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Anansi-Purveyor of Stories

Retelling of a West African Fable in Play Form

By RIC_27Published 2 years ago 13 min read


Cloudless sky. No breeze. Blazing hot sun overhead.

SLOWLY PAN over the various Ashanti houses.

The houses are constructions of timber, bamboo, and thatched roofs set up around a family courtyard. These materials often deteriorate in this climate, so the cleanliness and sturdiness of these houses show that these are hardworking and industrious people.

Some people are out tending their fields of yams, wheat, plantain, and maize. Others are returning with the spoils of fishing excursions while others are heading to the marketplace.

We can hear the bustling of people inside their houses - preparing food, chatting, children playing-and the frequent noise making of goats, roosters, and other animal life.


Contrary to the others, this household is in disrepair. The roof is starting to fall apart and the fields are underworked to the point of barrenness. All that we hear is the bleating of one mangy goat and a few scattered chickens. Nothing is productive here.


A man is sleeping in a hammock with his arms and legs spilling out from the sides. A few wine bottles are scattered around the room as well as a wooden loom in the corner. This is ANANSI.

An old woman wearing grey Kente cloth barges into the room with malevolent intent. She carries a switch in her hand. This is YA NSIA- ANANSI’s mother, the obaa panyin, and senior woman of the family.

Ya Nsia begins to beat him and alternates insults between each strike.

YA NSIA: Worthless! (strike) Lazy! (strike) Drunkard! (strike)

ANANSI violently jolts awake and lets out a strangled yell from the pain. As he attempts to escape his mother’s wrath, he becomes tangled in the hammock as Ya Nsia continues to beat him.

YA NSIA: Fool! (strike) Liar! (strike) Thief (strike) Glutton (strike)

ANANSI: (muffled) Mother, please! Mercy!

He continues to flail around in the hammock until he comes loose and falls directly on his head. Before he stands, Ya Nsia strikes him once more on his face causing a red welt to form.

YA NSIA: Leech!

Anansi snatches the switch from her as he stands up to reveal his full figure. He is tall with a slim figure that makes him seem even taller. His legs are much longer than his torso and his arms are could scratch his knees. He is extremely hairy everywhere which along with his gangly build makes him look like a humanoid spider.

ANANSI: (indignant) What is the meaning of this, mother?! What would possess you to abuse your oldest son in this manner? And most importantly why would you disturb my sleep by waking me at this unholy hour!

YA NSIA: (Through gritted teeth) It is midday. Did you not think there were some responsibilities you had to take care of?

ANANSI: (hesitates) Not that I can think of...

YA NSIA: (seething) Anything at all?

She nods towards the loom. Anansi follows her eyes.

ANANSI: (realization) Ah.

YA NSIA: (screaming) You shiftless, slothful, worthless scoundrel! One of the noblest families offers a ransom to use your talents in weaving Kente cloth for them and you sleep through the appointment! We could have bought new seed for the fields you refuse to work or even rebuild the roof you promised to fix before the rainy season. We could have even bought more food so you could eat it all and starve us half to death!

ANANSI: (unsure) I am the most renowned weaver in the village. I am sure that others will -

YA NSIA: (bitterly) Who else would ask for your services after the shame you have brought on us? Your skill is nothing without the trust and respect of others. You are the laughingstock of the village and you have brought dishonor upon this family for too long!

ANANSI: (anxiously) What are you suggesting, mother?

YA NSIA: (pause) You must leave this household for good.

ANANSI: (shocked) Mother! You cannot be serious!

YA NSIA: (grim) Look upon the grey cloth I wear now. It is not evil spirits I wish to cleanse from this household but you. Leave before the sun sets. If you return any time after that you will be treated as an enemy of this household.


FADE TO INT. ASO’s ROOM-several minutes later

Anansi is in the middle of a conversation with another woman younger than Ya Nsia. She almost resembles Anansi as she is also slim and spider-like. But she is a little less hairy and has a kinder looking face. She wears pink Kente cloth. This is Anansi’s wife ASO.

ASO: I tried to calm her down, Anansi but she is deadly serious this time. (sighs) Why couldn’t you just finish the cloth? It is all you are asked to do for this household.

ANANSI: I meant to...I had so much fun thinking of the design but bringing it into reality is SO dull. Every time I would start, I would suddenly get tired and….

Anansi trails off as he notices her saddened heard-it-all before expression.

ANANSI: (vulnerable) But surely you do not want me gone as well, dear wife?

She averts her gaze for a moment. She seems distant.

ASO: I love you, husband. (Takes a deep breath to strengthen her resolve) But you shame me as well.

ANANSI: (heartbroken) ASO!

ASO: It is true! There is no man with as much god given talent as you but none who would squander it so flippantly. You are the man who saved me from the clutches of Akwasi-the-jealous one. Possessive of my beauty and ashamed of his sterility, he locked me in my own village away from the eyes of men. No man would chance defying him. But you tricked him through guile and pretty words to give me to you. You are Anansi, The expert weaver whose craft should make him and his family the most honored in the village. (beat) But instead you are the village fool and I am the fool’s wife. And that is no good life for me.

