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Adventures in Walking From the Couch to 5K - Chapter 12

Walk in the Park

By Mandy JoPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

AJ pulls into a parking space. The boys are looking out their windows, “Where are we?” they ask.

“We are in a park that I used to go to when I was growing up,” she replies. They get out of the truck and AJ takes the boys’ bikes out of the back of the truck.

Carson and Cooper ride their bikes over to the play structure. Leaning their bikes against the fence they run to the ladders and climb up, run across to the winding tube slide and go down the slides feet first. The boys go up and down and all around the play structure, climbing, running and sliding for 30 minutes.

“All right boys, let’s check out the rest of the park,” AJ says to the boys.

The boys get on their bikes and follow behind AJ as they leave the play structure area and go to the concrete path that follows next to the creek. The path leads under the road where the water in the creek runs over and around a large number of rocks of various sizes. As traffic drives above them the noise echoes around them. On their right as they come out from the overpass there is a skate park.

“Can I go ride over there mom?” asks Carson.

AJ replies, “Sorry bud, the sign says no bikes. Let’s keep moving.”

Cooper gets off his bike and walks it near the creek where he points out the fish that are swimming by. Carson decides to get off his bike too.

AJ says to them, “Come on boys, let’s pick up the pace a little bit.” They both get back on their bikes and get peddling to get ahead of AJ.

They come to a steel tunnel under the next road. The boys love it as they are able to make all kinds of loud noises. Making their way through the tunnel they come out the other side where the sun is shining above them and the grass is vividly green all around. In the distance they hear a clickety clack sound, it keeps getting louder and then a train horn is blowing.

“Yeah!!!! A train!!!” both boys exclaim.

“Let’s stay here and wait for the train to go by,” says AJ. As they sit on their bikes the train comes into view and quickly moves along the tracks.

Carson counts out loud, “One, two, three, four, five, six…” and continues to count all the cars. He gets to the end, “Fifty-two, fifty-two cars!”

AJ says to the boys, “Ok, we will go through this next tunnel and turn around and go back the other way.”

Carson takes off on his bike through the tunnel followed closely behind by Cooper. They wait on the other side of the tunnel for AJ to catch up to them. When she catches up, they turn around, head back through the tunnel and pedal quickly to the next tunnel where they stop before going through and wait for AJ to catch up to them.

She catches up to them, and they continue through the steel tunnel.

“AAAHHHHH!” yells Carson

“YEAH!” yells Cooper

“Woohoo!” yells Carson

“AAAAHHHHHH!” yells Cooper

They smile listening to the echo.

Near the skate park is a train made out of steel tubes that the boys can climb and hang, Cooper speeds on his bike up to it, lays his bike down and climbs on the train. Carson follows him and does the same thing. AJ is glad to see them climbing on the train, as it gives her time to catch up to her boys. She brings out her camera and takes a bunch of pictures of the boys playing on the train. They make all kinds of silly and happy faces for her.

“Hey boys, let’s go back to the truck and we can make a special stop on the way home,” AJ says.

“Alright!” both boys jump down off the train, get on their bikes and pedal full speed to the bridge where they both come to abrupt stops because there are people under the bridge, and they need to wait for AJ to catch up to them. She catches up to the boys and has them get off their bikes and walk them past the people that are under the bridge. On the other side of the bridge they get back on their bikes and ride behind AJ on the sidewalk.

The park is now filled with kids swinging, riding bikes, running around with parents in the pavilions setting up for dinner and talking. AJ then sees a big Coach bus and a black Chevrolet truck with a black enclosed trailer. Sitting next to the trailer is a black Corvette. The banner on the chain link fence reads “Big & Rich.”

AJ asks boys, “Hey, you guys want to stay and listen to some great music?”

“Yeah!” they reply.

“Ok, let’s go back to the truck to get a blanket,” she tells them.

The boys race to the truck and Carson gets there first. “I win!” he yells.

Cooper is close behind him. AJ joins them at the truck, she puts the tailgate down and loads the bikes in. Cooper gets the blanket out of the backseat and Carson gets the cooler and pulls it across the parking lot.

On the grass close by the creek Cooper lays down the blanket. Carson stops with the cooler on the edge of the blanket, and they all get their spot on the blanket. In the cooler are cans of Phyzix Zero, a natural energy drink that they all love; boxes of Mike and Ike’s in their favorite flavors: Berry Blast, Tropical Typhoon and Hot Tamales; bags of chips: barbecue and regular; carrots sticks; and sandwiches: grape jelly, peanut butter and apple cinnamon jelly and peanut butter.

Enjoying their picnic dinner on the blanket next to the creek where the ducks are swimming and quaking and the band starts playing. They all sing along with the band and watch the sunset over the trees.

The sun has set, the band is still playing and the boys are starting to get tired. Carson is rubbing his eyes and Cooper is laying down on the blanket.

“Come on boys, let’s get going,” AJ tells the boys.

They put all the stuff in the cooler and Cooper gets up and wraps the blanket around himself. AJ holds each of their hands and Carson pulls the cooler back to the truck.

She gets the boys in their seats, gets in the truck herself and slowly drives out of the park, watching for people to cross the road and opening vehicle doors along the road.

“How would you boys like to stop for a treat?” AJ asks.

“Yeah!” they both reply.

“Ok, we are going to stop at the Caboose for ice cream!”

“I want superman!” replies Carson.

“I want blue moon!” replies Cooper.

“Alright, sounds good.”

They drive to the Caboose. She parks right in front, they get out and go up to the window.

“How can I help you?” Carrie asks.

“I want superman!” Carson tells her.

“Kids superman for him and kids blue moon for this one,” she says pointing to Cooper.

“And I will have a kids blueberry soft serve cone for myself.”

AJ pays for the cones. The kids get their cones first, and then she has her cone. They all sit at the red rectangular picnic table.

“Ok boys, time to go,” she tells them as they all finish their cones. The boys get into their seats in the truck and AJ gets into her seat. Driving home the boys fall asleep.

Continue Reading - Chapter 13


About the Creator

Mandy Jo

Mandy Jo loves writing fiction and travel. Currently her writings are a fictional story but also a walking training manual; some recipes that she made over Christmas; a mystery series, and a fantasy series.

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