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And the ghost gambling

Are there ghosts in the world? A lot of people have this problem. Science concludes that there are no ghosts, but whether ancient or modern, there are always a lot of supernatural events, which science can not explain

By Eamonn DaviesPublished 2 years ago 11 min read

Are there ghosts in the world? A lot of people have this problem. Science concludes that there are no ghosts, but whether ancient or modern, there are always a lot of supernatural events, which science can not explain. Some people even claim to have seen ghosts and describe them in vivid terms. Ghosts always look so grim and ghastly, probably because of the pain of death, so the appearance of natural distortion. Of course, most of those who claim to have seen ghosts are scaremongering, but some are telling the truth. I also want to know if there are ghosts in the world, fascinated by the study of such events, to see the ghost of the people carried out a lot of investigations. Let me recount a true event.

It was a cold winter, and dripping water froze. Noting!" The moaning snow went to the madhouse. I only came here for one purpose - to find Huang a si! It is said that Huang a si really saw a ghost, and the ghost drove him crazy. I had a keen curiosity to get to the bottom of the matter. It was a long hike to get here.

The hospital heard that I was a journalist, very warm, a doctor wearing gold glasses received me.

But as soon as I asked the doctor about Huang Ahsi, he looked at me strangely, as if he had seen a ghost. He looked me up and down for a long time and then asked, "Who are you? Why are you looking for him now?"

Stunned by the question, I immediately said, "I'm a friend of his and I came to see him on purpose. Is he all right?"

The doctor said calmly, "Yes, he has been dead for over a month!"

I listened to surprise and disappointment, it seems that this run in vain. But the doctor said, "Huang A si had said before he died that if anyone came to visit him, he must be a devil trying to kill himself! Huang a si also said that he would pay back the money owed to the ghost!"

I was at a loss what to say, but the doctor came to my rescue and said, "You can't trust the words of a madman. But he is alone, and no one has ever seen him. Take his things with you."

I answered nonsensibly that Huang a si was a lonely man all his life, so there was nothing unusual about him. I was thinking about it when suddenly I was startled by what I saw! It was a black paper bag, the size of an urn, with its broken corners and a pile of yellowed paper money, which made me shudder.

The doctor looked at it and smiled faintly. "If you don't want it, we'll destroy it."

Perhaps out of curiosity or reluctance, I said at once, "I want it, and I will take it." I was carrying it like a bomb, not daring to look at it any more, and hurried off to say goodbye.

When I left, the doctor repeatedly told me, "If you want to write a report, be sure to include the rigorous style of our hospital and the responsible attitude towards patients!"

Now MY mind is on the package, only vaguely yes.

It was the middle of the night, and I had chosen this moment to open the mysterious parcel so that no one would know about it.

My hand is venturesome, and for some reason my heart is shaken. Bam!" They jump like crazy. Package trapped very tight, opened for a long time also did not open, heart a hurry, force a tear "pa -" package heartache and open, paper money immediately full of flying, my heart a tight, feel unprecedented fear. A closer look, there are a lot of larger paper down.

I picked up one at random and took a look. I was delighted. It turned out to be a manuscript, a manuscript of Huang A Si ji. I hastily arranged the papers into a pile and read them in the dim light. Lines of twisted words came into view:

I huang four do not know what evil, will booth up this kind of thing, this plan to take this matter into the coffin, because say it also no one believe. But also decided to pour out, if there is no predestined person, when I soliloquize it.

July 13, 1975, is a date I will never forget. It was the day that changed my life.

It was a hot summer because I was not allowed to gamble and had a friend watch me. At this friend's house, I became addicted to gambling and fidgeted, and I drank a lot to kill time. I came out of my friend's house late at night and stumbled along. A piercing gust of wind not only made me shiver,

When I looked around, I saw that it was a graveyard full of graves. Silence, but shadows flicker. I'm a daredevil, but I got goosebumps in the back of my head. I quickened my pace and wanted to get the hell out of here. His feet were rough, and he was walking on something foreign, so he suffered for a long time, and in his heart he cursed the graveyard for being so long. The heart is more hanging more tight, an inattentive, the foot of a slip, the whole person rolled down the hillside.