ANANSI: (wounded) A fool. My own wife thinks I am a fool.

ASO appears to regret the harshness of her words and tries to walk her statement back. But Anansi is no longer in the mood to listen.

ASO: Anansi-

Anansi: I will show you what kind of fool I am! Before the sun sets today, I will have regained this household's honor AND prove I am still Anansi the worker of miracles.

ASO: Anansi wait-

He storms off.



Anansi kneels face down before the shrine of the sky god Nyame. He is wearing the white Kente cloth that is appropriate for contact with ancestral spirits and deities.

ANANSI: Nyame, ruler of the sky, father of all creation, god of all gods please hear my plea. By sunset today I will be expelled from my household lest I can offer them something both to show penance and restore my honor. I am aware of the difficulty of this request, so….

Anansi places his wooden loom, some jewelry, and a bowl of fufu before the shrine.

ANANSI: I give you these offerings as payment. I know these may seem to be meager offerings in return for your divine services, I have little else to give.

For a few moments there is only silence. Anansi peeks his head up thinking that Nyame will not respond to him. Then a black smoke slowly begins to permeate throughout the room-so slowly that Anansi does not notice at first. Then it gets thicker and fills up the room until the entire room is obscured except for a small circle around the prone form of Anansi who cowers in fear. Then a sonorous voice begins to speak. This is the ethereal form of Nyame.

NYAME: Do not be afraid, trickster. There is no task that is impossible for one such as me-but your offering is too meager for the task you have asked of me.

ANANSI: (desperate) Then let me perform some service for you!

A booming laugh emanates from the smoke that shakes the shrine to its foundations.

NYAME: And what could you do for me? No, little man you might as well-

He pauses as if he is pondering a ludicrous proposition. Anansi waits anxiously.

NYAME: There is one thing you can do, little Anansi.

Or should I say four.

The smoke begins to move again, spreading outwards and widening the radius of the circle around Anansi’s body. Anansi finally rises to his knees to see that the smoke is forming shapes animated by Nyame’s will.

NYAME: I created all things in this world and there are no mistakes in my creation. But there are 4 creatures -though they are perfectly designed in my eyes -who threaten to consume the rest of my great works. First Onini the Killer Python.

The smoke forms the shape of a snake as long as three men. It slithers from the shadows and wraps itself around Anansi’s waist slowly suffocating him.

NYAME: It disguises itself as vines in the forest and traps inattentive travelers with its body. Then it swallows them whole and digests them for days on end.

The snake dissolves back into smoke. Just as Anansi begins to catch his breath, the smoke reforms behind him into the shape of a leopard. It hides its semi solid form in the smoke it came from and begins to soundlessly stalk Anansi.

ANANSI: (sniffs in disgust) Is that bloo-?

The leopard pounces on him from behind, knocking the breath from his lungs once more. It pins him to the ground holding him face down with his fore paws.

NYAME: Osebo, the stealthy leopard. So quick and stealthy that nothing but the scent of the blood and flesh on its breath can mark its approach. But by then it is too late.

The phantom Osebo opens its mouth to bite Anansi’s head but dissolves just before its teeth touch. At this point Anansi is scared out of his mind. He scrambled to a half sitting position and frantically swivels his head around to track the direction of the next threat.

But nothing comes out of the smoke but an ominous buzzing sound that shakes the bones. Nyame seems to enjoy the man's panic and a hint of mirth enters his voice as he speaks again.

NYAME: Mmoboro the deadly hornet swarm. Get too close to their hive and they will sting you full of deadly venom or chase you until you drop dead of exhaustion.

The buzzing sound stops. The smoke forms one more figure. A small winged creature the size of a butterfly flutters around Anansi’s face. Anansi is noticeably calmer, less threatened by the creature.

NYAME: Lastly Mmoatia, the mischievous fairy. Do not be fooled by her size or beauty. Her magic is far greater than that of any human. Beware!

Anansi shivers anxiously as the smoke fairy disappears.

NYAME: This is the task I ask of you, Anansi. Capture these four creatures and return them to me. Then you will have your reward.

ANANSI: (shaken) What reward could be worth facing those monsters?

NYAME: This.

A cavity forms in the part of the wall of smoke in front of Anansi to reveal a small wooden box. It is completely ordinary except for a golden glow that emanates from within. Human voices seem to be coming from the box as well but they are intelligible and barely audible.

ANANSI: A box?

NYAME: No. Stories. Stories telling how the earth was created, why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the purpose of humankind, why fish live in the water, why stars are in the sky, and so on and so on. Capture these four monsters and you will possess a gift more valuable than any material possessions or honor you have lost your family. Possess these stories and you will have the gift of knowledge. You will not need to seek forgiveness for you will be revered by friends, family, and all of humankind. Good luck, little spider.

The smoke clears leaving Anansi by himself. All the offerings are gone as well except his loom. He picks it up.

ANANSI: (sighs) Hopefully this comes in handy.


