek!” she orders and bounds over to the broken doors, keeping an eye on the alley which is flooding with rain. Derek rifles around the first floor but can’t seem to locate his precious chest. Persephone on the other hand keeps a watchful eye on both sides of the alley.

Her hair stands on end as an electrical buzz races up her spine. She gasps and pouches back as a huge bolt of lightning strikes the rowhouse in front of her. The force of it blows off the roof and sets the residence ablaze. The explosion of thunder is defining to the siblings, Persephone covers her ears in pain and shoots a fearful glance at Derek who too grasps his skull in fright and pain. Derek locks eyes with her and races upstairs. Ripping through Astron’s bedroom Derek finds a small box tucked under his bed. He drops to the floor and reaches for it, his body straining as he extends his arms to their full length. His fingertips brush at the handle of the chest, almost like it’s teasing him. Persephone spots the flickering lamp lights through the rain as guards and civilians rush to the blazing house opposite the shop. She gasps and sprints to the back of the building. With a graceful bound, she effortlessly springs from the floor, over the counter and shoots through the second-floor opening.

Persephone finds Derek half under the bed; he is struggling to reach for the heavy chest. “DEREK THE GUARDS ARE HERE! She screams while looking for a window but doesn’t spot one. The crowd outside roars with commotion as the burning building rages with fury. The heavy rain swirls turbulently around the town.

Derek swivels further in and desperately grasps the chest tightly. “Yes!” he exhales in triumph, “PULL ME OUT!” he shouts. Persephone slides over to Derek and with all her might, she reefs Derek and the chest out from under the bed. “OI! SOMEONE HAS BROKEN INTO HELGAS HERBS!” Warns a shouting woman. Derek and Persephone glance at each other with horror as the sound of armoured footsteps march through the first floor. Persephone hugs Derek tightly with her left arm and grasps the chest with her right hand. “I’m going to try the leap,” she trembles. “Will it work this time?” Derek questions while gripping her and the chest firmly. “It has to,” she finishes. Persephone focuses on the energy around them and the energy within her. A small turquoise glow sparks in her mind, she concentrates on it intensely closing her eyes. The sound of thunder and the roaring crowd fades away. She feels soft, light and weightless, a strange invasive flash of an elegant woman floods her mind. Then nothingness, just the subtle tingling of fading magic lingers. Persephone opens her eyes to find herself in Derek’s arms and still holding the chest. Derek opens his eyes too; they are both greeted by the gorgeous sight of a peaceful enchanted grove decorated with faelights and bioluminescent fungi.


About the Creator

Mitchell Booth

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Writer trying to achieve my dream as an author.

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  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Compelling and original writing

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    Well-structured & engaging content

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    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (2)

  • Just_Another_IDK2 years ago

    Love the world you've built, entertaining and mysteriously thrilling.

  • Garry Morris2 years ago

    Imaginative, and, intelligently written. Have to make one small suggestion: break up the paragraphs a tad; new lines on second passings of dialogue. Makes it easier to appreciate your prose without feeling kind of bogged down. Otherwise, good stuff.

Mitchell BoothWritten by Mitchell Booth

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