I held my head, the body kept bumping, ears even faintly heard the sound of laughter, suddenly a big stone stopped me, hit me dizzy, all over the pain. In the fog before my eyes and the noise of people inside, my hanging heart suddenly relaxed. Move quickly toward the crowd to find safety.

I dived into the crowd, and immediately came alive. They were gambling. Today was my lucky day. Without another word, I took out the money, Shouting: "Count me in, count me in! "

I see is push pai Jiu, which is my best, and then see these people are bad card basket, the brain is single-minded, I won a lot of money in a short while. These people gnashed teeth, but can not do I, just keep adding, I am not afraid of them, today I am all size eat, let them lose to grandma's home. I didn't even have time to look at them, and all I cared about was pai Gow and money!

This gang as expected lose red eye, have individual voice hoarse talk elephant kill pig sound, very be tall, have no good spirit ground to his side of the small man roar way: "you boy dare peep my card, I eat you! "

Trembling with fear, the little man waved his hand repeatedly: "No, no! I swear I didn't look at your cards! "

The tall fellow snapped, "You're so good, you dare to talk back! "Dragged the little man into a quiet corner.

I was shocked to see that they were all wearing ancient robes. Some of them were black, some were white, and their faces were covered with mist. They were all dead faces, and none of them cared about eating people. Then the big man came back, with his fangs in his mouth, and a burst of white smoke from time to time. My gambling addiction disappeared at a draught.

"It's getting late," I cried, sobbing. "I must get back. "And he started to run.

These people would not let me go. They chased me, Shouting angrily, "Win the money and run, I will break you! "How dare I stay? I wish I could grow wings and fly away from here.

But ran for a long time, but found that always run to the same place, this is what people say ghost walls. My struggle seemed more and more fragile, almost desperate.

I was running desperately forward when SUDDENLY I saw two men hanging from a tree in front of me. Their bodies were swaying in the wind. The rope around their necks had bled and their pale faces looked extremely miserable. They saw me run over, two white eyes, even flashing up, two sharp laugh, jumped down from the tree: "We don't swing, and he play! "

I tried to free myself, but sharp claws dug into my flesh, dyed my clothes red, and I almost fainted from the pain. Just then, the horsemen in black and white came running to me, Shouting, "Save us a piece of meat, or you will eat it too! "

The two hanged men, evidently frightened, pushed me away, and in an instant vanished in two plumes of smoke. I tottered and ran a few steps forward, then fell to the ground in darkness, and saw clearly the men floating on the ground, drooling, slowly advancing towards me, and I thought, "That's it! "At that very moment, a cock crow startled the men." Ow! "The ground rang and everything was scattered in smoke.

I dragged the scarred body, very not easy to return home, fall asleep, is sleeping, suddenly feel someone in my ear Yin Yin to say: "won I get money not to return, I sooner or later kill you! "

I woke up with a start, sat down on the bed, and looked around in horror. There was nothing there, and I was a little reassured. Silently comfort themselves, yesterday must be drunk, rolling down from the hillside, did a nightmare, everything is ok!

However, he felt that his pocket was bulging. When he took it out, he was shocked to find that it was a thick pile of dead man's money!

Since that night, I have lived in a daily fear that has driven me mad. Seeing people on the anger, there is always a nameless anger in the heart, can not vent, relatives and friends are far from me, I become more isolated and helpless.

This day I was too tired, muddled to sleep. Suddenly I felt that I was walking in a very scary place, full of teeth and claws of the tentacles, all kinds of strange mouth swallowing everything around, I was scared to run, under the endless swamp, let me walk.