CUT TO EDGE OF THE FOREST -20 minutes later

Rear shot of Anansi standing at the border between the end of the village and the beginning of the forest. His shoulders are slumped and his loom is dangling uselessly from his hand.

Close up of Anansi’s eyes. They are wide open and river keys of sweat are dripping from his forehead into his eyes and nose.

Suddenly a voice calls out to him off screen. He turns around to face them.

ASO: Anansi?

ANANSI: (bitterly) I thought you would be ashamed to be seen with the town fool.

ASO: I was too harsh. I should not have said that.

ANANSI: But the sentiment was true. (sighs) And all too apt.

ASO: (worried) This does not sound like you. What happened?

ANANSI: I went to Nyame for help. He demands the capture of four terrifying monsters in exchange for a reward. It might be a task too tall for the village fool.

ASO holds his hands in hers and stares into his eyes.

ASO: You are my husband. Fool or not I am with you for the best or worst that can happen. But I believe you can make the best come true for. Remember what you said to me. (Meaningfully) You are a worker of miracles.

ANANSI: (touched) In that case there is a little scheme that you could help me with….


FADE IN INT. Middle of the Forest - several minutes later.

POV camera shot through the eyes of an unidentified creature. A rat scurries by tinged in shades of red, green, and blue showing its heat signature. The creature focuses on it for a moment as if to consider catching it but turns its attention to a larger heat signature up ahead. Two bodies. A human man holding a wooden loom and a woman holding a stick both heading towards him.

Low Angle shot to reveal the creature is Onini the Killer Python. It rises to its full height and prepares to attack the couple.

ANANSI: Peace, Mighty Onini, I have only come to settle an argument with my wife here. I know you are as long as three men but my wife (points to Aso) does not believe the truth.

Onini speaks in a low raspy hissing voice.

ONINI: She is a fool. I am the longest creature ever created.

ASO: (scoffs) I bet you are not even longer than this stick I hold in my hand.

ONINI: Measure me against the stick then I will eat you both for your folly.

ASO: (gulps) Fair enough.

ASO has the snake stretch himself along the length of the stick. As quick as a flash Anansi weaves a length of cloth binding the snake to the stick around its mouth and tail.

ANANSI: (mocking) Congratulations you now hold the titles of longest creature AND my first prisoner.

The snake hisses and wriggles with indignant rage but realizes he cannot escape and ceases to struggle.

ASO: What next dear husband?

ANANSI: Do you still have those little gourds at home?


ANANSI and ASO are both carrying gourds. Anansi’s is filled with water which he sprinkles on the Hornets' nest. The Hornets immediately burst out of the nest towards Anansi with malicious intent.

ANANSI: Friends, Friends I mean no harm. As you have surely felt it is raining and I worried your swarm would drown in the downpour. Please accept shelter in this gourd until it passes.

The hornets buzzing seems to soften from their signature aggressive sound and they slowly file into Aso’s gourd. She quickly covers the gourd trapping the hornets inside.

ASO: (excitedly) Two to go.

ANANSI: (grim but determined) And they are the most dangerous.

CUT TO ANANSI sitting with his back against a tree.

He appears to be waiting for something. Then it comes. He sniffs the air and smells that familiar stench. A split second later a flash of orange and black dives toward him threatening to crush him as it did at Nyame’s temple. Except this time the ground gives way. The leopard makes a sound more becoming of a housecat than a man eater as it falls deep into the earth.

ANANSI: I am no ordinary victim. I am an expert weaver able to make a piece of cloth look like anything. Even leaves on the forest floor. But it was only a trap. You are now my prisoner.

Osebo’s furious growl shakes the ground but it is completely helpless.

ASO: Now only the fairy remains.

ANANSI: And it is the trickiest one as well.

ASO: (pensive) Give me a few minutes and I can cook something up.


Close up of a medium sized realistic statuette of a woman with a bowl at her feet. In the bowl are warm mashed yams and fufu. After a few moments, the fairy appears attracted by the delicious smelling food. Her voice and temperament are that of a spoiled little girl.

MMOATIA: Give me some of those yams or I will hit you!

The fairy is visibly angered by the woman’s lack of response.

MMOATIA: I will not ask you again. Give me the yams.

Once again. The “woman” does not reply so the fairy slaps it on the cheek. The fairy’s hand immediately sticks to the “woman” who appears to be coated in a sticky substance.

MMOATIA: Let go!

The fairy slaps the “woman” with her other hand, and she becomes completely trapped.

Anansi and Aso come out from the shadows hugging each other and laughing.

ASO and ANANSI: Four Down!


ANANSI and ASO drag the captive monsters before the shrine of Nyame.

ANANSI: A deal is a deal sky-father. Bring me my reward.

Smoke begins to fill the room and the familiar booming voice begins to speak again. The cavity opens once again and the glowing box is flung from the smoke wall right into Anansi’s hands.

NYAME: "Very well. Take these stories to the earth. Give them to your friends and family. I am sure they will be eternally grateful as well as proud of you.

ASO: (beaming with pride) I am sure they will be.




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    RIC_27Written by RIC_27

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