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Anecdote for years to come.

Once upon a time

By Unwana EyerePublished 10 months ago 2 min read
Anecdote for years to come.
Photo by Laura Fuhrman on Unsplash

In my junior of year of high school, a peculiar incident unfolded that I'll never forget. It was a time when youthful exuberance mixed with awkwardness, creating memories that would later become stories to share with friends.

One day, out of the blue, a guy asked me on a date. Let's call him Mark. Mark was known for his quirky sense of humor and his penchant for doing things in an unconventional way. Little did I know that this date would provide me with an anecdote for years to come.

Mark's idea for the date was both simple and endearing. He rented a Redbox movie and decided to make a pizza from scratch. It sounded like a casual and fun evening, a chance to get to know each other better outside the confines of our school hallways.

The appointed day arrived, and I went over to Mark's house for our movie and pizza night. The atmosphere was relaxed as we set up the living room with pillows and blankets. The movie started playing, and we settled in to watch it. Everything seemed to be going well until an unexpected interruption occurred.

As the movie played on, the oven beeped, signaling that the pizza was ready. Mark turned to me with a serious expression and said, "This is the worst part." I was taken aback by his comment, wondering what could possibly be so bad about taking a pizza out of the oven.

Intrigued, I watched as Mark got up and approached the oven. What happened next was both shocking and hilarious. Instead of using oven mitts or a tool to pull out the pizza, Mark reached into the scorching oven with his bare hands, grabbing the rack along with the pizza. His face twisted in agony, he began to scream at the top of his lungs as if he had touched molten lava.

I was equal parts alarmed and amused, unsure of how to react. Mark's outburst of pain-filled yells echoed through the room as he desperately tried to put the pizza down without dropping it. The once romantic scene had turned into a comical catastrophe.

After a few moments that felt like an eternity, Mark managed to place the pizza on the kitchen counter. His hands were visibly red, and he was still clutching the oven rack, which he finally let go of with a grimace of pain. He turned to me, his face flushed not just from the heat of the oven, but also from embarrassment.

The rest of the evening was a mixture of laughter, disbelief, and light-hearted teasing. We abandoned the movie, opting to talk and share stories instead. As the night came to a close, it was clear that this event had sealed the fate of our romantic endeavors.

Although we never had a second date, the memory of that evening endured. Every time I think back to that moment, I can't help but smile. It's a reminder that sometimes the most unexpected and seemingly silly experiences can become cherished stories that we carry with us, lessons in embracing the imperfect and finding humor in the quirkiest of situations.

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