Suddenly, my feet gave way, and my whole body sank slowly into the mud. I was sliding and I was about to sink to my neck. It made my breathing difficult. In desperation there was a man in black running over, he held out a hand, I desperately grabbed his hand to climb, the body was slowly pulled up. Suddenly, however, he found himself holding a fleshless hand, and looked at the man's face, which was dripping with blood. Unconsciously, I let go of his hand and slid down faster. The mud was up to his mouth. Then the human form spoke as if it were weeping: "Pay me back the money you have won, and tomorrow you will send it to the last grave at the end of the grave, and our account will be written off, or I will haunt you as long as I live, remember, forever! Hey! Hey! Hey! "

Suddenly I woke up with a start, my head dripping with sweat, and I took out the stack of paper money from the corner. My hands were shaking and I made up my mind: "Whatever you do, I'll give it back to him tomorrow, or I'll never have peace! "

Early in the morning, I was ready to start, but it rained heavily, black clouds in the sky, like a crack appeared in the sky, tianhe tilted down. I was unable to make out objects at a few paces in the heavy rain. I stamped about the house anxiously, hoping that the rain would stop soon and I would return the money to the grave, but the weather showed no sign of clearing up and was getting worse and worse. Looking at the sky is gradually late, I gnash teeth, rain rushed up the barren mountains.

The water on the mountain, along the path of raging flow, I almost half body in the water, difficult to climb, the rain hit on my eyes, the road ahead is blurred, only by feeling, identify the direction, not out of a mile for a long time.

I was shivering under the cold rain when I stood beside a small tent and a young woman was waving to me. I had nowhere to hide, and I didn't think twice, so I jumped in.

Suddenly the body warm drink many, the top of the tent was hit by the rain "ding dong! "Ringing. Then I had time to look at the woman, who was very beautiful, neatly dressed in plain flowers, but pale, as if she were seriously ill.

I hastened to say: "sister, thank you, if it weren't for you, this can rain me miserably! "

This woman suddenly face dew bitter color: "eldest brother, don't say these polite words, I be occupy beg you of! "

What could she ask of me? "Sister," he said, "I am a poor man, but I will do anything I can to help. "

Hearing this, the woman immediately laughed: "My eldest brother is joking. You are a millionaire. Just give me a little, and I will live for several years. To tell you the truth, I'm renting my place now and I can't pay any more. I'm going to be a ghost! "

I touched my waist, and I had nothing but the dead man's bag. "Sister," he explained, "you have a sharp eye, but you are mistaken. It is money for the dead, and you cannot use it. "

That woman a listen to busy say: "can use, I can use, you give me good! "I listen to, head" hum - "big a circle. Is she...

Just as she thought of this, the woman snapped out, "Men don't have a good thing. Always saying one thing and doing another. Ever since my husband beat me to death, I no longer trust any man. 'As she spoke, her face turned horribly black and purple! He jumped at me and took money from my waist.

My life depended on it, and I could not give it to her, but her sharp claws tore the oilcloth and snatched up some paper money. I ran for the door, running in the same direction, and a shrill laugh came from behind me.

When I stopped, I saw that it was the last grave in the grave! Rain hit the grave, the grave will drip out of the blood, arbitrary flow, almost surrounded me, I busy jump out of the blood surrounded, desperately run. I know even a piece of paper money he will never let go of me, so I have to run!

As I expected. Once I was walking on the road in a daze, when suddenly a sullen man rushed over and pushed me into the middle of the road. The speeding car crushed my leg. I knew it must be the devil, he could have been anyone to strike me dead at any time! From then on, I hit people, never let people close, become frightened birds. I am crazy in the eyes of others, but who knows my reasons? Perhaps death is the only way to free me...

I see huang four's diary, can not help but hit a cold war, what he said after all a bit true, a bit illusion?

I was thinking, suddenly the paper money in the hands of black smoke, burning up, faint someone is laughing, desolate smile! I immediately back of the brain numb, dropped the paper, frantically ran out.

After that, I stopped studying ghosts. I knew this thing would kill me!

Short Story

About the Creator

Eamonn Davies

An avid lover of stories about ghosts and legends, I love the thrill of having my bones tingle! I hope you enjoy my story.

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    Eamonn DaviesWritten by Eamonn Davies

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